Exemple #1
test_s2c_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options, int buf_size, char* tmpstr)
  char buff[BUFFSIZE+1];
  int msgLen, msgType;
  int s2cport = 3003;
  I2Addr sec_addr = NULL;
  int inlth, ret, one=1, set_size;
  int inSocket;
  socklen_t optlen;
  uint32_t bytes;
  double t;
  struct timeval sel_tv;
  fd_set rfd;
  char* ptr;
  if (tests & TEST_S2C) {
    log_println(1, " <-- S2C throughput test -->");
    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed prepare message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type("S2C throughput test", TEST_PREPARE, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    if (msgLen <= 0) {
      log_println(0, "Improper message");
      return 3;
    buff[msgLen] = 0;
    if (check_int(buff, &s2cport)) {
      log_println(0, "Invalid port number");
      return 4;
    log_println(1, "  -- port: %d", s2cport);

    /* Cygwin seems to want/need this extra getsockopt() function
     * call.  It certainly doesn't do anything, but the S2C test fails
     * at the connect() call if it's not there.  4/14/05 RAC
    optlen = sizeof(set_size);
    getsockopt(ctlSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &set_size, &optlen);

    if ((sec_addr = I2AddrByNode(get_errhandle(), host)) == NULL) {
      log_println(0, "Unable to resolve server address: %s", strerror(errno));
      return -3;
    I2AddrSetPort(sec_addr, s2cport);

    if ((ret = CreateConnectSocket(&inSocket, NULL, sec_addr, conn_options, buf_size))) {
      log_println(0, "Connect() for Server to Client failed", strerror(errno));
      return -15;

    setsockopt(inSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one));

    /* Linux updates the sel_tv time values everytime select returns.  This
     * means that eventually the timer will reach 0 seconds and select will
     * exit with a timeout signal.  Other OS's don't do that so they need
     * another method for detecting a long-running process.  The check below
     * will cause the loop to terminate if select says there is something
     * to read and the loop has been active for over 14 seconds.  This usually
     * happens when there is a problem (duplex mismatch) and there is data
     * queued up on the server.
    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed start message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type("S2C throughput test", TEST_START, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;

    printf("running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . ");

    bytes = 0;
    t = secs() + 15.0;
    sel_tv.tv_sec = 15;
    sel_tv.tv_usec = 5;
    FD_SET(inSocket, &rfd);
    for (;;) {
      ret = select(inSocket+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &sel_tv);
      if (secs() > t) {
        log_println(5, "Receive test running long, break out of read loop");
      if (ret > 0) {
        inlth = read(inSocket, buff, sizeof(buff));
        if (inlth == 0)
        bytes += inlth;
      if (get_debuglvl() > 5) {
        log_println(0, "s2c read loop exiting:", strerror(errno));
    t = secs() - t + 15.0;
    spdin = ((8.0 * bytes) / 1000) / t;

    /* receive the s2cspd from the server */
    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed text message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type("S2C throughput test", TEST_MSG, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    if (msgLen <= 0) { 
      log_println(0, "Improper message");
      return 3;
    buff[msgLen] = 0; 
    ptr = strtok(buff, " ");
    if (ptr == NULL) {
      log_println(0, "S2C: Improper message");
      return 4;
    s2cspd = atoi(ptr);
    ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
    if (ptr == NULL) {
      log_println(0, "S2C: Improper message");
      return 4;
    ssndqueue = atoi(ptr);
    ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
    if (ptr == NULL) {
      log_println(0, "S2C: Improper message");
      return 4;
    sbytes = atoi(ptr);
    if (spdin < 1000)
      printf("%0.2f kb/s\n", spdin);
      printf("%0.2f Mb/s\n", spdin/1000);


    sprintf(buff, "%0.0f", spdin);
    send_msg(ctlSocket, TEST_MSG, buff, strlen(buff));
    /* get web100 variables from server */
    tmpstr[0] = '\0';
    for (;;) {
      msgLen = sizeof(buff);
      if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
        log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed text/finalize message!");
        return 1;
      if (msgType == TEST_FINALIZE) {
      if (check_msg_type("S2C throughput test", TEST_MSG, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
        return 2;
      strncat(tmpstr, buff, msgLen);
      log_println(6, "tmpstr = '%s'", tmpstr);
    log_println(1, " <------------------------->");

