py::list std_vector_to_py_list(const std::vector<T>& v)
    py::object get_iter = py::iterator<std::vector<T> >();
    py::object iter = get_iter(v);
    py::list l(iter);
    return l;
void ListModelWrapper::note_row_added() {
  if (*_tm) {
    Gtk::TreePath path((*_tm)->count() - 1);

    row_inserted(path, get_iter(path));
Exemple #3
void commsys_hist_symerr::updateresults(libbase::vector<double>& result,
      const int i, const libbase::vector<int>& source, const libbase::vector<
            int>& decoded) const
   const int skip = count() / get_iter();
   int symerrors = libbase::hamming(source, decoded);
   // Update the count for that number of symbol errors (may be zero)
   result(skip * i + symerrors)++;
Exemple #4
 * \brief Update result set
 * \param[out] result   Vector containing the set of results to be updated
 * \param[in]  i        Iteration just performed
 * \param[in]  source   Source data sequence
 * \param[in]  decoded  Decoded data sequence
 * Results are organized as (symbol,frame) error count, repeated for
 * every iteration that needs to be performed. Eventually these will be
 * divided by the respective multiplicity to get the average error rates.
void commsys_errorrates::updateresults(libbase::vector<double>& result,
      const int i, const libbase::vector<int>& source, const libbase::vector<
            int>& decoded) const
   assert(i >= 0 && i < get_iter());
   // Count errors
   int symerrors = libbase::hamming(source, decoded);
   // Estimate the BER, SER, FER
   result(2 * i + 0) += symerrors;
   result(2 * i + 1) += symerrors ? 1 : 0;
Exemple #5
LevelParser::load(const std::string& filepath)
  try {
    m_level.m_filename = filepath;
    auto doc = ReaderDocument::from_file(filepath);
    auto root = doc.get_root();

    if(root.get_name() != "supertux-level")
      throw std::runtime_error("file is not a supertux-level file.");

    auto level = root.get_mapping();

    int version = 1;
    level.get("version", version);
    if(version == 1) {
      log_info << "[" <<  filepath << "] level uses old format: version 1" << std::endl;
    } else if (version == 2) {
      level.get("tileset", m_level.m_tileset);

      level.get("name", m_level.m_name);
      level.get("author", m_level.m_author);
      level.get("contact", m_level.m_contact);
      level.get("license", m_level.m_license);
      level.get("target-time", m_level.m_target_time);

      auto iter = level.get_iter();
      while( {
        if (iter.get_key() == "sector") {
          auto sector = SectorParser::from_reader(m_level, iter.as_mapping());

      if (m_level.m_license.empty()) {
        log_warning << "[" <<  filepath << "] The level author \"" << m_level.m_author
                    << "\" did not specify a license for this level \""
                    << m_level.m_name << "\". You might not be allowed to share it."
                    << std::endl;
    } else {
      log_warning << "[" <<  filepath << "] level format version " << version << " is not supported" << std::endl;
  } catch(std::exception& e) {
    std::stringstream msg;
    msg << "Problem when reading level '" << filepath << "': " << e.what();
    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());

Exemple #6
 * \brief Update result set
 * \param[out] result   Vector containing the set of results to be updated
 * \param[in]  i        Iteration just performed
 * \param[in]  source   Source data sequence
 * \param[in]  decoded  Decoded data sequence
 * Results are organized as (symbol_hamming, symbol_levenshtein,frame)
 * error count, repeated for every iteration that needs to be performed.
 * Eventually these will be divided by the respective multiplicity to get the
 * average error rates.
void commsys_errors_levenshtein::updateresults(libbase::vector<double>& result,
      const int i, const libbase::vector<int>& source, const libbase::vector<
            int>& decoded) const
   assert(i >= 0 && i < get_iter());
   // Count errors
   const int hd = libbase::hamming(source, decoded);
   const int ld = libbase::levenshtein(source, decoded);
   // Estimate the SER, LD, FER
   result(3 * i + 0) += hd;
   result(3 * i + 1) += ld;
   result(3 * i + 2) += hd ? 1 : 0;
TreeModel_Dnd::row_drop_possible_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& dest,
        const Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data) const
  //Make the value of the "receives drags" column determine whether a row can be
  //dragged into it:

