Exemple #1
static int out_equ(ea_t ea)
  char buf[MAXSTR];
  char *const end = buf + sizeof(buf);
  segment_t *s = getseg(ea);
  if ( s != NULL && s->type == SEG_IMEM && ash.a_equ != NULL)
    char nbuf[MAXSTR];
    char *name = get_name(BADADDR, ea, nbuf, sizeof(nbuf));
    if ( name != NULL
      && ((ash.uflag & UAS_PBYTNODEF) == 0 || !IsPredefined(name)) )
      get_colored_name(BADADDR, ea, buf, sizeof(buf));
      uchar off = uchar(ea - get_segm_base(s));
      do_out_equ(buf, ash.a_equ, off);
      if ( (ash.uflag & UAS_AUBIT) == 0 && (off & 0xF8) == off )
        char *ptr = tag_on(tail(buf), end, COLOR_SYMBOL);
        APPCHAR(ptr, end, ash.uflag & UAS_NOBIT ? '_' : '.');
        APPCHAR(ptr, end, '0');
        tag_off(ptr, end, COLOR_SYMBOL);
        for ( int i=0; i < 8; i++ )
          const ioport_bit_t *b = find_bit(off, i);
          char *p2 = ptr;
          if ( b == NULL || b->name == NULL )
            ptr[-1] = '0' + i;
            p2 = tag_addstr(ptr-1, end, COLOR_HIDNAME, b->name);
          tag_off(p2, end, COLOR_SYMBOL);
          do_out_equ(buf, ash.a_equ, off+i);
      gl_name = 0;
    return 1;
  if ( ash.uflag & UAS_NODS )
    if ( !isLoaded(ea) && s->type == SEG_CODE )
      adiff_t org = ea - get_segm_base(s) + get_item_size(ea);
      btoa(buf, sizeof(buf), org);
      printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("%s %s", SCOLOR_ASMDIR), ash.origin, buf);
      return 1;
  return 0;
Exemple #2
// начало сегмента
void N78K_segstart(ea_t ea)
  segment_t *Sarea = getseg(ea);
  const char *SegType=	(Sarea->type==SEG_CODE)?"CSEG":
	// Выведем строку вида RSEG <NAME>
	char sn[MAXNAMELEN];
	printf_line(-1,"%s %s ",SegType, sn);
	printf_line(-1,"%s %s ",SegType, get_segm_name(Sarea));
	// если смещение не ноль - выведем и его (ORG XXXX)
	if ( inf.s_org ) {
		ulong org = ea - get_segm_base(Sarea);
		if( org != 0 ){
			char bufn[MAX_NUMBUF];
			btoa(bufn, sizeof(bufn), org);
			printf_line(-1, "%s %s", ash.origin, bufn);
			printf_line(-1, "%s %s", ash.origin, btoa(org));
Exemple #3
// функция оповещения
static int notify(int msgnum,void *arg,...)
{ // Various messages:
  switch ( msgnum ) {
  // новый файл
      inf.mf = 0;                                       // MSB last
      inf.nametype = NM_SHORT;
      segment_t *sptr = get_first_seg();
      if ( sptr != NULL ) {
	if ( sptr->startEA-get_segm_base(sptr) == 0 ) {
	  inf.beginEA = sptr->startEA;
	  inf.startIP = 0;
      // основной сегмент - кодовый
      set_segm_class(get_first_seg(), "CODE");
    // создание нового сегмента
    case IDP_NEWSEG:    {
                        segment_t *seg;
                        seg=((segment_t *)arg);
                        // установим регистры по умолчанию
                        seg->defsr[rVds-ph.regFirstSreg] = 0;
  return 1;
Exemple #4
static void fixup(uint32 ea, uint32 delta, int extdef)
  fixup_data_t fd;
  fd.type = FIXUP_OFF32;
  if ( extdef ) fd.type |= FIXUP_EXTDEF;
  segment_t *s = getseg(delta);
  fd.displacement = get_long(ea);
  if ( s == NULL ) {
    fd.sel = 0;
    fd.off = delta;
  } else {
    fd.sel = (ushort)s->sel;
    fd.off = delta - get_segm_base(s);
  set_fixup(ea, &fd);
  uint32 target = get_long(ea) + delta;
  put_long(ea, target);
  set_offset(ea, 0, 0);
  cmd.ea = ea; ua_add_dref(0, target, dr_O); cmd.ea = BADADDR;
  if ( target != toc_ea
    && !has_name(get_flags_novalue(ea))
    && has_name(get_flags_novalue(target)) )
    char buf[MAXSTR];
    if ( get_true_name(BADADDR, target, &buf[3], sizeof(buf)-3) != NULL )
      buf[0] = 'T';
      buf[1] = 'C';
      buf[2] = '_';
      do_name_anyway(ea, buf);
//  toc.charset(ea,XMC_TC+1,1);
static void out_address(ea_t ea, op_t &x)
  segment_t *s = getseg(ea);
  ea_t value = s != NULL ? ea - get_segm_base(s) : ea;
  if ( !out_name_expr(x, ea, value) )
    out_snprintf("%a", ea);
    QueueSet(Q_noName, cmd.ea);
Exemple #6
void segstart(ea_t ea)
  segment_t *Sarea = getseg(ea);
  if ( is_spec_segm(Sarea->type) ) return;

