Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	FILE *fp;
	int n=0;
	char *p_computer_name = NULL;
	disk_info_t *follow_disk, *disks_info = NULL;
	partition_info_t *follow_partition;
	char *mount_folder;
	int result, node_layer, samba_right;
	int sh_num;
	char **folder_list = NULL;
	int acc_num;
	char **account_list;
	char tmp[128];
	if ((fp=fopen(SAMBA_CONF, "r"))) {
	if((fp = fopen(SAMBA_CONF, "w")) == NULL)
		goto confpage;
	fprintf(fp, "[global]\n");
	//if (nvram_safe_get("st_samba_workgroup"))
	if(!tcapi_get("Samba_Entry", "st_samba_workgroup", tmp))
		//fprintf(fp, "workgroup = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("st_samba_workgroup"));
		fprintf(fp, "workgroup = %s\n", tmp);

#if 0
	if (nvram_safe_get("computer_name")) {
		fprintf(fp, "netbios name = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("computer_name"));
		fprintf(fp, "server string = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("computer_name"));
	//p_computer_name = nvram_get("computer_name") && is_valid_hostname(nvram_get("computer_name")) ? nvram_get("computer_name") : nvram_safe_get("productid");
	tcapi_get("Samba_Entry", "NetBiosName", tmp);	//check NetBiosName in web page
	p_computer_name = tmp;
	if (p_computer_name) {
		fprintf(fp, "netbios name = %s\n", p_computer_name);
		fprintf(fp, "server string = %s\n", p_computer_name);

	fprintf(fp, "unix charset = UTF8\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "display charset = UTF8\n");	// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "log file = /var/log.samba\n");
	fprintf(fp, "log level = 0\n");
	fprintf(fp, "max log size = 5\n");
	/* share mode */
	tcapi_get("Samba_Entry", "st_samba_mode", tmp);
	if (!strcmp(tmp, "1") || !strcmp(tmp, "3")) {
	//if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "1") || !strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "3")) {
		fprintf(fp, "security = SHARE\n");
		fprintf(fp, "guest only = yes\n");
	//else if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "2") || !strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "4")) {
	else if (!strcmp(tmp, "2") || !strcmp(tmp, "4")) {
		fprintf(fp, "security = USER\n");
		fprintf(fp, "guest ok = no\n");
		fprintf(fp, "map to guest = Bad User\n");
		usb_dbg("samba mode: no\n");
		goto confpage;
	fprintf(fp, "encrypt passwords = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "pam password change = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "null passwords = yes\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "force directory mode = 0777\n");
	fprintf(fp, "force create mode = 0777\n");
	/* max users */
	if (!tcapi_get("Samba_Entry", "st_max_user", tmp))
		fprintf(fp, "max connections = %s\n", tmp);
	//if (strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_max_user"), "") != 0)
		//fprintf(fp, "max connections = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("st_max_user"));

	fprintf(fp, "socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_KEEPALIVE SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536\n");
	fprintf(fp, "use sendfile = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "obey pam restrictions = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "use spne go = no\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "client use spnego = no\n");	// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "disable spoolss = yes\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "host msdfs = no\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "strict allocate = No\n");		// ASUS add
//	fprintf(fp, "mangling method = hash2\n");	// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "bind interfaces only = yes\n");	// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "interfaces = lo br0\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "interfaces = lo br0 %s\n", (!nvram_match("sw_mode", "3") ? nvram_safe_get("wan0_ifname") : ""));
//	fprintf(fp, "dns proxy = no\n");				// J--

//	fprintf(fp, "domain master = no\n");				// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "wins support = no\n");				// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "printable = no\n");				// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "browseable = yes\n");				// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "security mask = 0777\n");				// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "force security mode = 0\n");			// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "directory security mask = 0777\n");		// J++
//	fprintf(fp, "force directory security mode = 0\n");		// J++

	fprintf(fp, "map archive = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "map hidden = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "map read only = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "map system = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "store dos attributes = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "dos filemode = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "dos filetimes = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "dos filetime resolution = yes\n");

	disks_info = read_disk_data();
	if (disks_info == NULL) {
		usb_dbg("Couldn't get disk list when writing smb.conf!\n");
		goto confpage;