  return 0;
Exemple #2
test_mid_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options, int buf_size, char* tmpstr2)
  char buff[BUFFSIZE+1];
  int msgLen, msgType;
  int midport = 3003;
  I2Addr sec_addr = NULL;
  int ret, one=1, i, inlth;
  int in2Socket;
  double t, spdin;
  uint32_t bytes;
  struct timeval sel_tv;
  fd_set rfd;

  if (tests & TEST_MID) {
    log_println(1, " <-- Middlebox test -->");
    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed prepare message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type("Middlebox test", TEST_PREPARE, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    if (msgLen <= 0) {
      log_println(0, "Improper message");
      return 3;
    buff[msgLen] = 0;
    if (check_int(buff, &midport)) {
      log_println(0, "Invalid port number");
      return 4;
    log_println(1, "  -- port: %d", midport);
    if ((sec_addr = I2AddrByNode(get_errhandle(), host)) == NULL) {
      log_println(0, "Unable to resolve server address: %s", strerror(errno));
      return -3;
    I2AddrSetPort(sec_addr, midport);

    if (get_debuglvl() > 4) {
      char tmpbuff[200];
      size_t tmpBufLen = 199;
      memset(tmpbuff, 0, 200);
      I2AddrNodeName(sec_addr, tmpbuff, &tmpBufLen);
      log_println(5, "connecting to %s:%d", tmpbuff, I2AddrPort(sec_addr));

    if ((ret = CreateConnectSocket(&in2Socket, NULL, sec_addr, conn_options, buf_size))) {
      log_println(0, "Connect() for middlebox failed: %s", strerror(errno));
      return -10;

    printf("Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ");
    tmpstr2[0] = '\0';
    i = 0;
    bytes = 0;
    t = secs() + 5.0;
    sel_tv.tv_sec = 6;
    sel_tv.tv_usec = 5;
    FD_SET(in2Socket, &rfd);
    for (;;) {
      if (secs() > t)
      ret = select(in2Socket+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &sel_tv);
      if (ret > 0) {
        inlth = read(in2Socket, buff, sizeof(buff));
        if (inlth == 0)
        bytes += inlth;
      if (ret < 0) {
        printf("nothing to read, exiting read loop\n");
      if (ret == 0) {
        printf("timer expired, exiting read loop\n");
    t =  secs() - t + 5.0;
    spdin = ((8.0 * bytes) / 1000) / t;

    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed text message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type("Middlebox test results", TEST_MSG, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    strncat(tmpstr2, buff, msgLen);

    memset(buff, 0, 128);
    sprintf(buff, "%0.0f", spdin);
    log_println(4, "CWND limited speed = %0.2f kbps", spdin);
    send_msg(ctlSocket, TEST_MSG, buff, strlen(buff));


    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed finalize message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type("Middlebox test", TEST_FINALIZE, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    log_println(1, " <-------------------->");
  return 0;
Exemple #3
 * Perform the client part of the middleBox testing. The middlebox test
 * is a 5.0 second throughput test from the Server to the Client to
 * check for duplex mismatch conditions. It determines if routers or
 * switches in the path may be making changes to some TCP parameters.
 * @param ctlSocket server control socket descriptor
 * @param tests set of tests to perform
 * @param host hostname of the server
 * @param conn_options connection options
 * @param buf_size TCP send/receive buffer size
 * @param testresult_str result obtained from server (containing server ip,
 * 						client ip, currentMSS, WinSCaleSent, WinScaleRcvd)
 * @param jsonSupport Indicates if messages should be sent using JSON format
 * @return  integer
 *     => 0 on success
 *     < 0 if error
 *     Return codes used:
 *     0 = (the test has been finalized)
 *     > 0 if protocol interactions were not as expected:
 *     		1: Unable to receive protocol message successfully
 * 			2: Wrong message type received
 *			3: Protocol message received was of invalid length
 *			4: Protocol payload data received was invalid
 *			5: Protocol message received was invalid
 *     < 0 if generic error:
 *			-3: Unable to resolve server address
 *			-10: creating connection to server failed
int test_mid_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options,
                 int buf_size, char* testresult_str, int jsonSupport) {
  char buff[BUFFSIZE + 1];
  int msgLen, msgType;
  int midport = atoi(PORT3);
  I2Addr sec_addr = NULL;
  int retcode, inlth;
  int in2Socket;
  double t, spdin;
  uint32_t bytes;
  struct timeval sel_tv;
  fd_set rfd;
  char* jsonMsgValue;

  enum TEST_STATUS_INT teststatuses = TEST_NOT_STARTED;
  enum TEST_ID testids = MIDDLEBOX;

  if (tests & TEST_MID) {  // middlebox test has to be performed
    log_println(1, " <-- Middlebox test -->");
    // protocol logs
    teststatuses = TEST_STARTED;
    protolog_status(getpid(), testids, teststatuses, ctlSocket);

    //  Initially, expecting a TEST_PREPARE message. Any other message
    // ..type is unexpected at this stage.

