Exemple #1
  static inline int64_t verify(TupleGraph tg, GlobalAddress<G> g, int64_t root) {

    // SSSP distances verification
    forall(tg.edges, tg.nedge, [=](TupleGraph::Edge& e){
      auto i = e.v0, j = e.v1;

      /* Eliminate self loops from verification */
      if ( i == j)

      /* SSSP specific checks */
      auto ti = VerificatorBase<G>::get_parent(g,i), tj = VerificatorBase<G>::get_parent(g,j);
      auto di = get_dist(g,i), dj = get_dist(g,j);
      auto wij = get_edge_weight(g,i,j), wji = get_edge_weight(g,j,i);
      CHECK(!((di < dj) && ((di + wij) < dj))) << "Error, distance of the nearest neighbor is too great :" 
        << "(" << i << "," << di << ")" << "--" << wij << "-->" <<  "(" << j << "," << dj << ")" ;
      CHECK(!((dj < di) && ((dj + wji) < di))) << "Error, distance of the nearest neighbor is too great : "
        << "(" << j << "," << dj << ")" << "--" << wji << "-->" <<  "(" << i << "," << di << ")" ;
      CHECK(!((i == tj) && ((di + wij) != dj))) << "Error, distance of the child vertex is not equil to "
        << "sum of its parent distance and edge weight :" 
        << "(" << i << "," << di << ")" << "--" << wij << "-->" <<  "(" << j << "," << dj << ")" ;
      CHECK(!((j == ti) && ((dj + wji) != di))) << "Error, distance of the child vertex is not equil to "
        << "sum of its parent distance and edge weight :"
        << "(" << j << "," << dj << ")" << "--" << wji << "-->" <<  "(" << i << "," << di << ")" ;

    // everything checked out!
    VLOG(1) << "SSSP verified!\n";

    return nedge_traversed;
Exemple #2
void NETWORK::load_network2(std::map<std::pair<std::string , std::string>,float> network, bool _weighted, int edges )
  // message file
  //std::string msg_file = _output + ".msg";
  //FILE *pMsg = NULL;

  // reset network
  for(int i=0; i<Order; i++)
    delete Nodes[i];
  Order = 0;
  Size = 0;

  // read edges
 // FILE_HANDLER f( _input_file.c_str(), "r" );
  //int edges = f.rows();
  //char line[1024] = {""};
  std::map<std::string, int> hash_table;
  int source, target;
  double weight;
  //char source_label[128] = {""};
  //char target_label[128] = {""};
  int source_id = 0;
  int target_id = 0;
  int columns;
  if (network.size() !=0)
  std::map<std::pair<std::string , std::string>,float>::iterator it;
  for (std::map<std::pair<std::string , std::string>,float>::iterator it=network.begin(); it!=network.end(); ++it)
    //f.get_text_line( line, sizeof(line) );
    //// check if line is valid (two or threee columns)
    //weight = 1.0;
    //columns = sscanf( line, "%s %s %lf", source_label, target_label, &weight );
    //if( (!_weighted && columns < 2) || (_weighted && columns != 3) )
    //  pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" );
    //  fprintf( pMsg, "Error\nMissing column in line %i.", n+1 );
    //  fclose( pMsg );
    //  exit( 0 );
    std::pair< std::map<std::string, int>::iterator, bool> added;

    // source node
    added = hash_table.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>(std::string(it->first.first), (int)Nodes.size()) );
    if( added.second )
      source_id = (int)Nodes.size();
	  add_node( it->first.first.c_str() );
      source_id = added.first->second;

    // target node
    added = hash_table.insert( std::pair<std::string, float>(std::string(it->first.second), (int)Nodes.size()) );
    if( added.second )
      target_id = (int)Nodes.size();
      add_node( it->first.second.c_str());
      target_id = added.first->second;

    // add edge
    if( is_there_edge(source_id, target_id) )
      weight += get_edge_weight( source_id, target_id );
      remove_edge(source_id, target_id);
      add_edge( source_id, target_id, abs(it->second)  );
      add_edge( source_id, target_id, abs(it->second) );

