Exemple #1
char *
get_empty_ruleset_policy(const char *rulesetname)
	t_firewall_ruleset *rs;
	rs = get_ruleset(rulesetname);
	if(rs == NULL) return NULL;
	return rs->emptyrulesetpolicy;
Exemple #2
/** Remove mark when auth server is reachable again */
    int got_authdown_ruleset = NULL == get_ruleset(FWRULESET_AUTH_IS_DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        return iptables_do_command("-t mangle -F " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
        return 1;
Exemple #3
/** Set a mark when auth server is not reachable */
iptables_fw_auth_unreachable(int tag)
    int got_authdown_ruleset = NULL == get_ruleset(FWRULESET_AUTH_IS_DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        return iptables_do_command("-t mangle -A " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN " -j MARK --set-mark 0x%u/0x00ff", tag);
        return 1;
Exemple #4
t_firewall_rule *
get_ruleset_list(const char *ruleset)
	t_firewall_ruleset	*tmp = get_ruleset(ruleset);

	if (tmp == NULL) return NULL;

	return (tmp->rules);
Exemple #5
/** @internal
Parses an empty ruleset policy directive
static void
parse_empty_ruleset_policy(char *ptr, const char *filename, int lineno)
	char *rulesetname, *policy;
	t_firewall_ruleset *ruleset;

	/* find first whitespace delimited word; this is ruleset name */
	while ((*ptr != '\0') && (isblank(*ptr))) ptr++;
	rulesetname = ptr;
	while ((*ptr != '\0') && (!isblank(*ptr))) ptr++;
	*ptr = '\0';

	/* get the ruleset struct with this name; error if it doesn't exist */
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing EmptyRuleSetPolicy for %s", rulesetname);
	ruleset = get_ruleset(rulesetname);
	if(ruleset == NULL) {
		debug(LOG_ERR, "Unrecognized FirewallRuleSet name: %s at line %d in %s", rulesetname, lineno, filename);
		debug(LOG_ERR, "Exiting...");

	/* find next whitespace delimited word; this is policy name */
	while ((*ptr != '\0') && (isblank(*ptr))) ptr++;
	policy = ptr;
	while ((*ptr != '\0') && (!isblank(*ptr))) ptr++;
	*ptr = '\0';

	/* make sure policy is one of the possible ones:
	 "passthrough" means iptables RETURN
	 "allow" means iptables ACCEPT
	 "block" means iptables REJECT
	if (ruleset->emptyrulesetpolicy != NULL) free(ruleset->emptyrulesetpolicy);
	if(!strcasecmp(policy,"passthrough")) {
		ruleset->emptyrulesetpolicy =  safe_strdup("RETURN");
	} else if (!strcasecmp(policy,"allow")) {
		ruleset->emptyrulesetpolicy =  safe_strdup("ACCEPT");
	} else if (!strcasecmp(policy,"block")) {
		ruleset->emptyrulesetpolicy =  safe_strdup("REJECT");
	} else {
		debug(LOG_ERR, "Unknown EmptyRuleSetPolicy directive: %s at line %d in %s", policy, lineno, filename);
		debug(LOG_ERR, "Exiting...");

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Set EmptyRuleSetPolicy for %s to %s", rulesetname, policy);
 * @internal
 * Load all the rules in a rule set.
 * @arg ruleset Name of the ruleset
 * @arg table Table containing the chain.
 * @arg chain IPTables chain the rules go into
	static void
iptables_load_ruleset(const char * table, const char *ruleset, const char *chain)
	t_firewall_rule		*rule;
	char			*cmd;

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Load ruleset %s into table %s, chain %s", ruleset, table, chain);

	for (rule = get_ruleset(ruleset); rule != NULL; rule = rule->next) {
		cmd = iptables_compile(table, chain, rule);
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Loading rule \"%s\" into table %s, chain %s", cmd, table, chain);

