Exemple #1
/** Follows the pattern of couple_to_ice()
@param sbuf the (filled) array of ice grid values for this MPI node. */
void GCMCoupler::get_initial_state(
std::vector<giss::VectorSparseVector<int,double>> &gcm_ivals)	// Root node only: Already-allocated space to put output values.  Members as defined by the CouplingContract GCMCoupler::gcm_inputs

	int const rank = gcm_params.gcm_rank;

	printf("[%d] BEGIN GCMCoupler::get_initial_state()\n", gcm_params.gcm_rank);

	if (am_i_root()) {

		// NOTE: call_ice_model() is called (below) even on NON-ROOT
		// Call all our ice models
		for (auto model = models.begin(); model != models.end(); ++model) {
			int sheetno = model.key();

			// Record what the ice model produced.
			// NOTE: This shouldn't change model->ice_ovals_I
			IceModel_Writer *owriter = model->owriter();
			const double time_s = gcm_params.time_start_s;
			if (owriter) {
				printf("BEGIN owriter->run_timestep()\n");
				owriter->run_decoded(time_s, model->ice_ovals_I);
				printf("END owriter->run_timestep()\n");

			// Convert to variables the GCM wants (but still on the ice grid)
			model->set_gcm_inputs(contracts::INITIAL);	// Fills in gcm_ivals_I

			// Free ice_ovals_I

		// Fill in gcm_ivals
		regrid_gcm_inputs_onroot(gcm_ivals, contracts::INITIAL);

	} else {
		// We're not root --- we have no data to send to ice
		// models, we just call through anyway because we will
		// receive data in an upcomming MPI_Scatter
		// Call all our ice models
		for (auto model = models.begin(); model != models.end(); ++model) {
		}		// if (gcm_params.gcm_rank == gcm_params.gcm_root)


	printf("[%d] END GCMCoupler::get_initial_state()\n", gcm_params.gcm_rank);
static E_MATCHING_STATUS get_status(SingleGraph g) {
if (g->number_of_states==0) {
int i=get_initial_state(g);
if (i<0) {
	fatal_error("Internal error in get_status: invalid negative initial state %d\n",i);
SingleGraphState s=g->states[i];
if (is_final_state(s)) {
	/* If the initial state is final, it means that we can reach it without matching
	 * anything in the text */
	return CHK_MATCHES_E;
 * Returns 0 if no left recursion is found. Otherwise, prints a message that
 * describes the loop and returns 1.
static int is_left_recursion(GrfCheckInfo* chk,int graph,int* mark_graph,struct list_pointer* transitions) {
if (mark_graph[graph]==1) {
	/* The graph has already been tested for left recursions */
	return 0;
if (mark_graph[graph]==2) {
	/* We found a left recursion */
	error("Left recursion found in graph %S, made of the following tags:\n",chk->fst2->graph_names[graph]);
	return 1;

SingleGraph g=chk->condition_graphs[graph];
/* 0 means that the state has not been visited at all
 * 1 means that the state has already been fully visited
 * 2 means that the state is being visited now, so finding such
 *   a state means that there is an E loop
int* mark_state=(int*)calloc(g->number_of_states,sizeof(int));
int recursion=0;
int initial_state=get_initial_state(g);
if (initial_state==-2) {
	fatal_error("Internal error: several initial states in graph %S\n",chk->fst2->graph_names[graph]);
if (initial_state==-1) {
	/* If the graph could not be loaded, we just ignore */
	return 0;
if (find_a_left_recursion(mark_graph,mark_state,initial_state,graph,chk,transitions)) {
return recursion;
Exemple #4
DVE2loadGreyboxModel(model_t model, const char *filename)
    lts_type_t ltstype;
    matrix_t *dm_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
    matrix_t *dm_read_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
    matrix_t *dm_actions_read_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
    matrix_t *dm_may_write_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
    matrix_t *dm_must_write_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
    matrix_t *sl_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));

    //assume sequential use:
    if (NULL == dlHandle) {
        char *extension = strrchr (filename, '.');
        HREassert (extension != NULL, "No filename extension %s", filename);
        if (0==strcmp (extension, "dve2C") || 0==strcmp (extension, "so")) {
            DVE2loadDynamicLib(model, filename);
        } else {
            DVE2compileGreyboxModel(model, filename);

    gb_context_t ctx=(gb_context_t)RTmalloc(sizeof(struct grey_box_context));

    // get ltstypes
    int state_length = get_state_variable_count();

