Exemple #1
int dcolusion()
	Uint32 pixel; 
    	Uint8 r,g,b;
	for (int x=0;x<14;x++)
		for (int y=0;y<16;y++)
			pixel = get_pixel32(screen,pacman->x+x,pacman->y+y+2);
			if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b==0xff) return 1;
			if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) 
				pixel = get_pixel32(screen,pacman->x+x,pacman->y+y+3);
	return 0;
Exemple #2
SDL_Surface *load_image_mem(void *mem, int size)
	SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL;
	SDL_Surface* tvimage;
	SDL_Surface* timage;
	SDL_RWops	*rw_out;

    	rw_out = SDL_RWFromMem(mem, size); 
    	tvimage = IMG_Load_RW(rw_out, 0);

	timage = SDL_DisplayFormat( tvimage ); 

        optimizedImage = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE,  timage->w, timage->h,  timage->format->BitsPerPixel,  timage->format->Rmask,  timage->format->Gmask,  timage->format->Bmask,timage->format->Amask );
    //Copy color key
       Uint32 colorkey = SDL_MapRGB( timage->format, 0xde, 0x97, 0x47 );

       SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, colorkey );
       if( SDL_MUSTLOCK( timage ) )
       		 //Lock the surface
       		SDL_LockSurface( timage );

       for (int x=0;x <  timage->w;x++)
       		for (int y=0;y <  timage->h;y++)
			Uint32 pixel = get_pixel32( timage, x, y );
			put_pixel32( optimizedImage,  x,y, pixel );

       if( SDL_MUSTLOCK( timage ) )
       		SDL_UnlockSurface( timage );

	SDL_FreeSurface( tvimage );
	SDL_FreeSurface( timage );
	return optimizedImage;
Exemple #3
SDL_Surface *flip_surface(SDL_Surface *surface, int flags)
  SDL_Surface *flipped = NULL;

  // Alpha? Colour-keyed?
  Uint32 amask = (surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) ? 0 : surface->format->Amask;
  flipped = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, surface->w, surface->h,

  printf("w=%d, h=%d\n", flipped->w, flipped->h);

  // Lock surface if need be

  for(size_t x = 0, rx = flipped->w-1; x < (size_t)flipped->w; x++, rx--)
  for(size_t y = 0, ry = flipped->h-1; y < (size_t)flipped->h; y++, ry--)
    size_t dest_x = (flags & FLIP_HORIZONTAL) ? rx : x,
            dest_y = (flags & FLIP_VERTICAL) ? ry : y;
    set_pixel32(flipped, dest_x, dest_y, get_pixel32(surface, x, y));

  // Unlock surface if need be

  // Copy colour-key
  if(surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY)
    SDL_SetColorKey(flipped, SDL_RLEACCEL|SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, surface->format->colorkey);

  // finished :)
  return flipped;
Exemple #4
bool CollisionAtPixel (int X, int Y, SDL_Surface* surface, int face)
	Uint8 r,g,b;
	Uint32 xxx;
	int DisplacementX = 0;
	int DisplacementY = 0;
	switch (face)
	case 1:DisplacementY = -1;break;
	case 2:DisplacementX = -1;break;
	case 3:DisplacementY = 1;break;
	case 4:DisplacementX = 1;break;
	SDL_LockSurface(surface); //lock the surface
	xxx = get_pixel32(surface,X+DisplacementX,Y+DisplacementY); // get the pixel colour on the surface at the x,y cor-ords
	SDL_UnlockSurface(surface); // unlock the surface
	SDL_GetRGB ( xxx , surface->format, &r, &g, &b); // convert the colour to RGB values
	if(r != 0 && g != 0 && b != 0)
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #5
int load_font(struct font* font, const char* filepath, int ncols, int nrows)
    uint32_t* pixels = NULL;
    int pitch = 0;
    uint32_t bg_color;
    int cell_w, cell_h, top, base_a, curr_char;
    int rows;
    int i;

    if (init_image_from_file(&font->image, filepath) == -1) return -1;
    if ((font->image.width / ncols) * (font->image.height / nrows) >
        return -1;
    if (lock_image(&font->image, (void**)&pixels, &pitch) == -1) return -1;

    bg_color = pixels[0];

    cell_w = font->image.width / ncols;
    cell_h = font->image.height / nrows;

    top = cell_h;
    base_a = cell_h;

    curr_char = 0;

    for (rows = 0; rows < nrows; ++rows) {
        int cols;
        for (cols = 0; cols < ncols; ++cols) {
            int p_col, p_row;
            font->chars_rects[curr_char].x = cell_w * cols;
            font->chars_rects[curr_char].y = cell_h * rows;

            font->chars_rects[curr_char].w = cell_w;
            font->chars_rects[curr_char].h = cell_h;

            for (p_col = 0; p_col < cell_w; ++p_col) {
                for (p_row = 0; p_row < cell_h; ++p_row) {
                    int px = (cell_w * cols) + p_col;
                    int py = (cell_h * rows) + p_row;