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Ruleset %s loaded into table %s, chain %s", ruleset, table, chain);
Exemple #7
/** Add a firewall ruleset with the given name, and return it.
 *  Do not allow duplicates. */
t_firewall_ruleset *
add_ruleset(const char rulesetname[])
	t_firewall_ruleset * ruleset;

	ruleset = get_ruleset(rulesetname);

	if(ruleset != NULL) {
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, "add_ruleset(): FirewallRuleSet %s already exists.", rulesetname);
		return ruleset;

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "add_ruleset(): Creating FirewallRuleSet %s.", rulesetname);

	/* Create and place at head of config.rulesets */
	ruleset = safe_malloc(sizeof(t_firewall_ruleset));
	memset(ruleset, 0, sizeof(t_firewall_ruleset));
	ruleset->name = safe_strdup(rulesetname);
	ruleset->next = config.rulesets;
	config.rulesets = ruleset;

	return ruleset;
/** The 404 handler is also responsible for redirecting to the auth server */
http_callback_404(httpd * webserver, request * r, int error_code)
    char tmp_url[MAX_BUF], *url, *mac;
    s_config *config = config_get_config();
    t_auth_serv *auth_server = get_auth_server();

    memset(tmp_url, 0, sizeof(tmp_url));
     * XXX Note the code below assumes that the client's request is a plain
     * http request to a standard port. At any rate, this handler is called only
     * if the internet/auth server is down so it's not a huge loss, but still.
    snprintf(tmp_url, (sizeof(tmp_url) - 1), "http://%s%s%s%s",
             r->request.host, r->request.path, r->request.query[0] ? "?" : "", r->request.query);
    url = httpdUrlEncode(tmp_url);

    if (!is_online()) {
        /* The internet connection is down at the moment  - apologize and do not redirect anywhere */
        char *buf;
                      "<p>We apologize, but it seems that the internet connection that powers this hotspot is temporarily unavailable.</p>"
                      "<p>If at all possible, please notify the owners of this hotspot that the internet connection is out of service.</p>"
                      "<p>The maintainers of this network are aware of this disruption.  We hope that this situation will be resolved soon.</p>"
                      "<p>In a while please <a href='%s'>click here</a> to try your request again.</p>", tmp_url);

        send_http_page(r, "Uh oh! Internet access unavailable!", buf);
        debug(LOG_INFO, "Sent %s an apology since I am not online - no point sending them to auth server",
    } else if (!is_auth_online()) {
        /* The auth server is down at the moment - apologize and do not redirect anywhere */
        char *buf;
                      "<p>We apologize, but it seems that we are currently unable to re-direct you to the login screen.</p>"
                      "<p>The maintainers of this network are aware of this disruption.  We hope that this situation will be resolved soon.</p>"
                      "<p>In a couple of minutes please <a href='%s'>click here</a> to try your request again.</p>",

        send_http_page(r, "Uh oh! Login screen unavailable!", buf);
        debug(LOG_INFO, "Sent %s an apology since auth server not online - no point sending them to auth server",
    } else {
        /* Re-direct them to auth server */
        char *urlFragment;

        if (!(mac = arp_get(r->clientAddr))) {
            /* We could not get their MAC address */
            debug(LOG_INFO, "Failed to retrieve MAC address for ip %s, so not putting in the login request",
            safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%sgw_address=%s&gw_port=%d&gw_id=%s&ip=%s&url=%s",
                          auth_server->authserv_login_script_path_fragment, config->gw_address, config->gw_port,
                          config->gw_id, r->clientAddr, url);
        } else {
            debug(LOG_INFO, "Got client MAC address for ip %s: %s", r->clientAddr, mac);
            safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%sgw_address=%s&gw_port=%d&gw_id=%s&ip=%s&mac=%s&url=%s",
                          config->gw_address, config->gw_port, config->gw_id, r->clientAddr, mac, url);