    // adding types
    int ntypes = get_state_variable_type_count();
    for(int i = 0; i < ntypes; i++) {
        const char* type_name = get_state_variable_type_name(i);
        HREassert (type_name != NULL, "invalid type name");
        if (lts_type_add_type(ltstype, type_name, NULL) != i) {
            Abort("wrong type number");
        int type_value_count = get_state_variable_type_value_count(i);
        if (0 == type_value_count) {
            lts_type_set_format (ltstype, i, LTStypeDirect);
        } else {
            lts_type_set_format (ltstype, i, LTStypeEnum);
    int guard_type = lts_type_add_type (ltstype, "guard", NULL);
    lts_type_set_format (ltstype, guard_type, LTStypeTrilean);

    lts_type_set_state_length(ltstype, state_length);

    // set state name & type
    for(int i=0; i < state_length; ++i)
        const char* name = get_state_variable_name(i);
        const int   type = get_state_variable_type(i);
    // compute state label names
    int nguards = get_guard_count(); // TODO: should be in model has guards block..?
    int sl_size = 0 +
                  nguards +
                  (have_property() ? 1 : 0);

    // assumption on state labels:
    // state labels (idx): 0 - nguards-1 = guard state labels
    // state label  (idx): nguards = property state label
    lts_type_set_state_label_count (ltstype, sl_size);
    char buf[256];
    for(int i=0; i < nguards; i++) {
        snprintf(buf, 256, "%s_%d", LTSMIN_LABEL_TYPE_GUARD_PREFIX, i);
        lts_type_set_state_label_name (ltstype, i, buf);
        lts_type_set_state_label_typeno (ltstype, i, guard_type);
    if (have_property()) {
        lts_type_set_state_label_name (ltstype, nguards, LTSMIN_STATE_LABEL_ACCEPTING);
        lts_type_set_state_label_typeno (ltstype, nguards, guard_type);
        ctx->accepting_state_label_idx = nguards;
    } else {
        ctx->accepting_state_label_idx = -1;

    GBsetLTStype(model, ltstype);

    // setting values for types
    for(int i=0; i < ntypes; i++) {
        int type_value_count = get_state_variable_type_value_count(i);
        if (lts_type_get_format(ltstype, i) != LTStypeChunk &&
            lts_type_get_format(ltstype, i) != LTStypeEnum) {
            Debug ("Skipping type values for non-chunk type %s", lts_type_get_type(ltstype, i));
        for(int j=0; j < type_value_count; ++j) {
            const char* type_value = get_state_variable_type_value(i, j);
            pins_chunk_put_at (model, i, chunk_str((char*)type_value), j);


    int ngroups = get_transition_count();
	dm_create(dm_info, ngroups, state_length);
    dm_create(dm_read_info, ngroups, state_length);
    dm_create(dm_actions_read_info, ngroups, state_length);
    dm_create(dm_may_write_info, ngroups, state_length);
    dm_create(dm_must_write_info, ngroups, state_length);
    for(int i=0; i < dm_nrows(dm_info); i++) {
        int* proj = (int*)get_transition_read_dependencies(i);
        for(int j=0; j<state_length; j++) {
            if (proj[j]) {
                dm_set(dm_info, i, j);
                dm_set(dm_read_info, i, j);
        proj = (int*)get_transition_actions_read_dependencies(i);
        for(int j=0; j<state_length; j++) {
            if (proj[j]) {
                dm_set(dm_actions_read_info, i, j);
        proj = (int*)get_transition_may_write_dependencies(i);
        for(int j=0; j<state_length; j++) {
            if (proj[j]) {
                dm_set(dm_info, i, j);
                dm_set(dm_may_write_info, i, j);
        proj = (int*)get_transition_must_write_dependencies(i);
        for(int j=0; j<state_length; j++) {
            if (proj[j]) {
                dm_set(dm_must_write_info, i, j);
    GBsetDMInfo(model, dm_info);
    GBsetDMInfoRead(model, dm_read_info);
    GBsetMatrix(model, LTSMIN_MATRIX_ACTIONS_READS, dm_actions_read_info, PINS_MAY_SET,
                                            PINS_INDEX_GROUP, PINS_INDEX_STATE_VECTOR);
    GBsetDMInfoMayWrite(model, dm_may_write_info);
    GBsetDMInfoMustWrite(model, dm_must_write_info);

    // set state label matrix (accepting label and guards)
    get_label_method_t sl_long = NULL;
    get_label_all_method_t sl_all = NULL;
    dm_create(sl_info, sl_size, state_length);