  char sname[MAXNAMELEN];
  char sclas[MAXNAMELEN];
  get_true_segm_name(Sarea, sname, sizeof(sname));
  get_segm_class(Sarea, sclas, sizeof(sclas));

  if ( ash.uflag & UAS_GNU )
    const char *const predefined[] =
      ".text",    // Text section
      ".data",    // Data sections

    int i;
    for ( i=0; i < qnumber(predefined); i++ )
      if ( strcmp(sname, predefined[i]) == 0 )
    if ( i != qnumber(predefined) )
      printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("%s", SCOLOR_ASMDIR), sname);
      printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR(".section %s", SCOLOR_ASMDIR) " " COLSTR("%s %s", SCOLOR_AUTOCMT),
    if ( strcmp(sname, "XMEM") == 0 )
      char buf[MAX_NUMBUF];
      btoa(buf, sizeof(buf), ea-get_segm_base(Sarea));
      printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("%s %c:%s", SCOLOR_ASMDIR),
      printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("section %s", SCOLOR_ASMDIR) " "
                              COLSTR("%s %s", SCOLOR_AUTOCMT),
void idaapi z8_data(ea_t ea)
  segment_t *s = getseg(ea);

  if ( s != NULL && s->type == SEG_IMEM )
    char nbuf[MAXSTR];
    char *name = get_name(BADADDR, ea, nbuf, sizeof(nbuf));

    if ( name != NULL )
      out_equ(name, ash.a_equ, uint16(ea - get_segm_base(s)));
Exemple #8
void segstart( ea_t ea )
    segment_t *Sarea = getseg( ea );

    char name[MAXNAMELEN];
    get_segm_name(Sarea, name, sizeof(name));
    gen_cmt_line( COLSTR("segment %s", SCOLOR_AUTOCMT), name );

    ea_t org = ea - get_segm_base( Sarea );
    if ( org != 0 )
        char buf[MAX_NUMBUF];
        btoa(buf, sizeof(buf), org);
        gen_cmt_line("%s %s", ash.origin, buf);
Exemple #9
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// generate start of segment
void idaapi segstart(ea_t ea) {
  // generate ORG directive if necessary
  if (inf.s_org)
    // get segment data
    segment_t *Sarea = getseg(ea);
    size_t org = size_t(ea - get_segm_base(Sarea));

