bool db_writer::Connect(void){ ofxXmlSettings config; config.loadFile("measureconfig.xml"); MySql_enabled = config.getValue("MYSQL:enabled",true); if (MySql_enabled){ ofLogVerbose("APP") << "Iniciando MySQL..."; try { driver = get_driver_instance(); string server, usr, pwd,schema; server = config.getValue("MYSQL:server","tcp://localhost:3306"); usr = config.getValue("MYSQL:usr","mastermidictl"); pwd = config.getValue("MYSQL:pwd","frozen"); schema = config.getValue("MYSQL:schema","master"); con = driver->connect(server.c_str(), usr.c_str(), pwd.c_str()); con->setSchema(schema.c_str()); connected = true; ofLogVerbose("MySQL") << "MySQL inicializado..."; return true; } catch (sql::SQLException &e) { ofLogVerbose("MySQL") << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__ << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ ; ofLogVerbose("MySQL") << "# ERR: " << e.what() << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )"; connected = false; return false; } } else {return false;} }
authenticator::authenticator(dbinfo dbInfo, logger *_logger) { log = _logger; driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect(, dbInfo.user, dbInfo.pass); con->setSchema(; }
void HomeControlDal::writeHeaterState(const std::string& roomId, bool state) { try { VLOG(1) << "Writing heaterstate: " << state << ", from room: " << roomId; std::stringstream insert; insert << "INSERT INTO RoomHeaterState(idRoom, heater, date) "; insert << " SELECT idRoom, " << state << ", NOW() FROM Room WHERE RoomId = '" << roomId << "'"; sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::Statement *stmt; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); driver->threadInit(); con = driver->connect(mServer, mUser, mPwd); con->setSchema("HC_DB"); stmt = con->createStatement(); stmt->execute(insert.str()); delete stmt; con->close(); delete con; driver->threadEnd(); } catch (sql::SQLException &ex) { LOG(ERROR) << "Write heater state, SQLExceptin: " << ex.what() << ", MySQL error code: " << ex.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << ex.getSQLState(); } }
databaseConnector::databaseConnector( std::string hostname,std::string username, std::string password, std::string schema ) { sql::Driver* driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect ( hostname,username,password ); con->setSchema ( schema ); stmt = con->createStatement(); }
RoomConfig* HomeControlDal::findRoomBySensorId(const std::string& sensorId) { LOG(INFO) << "Find room by SendorId: " << sensorId; RoomConfig* result = nullptr; try { std::stringstream select; select << "SELECT slaveSensor.sensorAddress, Room.Name, Room.RoomId, Room.HeaterOutput FROM HC_DB.TemperatureSensor as masterSensor "; select << " INNER JOIN Room on masterSensor.idRoom = Room.idRoom "; select << " INNER JOIN TemperatureSensor as slaveSensor on masterSensor.idRoom = slaveSensor.idRoom "; select << " WHERE masterSensor.sensorAddress = '" << sensorId << "'"; sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::Statement *stmt; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); driver->threadInit(); con = driver->connect(mServer, mUser, mPwd); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema("HC_DB"); stmt = con->createStatement(); sql::ResultSet *res = stmt->executeQuery(select.str()); if (res->rowsCount() > 0) { result = new RoomConfig; while (res->next()) { result->RoomName = res->getString("Name"); result->RoomId = res->getString("RoomId"); result->HeaterOutput = res->getInt("HeaterOutput"); result->SensorIds.push_back(res->getString("sensorAddress")); } } delete res; delete stmt; con->close(); delete con; driver->threadEnd(); } catch (sql::SQLException &ex) { LOG(ERROR) << "clientConnected, SQLExceptin: " << ex.what() << ", MySQL error code: " << ex.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << ex.getSQLState(); } if (result == nullptr) { LOG(INFO) << "Room not found"; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Room found: " << result->RoomName << ", config: " << result->toString(); } return result; }
bool Database::init() { Driver* driver = get_driver_instance(); QString loginServerUrl = m_settings.value("loginServerUrl", DefaultSettings::loginServerUrl()).toString(); QString serverUserName = m_settings.value("serverUserName").toString(); QString serverPassword = m_settings.value("serverPassword").toString(); try { m_database = driver->connect(loginServerUrl.toLatin1().data(), serverUserName.toLatin1().data(), serverPassword.toLatin1().data()); m_database->setSchema("tis"); } catch (SQLException &e) { emit writeToConsole("DB connect failed: " + QLatin1String(e.getSQLStateCStr())); return false; } m_isConnected = true; return true; }