        // if host is not in whitelist, maybe not in conf or domain'IP changed, it will go to here.
        debug(LOG_INFO, "Check host %s is in whitelist or not", r->request.host);       // e.g. www.example.com
        t_firewall_rule *rule;
        //e.g. example.com is in whitelist
        // if request http://www.example.com/, it's not equal example.com.
        for (rule = get_ruleset("global"); rule != NULL; rule = rule->next) {
            debug(LOG_INFO, "rule mask %s", rule->mask);
            if (strstr(r->request.host, rule->mask) == NULL) {
                debug(LOG_INFO, "host %s is not in %s, continue", r->request.host, rule->mask);
            int host_length = strlen(r->request.host);
            int mask_length = strlen(rule->mask);
            if (host_length != mask_length) {
                char prefix[1024] = { 0 };
                // must be *.example.com, if not have ".", maybe Phishing. e.g. phishingexample.com
                strncpy(prefix, r->request.host, host_length - mask_length - 1);        // e.g. www
                strcat(prefix, ".");    // www.
                strcat(prefix, rule->mask);     // www.example.com
                if (strcasecmp(r->request.host, prefix) == 0) {
                    debug(LOG_INFO, "allow subdomain");
                    http_send_redirect(r, tmp_url, "allow subdomain");
            } else {
                // e.g. "example.com" is in conf, so it had been parse to IP and added into "iptables allow" when wifidog start. but then its' A record(IP) changed, it will go to here.
                debug(LOG_INFO, "allow domain again, because IP changed");
                http_send_redirect(r, tmp_url, "allow domain");

        debug(LOG_INFO, "Captured %s requesting [%s] and re-directing them to login page", r->clientAddr, url);
        http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to login page");
Exemple #9
static void
khmer_engine_shape (PangoEngineShape *engine,
                    PangoFont        *font,
                    const char       *text,
                    int               length,
                    const PangoAnalysis *analysis,
                    PangoGlyphString *glyphs)
  PangoFcFont *fc_font;
  FT_Face face;
  PangoOTRuleset *ruleset;
  PangoOTBuffer *buffer;
  glong n_chars;
  gunichar *wcs;
  const char *p;
  int i;
  glong syllable;
  KhmerCharClass charClass;
  glong cursor = 0;

  g_return_if_fail (font != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (text != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (length >= 0);
  g_return_if_fail (analysis != NULL);

  fc_font = PANGO_FC_FONT (font);
  face = pango_fc_font_lock_face (fc_font);
  if (!face)

  buffer = pango_ot_buffer_new (fc_font);

  wcs = g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast (text, length, &n_chars);

  p = text;
  /* This loop only exits when we reach the end of a run, which may contain
   * several syllables.
  while (cursor < n_chars)
      /* write a pre vowel or the pre part of a split vowel first
       * and look out for coeng + ro. RO is the only vowel of type 2, and
       * therefore the only one that requires saving space before the base.
      glong coengRo = -1;  /* There is no Coeng Ro, if found this value will change */

      syllable = find_syllable (wcs, cursor, n_chars);

      for (i = cursor; i < syllable; i += 1)
          charClass = get_char_class (wcs[i]);

          /* if a split vowel, write the pre part. In Khmer the pre part
           * is the same for all split vowels, same glyph as pre vowel C_VOWEL_E
          if (charClass & CF_SPLIT_VOWEL)
              pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, C_VOWEL_E), pref_p, p - text);
              break; /* there can be only one vowel */

          /* if a vowel with pos before write it out */
          if (charClass & CF_POS_BEFORE)
              pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), pref_p, p - text);
              break; /* there can be only one vowel */

          /* look for coeng + ro and remember position
           * works because coeng + ro is always in front of a vowel (if there is a vowel)
           * and because CC_CONSONANT2 is enough to identify it, as it is the only consonant
           * with this flag
          if ((charClass & CF_COENG) && (i + 1 < syllable) &&
             ((get_char_class (wcs[i + 1]) & CF_CLASS_MASK) == CC_CONSONANT2))
              coengRo = i;