    // generate line
    if ( org != 0 )
      char buf[MAX_NUMBUF];
      btoa(buf, sizeof(buf), org);
      printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("%s %s", SCOLOR_ASMDIR), ash.origin, buf);
Exemple #10
void segstart(ea_t ea)
  char buf[MAXSTR];
  segment_t *Sarea = getseg(ea);

  char name[MAXNAMELEN];
  get_segm_name(Sarea, name, sizeof(name));

  if ( ash.uflag & UAS_SECT )
    if ( Sarea->type == SEG_IMEM )
      MakeLine(".RSECT", inf.indent);
      printf_line(0, COLSTR("%s: .section", SCOLOR_ASMDIR), name);
    if(ash.uflag & UAS_NOSEG)
       printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("%s.segment %s", SCOLOR_AUTOCMT), ash.cmnt, name);
       printf_line(inf.indent, COLSTR("segment %s",SCOLOR_ASMDIR), name);
    if(ash.uflag & UAS_SELSG) MakeLine(name, inf.indent);
    if(ash.uflag & UAS_CDSEG)
      MakeLine(Sarea->type == SEG_IMEM
                 ? COLSTR("DSEG", SCOLOR_ASMDIR)
                 : COLSTR("CSEG", SCOLOR_ASMDIR),
            // XSEG - eXternal memory
  if ( inf.s_org )
    adiff_t org = ea - get_segm_base(Sarea);
    if ( org != 0 )
      btoa(buf, sizeof(buf), org);
      gen_cmt_line("%s %s", ash.origin, buf);
Exemple #11
void segstart(ea_t ea)
  char buf[MAXSTR];
  char *const end = buf + sizeof(buf);
  segment_t *Sarea = getseg(ea);
  if ( is_spec_segm(Sarea->type) ) return;

  const char *align;
  switch ( Sarea->align )
    case saAbs:        align = "at: ";   break;
    case saRelByte:    align = "byte";  break;
    case saRelWord:    align = "word";  break;
    case saRelPara:    align = "para";  break;
    case saRelPage:    align = "page";  break;
    case saRel4K:      align = "4k";    break;
    case saRel64Bytes: align = "64";    break;
    default:           align = NULL;    break;
  if ( align == NULL )
    gen_cmt_line("Segment alignment '%s' can not be represented in assembly",
    align = "";

  char sname[MAXNAMELEN];
  char sclas[MAXNAMELEN];
  get_true_segm_name(Sarea, sname, sizeof(sname));
  get_segm_class(Sarea, sclas, sizeof(sclas));

  char *ptr = buf + qsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                              SCOLOR_ON SCOLOR_ASMDIR "%-*s segment %s ",
  if ( Sarea->align == saAbs )
    ea_t absbase = get_segm_base(Sarea);
    ptr += btoa(ptr, end-ptr, absbase);
    APPCHAR(ptr, end, ' ');
  const char *comb;
  switch ( Sarea->comb )
    case scPub:
    case scPub2:
    case scPub3:    comb = "";        break;
    case scCommon:  comb = "common";  break;
    default:        comb = NULL;      break;
  if ( comb == NULL )
    gen_cmt_line("Segment combination '%s' can not be represented in assembly",
    comb = "";
  ptr += qsnprintf(ptr, end-ptr, "%s '%s'", comb, sclas);
  tag_off(ptr, end, COLOR_ASMDIR);
  MakeLine(buf, 0);
Exemple #12
static int notify(processor_t::idp_notify msgid, ...) { // Various messages:
  va_list va;
  va_start(va, msgid);

// A well behaving processor module should call invoke_callbacks()
// in his notify() function. If this function returns 0, then
// the processor module should process the notification itself
// Otherwise the code should be returned to the caller:

  int code = invoke_callbacks(HT_IDP, msgid, va);
  if ( code ) return code;

    case processor_t::init:
      inf.mf = 1;                                 // MSB first

    case processor_t::newfile:

        segment_t *sptr = get_first_seg();
        if( sptr != NULL )
          if( sptr->startEA - get_segm_base( sptr ) == 0 )
            inf.beginEA = sptr->startEA + 0xC;
            inf.startIP = 0xC;