    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed prepare message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type(MIDBOX_TEST_LOG, TEST_PREPARE, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;

    // The server is expected to send a message with a valid payload that
    // contains the port number that server wants client to bind to for this
    // test
    buff[msgLen] = 0;
    if (jsonSupport) {
      jsonMsgValue = json_read_map_value(buff, DEFAULT_KEY);
      strlcpy(buff, jsonMsgValue, sizeof(buff));
      msgLen = strlen(buff);
    if (msgLen <= 0) {
      log_println(0, "Improper message");
      return 3;
    if (check_int(buff, &midport)) {  // obtained message does not contain
                                      // integer port#
      log_println(0, "Invalid port number");
      return 4;

    // get server address and set port
    log_println(1, "  -- port: %d", midport);
    if ((sec_addr = I2AddrByNode(get_errhandle(), host)) == NULL) {
      log_println(0, "Unable to resolve server address: %s", strerror(errno));
      return -3;
    I2AddrSetPort(sec_addr, midport);

    // debug to check if correct port was set in addr struct
    if (get_debuglvl() > 4) {
      char tmpbuff[200];
      size_t tmpBufLen = 199;
      memset(tmpbuff, 0, 200);
      I2AddrNodeName(sec_addr, tmpbuff, &tmpBufLen);
      log_println(5, "connecting to %s:%d", tmpbuff, I2AddrPort(sec_addr));

    // connect to server using port obtained above
    if ((retcode = CreateConnectSocket(&in2Socket, NULL, sec_addr,
                                       conn_options, buf_size))) {
      log_println(0, "Connect() for middlebox failed: %s", strerror(errno));
      return -10;

    // start reading throughput test data from server using the connection
    // created above
    printf("Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ");
    testresult_str[0] = '\0';
    bytes = 0;
    t = secs() + 5.0;  // set timer for 5 seconds, and read for 5 seconds
    sel_tv.tv_sec = 6;  // Time out the socket after 6.5 seconds
    sel_tv.tv_usec = 5;  // 500?
    FD_SET(in2Socket, &rfd);
    for (;;) {
      if (secs() > t)
      retcode = select(in2Socket+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &sel_tv);
      if (retcode > 0) {
        inlth = read(in2Socket, buff, sizeof(buff));
        if (inlth == 0)
        bytes += inlth;
      if (retcode < 0) {
        printf("nothing to read, exiting read loop\n");
      if (retcode == 0) {
        printf("timer expired, exiting read loop\n");
    // get actual time for which test was run
    t = secs() - t + 5.0;

    // calculate throughput in Kbps
    spdin = ((BITS_8_FLOAT * bytes) / KILO) / t;

    // Test is complete. Now, get results from server (includes CurrentMSS,
    // WinScaleSent, WinScaleRcvd..).
    // The results are sent from server in the form of a TEST_MSG object
    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed text message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type(MIDBOX_TEST_LOG " results", TEST_MSG, msgType, buff,
                       msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    buff[msgLen] = 0;

    strlcat(testresult_str, buff, MIDBOX_TEST_RES_SIZE);

    memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
    // this should work since the throughput results from the server should
    //  ...fit well within BUFFSIZE
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%0.0f", spdin);
    log_println(4, "CWND limited speed = %0.2f kbps", spdin);

    // client now sends throughput it calculated above to server, as a TEST_MSG
    send_json_message(ctlSocket, TEST_MSG, buff, strlen(buff), jsonSupport, JSON_SINGLE_VALUE);


    // Expect an empty TEST_FINALIZE message from server
    msgLen = sizeof(buff);
    if (recv_msg(ctlSocket, &msgType, buff, &msgLen)) {
      log_println(0, "Protocol error - missed finalize message!");
      return 1;
    if (check_msg_type(MIDBOX_TEST_LOG, TEST_FINALIZE, msgType, buff, msgLen)) {
      return 2;
    log_println(1, " <-------------------->");
    // log protocol test ending
    teststatuses = TEST_ENDED;
    protolog_status(getpid(), testids, teststatuses, ctlSocket);
  return 0;