      /* write coeng + ro if found  */
      if (coengRo > -1)
          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, C_COENG), pref_p, p - text);
          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, C_RO), pref_p, p - text);

      /* shall we add a dotted circle?
      * If in the position in which the base should be (first char in the string) there is
      * a character that has the Dotted circle flag (a character that cannot be a base)
      * then write a dotted circle
      if (get_char_class (wcs[cursor]) & CF_DOTTED_CIRCLE)
          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, C_DOTTED_CIRCLE), default_p, p - text);

      /* copy what is left to the output, skipping before vowels and
      * coeng Ro if they are present
      for (i = cursor; i < syllable; i += 1)
          charClass = get_char_class (wcs[i]);

          /* skip a before vowel, it was already processed */
          if (charClass & CF_POS_BEFORE)
              p = g_utf8_next_char (p);

          /* skip coeng + ro, it was already processed */
          if (i == coengRo)
              p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
              i += 1;
              p = g_utf8_next_char (p);

          switch (charClass & CF_POS_MASK)
              case CF_POS_ABOVE :
		pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), abvf_p, p - text);

              case CF_POS_AFTER :
		pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), pstf_p, p - text);
              case CF_POS_BELOW :
		pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);

                  /* assign the correct flags to a coeng consonant
                  * Consonants of type 3 are taged as Post forms and those type 1 as below forms
		if ((charClass & CF_COENG) && i + 1 < syllable)
		    if ((get_char_class (wcs[i + 1]) & CF_CLASS_MASK) == CC_CONSONANT3)
			pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), pstf_p, p - text);
			p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
			i += 1;
			pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), pstf_p, p - text);
			pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);
			p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
			i += 1;
			pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);

                  /* if a shifter is followed by an above vowel change the shifter to below form,
                  * an above vowel can have two possible positions i + 1 or i + 3
                  * (position i+1 corresponds to unicode 3, position i+3 to Unicode 4)
                  * and there is an extra rule for C_VOWEL_AA + C_SIGN_NIKAHIT also for two
                  * different positions, right after the shifter or after a vowel (Unicode 4)
                  if ((charClass & CF_SHIFTER) && (i + 1 < syllable))
                      if (get_char_class (wcs[i + 1]) & CF_ABOVE_VOWEL)
                          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);
                      if (i + 2 < syllable &&
                          (wcs[i + 1] == C_VOWEL_AA) &&
                          (wcs[i + 2] == C_SIGN_NIKAHIT) )
                          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);
                      if (i + 3 < syllable && (get_char_class (wcs[i + 3]) & CF_ABOVE_VOWEL) )
                          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);
                      if (i + 4 < syllable &&
                          (wcs[i + 3] == C_VOWEL_AA) &&
                          (wcs[i + 4] == C_SIGN_NIKAHIT) )
                          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);


                  /* default - any other characters  */
                  pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), default_p, p - text);
            } /* switch */
          p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
        } /* for */

      cursor = syllable; /* move the pointer to the start of next syllable */
    } /* while */

  /* do gsub processing */
  ruleset = get_ruleset (face);
  if (ruleset != NULL)
      pango_ot_ruleset_substitute (ruleset, buffer);
      pango_ot_ruleset_position (ruleset, buffer);

  pango_ot_buffer_output (buffer, glyphs);

  g_free (wcs);
  pango_ot_buffer_destroy (buffer);

  pango_fc_font_unlock_face (fc_font);
Exemple #10
static void
tibetan_engine_shape (PangoEngineShape *engine,
                    PangoFont        *font,
                    const char       *text,
                    int               length,
                    const PangoAnalysis *analysis,
                    PangoGlyphString *glyphs)
  PangoFcFont *fc_font;
  FT_Face face;
  PangoOTRuleset *ruleset;
  PangoOTBuffer *buffer;
  glong n_chars;
  gunichar *wcs;
  const char *p;
  int i;
  glong syllable;
  TibetanCharClass charClass;
  glong cursor = 0;

  g_return_if_fail (font != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (text != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (length >= 0);
  g_return_if_fail (analysis != NULL);

  fc_font = PANGO_FC_FONT (font);
  face = pango_fc_font_lock_face (fc_font);
  if (!face)

  buffer = pango_ot_buffer_new (fc_font);

  wcs = g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast (text, length, &n_chars);

  p = text;
  /* This loop only exits when we reach the end of a run, which may contain
   * several syllables.
  while (cursor < n_chars)
      syllable = find_syllable (wcs, cursor, n_chars);