	/* share */
	tcapi_get("Samba_Entry", "st_samba_mode", tmp);
	if (!strcmp(tmp, "0")) {
	//if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "0") || !strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "")) {
	else if (!strcmp(tmp, "1")) {
	//else if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "1")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: share\n");
		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				mount_folder = strrchr(follow_partition->mount_point, '/')+1;
				fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", mount_folder);
				fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s\n", follow_disk->tag, mount_folder);
				fprintf(fp, "veto files = /.__*.txt*/asusware*/asus_lighttpdpasswd/\n");
				fprintf(fp, "path = %s\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
				fprintf(fp, "writeable = yes\n");
	else if (!strcmp(tmp, "2")) {
	//else if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "2")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: share\n");
		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				mount_folder = strrchr(follow_partition->mount_point, '/')+1;
				node_layer = get_permission(NULL, follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
				if(node_layer == 3){
					fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", mount_folder);
					fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s\n", follow_disk->tag, mount_folder);
					fprintf(fp, "path = %s\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
					fprintf(fp, "writeable = yes\n");
					//result = get_all_folder(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list);
					result = get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list);
					if (result < 0){
						free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
					for (n = 0; n < sh_num; ++n){
						samba_right = get_permission(NULL, follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 0 || samba_right > 3)
							samba_right = DEFAULT_SAMBA_RIGHT;
						if(samba_right > 0){
							fprintf(fp, "[%s (at %s)]\n", folder_list[n], mount_folder);
							fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s in %s\n", mount_folder, folder_list[n], follow_disk->tag);
							fprintf(fp, "path = %s/%s\n", follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n]);
							if(samba_right == 3)
								fprintf(fp, "writeable = yes\n");
								fprintf(fp, "writeable = no\n");
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
	else if (!strcmp(tmp, "3")) {
	//else if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "3")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: user\n");
		// get the account list
		if (get_account_list(&acc_num, &account_list) < 0) {
			usb_dbg("Can't read the account list.\n");
			free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
			goto confpage;
		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				mount_folder = strrchr(follow_partition->mount_point, '/')+1;
				// 1. get the folder list
				if (get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list) < 0) {
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
				// 2. start to get every share
				for (n = -1; n < sh_num; ++n) {
					int i, first;
					if(n == -1){
						fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", mount_folder);
						fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s\n", follow_disk->tag, mount_folder);
						fprintf(fp, "path = %s\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
						fprintf(fp, "[%s (at %s)]\n", folder_list[n], mount_folder);
						fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s in %s\n", mount_folder, folder_list[n], follow_disk->tag);
						fprintf(fp, "path = %s/%s\n", follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n]);
					fprintf(fp, "valid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					fprintf(fp, "invalid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right >= 1)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					fprintf(fp, "read list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 1)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					fprintf(fp, "write list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 2)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
				free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
		free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
	else if (!strcmp(tmp, "4")) {
	//else if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "4")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: user\n");
		// get the account list
		if (get_account_list(&acc_num, &account_list) < 0) {
			usb_dbg("Can't read the account list.\n");
			free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
			goto confpage;
		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				mount_folder = strrchr(follow_partition->mount_point, '/')+1;
				// 1. get the folder list
				if (get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list) < 0) {
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
				// 2. start to get every share
				for (n = 0; n < sh_num; ++n) {
					int i, first;
					fprintf(fp, "[%s (at %s)]\n", folder_list[n], mount_folder);
					fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s in %s\n", mount_folder, folder_list[n], follow_disk->tag);
					fprintf(fp, "path = %s/%s\n", follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n]);
					fprintf(fp, "valid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					fprintf(fp, "invalid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right >= 1)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					fprintf(fp, "read list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 1)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
					fprintf(fp, "write list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 2)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");
						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");
				free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
		free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
	if(fp != NULL)
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	char *command;
	int i, num;
	char **list;
	int layer, right;
	char *mount_path, *share;
	int result;

	if((command = rindex(argv[0], '/')) != NULL)
		command = argv[0];

	if(!strcmp(command, "get_account_list")){
		if(get_account_list(&num, &list) <= 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't get account list.\n");
			for(i = 0; i < num; ++i)
				usb_dbg("%dth account: %s.\n", i+1, list[i]);

			free_2_dimension_list(&num, &list);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "get_folder_list")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: get_folder_list mount_path\n");
		else if(get_folder_list(argv[1], &num, &list) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't get folder list.\n");
			for(i = 0; i < num; ++i)
				usb_dbg("%dth folder: %s.\n", i+1, list[i]);

			free_2_dimension_list(&num, &list);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "get_all_folder")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: get_all_folder mount_path\n");
		else if(get_all_folder(argv[1], &num, &list) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't get all folder.\n");
			for(i = 0; i < num; ++i)
				usb_dbg("%dth folder: %s.\n", i+1, list[i]);

			free_2_dimension_list(&num, &list);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "get_var_file_name")){
		char *file_name;

		if(argc != 3)
			usb_dbg("Usage: get_var_file_name account mount_path\n");
		else if(get_var_file_name(argv[1], argv[2], &file_name))
			usb_dbg("Can't get the var file name with %s in %s.\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
			usb_dbg("done: %s.\n", file_name);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "initial_folder_list")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: initial_folder_list mount_path\n");
		else if(initial_folder_list(argv[1]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't initial folder list in %s.\n", argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "initial_var_file")){
		char *target_acc = NULL;

		if(argc != 3){
			usb_dbg("Usage: initial_var_file account mount_path\n");
			return -1;

		if(strcmp(argv[1], "NULL"))
			target_acc = argv[1];

