Exemple #1
  Set city icons sprite value; should only happen after
void tilespec_setup_city_icons(void)

  struct sprite *pSpr = NULL;
  pIcons = ( struct City_Icon *)fc_calloc(1,  sizeof( struct City_Icon ));
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Food_Corr, "city.food_waste");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Shield_Corr, "city.shield_waste");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Trade_Corr, "city.trade_waste");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Food, "city.food");
  pIcons->pBIG_Food_Surplus = crop_rect_from_surface(pIcons->pBIG_Food, NULL);
  SDL_SetAlpha(pIcons->pBIG_Food_Surplus, SDL_SRCALPHA, 128);
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Shield, "city.shield");
  pIcons->pBIG_Shield_Surplus = crop_rect_from_surface(pIcons->pBIG_Shield, NULL);
  SDL_SetAlpha(pIcons->pBIG_Shield_Surplus, SDL_SRCALPHA, 128);
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Trade, "city.trade");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Luxury, "city.lux");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Coin, "city.coin");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Colb, "city.colb");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Face, "city.red_face");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Coin_Corr, "city.dark_coin");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pBIG_Coin_UpKeep, "city.unkeep_coin");
  /* small icon */
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pFood, "city.small_food");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pShield, "city.small_shield");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pTrade, "city.small_trade");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pFace, "city.small_red_face");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pLuxury, "city.small_lux");
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pCoin, "city.small_coin");		  
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pColb, "city.small_colb");		  
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pPollution, "city.pollution");
  /* ================================================================= */
  load_city_icon_surface(pSpr, pPolice, "city.police");
  /* ================================================================= */
  pIcons->pWorklist = create_surf_alpha(9,9, SDL_SWSURFACE);
  SDL_FillRect(pIcons->pWorklist, NULL,
		  SDL_MapRGB(pIcons->pWorklist->format, 255, 255,255));
  putframe(pIcons->pWorklist, 0,0, pIcons->pWorklist->w - 1, pIcons->pWorklist->h - 1,
    map_rgba(pIcons->pWorklist->format, *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_CITYREP_FRAME)));
  putline(pIcons->pWorklist, 3, 2, 5, 2,
    map_rgba(pIcons->pWorklist->format, *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_CITYREP_FRAME)));
  putline(pIcons->pWorklist, 3, 4, 7, 4, 
    map_rgba(pIcons->pWorklist->format, *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_CITYREP_FRAME)));
  putline(pIcons->pWorklist, 3, 6, 6, 6,
    map_rgba(pIcons->pWorklist->format, *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_CITYREP_FRAME)));
  /* ================================================================= */
  /* force reload citizens icons */
  pIcons->style = 999;
Exemple #2
  Create string16 struct with ptsize font.
  Font will be loaded or aliased with existing font of that size.
  pInTextString must be allocated in memory (MALLOC/fc_calloc)
SDL_String16 * create_string16(Uint16 *pInTextString,
					size_t n_alloc, Uint16 ptsize)
  SDL_String16 *str = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(SDL_String16));

  if (!ptsize) {
    str->ptsize = theme_default_font_size(theme);
  } else {
    str->ptsize = ptsize;
  if ((str->font = load_font(str->ptsize)) == NULL) {
    log_error("create_string16: load_font failed");
    return str;

  str->style = TTF_STYLE_NORMAL;
  str->bgcol = (SDL_Color) {0, 0, 0, 0};
  str->fgcol = *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_TEXT);
  str->render = 2;

  /* pInTextString must be allocated in memory (MALLOC/fc_calloc) */
  str->text = pInTextString;
  str->n_alloc = n_alloc;
  return str;
Exemple #3
SDL_Color * get_tech_color(Tech_type_id tech_id)
  if (player_invention_reachable(client.conn.playing, tech_id))
    switch (player_invention_state(client.conn.playing, tech_id))
      case TECH_UNKNOWN:
        return get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_REQTREE_UNKNOWN);
      case TECH_KNOWN:
        return get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_REQTREE_KNOWN);
        return get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_REQTREE_PREREQS_KNOWN);
        return get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_REQTREE_BACKGROUND);
  return get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_REQTREE_UNREACHABLE);
Exemple #4
void setup_auxiliary_tech_icons(void)
  SDL_Color bg_color = {255, 255, 255, 136};

