Exemple #1
 * Chooses a monster race that seems "appropriate" to the given level
 * This function uses the "prob2" field of the "monster allocation table",
 * and various local information, to calculate the "prob3" field of the
 * same table, which is then used to choose an "appropriate" monster, in
 * a relatively efficient manner.
 * Note that "town" monsters will *only* be created in the town, and
 * "normal" monsters will *never* be created in the town, unless the
 * "level" is "modified", for example, by polymorph or summoning.
 * There is a small chance (1/50) of "boosting" the given depth by
 * a small amount (up to four levels), except in the town.
 * It is (slightly) more likely to acquire a monster of the given level
 * than one of a lower level.  This is done by choosing several monsters
 * appropriate to the given level and keeping the "hardest" one.
 * Note that if no monsters are "appropriate", then this function will
 * fail, and return zero, but this should *almost* never happen.
struct monster_race *get_mon_num(int level)
	int i, p;

	long total;

	struct monster_race *race;

	alloc_entry *table = alloc_race_table;

	/* Occasionally produce a nastier monster in the dungeon */
	if (level > 0 && one_in_(z_info->ood_monster_chance))
		level += MIN(level / 4 + 2, z_info->ood_monster_amount);

	total = 0L;

	/* Process probabilities */
	for (i = 0; i < alloc_race_size; i++) {
		time_t cur_time = time(NULL);
		struct tm *date = localtime(&cur_time);

		/* Monsters are sorted by depth */
		if (table[i].level > level) break;

		/* Default */
		table[i].prob3 = 0;

		/* No town monsters in dungeon */
		if ((level > 0) && (table[i].level <= 0)) continue;

		/* Get the chosen monster */
		race = &r_info[table[i].index];

		/* No seasonal monsters outside of Christmas */
		if (rf_has(race->flags, RF_SEASONAL) &&
			!(date->tm_mon == 11 && date->tm_mday >= 24 && date->tm_mday <= 26))

		/* Only one copy of a a unique must be around at the same time */
		if (rf_has(race->flags, RF_UNIQUE) &&
				race->cur_num >= race->max_num)

		/* Some monsters never appear out of depth */
		if (rf_has(race->flags, RF_FORCE_DEPTH) && race->level > player->depth)

		/* Accept */
		table[i].prob3 = table[i].prob2;

		/* Total */
		total += table[i].prob3;

	/* No legal monsters */
	if (total <= 0) return NULL;

	/* Pick a monster */
	race = get_mon_race_aux(total, table);

	/* Try for a "harder" monster once (50%) or twice (10%) */
	p = randint0(100);

	if (p < 60) {
		struct monster_race *old = race;

		/* Pick a new monster */
		race = get_mon_race_aux(total, table);

		/* Keep the deepest one */
		if (race->level < old->level) race = old;

	/* Try for a "harder" monster twice (10%) */
	if (p < 10) {
		struct monster_race *old = race;

		/* Pick a monster */
		race = get_mon_race_aux(total, table);

		/* Keep the deepest one */
		if (race->level < old->level) race = old;

	/* Result */
	return race;
Exemple #2
 * Chooses a monster race that seems "appropriate" to the given level
 * This function uses the "prob2" field of the "monster allocation table",
 * and various local information, to calculate the "prob3" field of the
 * same table, which is then used to choose an "appropriate" monster, in
 * a relatively efficient manner.
 * Note that "town" monsters will *only* be created in the town, and
 * "normal" monsters will *never* be created in the town, unless the
 * "level" is "modified", for example, by polymorph or summoning.
 * There is a small chance (1/50) of "boosting" the given depth by
 * a small amount (up to four levels), except in the town.
 * It is (slightly) more likely to acquire a monster of the given level
 * than one of a lower level.  This is done by choosing several monsters
 * appropriate to the given level and keeping the "hardest" one.
 * Note that if no monsters are "appropriate", then this function will
 * fail, and return zero, but this should *almost* never happen.
monster_race *get_mon_num(int level)
	int i, p;

	long total;

	monster_race *race;

	alloc_entry *table = alloc_race_table;

	/* Occasionally produce a nastier monster in the dungeon */
	if (level > 0 && one_in_(NASTY_MON))
		level += MIN(level / 4 + 2, MON_OOD_MAX);

	total = 0L;

	/* Process probabilities */
	for (i = 0; i < alloc_race_size; i++) {
		/* Monsters are sorted by depth */
		if (table[i].level > level) break;

		/* Default */
		table[i].prob3 = 0;

		/* No town monsters in dungeon */
		if ((level > 0) && (table[i].level <= 0)) continue;

		/* Get the chosen monster */
		race = &r_info[table[i].index];

		/* Only one copy of a a unique must be around at the same time */
		if (rf_has(race->flags, RF_UNIQUE) && 
				race->cur_num >= race->max_num)

		/* Some monsters never appear out of depth */
		if (rf_has(race->flags, RF_FORCE_DEPTH) && 
				race->level > p_ptr->depth)

		/* Accept */
		table[i].prob3 = table[i].prob2;

		/* Total */
		total += table[i].prob3;

	/* No legal monsters */
	if (total <= 0) return NULL;

	/* Pick a monster */
	race = get_mon_race_aux(total, table);

	/* Try for a "harder" monster once (50%) or twice (10%) */
	p = randint0(100);
	if (p < 60) {
		monster_race *old = race;

		/* Pick a new monster */
		race = get_mon_race_aux(total, table);

		/* Keep the deepest one */
		if (race->level < old->level) race = old;

	/* Try for a "harder" monster twice (10%) */
	if (p < 10) {
		monster_race *old = race;

		/* Pick a monster */
		race = get_mon_race_aux(total, table);

		/* Keep the deepest one */
		if (race->level < old->level) race = old;

	/* Result */
	return race;