		if(initial_var_file(target_acc, argv[2]) < 0){
			if(target_acc == NULL)
				usb_dbg("Can't initial share's var file in %s.\n", argv[2]);
				usb_dbg("Can't initial %s's var file in %s.\n", target_acc, argv[2]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "initial_all_var_file")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: initial_all_var_file mount_path\n");
		else if(initial_all_var_file(argv[1]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't initial all var file in %s.\n", argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "test_of_var_files")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: test_of_var_files mount_path\n");
		else if(test_of_var_files(argv[1]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't test_of_var_files in %s.\n", argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "create_if_no_var_files")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: create_if_no_var_files mount_path\n");
		else if(create_if_no_var_files(argv[1]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't create var files in %s.\n", argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "modify_if_exist_new_folder")){
		if(argc != 3)
			usb_dbg("Usage: modify_if_exist_new_folder account mount_path\n");
		else if(modify_if_exist_new_folder(argv[1], argv[2]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't fix %s's var files in %s.\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "get_permission")){
		if(argc != 5)
			usb_dbg("Usage: get_permission account mount_path folder [cifs|ftp|dms]\n");
		else if((right = get_permission(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4])) < 0)
			usb_dbg("%s can't get %s's %s permission in %s.\n", argv[1], argv[3], argv[4], argv[2]);
			usb_dbg("done: %d.\n", right);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "set_permission")){
		if(argc != 6)
			usb_dbg("Usage: set_permission account mount_path folder [cifs|ftp|dms] [0~3]\n");
		else if(set_permission(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], atoi(argv[5])) < 0)
			usb_dbg("%s can't set %s's %s permission to be %s in %s.\n", argv[1], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[2]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "add_account")){
		if(argc != 3)
			usb_dbg("Usage: add_account account password\n");
		else if(add_account(argv[1], argv[2]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't add account(%s:%s).\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "del_account")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: del_account account\n");
		else if(del_account(argv[1]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't del account(%s).\n", argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "mod_account")){
		if(argc != 4)
			usb_dbg("Usage: mod_account account new_account new_password\n");
		else if(mod_account(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't mod account(%s) to (%s:%s).\n", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "test_if_exist_account")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: test_if_exist_account account\n");
		else if(test_if_exist_account(argv[1]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't test if %s is existed.\n", argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "add_folder")){
		if(argc != 4){
			usb_dbg("Usage: add_folder account mount_path folder\n");
			return 0;
		if(!strcmp(argv[1], "NULL"))
			result = add_folder(NULL, argv[2], argv[3]);
			result = add_folder(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
		if(result < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't add folder(%s) in %s.\n", argv[3], argv[2]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "del_folder")){
		if(argc != 3)
			usb_dbg("Usage: del_folder mount_path folder\n");
		else if(del_folder(argv[1], argv[2]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't del folder(%s) in %s.\n", argv[2], argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "mod_folder")){
		if(argc != 4)
			usb_dbg("Usage: mod_folder mount_path folder new_folder\n");
		else if(mod_folder(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't mod folder(%s) to (%s) in %s.\n", argv[2], argv[3], argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "test_if_exist_share")){
		if(argc != 3)
			usb_dbg("Usage: test_if_exist_share mount_path folder\n");
		else if(test_if_exist_share(argv[1], argv[2]))
			usb_dbg("%s is existed in %s.\n", argv[2], argv[1]);
			usb_dbg("%s is NOT existed in %s.\n", argv[2], argv[1]);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "how_many_layer")){
		if(argc != 2)
			usb_dbg("Usage: how_many_layer path\n");
		else if((layer = how_many_layer(argv[1], &mount_path, &share)) < 0)
			usb_dbg("Can't count the layer with %s.\n", argv[1]);
			usb_dbg("done: %d layers, share=%s, mount_path=%s.\n", layer, share, mount_path);
		usb_dbg("test_share(ver. %d): Need to link the command name from test_share first.\n", VERSION);

	return 0;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	FILE *fp;
	char *nv;
	int n=0;
	char *p_computer_name = NULL;
	disk_info_t *follow_disk, *disks_info = NULL;
	partition_info_t *follow_partition;
	char *mount_folder;
	int result, node_layer, samba_right;
	int sh_num;
	char **folder_list = NULL;
	int acc_num;
	char **account_list;
	int dup, same_m_pt = 0;
	char unique_share_name[PATH_MAX];


	if ((fp=fopen(SAMBA_CONF, "r"))) {

	if((fp = fopen(SAMBA_CONF, "w")) == NULL)
		goto confpage;

	fprintf(fp, "[global]\n");
	if (nvram_safe_get("st_samba_workgroup"))
		fprintf(fp, "workgroup = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("st_samba_workgroup"));
#if 0
	if (nvram_safe_get("computer_name")) {
		fprintf(fp, "netbios name = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("computer_name"));
		fprintf(fp, "server string = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("computer_name"));
	p_computer_name = nvram_get("computer_name") && is_valid_netbios_name(nvram_get("computer_name")) ? nvram_get("computer_name") : get_productid();
	if (p_computer_name) {
		fprintf(fp, "netbios name = %s\n", p_computer_name);
		fprintf(fp, "server string = %s\n", p_computer_name);

	fprintf(fp, "unix charset = UTF8\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "display charset = UTF8\n");	// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "log file = /var/log.samba\n");
	fprintf(fp, "log level = 0\n");
	fprintf(fp, "max log size = 5\n");