    // if the model exports a property, reserve first for accepting label
    if (have_property()) {
        for (int i=0; i<state_length; ++i) {
            if (strcmp ("LTL_property", lts_type_get_state_name(ltstype, i)) == 0) {
                dm_set(sl_info, ctx->accepting_state_label_idx, i);

    // if the model has guards, add guards as state labels
    if (have_property()) {
        // filter the property
        sl_long = sl_long_p_g;
        sl_all = sl_all_p_g;
    } else {
        // pass request directly to dynamic lib
        sl_long = (get_label_method_t)     get_guard;
        sl_all =  (get_label_all_method_t) get_guard_all;

    // set the guards per transition group
    GBsetGuardsInfo(model, (guard_t**) get_all_guards());

    // initialize state label matrix
    // assumption, guards come first (0-nguards)
    for(int i=0; i < nguards; i++) {
        int* guards = (int*)get_guard_matrix(i);
        for(int j=0; j<state_length; j++) {
            if (guards[j]) dm_set(sl_info, i, j);

    // set guard may be co-enabled relation
    if (get_guard_may_be_coenabled_matrix) {
        matrix_t *gce_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
        dm_create(gce_info, nguards, nguards);
        for(int i=0; i < nguards; i++) {
            int* guardce = (int*)get_guard_may_be_coenabled_matrix(i);
            for(int j=0; j<nguards; j++) {
                if (guardce[j]) dm_set(gce_info, i, j);
        GBsetGuardCoEnabledInfo(model, gce_info);

    // set guard necessary enabling set info
    if (get_guard_nes_matrix) {
        matrix_t *gnes_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
        dm_create(gnes_info, nguards, ngroups);
        for(int i=0; i < nguards; i++) {
            int* guardnes = (int*)get_guard_nes_matrix(i);
            for(int j=0; j<ngroups; j++) {
                if (guardnes[j]) dm_set(gnes_info, i, j);
        GBsetGuardNESInfo(model, gnes_info);

    // set guard necessary disabling set info
    if (get_guard_nds_matrix) {
        matrix_t *gnds_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
        dm_create(gnds_info, nguards, ngroups);
        for(int i=0; i < nguards; i++) {
            int* guardnds = (int*)get_guard_nds_matrix(i);
            for(int j=0; j<ngroups; j++) {
                if (guardnds[j]) dm_set(gnds_info, i, j);
        GBsetGuardNDSInfo(model, gnds_info);

    if (!get_dna_matrix) {
        Warning (info, "*** Warning ***");
        Warning (info, "You are using an old version of our patched DiVinE compiler.");
        Warning (info, "This might influence the performance of partial order reduction negatively.");
        Warning (info, "Please download the latest from: http://fmt.cs.utwente.nl/tools/ltsmin/");
        Warning (info, "*** Warning ***");
    } else {
        matrix_t *dna_info = RTmalloc(sizeof(matrix_t));
        dm_create(dna_info, ngroups, ngroups);
        for(int i=0; i < ngroups; i++) {
            int* dna = (int*)get_dna_matrix(i);
            for(int j=0; j<ngroups; j++) {
                if (dna[j]) dm_set(dna_info, i, j);
        GBsetDoNotAccordInfo(model, dna_info);

    // set the group implementation
    sl_group_t* sl_group_all = RTmallocZero(sizeof(sl_group_t) + sl_size * sizeof(int));
    sl_group_all->count = sl_size;
    for(int i=0; i < sl_group_all->count; i++) sl_group_all->sl_idx[i] = i;
    sl_group_t* sl_group_guards = RTmallocZero(sizeof(sl_group_t) + nguards * sizeof(int));
    sl_group_guards->count = nguards;
    for(int i=0; i < sl_group_guards->count; i++) sl_group_guards->sl_idx[i] = i;
    GBsetStateLabelGroupInfo(model, GB_SL_ALL, sl_group_all);
    GBsetStateLabelGroupInfo(model, GB_SL_GUARDS, sl_group_guards);
    GBsetStateLabelsGroup(model, sl_group);

    GBsetStateLabelInfo(model, sl_info);
    if (sl_long != NULL) GBsetStateLabelLong(model, sl_long);
    if (sl_all  != NULL) GBsetStateLabelsAll(model, sl_all);

    // get initial state
    int state[state_length];

    GBsetNextStateAll  (model, (next_method_black_t) get_successors);
    GBsetNextStateLong (model, (next_method_grey_t)  get_successor);
    GBsetActionsLong (model, (next_method_grey_t) get_action);