Exemple #1
  int i,j;
  int elem_count;
  char *elem_name;

  /*** Read in the original PLY object ***/

  in_ply = read_ply (stdin);

  for (i = 0; i < in_ply->num_elem_types; i++) {

    /* prepare to read the i'th list of elements */
    elem_name = setup_element_read_ply (in_ply, i, &elem_count);

    if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)) {

      /* create a vertex list to hold all the vertices */
      vlist = (Vertex **) malloc (sizeof (Vertex *) * elem_count);
      nverts = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting vertex elements */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[0]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[1]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[2]);
      vert_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab all the vertex elements */
      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        vlist[j] = (Vertex *) malloc (sizeof (Vertex));
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) vlist[j]);
      get_other_element_ply (in_ply);

  close_ply (in_ply);
Exemple #2
  int i,j;
  int elem_count;
  char *elem_name;
  PlyFile *in_ply;

  /*** Read in the original PLY object ***/

  in_ply  = read_ply (stdin);

  for (i = 0; i < in_ply->num_elem_types; i++) {

    /* prepare to read the i'th list of elements */
    elem_name = setup_element_read_ply (in_ply, i, &elem_count);

    if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)) {

      /* create a vertex list to hold all the vertices */
      vlist = (Vertex **) malloc (sizeof (Vertex *) * elem_count);
      nverts = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting vertex elements */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[0]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[1]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[2]);

      for (j = 0; j < in_ply->elems[i]->nprops; j++) {
	PlyProperty *prop;
	prop = in_ply->elems[i]->props[j];
	if (equal_strings ("r", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[3]);
	  per_vertex_color = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("g", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[4]);
	  per_vertex_color = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("b", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[5]);
	  per_vertex_color = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("nx", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[6]);
	  has_normals = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("ny", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[7]);
	  has_normals = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("nz", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[8]);
	  has_normals = 1;

      vert_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab all the vertex elements */
      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        vlist[j] = (Vertex *) malloc (sizeof (Vertex));
	vlist[j]->r = 1;
	vlist[j]->g = 1;
	vlist[j]->b = 1;
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) vlist[j]);
    else if (equal_strings ("face", elem_name)) {

      /* create a list to hold all the face elements */
      flist = (Face **) malloc (sizeof (Face *) * elem_count);
      nfaces = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting face elements */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &face_props[0]);
      face_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab all the face elements */
      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        flist[j] = (Face *) malloc (sizeof (Face));
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) flist[j]);
      get_other_element_ply (in_ply);

  close_ply (in_ply);
  free_ply (in_ply);
Exemple #3
  int i,j;
  int elem_count;
  char *elem_name;

  /*** Read in the original PLY object ***/

  in_ply = read_ply (stdin);

  /* examine each element type that is in the file (vertex, face) */

  for (i = 0; i < in_ply->num_elem_types; i++) {

    /* prepare to read the i'th list of elements */
    elem_name = setup_element_read_ply (in_ply, i, &elem_count);

    if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)) {

      /* create a vertex list to hold all the vertices */
      vlist = (Vertex **) malloc (sizeof (Vertex *) * elem_count);
      nverts = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting vertex elements */
      /* (we want x,y,z) */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[0]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[1]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[2]);

      /* we also want normal information if it is there (nx,ny,nz) */

      for (j = 0; j < in_ply->elems[i]->nprops; j++) {
	PlyProperty *prop;
	prop = in_ply->elems[i]->props[j];
	if (equal_strings ("nx", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[3]);
	  has_nx = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("ny", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[4]);
	  has_ny = 1;
	if (equal_strings ("nz", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[5]);
	  has_nz = 1;

      /* also grab anything else that we don't need to know about */

      vert_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab the vertex elements and store them in our list */

      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        vlist[j] = (Vertex *) malloc (sizeof (Vertex));
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) vlist[j]);
    else if (equal_strings ("face", elem_name)) {

      /* create a list to hold all the face elements */
      flist = (Face **) malloc (sizeof (Face *) * elem_count);
      nfaces = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting face elements */
      /* (all we need are vertex indices) */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &face_props[0]);
      face_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab all the face elements and place them in our list */

      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        flist[j] = (Face *) malloc (sizeof (Face));
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) flist[j]);
    else  /* all non-vertex and non-face elements are grabbed here */
      get_other_element_ply (in_ply);

  /* close the file */
  /* (we won't free up the memory for in_ply because we will use it */
  /*  to help describe the file that we will write out) */

  close_ply (in_ply);
Exemple #4
TrisetObject::loadPLY(QString flnm)
  m_position = Vec(0,0,0);
  m_scale = Vec(1,1,1);

  typedef struct Vertex {
    float x,y,z;
    float r,g,b;
    float nx,ny,nz;
    void *other_props;       /* other properties */
  } Vertex;

  typedef struct Face {
    unsigned char nverts;    /* number of vertex indices in list */
    int *verts;              /* vertex index list */
    void *other_props;       /* other properties */
  } Face;

  PlyProperty vert_props[] = { /* list of property information for a vertex */
    {"x", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"y", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"z", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,z), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"red", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,r), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"green", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,g), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"blue", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,b), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"nx", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,nx), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"ny", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,ny), 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {"nz", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,nz), 0, 0, 0, 0},