void CMyProblem::ReadFromDB(int idproblem) { try { sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::PreparedStatement *ProblemStmt; sql::ResultSet *res; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect("tcp://localhost:3306", "root", "TestPassword"); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema("theproblem"); //cout<< "Connected succesfully"; ProblemStmt = con->prepareStatement("SELECT name, n, p FROM problems WHERE idproblems=?"); ProblemStmt->setInt(1, idproblem); res = ProblemStmt->executeQuery(); delete ProblemStmt; //cout<< "Statment executed succesfully"; res->next(); name = res->getString("name"); n = res->getInt("n"); p = res->getInt("p"); delete res; //cout << name << n << p; _alloc(n); ProblemStmt = con->prepareStatement( "SELECT i, r, w FROM parameters WHERE idproblems=?" ); ProblemStmt->setInt(1, idproblem); res = ProblemStmt->executeQuery(); int i; //int r; double w; while(res->next()) { i = res->getInt("i"); Set_r(i-1,res->getInt("r")); Set_w(i-1,res->getDouble("w")); //cout << res->getInt("i") << " " << res->getInt("r") << " " << res->getDouble("w") << endl; } delete res; delete ProblemStmt; delete con; } catch (sql::SQLException &e) { cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__; cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ << endl; cout << "# ERR: " << e.what(); cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode(); cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl; } }
CMySqlDataBasePlus::CMySqlDataBasePlus() { m_driver = get_driver_instance(); m_connection = NULL; m_stmt = NULL; m_prestmt.reset(NULL); }
SQLManager::SQLManager() { mDriver = get_driver_instance(); if (mDriver == NULL) mp::Console::errprintln("An error occurred while creating SQLManager: get_driver_instance failed."); mLastLink = NULL; }
std::unique_ptr<sql::Connection> connect(){ sql::Driver* driver = get_driver_instance(); std::unique_ptr<sql::Connection> apConnection( driver->connect(MYSQL_SERVER, MYSQL_USERNAME, MYSQL_PASSWORD) ); apConnection->setSchema(MYSQL_DATABASE); return apConnection; }
int CMyProblem::WriteToDB() { int idproblems; try { sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::PreparedStatement *PrepStmt; sql::ResultSet *res; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect("tcp://localhost:3306", "root", "TestPassword"); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema("theproblem"); PrepStmt = con->prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO problems(name, n, p) values (?,?,?)" ); PrepStmt->setString(1, name); PrepStmt->setInt(2, n); PrepStmt->setInt(3, p); PrepStmt->execute(); delete PrepStmt; PrepStmt = con->prepareStatement( "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" ); res = PrepStmt->executeQuery(); delete PrepStmt; res->next(); idproblems = res->getInt(1); delete res; PrepStmt = con->prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO parameters(idproblems, i, r, w) values (?,?,?,?)" ); PrepStmt->setInt(1, idproblems); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { PrepStmt->setInt(2, i+1); PrepStmt->setInt(3, r[i]); PrepStmt->setDouble(4, w[i]); PrepStmt->execute(); } delete PrepStmt; delete con; } catch (sql::SQLException &e) { cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__; cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ << endl; cout << "# ERR: " << e.what(); cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode(); cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl; } return idproblems; }
sql::Connection* GetConnection(){ sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "root"); return con; }
sql::Connection* GetConnection(string host, string username, string password){ sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect(host, username, password); return con; }
DBConnection::DBConnection() { try { driver_ = get_driver_instance(); connect(); } catch (sql::SQLException e) { LOG(Log::ERROR, "Connection to database failed: " + std::string(e.what())); } // fut_ = std::async(std::launch::async, &DBQueue::execute, &commands_); }
float ConnectToDatabase::pobierzCeneP(string query) { float retValue=0; string url(EXAMPLE_HOST); const string user(EXAMPLE_USER); const string pass(EXAMPLE_PASS); const string database(EXAMPLE_DB); try { /* INSERT TUTORIAL CODE HERE! */ Driver* driver = get_driver_instance(); auto_ptr<Connection> con(driver->connect(url, user, pass)); con->setSchema(database); auto_ptr<Statement> stmt(con->createStatement()); // We need not check the return value explicitly. If it indicates // an error, Connector/C++ generates an exception. // executeQuery() wysyla zapytanie SELECT zwraca resultSet // executeUpdate() wysyla zapytanie INSERT, UPDATE lub DELETE i nie zwraca zadej wartosci // Jeśli nie wiesz z gory jakiego zapytania uzyjesz, uzyj funkcji