      /* shall we add a dotted circle?
      * If in the position in which the base should be (first char in the string) there is
      * a character that has the Dotted circle flag (a character that cannot be a base)
      * then write a dotted circle
      if (get_char_class (wcs[cursor]) & CF_DOTTED_CIRCLE)
          pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, C_DOTTED_CIRCLE), default_p, p - text);

      /* If it encounters a digit followed by number pre combining mark, then reorder the two characters
      * coeng Ro if they are present 
      for (i = cursor; i < syllable; i += 1)
          charClass = get_char_class (wcs[i]);

          if ((charClass & CF_DIGIT ) 
              && ( get_char_class (wcs[i+1]) & CF_PREDIGIT))
         		 pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, C_PRE_NUMBER_MARK), pref_p, p - text);
         		 p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
         		 pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), pref_p, p - text);
 			       i += 1;          
         } else {
          switch (charClass & CF_POS_MASK)
              case CF_POS_ABOVE :
		             pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), abvf_p, p - text);

              case CF_POS_AFTER :
		             pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), pstf_p, p - text);
              case CF_POS_BELOW :
		             pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), blwf_p, p - text);

                   /* default - any other characters  */
                  pango_ot_buffer_add_glyph (buffer, get_index (fc_font, wcs[i]), default_p, p - text);
            } /* switch */
          p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
        } /* for */

      cursor = syllable; /* move the pointer to the start of next syllable */
    } /* while */

  /* do gsub processing */
  ruleset = get_ruleset (face);
  if (ruleset != NULL)
      pango_ot_ruleset_substitute (ruleset, buffer);
      pango_ot_ruleset_position (ruleset, buffer);

  pango_ot_buffer_output (buffer, glyphs);

  g_free (wcs);
  pango_ot_buffer_destroy (buffer);

  pango_fc_font_unlock_face (fc_font);
Exemple #11
/** Remove the firewall rules
 * This is used when we do a clean shutdown of WiFiDog and when it starts to make
 * sure there are no rules left over
    int got_authdown_ruleset = NULL == get_ruleset(FWRULESET_AUTH_IS_DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
    fw_quiet = 1;

    debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Destroying our iptables entries");

     * Everything in the MANGLE table
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Destroying chains in the MANGLE table");
    iptables_fw_destroy_mention("mangle", "PREROUTING", CHAIN_TRUSTED);
    iptables_fw_destroy_mention("mangle", "PREROUTING", CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_fw_destroy_mention("mangle", "PREROUTING", CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_fw_destroy_mention("mangle", "POSTROUTING", CHAIN_INCOMING);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -F " CHAIN_TRUSTED);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -F " CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -F " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -F " CHAIN_INCOMING);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -X " CHAIN_TRUSTED);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -X " CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -X " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -X " CHAIN_INCOMING);

     * Everything in the NAT table
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Destroying chains in the NAT table");
    iptables_fw_destroy_mention("nat", "PREROUTING", CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_TO_ROUTER);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -F " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_TO_ROUTER);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -X " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);