                    if (get_pixel32(pixels, pitch, px, py) != bg_color) {
                        font->chars_rects[curr_char].x = px;
                        p_col = cell_w;
                        p_row = cell_h;

            for (p_col = cell_w - 1; p_col >= 0; --p_col) {
                for (p_row = 0; p_row < cell_h; ++p_row) {
                    int px = (cell_w * cols) + p_col;
                    int py = (cell_h * rows) + p_row;

                    if (get_pixel32(pixels, pitch, px, py) != bg_color) {
                        font->chars_rects[curr_char].w =
                        (px - font->chars_rects[curr_char].x) + 1;
                        p_col = -1;
                        p_row = cell_h;

            for (p_row = 0; p_row < cell_h; ++p_row) {
                for (p_col = 0; p_col < cell_w; ++p_col) {
                    int px = (cell_w * cols) + p_col;
                    int py = (cell_h * rows) + p_row;

                    if (get_pixel32(pixels, pitch, px, py) != bg_color) {
                        if (p_row < top) {
                            top = p_row;
                        /* Break the loops */
                        p_col = cell_w;
                        p_row = cell_h;

            if (curr_char == 'A') {
                for (p_row = cell_h - 1; p_row >= 0; --p_row) {
                    for (p_col = 0; p_col < cell_w; ++p_col) {
                        int px = (cell_w * cols) + p_col;
                        int py = (cell_h * rows) + p_row;

                        if (get_pixel32(pixels, pitch, px, py) != bg_color) {
                            base_a = p_row;
                            p_col = cell_w;
                            p_row = -1;


    font->space_width = cell_w / 2;
    font->line_height = base_a - top + 2;
    font->char_spacing = 0;
    font->line_spacing = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < ncols * nrows; ++i) {
        font->chars_rects[i].y += top;
        font->chars_rects[i].h -= top;

    return 0;
Exemple #6
SDL_Surface *flip_surface( SDL_Surface *surface, int flags )
    //Pointer to the soon to be flipped surface
    SDL_Surface *flipped = NULL;

    //If the image is color keyed
    if( surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY )
        flipped = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, surface->w, surface->h, surface->format->BitsPerPixel, surface->format->Rmask, surface->format->Gmask, surface->format->Bmask, 0 );
        flipped = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, surface->w, surface->h, surface->format->BitsPerPixel, surface->format->Rmask, surface->format->Gmask, surface->format->Bmask, surface->format->Amask );

    //If the surface must be locked
    if( SDL_MUSTLOCK( surface ) )
        //Lock the surface
        SDL_LockSurface( surface );

    //Go through columns
    for( int x = 0, rx = flipped->w - 1; x < flipped->w; x++, rx-- )
        //Go through rows
        for( int y = 0, ry = flipped->h - 1; y < flipped->h; y++, ry-- )
            //Get pixel
            Uint32 pixel = get_pixel32( surface, x, y );

            //Copy pixel
            if( ( flags & FLIP_VERTICAL ) && ( flags & FLIP_HORIZONTAL ) )
                put_pixel32( flipped, rx, ry, pixel );
            else if( flags & FLIP_HORIZONTAL )
                put_pixel32( flipped, rx, y, pixel );
            else if( flags & FLIP_VERTICAL )
                put_pixel32( flipped, x, ry, pixel );

    //Unlock surface
    if( SDL_MUSTLOCK( surface ) )
        SDL_UnlockSurface( surface );

    //Copy color key
    if( surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY )
        SDL_SetColorKey( flipped, SDL_RLEACCEL | SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, surface->format->colorkey );

    //Return flipped surface
    return flipped;
Exemple #7
void BitmapFont::build_font( SDL_Surface *surface )
    //Si la surface est NULL
    if( surface == NULL )

    //Recupere le bitmap
    bitmap = surface;

    //Mise en place de la couleur du background (fond)
    Uint32 bgColor = SDL_MapRGB( bitmap->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF );

    //Dimension des cellules
    int cellW = bitmap->w / 16;
    int cellH = bitmap->h / 16;

    //Le caractere courant
    int currentChar = 0;

    //On parcours les lignes des cellules
    for( int rows = 0; rows < 16; rows++ )
        //On parcours les colonnes des cellules
        for( int cols = 0; cols < 16; cols++ )
            //caractere courant
            chars[ currentChar ].x = cellW * cols;
            chars[ currentChar ].y = cellH * rows;

            //Mise en place des dimensions du caractere
            chars[ currentChar ].w = cellW;
            chars[ currentChar ].h = cellH;

            //On parcours les colonnes des pixels
            for( int pCol = 0; pCol < cellW; pCol++ )
                //On parcours les lignes des pixels
                for( int pRow = 0; pRow < cellH; pRow++ )
                    //Recupere les coordonnees du pixel
                    int pX = ( cellW * cols ) + pCol;
                    int pY = ( cellH * rows ) + pRow;