	// account mode
	if(nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "2") || nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "4")
			|| (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "1") && nvram_get("st_samba_force_mode") == NULL)
		fprintf(fp, "security = USER\n");
		fprintf(fp, "guest ok = no\n");
		fprintf(fp, "map to guest = Bad User\n");
	// share mode
	else if (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "1") || nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "3")) {
#if 0
		if(nvram_get_int("enable_samba_tuxera") == 1){
			fprintf(fp, "auth methods = guest\n");
			fprintf(fp, "guest account = admin\n");
			fprintf(fp, "map to guest = Bad Password\n");
			fprintf(fp, "guest ok = yes\n");
			fprintf(fp, "security = SHARE\n");
			fprintf(fp, "guest only = yes\n");
		fprintf(fp, "security = SHARE\n");
		fprintf(fp, "guest only = yes\n");
		usb_dbg("samba mode: no\n");
		goto confpage;

	fprintf(fp, "encrypt passwords = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "pam password change = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "null passwords = yes\n");		// ASUS add
	if (nvram_get_int("smbd_enable_smb2"))
		fprintf(fp, "max protocol = SMB2\n");
		fprintf(fp, "max protocol = NT1\n");

	fprintf(fp, "passdb backend = smbpasswd\n");
	fprintf(fp, "smb encrypt = disabled\n");
	fprintf(fp, "smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd\n");
#if 0
	fprintf(fp, "use recvfile = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "force directory mode = 0777\n");
	fprintf(fp, "force create mode = 0777\n");

	/* max users */
	if (strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_max_user"), "") != 0)
		fprintf(fp, "max connections = %s\n", nvram_safe_get("st_max_user"));

        /* remove socket options due to NIC compatible issue */
#ifdef RTCONFIG_BCM_7114
		fprintf(fp, "socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=131072 SO_SNDBUF=131072\n");
		fprintf(fp, "socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_KEEPALIVE SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536\n");
	fprintf(fp, "obey pam restrictions = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "use spnego = no\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "client use spnego = no\n");	// ASUS add
//	fprintf(fp, "client use spnego = yes\n");  // ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "disable spoolss = yes\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "host msdfs = no\n");		// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "strict allocate = No\n");		// ASUS add
//	fprintf(fp, "mangling method = hash2\n");	// ASUS add
	fprintf(fp, "bind interfaces only = yes\n");    // ASUS add

	fprintf(fp, "interfaces = lo br0 %s\n", (is_routing_enabled() && nvram_get_int("smbd_wanac")) ? nvram_safe_get("wan0_ifname") : "");
	fprintf(fp, "interfaces = br0 %s/%s %s\n", nvram_safe_get("lan_ipaddr"), nvram_safe_get("lan_netmask"), (is_routing_enabled() && nvram_get_int("smbd_wanac")) ? nvram_safe_get("wan0_ifname") : "");
	fprintf(fp, "use sendfile = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "use sendfile = yes\n");
	if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("smbd_wins"), "1")) {
		fprintf(fp, "wins support = yes\n");

	if (!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("smbd_master"), "1")) {
		fprintf(fp, "os level = 255\n");
		fprintf(fp, "domain master = yes\n");
		fprintf(fp, "local master = yes\n");
		fprintf(fp, "preferred master = yes\n");

	fprintf(fp, "map archive = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "map hidden = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "map read only = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "map system = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "store dos attributes = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "dos filemode = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "oplocks = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "level2 oplocks = yes\n");
	fprintf(fp, "kernel oplocks = no\n");
	fprintf(fp, "wide links = no\n");

	// If we only want name services then skip share definition
	if (nvram_match("enable_samba", "0"))
		goto confpage;

	disks_info = read_disk_data();
	if (disks_info == NULL) {
		usb_dbg("Couldn't get disk list when writing smb.conf!\n");
		goto confpage;

	/* share */
	if (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "0") || !strcmp(nvram_safe_get("st_samba_mode"), "")) {
	else if (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "1") && nvram_match("st_samba_force_mode", "1")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: share\n");

		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				strcpy(unique_share_name, follow_partition->mount_point);
				do {
					dup = check_mount_point_icase(disks_info, follow_partition, follow_disk, follow_partition->partition_order, unique_share_name);
					if (dup)
						sprintf(unique_share_name, "%s(%d)", follow_partition->mount_point, ++same_m_pt);
				} while (dup);
				mount_folder = strrchr(unique_share_name, '/')+1;

				fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", mount_folder);
				fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s\n", follow_disk->tag, mount_folder);
				fprintf(fp, "veto files = /.__*.txt*/asus_lighttpdpasswd/\n");
				fprintf(fp, "path = %s\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
				fprintf(fp, "writeable = yes\n");

				fprintf(fp, "dos filetimes = yes\n");
				fprintf(fp, "fake directory create times = yes\n");
	else if (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "2")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: share\n");