     * Everything in the FILTER table
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Destroying chains in the FILTER table");
    iptables_fw_destroy_mention("filter", "FORWARD", CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_LOCKED);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_VALIDATE);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_KNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t filter -F " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_LOCKED);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_VALIDATE);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_KNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t filter -X " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);

    return 1;
Exemple #12
/** Initialize the firewall rules
    const s_config *config;
    char *ext_interface = NULL;
    int gw_port = 0;
    t_trusted_mac *p;
    int proxy_port;
    fw_quiet = 0;
    int got_authdown_ruleset = NULL == get_ruleset(FWRULESET_AUTH_IS_DOWN) ? 0 : 1;

    config = config_get_config();
    gw_port = config->gw_port;
    if (config->external_interface) {
        ext_interface = safe_strdup(config->external_interface);
    } else {
        ext_interface = get_ext_iface();

    if (ext_interface == NULL) {
        debug(LOG_ERR, "FATAL: no external interface");
        return 0;
     * Everything in the MANGLE table

    /* Create new chains */
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -N " CHAIN_TRUSTED);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -N " CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -N " CHAIN_INCOMING);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -N " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);

int index = 0;
char* cur_interface;
while(index < 3 && (cur_interface = config->gw_interface[index])){
/* Assign links and rules to these new chains */
iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i %s -j " CHAIN_OUTGOING, cur_interface);
iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i %s -j " CHAIN_TRUSTED, cur_interface);     //this rule will be inserted before the prior one
//if (got_authdown_ruleset)
//        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i %s -j " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN, cur_interface);    //this rule must be last in the chain
iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I POSTROUTING 1 -o %s -j " CHAIN_INCOMING, cur_interface);

    /* Assign links and rules to these new chains */
//    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i %s -j " CHAIN_OUTGOING, config->gw_interface);
//    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i %s -j " CHAIN_TRUSTED, config->gw_interface);     //this rule will be inserted before the prior one
//   if (got_authdown_ruleset)
//        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I PREROUTING 1 -i %s -j " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN, config->gw_interface);    //this rule must be last in the chain
//    iptables_do_command("-t mangle -I POSTROUTING 1 -o %s -j " CHAIN_INCOMING, config->gw_interface);

    for (p = config->trustedmaclist; p != NULL; p = p->next)
        iptables_do_command("-t mangle -A " CHAIN_TRUSTED " -m mac --mac-source %s -j MARK --set-mark %d", p->mac,

     * Everything in the NAT table

    /* Create new chains */
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_OUTGOING);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_TO_ROUTER);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -N " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);

index = 0;
while(index < 3 && (cur_interface = config->gw_interface[index])){
    /* Assign links and rules to these new chains */
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A PREROUTING -i %s -j " CHAIN_OUTGOING, cur_interface);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_OUTGOING " -d %s -j " CHAIN_TO_ROUTER, config->gw_address);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_TO_ROUTER " -j ACCEPT");

    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_OUTGOING " -j " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);

    if ((proxy_port = config_get_config()->proxy_port) != 0) {
        debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Proxy port set, setting proxy rule");
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET
                            " -p tcp --dport 80 -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j DNAT --to-destination %s:%u", FW_MARK_KNOWN, config->gw_address,
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET
                            " -p tcp --dport 80 -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j DNAT --to-destination %s:%u", FW_MARK_PROBATION, config->gw_address,

    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j ACCEPT", FW_MARK_KNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j ACCEPT", FW_MARK_PROBATION);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -j " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);

    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_UNKNOWN " -j " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_UNKNOWN " -j " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset) {
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_UNKNOWN " -j " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
        iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j ACCEPT", FW_MARK_AUTH_IS_DOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t nat -A " CHAIN_UNKNOWN " -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination %s:%d", config->gw_address, gw_port);

     * Everything in the FILTER table

    /* Create new chains */
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_LOCKED);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_VALIDATE);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_KNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    if (got_authdown_ruleset)
        iptables_do_command("-t filter -N " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);

    /* Assign links and rules to these new chains */
index = 0;
while(index < 3 && (cur_interface = config->gw_interface[index])){
    /* Insert at the beginning */
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -I FORWARD -i %s -j " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET, cur_interface);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m state --state INVALID -j DROP");