  PlyProperty face_props[] = { /* list of property information for a face */
    {"vertex_indices", Int32, Int32, offsetof(Face,verts),
     1, Uint8, Uint8, offsetof(Face,nverts)},

  /*** the PLY object ***/

  int nverts,nfaces;
  Vertex **vlist;
  Face **flist;

  PlyOtherProp *vert_other,*face_other;

  bool per_vertex_color = false;
  bool has_normals = false;

  int i,j;
  int elem_count;
  char *elem_name;
  PlyFile *in_ply;

  /*** Read in the original PLY object ***/
  FILE *fp = fopen(flnm.toAscii().data(), "rb");

  in_ply  = read_ply (fp);

  for (i = 0; i < in_ply->num_elem_types; i++) {

    /* prepare to read the i'th list of elements */
    elem_name = setup_element_read_ply (in_ply, i, &elem_count);

    if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)) {

      /* create a vertex list to hold all the vertices */
      vlist = (Vertex **) malloc (sizeof (Vertex *) * elem_count);
      nverts = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting vertex elements */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[0]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[1]);
      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[2]);

      for (j = 0; j < in_ply->elems[i]->nprops; j++) {
	PlyProperty *prop;
	prop = in_ply->elems[i]->props[j];
	if (equal_strings ("r", prop->name) ||
	    equal_strings ("red", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[3]);
	  per_vertex_color = true;
	if (equal_strings ("g", prop->name) ||
	    equal_strings ("green", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[4]);
	  per_vertex_color = true;
	if (equal_strings ("b", prop->name) ||
	    equal_strings ("blue", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[5]);
	  per_vertex_color = true;
	if (equal_strings ("nx", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[6]);
	  has_normals = true;
	if (equal_strings ("ny", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[7]);
	  has_normals = true;
	if (equal_strings ("nz", prop->name)) {
	  setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[8]);
	  has_normals = true;

      vert_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab all the vertex elements */
      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        vlist[j] = (Vertex *) malloc (sizeof (Vertex));
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) vlist[j]);
    else if (equal_strings ("face", elem_name)) {

      /* create a list to hold all the face elements */
      flist = (Face **) malloc (sizeof (Face *) * elem_count);
      nfaces = elem_count;

      /* set up for getting face elements */

      setup_property_ply (in_ply, &face_props[0]);
      face_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, 

      /* grab all the face elements */
      for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
        flist[j] = (Face *) malloc (sizeof (Face));
        get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) flist[j]);
      get_other_element_ply (in_ply);

  close_ply (in_ply);
  free_ply (in_ply);
  if (Global::volumeType() == Global::DummyVolume)
      float minX, maxX;
      float minY, maxY;
      float minZ, maxZ;
      minX = maxX = vlist[0]->x;
      minY = maxY = vlist[0]->y;
      minZ = maxZ = vlist[0]->z;
      for(int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
	  minX = qMin(minX, vlist[i]->x);
	  maxX = qMax(maxX, vlist[i]->x);
	  minY = qMin(minY, vlist[i]->y);
	  maxY = qMax(maxY, vlist[i]->y);
	  minZ = qMin(minZ, vlist[i]->z);
	  maxZ = qMax(maxZ, vlist[i]->z);
      minX = floor(minX);
      minY = floor(minY);
      minZ = floor(minZ);
      maxX = ceil(maxX);
      maxY = ceil(maxY);
      maxZ = ceil(maxZ);
      int h = maxX-minX+1;
      int w = maxY-minY+1;
      int d = maxZ-minZ+1;

      m_nX = d;
      m_nY = w;
      m_nZ = h;
      m_position = Vec(-minX, -minY, -minZ);

//      bool ok;
//      QString text = QInputDialog::getText(0,
//					   "Please enter grid size",
//					   "Grid Size",
//					   QLineEdit::Normal,
//					   QString("%1 %2 %3").\
//					   arg(d).arg(w).arg(h),
//					   &ok);
//      if (!ok || text.isEmpty())
//	{
//	  QMessageBox::critical(0, "Cannot load PLY", "No grid");
//	  return false;
//	}
//      int nx=0;
//      int ny=0;
//      int nz=0;
//      QStringList gs = text.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
//      if (gs.count() > 0) nx = gs[0].toInt();
//      if (gs.count() > 1) ny = gs[1].toInt();
//      if (gs.count() > 2) nz = gs[2].toInt();
//      if (nx > 0 && ny > 0 && nz > 0)
//	{
//	  m_nX = nx;
//	  m_nY = ny;
//	  m_nZ = nz;
//	}
//      else
//	{
//	  QMessageBox::critical(0, "Cannot load triset", "No grid");
//	  return false;
//	}
//      if (d == m_nX && w == m_nY && h == m_nZ)
//	m_position = Vec(-minX, -minY, -minZ);
      Vec dim = VolumeInformation::volumeInformation(0).dimensions;
      m_nZ = dim.x;
      m_nY = dim.y;
      m_nX = dim.z;

  for(int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
    m_vertices[i] = Vec(vlist[i]->x,

  if (has_normals)
      for(int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
	m_normals[i] = Vec(vlist[i]->nx,

  if (per_vertex_color)
      for(int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
	m_vcolor[i] = Vec(vlist[i]->r/255.0f,