            for( int i = 0; i < qnumber(entries); i++ )
              ea_t ea = sptr->startEA + entries[i].off;
              if( isEnabled(ea) )
                doWord( ea, 2 );
// ig: set_op_type - внутренняя функция, ее нельзя использовать
//                set_op_type( ea, offflag(), 0 );
                set_offset( ea, 0, sptr->startEA );
                ea_t ea1 = sptr->startEA + get_word( ea );
                auto_make_proc( ea1 );
                set_name( ea, entries[i].name );
// ig: так получше будет?
                set_cmt( sptr->startEA+get_word(ea), entries[i].cmt, 1 );

          set_segm_class( sptr, "CODE" );

        segment_t s;
        ea_t bottom = toEA( inf.baseaddr, 0 );
        intmem       = s.startEA = freechunk( bottom, 256, 0xF );
        s.endEA      = s.startEA + 256;
        s.sel        = allocate_selector( s.startEA >> 4 );
        s.type       = SEG_IMEM;                    // internal memory
        add_segm_ex( &s, "INTMEM", NULL, ADDSEG_OR_DIE);

        const predefined_t *ptr;
        for( ptr = iregs; ptr->name != NULL; ptr++ )
          ea_t ea = intmem + ptr->addr;
          ea_t oldea = get_name_ea( BADADDR, ptr->name );
          if( oldea != ea )
            if( oldea != BADADDR )    set_name( oldea, NULL );
            do_unknown( ea, DOUNK_EXPAND );
            set_name( ea, ptr->name );
          if( ptr->cmt != NULL )      set_cmt( ea, ptr->cmt, 1 );

    case processor_t::oldfile:
      sel_t sel;
      if( atos( "INTMEM", &sel) ) intmem = specialSeg(sel);

    case processor_t::newseg:
      {                 // default DS is equal to CS
        segment_t *sptr = va_arg(va, segment_t *);
        sptr->defsr[rVds-ph.regFirstSreg] = sptr->sel;

Exemple #13
static int notify(processor_t::idp_notify msgid, ...)
    static int first_time = 1;
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, msgid);

// A well behaving processor module should call invoke_callbacks()
// in his notify() function. If this function returns 0, then
// the processor module should process the notification itself
// Otherwise the code should be returned to the caller:

    int code = invoke_callbacks(HT_IDP, msgid, va);
    if ( code ) return code;

    switch ( msgid )
    case processor_t::init:
        helper.create("$ intel 8051");
        inf.mf = 1;       // Set a big endian mode of the IDA kernel

    case processor_t::term:
        free_ioports(ports, numports);

    case processor_t::newfile:
        segment_t *sptr = get_first_seg();
        if ( sptr != NULL )
            if ( sptr->startEA-get_segm_base(sptr) == 0 )
                inf.beginEA = sptr->startEA;
                inf.startIP = 0;
                for ( int i=0; i < qnumber(entries); i++ )
                    if ( entries[i].proc > ptype )
                    ea_t ea = inf.beginEA+entries[i].off;
                    if ( isEnabled(ea) && get_byte(ea) != 0xFF )
                        add_entry(ea, ea, entries[i].name, 1);
                        set_cmt(ea, entries[i].cmt, 1);
        segment_t *scode = get_first_seg();
        set_segm_class(scode, "CODE");