  SDL_Surface *pSurf;
  SDL_String16 *pStr = create_str16_from_char(_("None"), adj_font(10));
  pStr->style |= (TTF_STYLE_BOLD | SF_CENTER);
  /* create icons */
  pSurf = create_surf_alpha(adj_size(50), adj_size(50), SDL_SWSURFACE);
  SDL_FillRect(pSurf, NULL, map_rgba(pSurf->format, bg_color));
  putframe(pSurf, 0 , 0, pSurf->w - 1, pSurf->h - 1,
         map_rgba(pSurf->format, *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_SCIENCEDLG_FRAME)));

  pNeutral_Tech_Icon = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(pSurf);
  pNone_Tech_Icon = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(pSurf);    
  pFuture_Tech_Icon = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(pSurf);
  /* None */
  pSurf = create_text_surf_from_str16(pStr);
  blit_entire_src(pSurf, pNone_Tech_Icon ,
	  (adj_size(50) - pSurf->w) / 2 , (adj_size(50) - pSurf->h) / 2);
  /* TRANS: Future Technology */ 
  copy_chars_to_string16(pStr, _("FT"));
  pSurf = create_text_surf_from_str16(pStr);
  blit_entire_src(pSurf, pFuture_Tech_Icon,
	  (adj_size(50) - pSurf->w) / 2 , (adj_size(50) - pSurf->h) / 2);
Exemple #5
static int redraw_edit_chain(struct EDIT *pEdt)
  struct UniChar *pInputChain_TMP;
  SDL_Rect Dest, Dest_Copy = {0, 0, 0, 0};
  int iStart_Mod_X;
  int ret;

  Dest_Copy.x = pEdt->pWidget->size.x;
  Dest_Copy.y = pEdt->pWidget->size.y;

  ret = (*baseclass_redraw)(pEdt->pWidget);
  if (ret != 0) {
    return ret;

  /* blit theme */
  Dest = Dest_Copy;

  alphablit(pEdt->pBg, NULL, pEdt->pWidget->dst->surface, &Dest);

  /* set start parametrs */
  pInputChain_TMP = pEdt->pBeginTextChain;
  iStart_Mod_X = 0;

  Dest_Copy.y += (pEdt->pBg->h - pInputChain_TMP->pTsurf->h) / 2;
  Dest_Copy.x += pEdt->Start_X;

  /* draw loop */
  while (pInputChain_TMP) {
    Dest_Copy.x += iStart_Mod_X;
    /* chech if we draw inside of edit rect */
    if (Dest_Copy.x > pEdt->pWidget->size.x + pEdt->pBg->w - 4) {

    if (Dest_Copy.x > pEdt->pWidget->size.x) {
      Dest = Dest_Copy;
      alphablit(pInputChain_TMP->pTsurf, NULL, pEdt->pWidget->dst->surface, &Dest);

    iStart_Mod_X = pInputChain_TMP->pTsurf->w;

    /* draw cursor */
    if (pInputChain_TMP == pEdt->pInputChain) {
      Dest = Dest_Copy;

              Dest.x - 1, Dest.y + (pEdt->pBg->h / 8),
              Dest.x - 1, Dest.y + pEdt->pBg->h - (pEdt->pBg->h / 4),
      /* save active element position */
      pEdt->InputChain_X = Dest_Copy.x;
    pInputChain_TMP = pInputChain_TMP->next;
  }	/* while - draw loop */

  return 0;
 Pops-up the Spy sabotage dialog, upon return of list of
 available improvements requested by the above function.
void popup_sabotage_dialog(struct city *pCity)
  struct widget *pWindow = NULL, *pBuf = NULL , *pLast = NULL;
  struct CONTAINER *pCont;
  struct unit *pUnit = head_of_units_in_focus();
  SDL_String16 *pStr;
  SDL_Rect area, area2;
  int n, w = 0, h, imp_h = 0;
  if (pDiplomat_Dlg || !pUnit || !unit_has_type_flag(pUnit, F_SPY)) {
  is_unit_move_blocked = TRUE;
  pDiplomat_Dlg = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct diplomat_dialog));
  pDiplomat_Dlg->diplomat_id = pUnit->id;
  pDiplomat_Dlg->diplomat_target_id = pCity->id;
  pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct ADVANCED_DLG));
  pCont = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct CONTAINER));
  pCont->id0 = pCity->id;
  pCont->id1 = pUnit->id;/* spy id */
  pStr = create_str16_from_char(_("Select Improvement to Sabotage") , adj_font(12));
  pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD;
  pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, pStr, 0);
  pWindow->action = diplomat_dlg_window_callback;
  set_wstate(pWindow, FC_WS_NORMAL);
  add_to_gui_list(ID_TERRAIN_ADV_DLG_WINDOW, pWindow);
  pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndWidgetList = pWindow;
  area = pWindow->area;
  area.h = MAX(area.h, adj_size(2));
  /* ---------- */
  /* exit button */
  pBuf = create_themeicon(pTheme->Small_CANCEL_Icon, pWindow->dst,
  pBuf->info_label = create_str16_from_char(_("Close Dialog (Esc)"),
  area.w += pBuf->size.w + adj_size(10);
  pBuf->action = diplomat_close_callback;
  set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL);
  pBuf->key = SDLK_ESCAPE;
  add_to_gui_list(ID_TERRAIN_ADV_DLG_EXIT_BUTTON, pBuf);
  /* ---------- */
  create_active_iconlabel(pBuf, pWindow->dst, pStr,
	    _("City Production"), sabotage_impr_callback);
  pBuf->data.cont = pCont;  
  set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL);
  set_wflag(pBuf, WF_FREE_DATA);
  add_to_gui_list(MAX_ID - 1000, pBuf);
  area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w);
  area.h += pBuf->size.h;