  // only triangles considered
  int ntri=0;
  for (int i=0; i<nfaces; i++)
      if (flist[i]->nverts >= 3)

  int tri=0;
  for(int i=0; i<nfaces; i++)
      if (flist[i]->nverts >= 3)
	  m_triangles[3*tri+0] = flist[i]->verts[0];
	  m_triangles[3*tri+1] = flist[i]->verts[1];
	  m_triangles[3*tri+2] = flist[i]->verts[2];


  Vec bmin = m_vertices[0];
  Vec bmax = m_vertices[0];
  for(int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
      bmin = StaticFunctions::minVec(bmin, m_vertices[i]);
      bmax = StaticFunctions::maxVec(bmax, m_vertices[i]);
  m_centroid = (bmin + bmax)/2;

  m_enclosingBox[0] = Vec(bmin.x, bmin.y, bmin.z);
  m_enclosingBox[1] = Vec(bmax.x, bmin.y, bmin.z);
  m_enclosingBox[2] = Vec(bmax.x, bmax.y, bmin.z);
  m_enclosingBox[3] = Vec(bmin.x, bmax.y, bmin.z);
  m_enclosingBox[4] = Vec(bmin.x, bmin.y, bmax.z);
  m_enclosingBox[5] = Vec(bmax.x, bmin.y, bmax.z);
  m_enclosingBox[6] = Vec(bmax.x, bmax.y, bmax.z);
  m_enclosingBox[7] = Vec(bmin.x, bmax.y, bmax.z);

  m_pointStep = qMax(1, nverts/50000);

//  QMessageBox::information(0, "", QString("%1 %2 %3\n%4 %5").	\
//			   arg(m_nX).arg(m_nY).arg(m_nZ).	\
//			   arg(m_vertices.count()).		\
//			   arg(m_triangles.count()/3));

  m_fileName = flnm;

  return true;
Exemple #5
int CTriangleObj::_loadPLYFile(FILE *fp)
	Vector3i*& m_pTriangle = (Vector3i*&)m_pPolygon;
	int i, j, elem_count, nverts, nfaces;
	char *elem_name, buff[200];
	Vertex vlist;
	Face flist;
	PlyOtherProp *vert_other,*face_other;
	PlyProperty vert_props[] = { /* list of property information for a vertex */
		{"x", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"y", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"z", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,z), 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"nx", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,nx), 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"ny", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,ny), 0, 0, 0, 0},
		{"nz", Float32, Float32, offsetof(Vertex,nz), 0, 0, 0, 0},
	char *elem_names[] = { /* list of the kinds of elements in the user's object */
		"vertex", "face"

	PlyProperty face_props[] = { /* list of property information for a face */
		{"vertex_indices", Int32, Int32, offsetof(Face,verts), 1, Uint8, Uint8, offsetof(Face,nverts)},

	/*** Read in the original PLY object ***/
	PlyFile *in_ply = read_ply (fp);
	if (in_ply==NULL) return 0;

	for (i = 0; i < in_ply->num_elem_types; i++){
		/* prepare to read the i'th list of elements */
		elem_name = setup_element_read_ply (in_ply, i, &elem_count);
		if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)){
			/* create a vertex list to hold all the vertices */
			m_nVertexCount = nverts = elem_count;
			m_pVertex = new Vector3d [m_nVertexCount];
			/* set up for getting vertex elements */
			setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[0]);
			setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[1]);
			setup_property_ply (in_ply, &vert_props[2]);
			vert_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, offsetof(Vertex,other_props));
			/* grab all the vertex elements */
			for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
				get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) &vlist);
				Vector3d *p = &m_pVertex[j];
				p->x = vlist.x;
				p->y = vlist.y;
				p->z = vlist.z;
		else if (equal_strings ("face", elem_name)) {
			m_nPolygonCount = nfaces = elem_count;
			/* create a list to hold all the face elements */
			m_pTriangle = new Vector3i[m_nPolygonCount];
			/* set up for getting face elements */
			setup_property_ply (in_ply, &face_props[0]);
			face_other = get_other_properties_ply (in_ply, offsetof(Face,other_props));
			/* grab all the face elements */
			for (j = 0; j < elem_count; j++) {
				get_element_ply (in_ply, (void *) &flist);
				if (flist.nverts !=3){
					sprintf(buff, "Found a face with %d vertices!\n", (int)flist.nverts);
				Vector3i *ptri = &m_pTriangle[j];
				ptri->x = flist.verts[0];
				ptri->y = flist.verts[2];
				ptri->z = flist.verts[1];
		else if (equal_strings ("tristrips", elem_name)) {
			int *ibuff = _readTriangleStrip(fp, elem_count);
			m_pTriangle=_parseStrip2Triangles(ibuff, elem_count, m_nPolygonCount);
			delete [] ibuff;
			get_other_element_ply (in_ply);

	close_ply (in_ply);
	return 1;