		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)

				strcpy(unique_share_name, follow_partition->mount_point);
				do {
					dup = check_mount_point_icase(disks_info, follow_partition, follow_disk, follow_partition->partition_order, unique_share_name);
					if (dup)
						sprintf(unique_share_name, "%s(%d)", follow_partition->mount_point, ++same_m_pt);
				} while (dup);
				mount_folder = strrchr(unique_share_name, '/')+1;

				node_layer = get_permission(NULL, follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
				if(node_layer == 3){
					fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", mount_folder);
					fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s\n", follow_disk->tag, mount_folder);
					fprintf(fp, "path = %s\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
					fprintf(fp, "writeable = yes\n");

					fprintf(fp, "dos filetimes = yes\n");
					fprintf(fp, "fake directory create times = yes\n");
					//result = get_all_folder(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list);
					result = get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list);
					if (result < 0){
						free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);

					for (n = 0; n < sh_num; ++n){
						samba_right = get_permission(NULL, follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 0 || samba_right > 3)
							samba_right = DEFAULT_SAMBA_RIGHT;

						if(samba_right > 0){
							int count = get_list_strings_count(folder_list, sh_num, folder_list[n]);
							if ((!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("smbd_simpler_naming"), "1")) && (count <= 1)) {
								fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", folder_list[n]);
							} else {
								fprintf(fp, "[%s (at %s)]\n", folder_list[n], mount_folder);
							fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s in %s\n", mount_folder, folder_list[n], follow_disk->tag);
							fprintf(fp, "path = %s/%s\n", follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n]);
							if(samba_right == 3)
								fprintf(fp, "writeable = yes\n");
								fprintf(fp, "writeable = no\n");

							fprintf(fp, "dos filetimes = yes\n");
							fprintf(fp, "fake directory create times = yes\n");

					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
	else if (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "3")) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: user\n");

		// get the account list
		if (get_account_list(&acc_num, &account_list) < 0) {
			usb_dbg("Can't read the account list.\n");
			free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
			goto confpage;

		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)

				mount_folder = strrchr(follow_partition->mount_point, '/')+1;

				// 1. get the folder list
				if (get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list) < 0) {
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);

				// 2. start to get every share
				for (n = -1; n < sh_num; ++n) {
					int i, first;

					if(n == -1){
						fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", mount_folder);
						fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s\n", follow_disk->tag, mount_folder);
						fprintf(fp, "path = %s\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
						int count = get_list_strings_count(folder_list, sh_num, folder_list[n]);
						if ((!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("smbd_simpler_naming"), "1")) && (count <= 1)) {
							fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", folder_list[n]);
						} else {
							fprintf(fp, "[%s (at %s)]\n", folder_list[n], mount_folder);
						fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s in %s\n", mount_folder, folder_list[n], follow_disk->tag);
						fprintf(fp, "path = %s/%s\n", follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n]);

					fprintf(fp, "dos filetimes = yes\n");
					fprintf(fp, "fake directory create times = yes\n");

					fprintf(fp, "valid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

					fprintf(fp, "invalid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right >= 1)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

					fprintf(fp, "read list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 1)

						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

					fprintf(fp, "write list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 2)

						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

				free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);

		free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
	else if (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "4")
			|| (nvram_match("st_samba_mode", "1") && nvram_get("st_samba_force_mode") == NULL)
			) {
		usb_dbg("samba mode: user\n");

		// get the account list
		if (get_account_list(&acc_num, &account_list) < 0) {
			usb_dbg("Can't read the account list.\n");
			free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
			goto confpage;

		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)

				mount_folder = strrchr(follow_partition->mount_point, '/')+1;

				// 1. get the folder list
				if (get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list) < 0) {
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);

				// 2. start to get every share
				for (n = 0; n < sh_num; ++n) {
					int i, first;

					int count = get_list_strings_count(folder_list, sh_num, folder_list[n]);
					if ((!strcmp(nvram_safe_get("smbd_simpler_naming"), "1")) && (count <= 1)) {
						fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", folder_list[n]);
					} else {
						fprintf(fp, "[%s (at %s)]\n", folder_list[n], mount_folder);
					fprintf(fp, "comment = %s's %s in %s\n", mount_folder, folder_list[n], follow_disk->tag);
					fprintf(fp, "path = %s/%s\n", follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n]);

					fprintf(fp, "dos filetimes = yes\n");
					fprintf(fp, "fake directory create times = yes\n");

					fprintf(fp, "valid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						if(n == -1)
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, NULL, "cifs");
							samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

					fprintf(fp, "invalid users = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right >= 1)
						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

					fprintf(fp, "read list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 1)