  /* separator */
  pBuf = create_iconlabel(NULL, pWindow->dst, NULL, WF_FREE_THEME);
  add_to_gui_list(ID_SEPARATOR, pBuf);
  area.h += pBuf->next->size.h;
  /* ------------------ */
  n = 0;
  city_built_iterate(pCity, pImprove) {
    if (pImprove->sabotage > 0) {
      create_active_iconlabel(pBuf, pWindow->dst, pStr,
	      (char *) city_improvement_name_translation(pCity, pImprove),
      pBuf->data.cont = pCont;
      set_wstate(pBuf , FC_WS_NORMAL);
      add_to_gui_list(MAX_ID - improvement_number(pImprove), pBuf);
      area.w = MAX(area.w , pBuf->size.w);
      imp_h += pBuf->size.h;
      if (!pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList)
	pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList = pBuf;
      if (improvement_number(pImprove) > 9)
        set_wflag(pBuf, WF_HIDDEN);
      /* ----------- */
  } city_built_iterate_end;

  pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginActiveWidgetList = pBuf;
  if (n > 0) {
    /* separator */
    pBuf = create_iconlabel(NULL, pWindow->dst, NULL, WF_FREE_THEME);
    add_to_gui_list(ID_SEPARATOR, pBuf);
    area.h += pBuf->next->size.h;
  /* ------------------ */
  create_active_iconlabel(pBuf, pWindow->dst, pStr, _("At Spy's Discretion"),
  pBuf->data.cont = pCont;  
  set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL);
  add_to_gui_list(MAX_ID - B_LAST, pBuf);
  area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w);
  area.h += pBuf->size.h;
  /* ----------- */
  pLast = pBuf;
  pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginWidgetList = pLast;
  pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pActiveWidgetList = pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList;
  /* ---------- */
  if (n > 10)
    imp_h = 10 * pBuf->size.h;
    n = create_vertical_scrollbar(pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog,
		  1, 10, TRUE, TRUE);
    area.w += n;
  /* ---------- */
  area.h += imp_h;

  resize_window(pWindow, NULL, NULL, 
                (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) + area.w,
                (pWindow->size.h - pWindow->area.h) + area.h);
  area = pWindow->area;
  put_window_near_map_tile(pWindow, pWindow->size.w, pWindow->size.h,
  w = area.w;
  if (pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pScroll)
    w -= n;
    imp_h = pBuf->size.w;
    imp_h = 0;
  /* exit button */
  pBuf = pWindow->prev;
  pBuf->size.x = area.x + area.w - pBuf->size.w - 1;
  pBuf->size.y = pWindow->size.y + adj_size(2);
  /* Production sabotage */
  pBuf = pBuf->prev;
  pBuf->size.x = area.x;
  pBuf->size.y = area.y + 1;
  pBuf->size.w = w;
  h = pBuf->size.h;
  area2.x = adj_size(10);
  area2.h = adj_size(2);
  pBuf = pBuf->prev;
    if (pBuf == pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList)
      w -= imp_h;
    pBuf->size.w = w;
    pBuf->size.x = pBuf->next->size.x;
    pBuf->size.y = pBuf->next->size.y + pBuf->next->size.h;
    if (pBuf->ID == ID_SEPARATOR)
      pBuf->size.h = h;
      pBuf->theme = create_surf(w, h, SDL_SWSURFACE);
      area2.y = pBuf->size.h / 2 - 1;
      area2.w = pBuf->size.w - adj_size(20);
      SDL_FillRect(pBuf->theme , &area2, map_rgba(pBuf->theme->format, *get_game_colorRGB(COLOR_THEME_SABOTAGEDLG_SEPARATOR)));
    if (pBuf == pLast) {
    pBuf = pBuf->prev;  
  if (pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pScroll)
	area.x + area.w,
    	area.y - pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pEndActiveWidgetList->size.y +
	    area.h, TRUE);
  /* -------------------- */
  /* redraw */
  redraw_group(pDiplomat_Dlg->pdialog->pBeginWidgetList, pWindow, 0);