                    //Si un pixel non "colorkey" est trouve
                    if( get_pixel32( pX, pY, bitmap ) != bgColor )
                        //Coordonnee x
                        chars[ currentChar ].x = pX;

                        //On arrete la boucle
                        pCol = cellW;
                        pRow = cellH;

            //On parcours les colonnes des pixels
            for( int pCol_w = cellW - 1; pCol_w >= 0; pCol_w-- )
                //On parcours les lignes des pixels
                for( int pRow_w = 0; pRow_w < cellH; pRow_w++ )
                    //Recupere les coordonnees du pixel
                    int pX = ( cellW * cols ) + pCol_w;
                    int pY = ( cellH * rows ) + pRow_w;

                    //Si un pixel non "colorkey" est trouve
                    if( get_pixel32( pX, pY, bitmap ) != bgColor )
                        //longueur du caractere courant
                        chars[ currentChar ].w = ( pX - chars[ currentChar ].x ) + 1;

                        //On arrete la boucle
                        pCol_w = -1;
                        pRow_w = cellH;

            //caractere suivant
Exemple #8
int main( int argc, char* args[] )
	img_t in, gauss, out;

	hough_t HT = {0};
	lines_t lv = {0};
	roi_t ROI = {0,0, 640, 480};
	HT.l = &lv;
	in.w = out.w = gauss.w = IMG_W;
	in.h = out.h = gauss.h = IMG_H;
	in.r = out.r = gauss.r = &ROI;

		unsigned char in_img_data[IMG_W * IMG_H] = {0};
		unsigned char gauss_img_data[IMG_W * IMG_H] = {0};
		unsigned char out_img_data[IMG_W * IMG_H] = {0};
		unsigned int hough_accumulator[(int)(IMG_W*1.4142)*180];
		in.d = in_img_data;
		gauss.d = gauss_img_data;
		out.d = out_img_data;
		HT.accu = hough_accumulator;
		in.d = malloc(in.w * in.h * sizeof(unsigned char));
		gauss.d = malloc(gauss.w * gauss.h * sizeof(unsigned char));
		out.d = malloc(out.w * out.h * sizeof(unsigned char));
		HT.accu = malloc((int)(IMG_W*1.4142)*180 * sizeof(unsigned int));

		if(in.d && gauss.d && out.d){
			#if DEBUG
				printf("memory OK\n");

		SDL_Surface* screen = NULL;
		SDL_Surface* input_img = NULL;
		screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(IMG_W, IMG_H, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
		input_img = SDL_LoadBMP("input.bmp");
		SDL_BlitSurface(input_img, NULL, screen, NULL);
			unsigned int i, j;
			Uint32 p;
			for(i=0; i<IMG_H; i++){
				for(j=0; j<IMG_W; j++){
					in.d[i*in.w + j] = (unsigned char)get_pixel32(screen, j, i);



	clock_t start = clock();

	unsigned int i;
	for(i=0; i<ITERATIONS; i++){
		gaussian_noise_reduce(&in, &gauss);	/* Pre-edge detection: some blurring */
		canny_edge_detect(&gauss, &out);	/* Actual edge detection */
		hough_transform(&out, &HT); /* Transform */
		hough_getlines(HT.max/3, &HT); /* Analyze the accumulator, fill the detected lines */

	printf("Hough transform - time elapsed: %f\n", ((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	#if DEBUG
		printf("Accumulator info:\n \timage \tw: %d, h: %d\n", HT.img_w, HT.img_h);
		printf("\taccum \tw: %d, h: %d, max: %d\n", HT.w, HT.h, HT.max);

	#if DRAW_ACCUM /* Draw the accumulator */
		screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(HT.w, HT.h, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE); /* Set the window to accumulator's size */
			unsigned int i, j;
			Uint32 p;
			for(i=0; i<HT.h; i++){ /* Loop through every pixel */
				for(j=0; j<HT.w; j++){
					p = 0xff*(1-(float)HT.accu[i*HT.w + j]/(float)HT.max); /* Maximize contrast */
					put_pixel32(screen, j, i, (0xff000000 | (p << 16) | (p << 8) | p)); /* Draw each pixel */
		SDL_Flip(screen); /* Flush to window */

		#if WAIT_KEY

		screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(IMG_W, IMG_H, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE);
			unsigned int i, j;
			Uint32 p;
			for(i=0; i<IMG_H; i++){
				for(j=0; j<IMG_W; j++){
					p = out.d[i*out.w + j];
					put_pixel32(screen, j, i, (0xff000000 | (p << 16) | (p << 8) | p));

			for(i=0; i<HT.l->count; i++){ /* Draw all the detected lines */
				lineRGBA(screen, HT.l->l[i].x1, HT.l->l[i].y1, HT.l->l[i].x2, HT.l->l[i].y2, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff);

		#if WAIT_KEY




 return 0;