						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

					fprintf(fp, "write list = ");
					first = 1;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						samba_right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "cifs");
						if (samba_right < 2)

						if (first == 1)
							first = 0;
							fprintf(fp, ", ");

						fprintf(fp, "%s", account_list[i]);
					fprintf(fp, "\n");

				free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);

		free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);

	if(fp != NULL) {

		append_custom_config("smb.conf", fp);

		use_custom_config("smb.conf", SAMBA_CONF);
		run_postconf("smb", SAMBA_CONF);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	FILE *fp;
	int n=0, sh_num=0;
	disk_info_t *follow_disk, *disks_info = NULL;
	partition_info_t *follow_partition;
		st_webdav_mpde = 1 => share mode (default)
		st_webdav_mode = 2 => account mode

	/* write /tmp/lighttpd.conf */
	if ((fp=fopen(WEBDAV_CONF, "r"))) {
	fp = fopen(WEBDAV_CONF, "w");
	if (fp==NULL) return;
	/* Load modules */
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_alias\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_userdir\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_aidisk_access\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_sharelink\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_create_captcha_image\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_webdav\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_smbdav\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_redirect\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_compress\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_usertrack\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_rewrite\")\n");
	if (nvram_match("st_webdav_mode", "2")){
		fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_access\")\n");
		fprintf(fp, "server.modules+=(\"mod_auth\")\n");

	/* Basic setting */
	fprintf(fp, "server.port=%s\n",get_webdav_http_port()); // defult setting, but no use
//	fprintf(fp, "server.port=8999\n"); // defult setting, but no use
//	fprintf(fp, "server.document-root=\"/mnt/\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.document-root=\"/tmp/lighttpd/www\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.upload-dirs=(\"/tmp/lighttpd/uploads\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.errorlog=\"/tmp/lighttpd/err.log\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.pid-file=\"/tmp/lighttpd/lighttpd.pid\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.arpping-interface=\"br0\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "server.errorfile-prefix=\"/usr/css/status-\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "dir-listing.activate=\"enable\"\n");
    fprintf(fp, "server.syslog=\"/tmp/lighttpd/syslog.log\"\n");

	//	**** Minetype setting **** //	
	fprintf(fp, "mimetype.assign = (\n");
	fprintf(fp, "\".html\" => \"text/html\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "\".htm\" => \"text/html\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "\".css\" => \"text/css\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "\".js\" => \"text/javascript\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "\".swf\" => \"application/x-shockwave-flash\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".txt\" => \"text/plain\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".jpg\" => \"image/jpeg\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".gif\" => \"image/gif\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".png\" => \"image/png\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".pdf\" => \"application/pdf\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".mp4\" => \"video/mp4\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".m4v\" => \"video/mp4\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".wmv\" => \"video/wmv\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".mp3\" => \"audio/mpeg\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".avi\" => \"video/avi\",\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "\".mov\" => \"video/mov\"");
	fprintf(fp, "\"\" => \"application/x-octet-stream\"");
	fprintf(fp, ")\n");

	// **** Index file names **** //
	fprintf(fp, "index-file.names = ( \"index.php\", \"index.html\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "\"index.htm\", \"default.htm\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, " \" index.lighttpd.html\" )\n");

	// **** url access deny
	fprintf(fp, " url.access-deny             = ( \"~\", \".inc\" )\n");

	// **** static-file.exclude extensions
	fprintf(fp," static-file.exclude-extensions = ( \".php\", \".pl\", \".fcgi\" )\n");

	// ****
	fprintf(fp, "compress.cache-dir          = \"/tmp/lighttpd/compress/\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "compress.filetype           = ( \"application/x-javascript\", \"text/css\", \"text/html\", \"text/plain\" )\n");
	// **** SambaDav setting
	fprintf(fp, "$SERVER[\"socket\"]==\":%s\"{\n", get_webdav_http_port());
//	fprintf(fp, "$SERVER[\"socket\"]==\":8999\"{\n");
//	fprintf(fp, "	alias.url=(\"/webdav\"=>\"/mnt/\")\n");
//	fprintf(fp, "   $HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/usbdisk($|/)\"{\n");
	fprintf(fp, "   $HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/%s($|/)\"{\n",get_productid());
    fprintf(fp, "       server.document-root = \"/\"\n");
//	fprintf(fp, "       alias.url=(\"/usbdisk\"=>\"/mnt\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "       alias.url=(\"/%s\"=>\"/mnt\")\n", get_productid());
    fprintf(fp, "       webdav.activate=\"enable\"\n");
    fprintf(fp, "       webdav.is-readonly=\"disable\"\n");
    fprintf(fp, "       webdav.sqlite-db-name=\"/tmp/lighttpd/webdav.db\"\n");
    fprintf(fp, "   }\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	else $HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/smb($|/)\"{\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		server.document-root = \"/\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		alias.url=(\"/smb\"=>\"/usr\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		smbdav.auth_ntlm = (\"Microsoft-WebDAV\",\"xxBitKinex\",\"WebDrive\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.activate=\"enable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly=\"disable\"\n");
//	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.sqlite-db-name=\"/tmp/lighttpd/webdav.db\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	else $HTTP[\"url\"] =~ \"^/favicon.ico$\"{\n");
    fprintf(fp, "		server.document-root = \"/\"\n");
    fprintf(fp, "		alias.url = ( \"/favicon.ico\" => \"/usr/css/favicon.ico\" ) \n"); 
    fprintf(fp, "		webdav.activate = \"enable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly = \"enable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	else $HTTP[\"url\"] !~ \"^/smb($|/)\" { \n");
	fprintf(fp, "	    server.document-root = \"smb://\" \n");
   	fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.activate = \"enable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.is-readonly = \"disable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.always-auth = \"enable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.sqlite-db-name = \"/tmp/lighttpd/smbdav.db\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    usertrack.cookie-name = \"SMBSESSID\" \n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
	fprintf(fp, "}\n");

