Exemple #1
int main () {
	FILE *fpi, *fpo;
	int size;
	double area;
	double x[20];
	double y[20];
	fpi = fopen ("data.txt", "r");
	fpo = fopen ("data2.txt", "a+");
	size = get_corners (fpi, x, y, MAX_SIZE);
	output_corners (fpo, x, y, size);
	area = polygon_area (x, y, size);

	printf ("The area is %.1lf\n", area);

	return 0;
bool quad_manipulator_t::do_mouse_press_event( const ui::mouse_press_event_t& event)
	picked_corner_ = -1;

	boost::array<Imath::V2f, 4> dst_pts;
	get_corners( dst_pts, event.aspect_ratio);
	for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		if( manipulators::inside_pick_distance( event.wpos, dst_pts[i], event.pixel_scale))
			picked_corner_ = i;

	return picked_corner_ != -1;
void quad_manipulator_t::do_draw_overlay( const ui::paint_event_t& event) const
	boost::array<Imath::V2f, 4> dst_pts;
	get_corners( dst_pts, event.aspect_ratio);

	gl_line_width( default_line_width());
	gl_point_size( default_control_point_size());	
	// shadow
	float off = manipulators::shadow_offset( event.pixel_scale);
	gl_color3ub( 0, 0, 0);
	gl_begin( GL_LINE_LOOP);
		for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			gl_vertex2f( dst_pts[i].x + off, dst_pts[i].y + off);

	gl_begin( GL_POINTS);
		for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			gl_vertex2f( dst_pts[i].x + off, dst_pts[i].y + off);
	// color	
	gl_color( default_color());
	gl_begin( GL_LINE_LOOP);
		for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			gl_vertex2f( dst_pts[i].x, dst_pts[i].y);

	// draw corners
	gl_begin( GL_POINTS);
	for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		if( i != picked_corner_)
			gl_vertex2f( dst_pts[i].x, dst_pts[i].y);
	for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		if( i == picked_corner_)
			manipulators::draw_small_box( dst_pts[i], 3 / event.pixel_scale);
Exemple #4
static void get_surrounding_frame(int frame[3],
                                  SPGCONST int t_mat[3][3])
    int i, j, max, min;
    int corners[3][8];

    get_corners(corners, t_mat);

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        max = corners[i][0];
        min = corners[i][0];
        for (j = 1; j < 8; j++) {
            if (max < corners[i][j]) {
                max = corners[i][j];
            if (min > corners[i][j]) {
                min = corners[i][j];
        frame[i] = max - min;
Exemple #5
static void determine_extents(char **infiles, int n_inputs,
                              int *size_x, int *size_y, int *n_bands,
                              double *start_x, double *start_y,
                              double *per_x, double *per_y, int extent)
    // the first input file is the "reference" -- all other metadata
    // must match the first (at least as far as projection, etc)
    meta_parameters *meta0 = meta_read(infiles[0]);

    if (!meta0) {
        asfPrintError("Couldn't read metadata for %s!\n", infiles[0]);

    if (!meta0->projection) {
        asfPrintError("%s is not geocoded!\n", infiles[0]);

    asfPrintStatus("Reference image is: %s\nGeocoding:\n", infiles[0]);

    // these values must be matched by all images
    double px, py;
    px = *per_x = meta0->projection->perX;
    py = *per_y = meta0->projection->perY;

    // these don't have to be matched, we will update as we go along
    double x0, y0, xL, yL;
    get_corners(meta0, &x0, &y0, &xL, &yL);

    projection_type_t proj_type = meta0->projection->type;

    int nBands;
    nBands = *n_bands = meta0->general->band_count;

    int i, n_ok = 1, n_bad = 0;
    for (i=1; i<n_inputs; ++i) {
        char *file = infiles[i];
        //asfPrintStatus("  Processing metadata for %s...\n", file);
        meta_parameters *meta = meta_read(file);

        char *why="";
        if (!meta)
            why = "Couldn't read metadata";
        else if (!meta->projection)
            why = "Image is not geocoded";
        else if (meta->projection->perX != px)
            why = "X pixel size doesn't match reference image";
        else if (meta->projection->perY != py)
            why = "Y pixel size doesn't match reference image";
        else if (meta->projection->type != proj_type)
            why = "Image is in a different projection";
        else if (!proj_parms_match(meta0, meta))
            why = "Projection parameters differ";
	else if (meta->general->band_count != nBands)
	  why = "Number of bands differ";

        if (strlen(why) > 0) {
            asfPrintStatus("Image '%s': NOT OK (%s)\n", file, why);
            infiles[i] = NULL; // mark for future ignore-ation
        } else {
            asfPrintStatus("Image '%s': ok (%dx%d LxS)\n", file,
                meta->general->line_count, meta->general->sample_count);

            double this_x0, this_y0, this_xL, this_yL;
            get_corners(meta, &this_x0, &this_y0, &this_xL, &this_yL);
	    if (!extent)
	      update_corners(px, py, &x0, &y0, &xL, &yL,
			     this_x0, this_y0, this_xL, this_yL);


    if (n_ok < 2) {
        asfPrintError("Not enough images to mosaic.\n");

    *start_x = x0;
    *start_y = y0;

    // calculate number of lines/samples from corner to corner
    *size_x = (int) ((xL-x0)/px + .5);
    *size_y = (int) ((yL-y0)/py + .5);

Exemple #6
int main()
    cv::Mat src = cv::imread("/Users/Qt/program/blogsCodes/pic/perspective08.jpg");
    if (src.empty()){
        std::cerr<<"can't open image"<<std::endl;
        return - 1;

    //step 1 : convert the image to binary by otsu threshold
    cv::Mat binary;
    cv::cvtColor(src, binary, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cv::threshold(binary, binary, 0, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY + cv::THRESH_OTSU);
    cv::imshow("otsu", binary);
    cv::imwrite("otsu.jpg", binary);

    //step 2 : find the contours of binary image
    auto contours = find_contours(binary);
    cv::Mat contour_map = cv::Mat::zeros(binary.size(), CV_8U);
    cv::drawContours(contour_map, contours, -1, cv::Scalar(255));
    cv::imshow("contour map", contour_map);
    cv::imwrite("contour_map.jpg", contour_map);

    //step 3 : find the corners of the quadrilaterals
    auto const corners = get_corners(contours);

    cv::Mat src_corners = src.clone();
    cv::Scalar color[] = { {255, 0, 0}, {0, 255, 0}, {0, 0, 255} };
    for(size_t i = 0; i != corners.size(); ++i){
        for(auto const &point : corners[i]){
            cv::circle(src_corners, point, 10, color[i % 3]);
    cv::imshow("src corners", src_corners);
    cv::imwrite("corners.jpg", src_corners);

    //step 4 : correct the perspective distortion of the quadrilateral by warpPerspective
    cv::Mat target(150, 150, src.type());
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> target_points
        {0, 0}, {target.cols - 1, 0},
        {target.cols - 1, target.rows - 1}, {0, target.rows - 1}
    std::vector<cv::Point2f> points;
    for(size_t i = 0; i != corners.size(); ++i){
        OCV::convert_points(corners[i], points);
        cv::Mat const trans_mat =cv::getPerspectiveTransform(points, target_points);
        cv::warpPerspective(src, target, trans_mat, target.size());
        std::stringstream name;
        name << "target" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << i <<".jpg";
        cv::imshow("target", target);
        cv::imwrite(name.str(), target);


    return 0;