  //dest is the path that the row would have after it has been dropped:
  //But in this case we are more interested in the parent row:
  Gtk::TreeModel::Path dest_parent = dest;
  bool dest_is_not_top_level = dest_parent.up();
  if(!dest_is_not_top_level || dest_parent.empty())
    //The user wants to move something to the top-level.
    //Let's always allow that.
    //Get an iterator for the row at this path:
    //We must unconst this. This should not be necessary with a future version
    //of gtkmm.
    //TODO: Add a const version of get_iter to TreeModel:
    auto unconstThis = const_cast<TreeModel_Dnd*>(this);
    const_iterator iter_dest_parent = unconstThis->get_iter(dest_parent);
    //const_iterator iter_dest_parent = get_iter(dest);
      Row row = *iter_dest_parent;
      bool receives_drags = row[m_Columns.m_col_receivesdrags];
      return receives_drags;

  //You could also examine the row being dragged (via selection_data)
  //if you must look at both rows to see whether a drop should be allowed.
  //You could use
  //TODO: Add const version of get_from_selection_data(): Glib::RefPtr<const
  //Gtk::TreeModel> refThis = Glib::RefPtr<const Gtk::TreeModel>(this);
  //auto refThis =
  //refThis->reference(); //, true /* take_copy */)
  //Gtk::TreeModel::Path path_dragged_row;
  //Gtk::TreeModel::Path::get_from_selection_data(selection_data, refThis,

//  return Gtk::TreeStore::row_drop_possible_vfunc(dest, selection_data);
  return Gtk::ListStore::row_drop_possible_vfunc(dest, selection_data);
TreeModel_Dnd::row_draggable_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path) const
  // Make the value of the "draggable" column determine whether this row can
  // be dragged:

  //TODO: Add a const version of get_iter to TreeModel:
  auto unconstThis = const_cast<TreeModel_Dnd*>(this);
  const_iterator iter = unconstThis->get_iter(path);
  //const_iterator iter = get_iter(path);
    Row row = *iter;
    bool is_draggable = row[m_Columns.m_col_draggable];
    return is_draggable;

//  return Gtk::TreeStore::row_draggable_vfunc(path);
  return Gtk::ListStore::row_draggable_vfunc(path);
Exemple #9
int main(void)
	const int iter = get_iter(0, 1);
	const bool oth_first = CHECK_FLAG(iter, 1);
	diag("oth_first=%s", btos(oth_first));


	sem_t *sems[] = { &goahead_sem, &done_sem };
	for(int i=0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS(sems); i++) {
		int n = sem_init(sems[i], 0, 0);
		if(n != 0) {

	int *data = malloc(sizeof(*data) * 2);
	data[0] = 100;
	data[1] = 100;

	pthread_t other;
	int n = pthread_create(&other, NULL, &other_fn, data);
	if(n != 0) {

	int status;
	bool posted = false;
	do {
		status = xn_begin();
		diag("main txn started");
		int v0 = xn_read_int(&data[0]), v1 = xn_read_int(&data[1]);
		if(oth_first && !posted) {
			posted = true;
		v1 -= 200;
		if(v0 + v1 < 0) {
			diag("invariant broken in main");
		xn_put(&data[1], v1);
	} while(status = xn_commit(), XN_RESTART(status));
	diag("main txn done");
	if(!posted) {

	void *retval = NULL;
	n = pthread_join(other, &retval);
	if(n != 0) {

	if(!ok1(data[0] + data[1] >= 0)) {
		diag("data[0]=%d, data[1]=%d", data[0], data[1]);

	for(int i=0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS(sems); i++) sem_destroy(sems[i]);
	return exit_status();