#if 0
	/*** Webdav_setting ***/
	/* default : */
	fprintf(fp, "$SERVER[\"socket\"]==\":8082\"{\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	alias.url=(\"/webdav\"=>\"/mnt/\")\n"); 	//mount point
	fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/webdav($|/)\"{\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.activate=\"enable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly=\"disable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.sqlite-db-name=\"/tmp/lighttpd/webdav.db\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");

	fprintf(fp, "	auth.backend=\"plain\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	auth.backend.plain.userfile=\"/tmp/lighttpd/permissions\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	auth.require= (\"\"=>(\"method\"=>\"basic\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "				\"realm\"=>\"webdav\",\n");
	fprintf(fp, "				\"require\"=>\"valid-user\"))\n");

	disks_info = read_disk_data();
	if (disks_info == NULL) {
		//printf("[webdav] fail in read disk data!!\n");
		usb_dbg("Couldn't get disk list when writing smb.conf!\n");
	//	goto confpage;

	/* account permissions */
	if (nvram_match("st_webdav_mode", "2")){

		disks_info = read_disk_data();
		if (disks_info == NULL) {
			usb_dbg("Couldn't get disk list when writing lighttpd.conf!\n");
			//	goto confpage;

		int acc_num;
		char **account_list;

		/* folder permissions */
		if (get_account_list(&acc_num, &account_list) < 0) {
			usb_dbg("Can't read the account list.\n");
			//printf("[webdav] fail in get account list\n");
			free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
//			goto confpage;

		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				char **folder_list;
				int i;
				char tmp1[32];
				char *tmp2, *tmp_pre, *tmp_aft;

				strcpy(tmp1, follow_partition->mount_point);

				tmp2 = tmp1;
				for (i=0; i<3; i++){
					tmp_pre = strsep(&tmp2, "/");
					tmp_aft = tmp2;
				//printf("[webdav] tmp1=%s,tmp2=%s,tmp_pre=%s,tmp_aft=%s\n", tmp1, tmp2, tmp_pre, tmp_aft);
				// 1. get the folder list
				if (get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list) < 0) {
					//printf("[webdav] fail in get folder list\n");
					usb_dbg("Can't read the folder list in %s.\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
					right = 0 => NO
					right = 1 => R
					right = 3 => R/W (default)
				// 2. start to get every share
				for (n = 0; n < sh_num; ++n) {
					int i, right;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "webdav");
	//printf("[webdav] (%d,%d) : right=%d, account=%s, folder=%s, mount=%s, tmp_aft=%s\n", n, i, right, account_list[i], folder_list[n], follow_partition->mount_point, tmp_aft);
						if(right == 0){
							/* forbid to access the folder */
							fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/webdav/%s/%s($|/)\"{\n", tmp_aft, folder_list[n]);
							fprintf(fp, "		url.access-deny=(\"\")\n"); 
							fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
						else if (right == 1){
							fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/webdav/%s/%s($|/)\"{\n", tmp_aft, folder_list[n]);
							fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly=\"enable\"\n");
							fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
				free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
		/* folder permissions */
		free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
	}/* account permissions */
	fprintf(fp, "}\n"); /*** Webdav_setting ***/
	/*** Webdav_SSL ***/
	/* default : */
	fprintf(fp, "$SERVER[\"socket\"]==\":%s\"{\n",get_webdav_https_port());
	fprintf(fp, "	ssl.pemfile=\"/tmp/lighttpd/server.pem\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	ssl.engine=\"enable\"\n");
	//fprintf(fp, "	alias.url=(\"/webdav\"=>\"/mnt/\")\n"); 
//	fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/usbdisk($|/)\"{\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/%s($|/)\"{\n", get_productid());
    fprintf(fp, "       server.document-root = \"/\"\n");
//	fprintf(fp, "       alias.url=(\"/usbdisk\"=>\"/mnt\")\n");	
	fprintf(fp, "       alias.url=(\"/%s\"=>\"/mnt\")\n", get_productid());	
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.activate=\"enable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly=\"disable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.sqlite-db-name=\"/tmp/lighttpd/webdav.db\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	else $HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/smb($|/)\"{\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		server.document-root = \"/\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		alias.url=(\"/smb\"=>\"/usr\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		smbdav.auth_ntlm = (\"Microsoft-WebDAV\",\"xxBitKinex\",\"WebDrive\")\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.activate=\"enable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly=\"disable\"\n");
//	fprintf(fp, "		webdav.sqlite-db-name=\"/tmp/lighttpd/webdav.db\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	else $HTTP[\"url\"] =~ \"^/favicon.ico$\"{\n");
    fprintf(fp, "		server.document-root = \"/\"\n");
    fprintf(fp, "		alias.url = ( \"/favicon.ico\" => \"/usr/css/favicon.ico\" ) \n"); 
    fprintf(fp, "		webdav.activate = \"enable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly = \"enable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
	fprintf(fp, "	else $HTTP[\"url\"] !~ \"^/smb($|/)\" { \n");
	fprintf(fp, "	    server.document-root = \"smb://\" \n");
   	fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.activate = \"enable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.is-readonly = \"disable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.always-auth = \"enable\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    smbdav.sqlite-db-name = \"/tmp/lighttpd/smbdav.db\" \n");
    fprintf(fp, "	    usertrack.cookie-name = \"SMBSESSID\" \n");
	fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
#if 0
	/* account permissions */
	if (nvram_match("st_webdav_mode", "2")){
			fprintf(stderr,"=================================================>st mod =2");

