Exemple #1
UINT8 pia6821_device::port_b_r()
	UINT8 ret = get_in_b_value();

	// This read will implicitly clear the IRQ B1 flag.  If CB2 is in write-strobe
	// mode with CB1 restore, and a CB1 active transition set the flag,
	// clearing it will cause CB2 to go high again.  Note that this is different
	// from what happens with port A.
	if(m_irq_b1 && C2_STROBE_MODE(m_ctl_b) && STROBE_C1_RESET(m_ctl_b))

	// IRQ flags implicitly cleared by a read
	m_irq_b1 = FALSE;
	m_irq_b2 = FALSE;

	LOG(("PIA #%s: port B read = %02X\n", tag(), ret));

	return ret;
Exemple #2
static UINT8 port_b_r(const device_config *device)
	pia6821_state *p = get_token(device);

	UINT8 ret = get_in_b_value(device);

	/* This read will implicitly clear the IRQ B1 flag.  If CB2 is in write-strobe
       mode with CB1 restore, and a CB1 active transition set the flag,
       clearing it will cause CB2 to go high again.  Note that this is different
       from what happens with port A. */
	if (p->irq_b1 && C2_STROBE_MODE(p->ctl_b) && STROBE_C1_RESET(p->ctl_b))
		set_out_cb2(device, TRUE);

	/* IRQ flags implicitly cleared by a read */
	p->irq_b1 = FALSE;
	p->irq_b2 = FALSE;

	LOG(("PIA #%s: port B read = %02X\n", device->tag, ret));

	return ret;