execute() // execute() zwraca "true" jesli zapytaniem SQL bylo SELECT i "false" jesli - INSERT, UPDATE lub DELETE auto_ptr<ResultSet> res (stmt->executeQuery(query)); while (res->next()) { /* Access column data by numeric offset, 1 is the first column */ retValue = res->getInt(1); } /* END OF TUTORIAL CODE */ } catch (sql::SQLException &e) { /* MySQL Connector/C++ throws three different exceptions: - sql::MethodNotImplementedException (derived from sql::SQLException) - sql::InvalidArgumentException (derived from sql::SQLException) - sql::SQLException (derived from std::runtime_error) */ cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__; cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " << __LINE__ << endl; /* what() (derived from std::runtime_error) fetches error message */ cout << "# ERR: " << e.what(); cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode(); cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl; } return retValue; };
sql::Connection * DataBase::connect( const std::string& server, const std::string& user, const std::string& password, const std::string& database) { /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect(server, user, password); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema(database); return con; }
ConexionDB::ConexionDB(string db_name, string user, string password, string host){ this->DB_host = host; this->DB_user = user; this->DB_password = password; this->DB_name = db_name; this->driver = get_driver_instance(); this->con = driver->connect("tcp://" + this->DB_host,this->DB_user, this->DB_password); this->con->setSchema(this->DB_name); }
int MySqlDatabase::createConn(){ try { driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect(DBHOST,USER,PASSWORD); con -> setSchema(DATABASE); }catch(SQLException &e) { std::cout<<"ERROR :"<<e.what(); return 0; } return 1; }
double HomeControlDal::getSensorCalibration(const std::string& sensorId) { LOG(INFO) << "Find Calibration for SendorId: " << sensorId; double result = 0; try { std::stringstream select; select << "SELECT calibration FROM HC_DB.TemperatureSensor "; select << " WHERE sensorAddress = '" << sensorId << "'"; sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::Statement *stmt; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); driver->threadInit(); con = driver->connect(mServer, mUser, mPwd); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema("HC_DB"); stmt = con->createStatement(); sql::ResultSet *res = stmt->executeQuery(select.str()); if (res->rowsCount() > 0) { while (res->next()) { result = res->getDouble("calibration"); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Calibration not found"; } delete res; delete stmt; con->close(); delete con; driver->threadEnd(); } catch (sql::SQLException &ex) { LOG(ERROR) << "clientConnected, SQLExceptin: " << ex.what() << ", MySQL error code: " << ex.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << ex.getSQLState(); } LOG(INFO) << "Calibration for sensor: " << sensorId << ": " << result; return result; }
int HomeControlDal::locationInterval(const std::string& clientId) { VLOG(1) << "Find location interval for client: " << clientId; int result = 0; try { std::stringstream select; select << "SELECT locationInterval FROM HC_DB.Client "; select << " WHERE clientName = '" << clientId << "'"; sql::Driver *driver; sql::Connection *con; sql::Statement *stmt; /* Create a connection */ driver = get_driver_instance(); driver->threadInit(); con = driver->connect(mServer, mUser, mPwd); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema("HC_DB"); stmt = con->createStatement(); sql::ResultSet *res = stmt->executeQuery(select.str()); if (res->rowsCount() > 0) { while (res->next()) { result = res->getInt("locationInterval"); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Interval not found for client: " << clientId; } delete res; delete stmt; con->close(); delete con; driver->threadEnd(); } catch (sql::SQLException &ex) { LOG(ERROR) << "clientConnected, SQLExceptin: " << ex.what() << ", MySQL error code: " << ex.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << ex.getSQLState(); } VLOG(1) << "Location interval for client: " << clientId << ": " << result; return result; }
void DBWorker::_Connect() { driver=0; con=0; try { driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect("tcp://localhost:3306", "root", "TestPassword"); /* Connect to the MySQL test database */ con->setSchema("theproblem"); } catch (sql::SQLException &e) { SQLError(e); } }