		disks_info = read_disk_data();
		if (disks_info == NULL) {
			usb_dbg("Couldn't get disk list when writing lighttpd.conf!\n");
			fprintf(stderr, "=========================================================>error1");
			goto confpage;

		int acc_num;
		char **account_list;
		fprintf(fp, "	auth.backend=\"plain\"\n");
		fprintf(fp, "	auth.backend.plain.userfile=\"/tmp/lighttpd/permissions\"\n");
		fprintf(fp, "	auth.require= (\"\"=>(\"method\"=>\"basic\",\n");
		fprintf(fp, "				\"realm\"=>\"webdav\",\n");
		fprintf(fp, "				\"require\"=>\"valid-user\"))\n");

		/* folder permissions */
		if (get_account_list(&acc_num, &account_list) < 0) {
			//usb_dbg("Can't read the account list.\n");
			//printf("[webdav] fail in get account list\n");
			free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
			fprintf(stderr, "================================================================>error2");
			goto confpage;

		for (follow_disk = disks_info; follow_disk != NULL; follow_disk = follow_disk->next) {
			for (follow_partition = follow_disk->partitions; follow_partition != NULL; follow_partition = follow_partition->next) {
				if (follow_partition->mount_point == NULL)
				char **folder_list;
				int i;
				//charles: dont init the size of tmp1, the name of share foler may exceed the buffer.
//				char tmp1[32];
				char *tmp1;
				char *tmp2, *tmp_pre, *tmp_aft;
				int tmp1_size=0;
				tmp1_size = strlen(follow_partition->mount_point)+1;
				tmp1 = malloc(tmp1_size); memset(tmp1, 0, tmp1_size);
				strcpy(tmp1, follow_partition->mount_point);

				tmp2 = tmp1;
				for (i=0; i<3; i++){
					tmp_pre = strsep(&tmp2, "/");
					tmp_aft = tmp2;
				// 1. get the folder list
				if (get_folder_list(follow_partition->mount_point, &sh_num, &folder_list) < 0) {
					//printf("[webdav] fail in get folder list\n");
					usb_dbg("Can't read the folder list in %s.\n", follow_partition->mount_point);
					free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
					if(tmp1) free(tmp1);
					fprintf(stderr,"====================================================================>get folder list error");
				// 2. start to get every share
				for (n = 0; n < sh_num; ++n) {
					int i, right;
					for (i = 0; i < acc_num; ++i) {
						right = get_permission(account_list[i], follow_partition->mount_point, folder_list[n], "webdav");
	fprintf(stderr,"[webdav] (%d,%d) : right=%d, account=%s, folder=%s, mount=%s, tmp_aft=%s\n", n, i, right, account_list[i], folder_list[n], follow_partition->mount_point, tmp_aft);
						if(right == 0){
							/* forbid to access the folder */
							fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/webdav/%s/%s($|/)\"{\n", tmp_aft, folder_list[n]);
							fprintf(fp, "		url.access-deny=(\"\")\n"); 
							fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
						else if (right == 1){
						fprintf(fp, "	$HTTP[\"url\"]=~\"^/webdav/%s/%s($|/)\"{\n", tmp_aft, folder_list[n]);
							fprintf(fp, "		webdav.is-readonly=\"enable\"\n");
							fprintf(fp, "	}\n");
				free_2_dimension_list(&sh_num, &folder_list);
				if(tmp1) free(tmp1);
		/* folder permissions */
		free_2_dimension_list(&acc_num, &account_list);
	}/* account permissions */
	goto confpage;

	fprintf(fp, "}\n"); /*** Webdav_SSL ***/

	/* debugging */
	fprintf(fp, "debug.log-request-header=\"disable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "debug.log-response-header=\"disable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "debug.log-request-handling=\"disable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "debug.log-file-not-found=\"disable\"\n");
	fprintf(fp, "debug.log-condition-handling=\"disable\"\n");

	return 0;