  // if size limitazion is on, check network size
  //if( _size_limit != 0 && Order > _size_limit )
  //  pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" );
  //  fprintf( pMsg, "Error\nNetwork is too large." );
  //  fclose( pMsg );
  //  exit(0);

  // normalize weights
  // uncomment this part for normal hierarchy computation
  // this commented out for no weight hierarchy computation
  /*int deg;
  double max_weight = Nodes[0]->outweight(0);
  for(int i=0; i<Order; i++)
    deg = Nodes[i]->outdegree();
    for(int j=0; j<deg; j++)
      if( Nodes[i]->outweight(j) > max_weight )
        max_weight = Nodes[i]->outweight(j);
  for(int i=0; i<Order; i++)
    deg = Nodes[i]->outdegree();
    for(int j=0; j<deg; j++)
      Nodes[i]->setOutWeight( j, Nodes[i]->outweight(j)/max_weight );

  // print network properties
  //pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" );
  //fprintf( pMsg, "Success\n%i\n%i", Order, Size );
  //fclose( pMsg );
Exemple #3
void NETWORK::load_network( std::string &_input_file, bool _weighted, std::string &_output, int _size_limit )
  // message file
  std::string msg_file = _output + ".msg";
  FILE *pMsg = NULL;

  // reset network
  for(int i=0; i<Order; i++)
    delete Nodes[i];
  Order = 0;
  Size = 0;

  // read edges
  FILE_HANDLER f( _input_file.c_str(), "r" );
  int edges = f.rows();
  char line[1024] = {""};
  std::map<std::string, int> hash_table;
  int source, target;
  double weight;
  char source_label[128] = {""};
  char target_label[128] = {""};
  int source_id = 0;
  int target_id = 0;
  int columns;
  for(int n=0; n<edges; n++)
    f.get_text_line( line, sizeof(line) );
    // check if line is valid (two or threee columns)
    weight = 1.0;
    columns = sscanf( line, "%s %s %lf", source_label, target_label, &weight );
    if( (!_weighted && columns < 2) || (_weighted && columns != 3) )
      pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" );
      fprintf( pMsg, "Error\nMissing column in line %i.", n+1 );
      fclose( pMsg );
      exit( 0 );
    std::pair< std::map<std::string, int>::iterator, bool> added;

    // source node
    added = hash_table.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>(std::string(source_label), (int)Nodes.size()) );
    if( added.second )
      source_id = (int)Nodes.size();
      add_node( source_label );
      source_id = added.first->second;

    // target node
    added = hash_table.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>(std::string(target_label), (int)Nodes.size()) );
    if( added.second )
      target_id = (int)Nodes.size();
      add_node( target_label );
      target_id = added.first->second;

    // add edge
    if( is_there_edge(source_id, target_id) )
      weight += get_edge_weight( source_id, target_id );
      remove_edge(source_id, target_id);
      add_edge( source_id, target_id, weight );
      add_edge( source_id, target_id, weight );

  // if size limitazion is on, check network size
  if( _size_limit != 0 && Order > _size_limit )
    pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" );
    fprintf( pMsg, "Error\nNetwork is too large." );
    fclose( pMsg );

  // normalize weights
  /*int deg;
  double max_weight = Nodes[0]->outweight(0);
  for(int i=0; i<Order; i++)
    deg = Nodes[i]->outdegree();
    for(int j=0; j<deg; j++)
      if( Nodes[i]->outweight(j) > max_weight )
        max_weight = Nodes[i]->outweight(j);
  for(int i=0; i<Order; i++)
    deg = Nodes[i]->outdegree();
    for(int j=0; j<deg; j++)
      Nodes[i]->setOutWeight( j, Nodes[i]->outweight(j)/max_weight );

  // print network properties
  //pMsg = fopen( msg_file.c_str(), "w" );
  //fprintf( pMsg, "Success\n%i\n%i", Order, Size );
  //fclose( pMsg );