/** * * Connects to the database * * Note that this expects that the database driver has setup all the things in * the connection. * * @return A QueryResult. error.isError will be false on success. */ QueryResult DatabaseConnection::connect() { QueryResult result; if (driver == nullptr) { // Get driver instance driver = get_driver_instance(); // Init SQL thread driver->threadInit(); } if (connection == nullptr) { try { connection = driver->connect(hostname, username, password); } catch (SQLException &e) { result.error.isError = true; result.error.code = e.getErrorCode(); result.error.string = e.getSQLState() + ": " + e.what(); return result; } // Reset result result = QueryResult(); // Get connection id result = this->execute(VariantVector() << "SELECT CONNECTION_ID()"); if (result.rows.size() == 0 || result.error.isError) { // No row returned return result; } connection_id = result.rows.front().front().toUInt(); // Reset result result = QueryResult(); return result; } // Successful connection? return result; }
MySQLTable::MySQLTable(string host, string user, string pwd, string dbname, string tablename, string tablefields) { con = NULL; this->tablename = tablename; driver = get_driver_instance(); con = driver->connect(host, user, pwd); con->setSchema(dbname); //Extract fields std::stringstream ss(tablefields); std::string item; while (std::getline(ss, item, ',')) { this->fieldTables.push_back(item); } }
void MySqlHandler::init_connection(){ // Initiating the connector try { driver = get_driver_instance(); // gets the driver con = driver->connect("tcp://"+HOST, DB, PWD); // opens a connection con->setSchema("imt3601h13gr01"); // what table should it use cout << "\n MySql Connection Established "; } catch (sql::SQLException &e){ cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__; cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line "<< __LINE__ << endl; cout << "# ERR: " << e.what(); cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode(); cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl; } }
void database::run() { sql::Connection *conn = NULL; sql::Statement *stmt = NULL; string query; stringstream host; host << "tcp://" << config::get("") << ":" << config::iget("pool.port"); try { if(database::driver == NULL) database::driver = get_driver_instance(); } catch(sql::SQLException &e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "(MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << ") " << e.what(); } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "POOL INIT"; while(true) { try { conn = driver->connect(host.str(), config::get("pool.user"), config::get("pool.pass")); conn->setSchema(config::get("")); stmt = conn->createStatement(); while(true) { if(memory.size() > 0 && !(query = memory.front_pop()).empty()) stmt->execute(query); else boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100)); } } catch(sql::SQLException &e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "(MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode() << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << ") " << e.what(); } delete stmt; delete conn; boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); } }
// Any exceptions thrown here should be caught elsewhere std::shared_ptr<Connection> create() { // Get the driver sql::Driver *driver; driver=get_driver_instance(); // Create the connection std::shared_ptr<MySQLConnection>conn(new MySQLConnection()); // Connect conn->sql_connection = std::shared_ptr<sql::Connection>(driver->connect(this->server,this->username,this->password)); conn->sql_connection->setSchema("paydw"); //conn->setAutoCommit(0); return std::static_pointer_cast<Connection>(conn); };
bool CMySQL::initConnector ( ){ //...Get connector if ( driver == NULL ){ driver = get_driver_instance(); driver->threadInit(); } //...Get meta //dbcon_meta = con -> getMetaData(); //...Print info //printf ("%s Version: %i.%i.%i \n" , driver->getMajorVersion() , // driver->getMinorVersion() , driver->getPatchVersion() ); return driver != NULL; }
Connection * Database::getConnection() throw (SQLException) { if (dbConnection == NULL) { driver = get_driver_instance(); if (driver != NULL) { dbConnection = driver ->connect(hostname, username, password); dbConnection ->setSchema(schema); } else { throw SQLException("Unable to find a driver"); } } return dbConnection; }
sql::Connection* Database::getConnection() { if(m_transaction == NULL) { sql::Connection* con = NULL; con = get_driver_instance()->connect(m_url,m_user,m_password); if(con == NULL) { return NULL; } con->setSchema(m_schema); return con; } return m_transaction; }
CMySqlDriver::CMySqlDriver(void) :driver(0) ,con(0) ,stmt(0) { try { driver = get_driver_instance(); } catch (sql::SQLException &e) { std::stringstream strss; strss<<"# ERR: SQLException in "<<__FILE__<<"("<<__FUNCTION__<<")" <<" on line "<<__LINE__<<"\n"; strss<<"# ERR:"<<e.what()<<" (MySQL error code:"<<e.getErrorCode() <<", SQLState:"<<e.getSQLState()<<")"; WriteLog(strss.str()); } }