    /* XXX: Why this? it means that connections setup after authentication
       stay open even after the connection is done...
       iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT"); */

    //Won't this rule NEVER match anyway?!?!? benoitg, 2007-06-23
    //iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -i %s -m state --state NEW -j DROP", ext_interface);

    /* TCPMSS rule for PPPoE */
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET
                        " -o %s -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu", ext_interface);

    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -j " CHAIN_AUTHSERVERS);

    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j " CHAIN_LOCKED, FW_MARK_LOCKED);
    iptables_load_ruleset("filter", FWRULESET_LOCKED_USERS, CHAIN_LOCKED);

    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -j " CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_load_ruleset("filter", FWRULESET_GLOBAL, CHAIN_GLOBAL);
    iptables_load_ruleset("nat", FWRULESET_GLOBAL, CHAIN_GLOBAL);

    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j " CHAIN_VALIDATE, FW_MARK_PROBATION);
    iptables_load_ruleset("filter", FWRULESET_VALIDATING_USERS, CHAIN_VALIDATE);

    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j " CHAIN_KNOWN, FW_MARK_KNOWN);
    iptables_load_ruleset("filter", FWRULESET_KNOWN_USERS, CHAIN_KNOWN);

    if (got_authdown_ruleset) {
        iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -m mark --mark 0x%u/0x00ff -j " CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN,
        iptables_load_ruleset("filter", FWRULESET_AUTH_IS_DOWN, CHAIN_AUTH_IS_DOWN);

    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_TO_INTERNET " -j " CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    iptables_load_ruleset("filter", FWRULESET_UNKNOWN_USERS, CHAIN_UNKNOWN);
    iptables_do_command("-t filter -A " CHAIN_UNKNOWN " -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable");


    return 1;
Exemple #13
/** @internal
Parses firewall rule set information
static void
parse_firewall_ruleset(const char *rulesetname, FILE *fd, const char *filename, int *linenum)
	char line[MAX_BUF], *p1, *p2;
	int  opcode;
	t_firewall_ruleset *ruleset;

	/* find whitespace delimited word in ruleset string; this is its name */
	p1 = strchr(rulesetname,' ');
	if(p1) *p1 = '\0';
	p1 = strchr(rulesetname,'\t');
	if(p1) *p1 = '\0';

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing FirewallRuleSet %s", rulesetname);
	ruleset = get_ruleset(rulesetname);
	if(ruleset == NULL) {
		debug(LOG_ERR, "Unrecognized FirewallRuleSet name: %s", rulesetname);
		debug(LOG_ERR, "Exiting...");

	/* Parsing the rules in the set */
	while (fgets(line, MAX_BUF, fd)) {
		p1 = _strip_whitespace(line);

		/* if nothing left, get next line */
		if(p1[0] == '\0') continue;

		/* if closing brace, we are done */
		if(p1[0] == '}') break;

		/* next, we coopt the parsing of the regular config */

		/* keep going until word boundary is found. */
		p2 = p1;
		while ((*p2 != '\0') && (!isblank(*p2))) p2++;
		/* if this is end of line, it's a problem */
		if(p2[0] == '\0') {
			debug(LOG_ERR, "FirewallRule incomplete on line %d in %s", *linenum, filename);
			debug(LOG_ERR, "Exiting...");
		/* terminate first word, point past it */
		*p2 = '\0';

		/* skip whitespace to point at arg */
		while (isblank(*p2)) p2++;

		/* Get opcode */
		opcode = config_parse_opcode(p1, filename, *linenum);

		debug(LOG_DEBUG, "p1 = [%s]; p2 = [%s]", p1, p2);

		switch (opcode) {
		case oFirewallRule:
			_parse_firewall_rule(ruleset, p2);

		case oBadOption:
			debug(LOG_ERR, "Bad option %s parsing FirewallRuleSet on line %d in %s", p1, *linenum, filename);
			debug(LOG_ERR, "Exiting...");
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "FirewallRuleSet %s parsed.", rulesetname);