        if ( ptype > prc_51 )
            AdditionalSegment(0x10000-256-128, 256+128, "RAM");
            if ( scode != NULL )
                ea_t align = (scode->endEA + 0xFFF) & ~0xFFF;
                if ( getseg(align-7) == scode )     // the code segment size is
                {   // multiple of 4K or near it
                    uchar b0 = get_byte(align-8);
                    // 251:
                    //  0  : 1-source, 0-binary mode
                    //  6,7: must be 1s
                    // 82930:
                    //  0  : 1-source, 0-binary mode
                    //  7  : must be 1s
//              uchar b1 = get_byte(align-7);
                    // 251
                    //  0: eprommap 0 - FE2000..FE4000 is mapped into 00E000..100000
                    //              1 - .............. is not mapped ...............
                    //  1: must be 1
                    //  3:
                    //  2: must be 1
                    //  4: intr 1 - upon interrupt PC,PSW are pushed into stack
                    //          0 - upon interrupt only PC is pushed into stack
                    //  5: must be 1
                    //  6: must be 1
                    //  7: must be 1
                    // 82930:
                    //  3: must be 1
                    //  5: must be 1
                    //  6: must be 1
                    //  7: must be 1
//                msg("b0=%x b1=%x\n", b0, b1);
//              if ( (b0 & 0x80) == 0x80 && (b1 & 0xEA) == 0xEA )
                    {   // the init bits are correct
                        char pname[sizeof(inf.procName)+1];
                        char ntype = (b0 & 1) ? 's' : 'b';
                        char *ptr = tail(pname)-1;
                        if ( ntype != *ptr
                                && askyn_c(1,
                                           "The input file seems to be for the %s mode of the processor. "
                                           "Do you want to change the current processor type?",
                                           ntype == 's' ? "source" : "binary") > 0 )
                            *ptr = ntype;
                            first_time = 1;
                            set_processor_type(pname, SETPROC_COMPAT);

        // the default data segment will be INTMEM
            segment_t *s = getseg(intmem);
            if ( s != NULL )

        if ( choose_ioport_device(cfgname, device, sizeof(device), parse_area_line0) )
            set_device_name(device, IORESP_ALL);

        if ( get_segm_by_name("RAM") == NULL )
            AdditionalSegment(256, 0, "RAM");
        if ( get_segm_by_name("FSR") == NULL )
            AdditionalSegment(128, 128, "FSR");

    case processor_t::oldfile:

    case processor_t::newseg:
        // make the default DS point to INTMEM
        // (8051 specific issue)
        segment_t *newseg = va_arg(va, segment_t *);
        segment_t *intseg = getseg(intmem);
        if ( intseg != NULL )
            newseg->defsr[rVds-ph.regFirstSreg] = intseg->sel;

    case processor_t::newprc:
        processor_subtype_t prcnum = processor_subtype_t(va_arg(va, int));
        if ( !first_time && prcnum != ptype )
            warning("Sorry, it is not possible to change" // (this is 8051 specific)
                    " the processor mode on the fly."
                    " Please reload the input file"
                    " if you want to change the processor.");
            return 0;
        first_time = 0;
        ptype = prcnum;

    case processor_t::newasm:    // new assembler type
        char buf[MAXSTR];
        if ( helper.supval(-1, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0 )
            set_device_name(buf, IORESP_NONE);

    case processor_t::move_segm:// A segment is moved
        // Fix processor dependent address sensitive information
        // args: ea_t from - old segment address
        //       segment_t - moved segment
        // ea_t from    = va_arg(va, ea_t);
        // segment_t *s = va_arg(va, segment_t *);

        // Add commands to adjust your internal variables here
        // Most of the time this callback will be empty
        // If you keep information in a netnode's altval array, you can use
        //      node.altshift(from, s->startEA, s->endEA - s->startEA);
        // If you have a variables pointing to somewhere in the disassembled program memory,
        // you can adjust it like this:
        //      asize_t size = s->endEA - s->startEA;
        //      if ( var >= from && var < from+size )
        //        var += s->startEA - from;

    case processor_t::is_sane_insn:
        // is the instruction sane for the current file type?
        // arg:  int no_crefs
        // 1: the instruction has no code refs to it.
        //    ida just tries to convert unexplored bytes
        //    to an instruction (but there is no other
        //    reason to convert them into an instruction)
        // 0: the instruction is created because
        //    of some coderef, user request or another
        //    weighty reason.
        // The instruction is in 'cmd'
        // returns: 1-ok, <=0-no, the instruction isn't
        // likely to appear in the program
        int no_crefs = va_arg(va, int);
        return is_sane_insn(no_crefs);
