socket_read(int ser_id, char *buffer, int len)
// check all corner case before going further
//   assert(ptcb->WaitingOnRead == 0);
   struct tcb *ptcb = NULL;
   ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(ser_id);
 //  if(ptcb->WaitingOnAccept) {
   //   return 0;
      // don't allow multiple accepts hold on same socket.
  // }
   printf("scoket read called for identifier %d\n", ser_id);
   ptcb->WaitingOnRead = 1;
   pthread_cond_wait(&(ptcb->condAccept), &(ptcb->mutex));
   if(len < ptcb->read_buffer_len) {
      printf("ERROR: Failed to get all buffer data from read.\n");
      memcpy(buffer, ptcb->read_buffer, len); 
      memcpy(buffer, ptcb->read_buffer, ptcb->read_buffer_len); 
   ptcb->WaitingOnRead = 0;
   return 10; 
socket_listen(int identifier, int queue_len)
   struct tcb *ptcb;

   ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(identifier);
   // not implemented yet.
   return 0; //SUCCESS
socket_send(int ser_id, char *message, int len)
   struct tcb *ptcb = NULL;
   struct rte_mbuf *mbuf = get_mbuf();
   ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(ser_id);
   sendtcpdata(ptcb, mbuf, message, len);
  // sendtcppacket(ptcb, mbuf, message, len);
  // ptcb->send_data(message, len); 
int socket_read_nonblock(int ser_id, unsigned char *buffer)
   void *msg;
   struct tcb *ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(ser_id);
   while (rte_ring_dequeue(ptcb->socket_tcb_ring_recv, &msg) < 0){
//   printf("Received %s and len %d\n",(char *)msg, strlen(msg));
   memcpy(buffer, msg, strlen(msg));
   rte_mempool_put(buffer_message_pool, msg);
   return strlen(msg);//GetData(ser_id, buffer);
socket_bind(int identifier, struct sock_addr *serv_addr)
   struct tcb *ptcb;
   int i;

   ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(identifier);
   if(ptcb == NULL) {
      return -1; // use enum here
   ptcb->ipv4_dst = serv_addr->ip;
   ptcb->dport = serv_addr->port;
   ptcb->sport = 0;
   ptcb->state = LISTENING;
   return 0;
socket_bind(int identifier, struct sock_addr *serv_addr)
   struct tcb *ptcb;

   ptcb = (struct tcb *) get_tcb_by_identifier(identifier);
   printf("socket bind received tcb %p\n", ptcb);
   if(ptcb == NULL) {
      return -1; // use enum here
// add lock here. this will avoid race from other thread for ptcb.
   ptcb->ipv4_dst = serv_addr->ip;
   ptcb->dport = serv_addr->port;
   ptcb->sport = 0;
   ptcb->state = LISTENING;
   return 0;
int socket_connect(int identifier, struct sock_addr *client_addr)
/* using static ip for current. furute get ip from conf*/
   int i;
      uint8_t ip[4];
      ip[0] = 192;
      ip[1] = 168;
      ip[2] = 78;
      ip[3] = 2;
   uint32_t DestIp = 0;
   static uint16_t SrcPorts = 0;
   if(SrcPorts == 0) {
      SrcPorts = 10000;
   SrcPorts ++;
   for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
      DestIp |= ip[i] << i*8;
   printf("opening connection connect call\n");
   Socket_Send_Msg *Msg = NULL;
   struct tcb *ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(identifier);
   if (rte_mempool_get(buffer_message_pool,(void **) &Msg) < 0) {
       printf ("Failed to get message buffer\n");
/// / put assert ;
   Msg->m_Identifier = identifier;
   Msg->m_Msg_Type = CONNECTION_OPEN;
   if (rte_ring_enqueue(ptcb->tcb_socket_ring_send, Msg) < 0) {
      printf("Failed to send message - message discarded\n");
      rte_mempool_put(buffer_message_pool, Msg);
   ptcb->ipv4_src = htonl(client_addr->ip); 
   ptcb->sport = client_addr->port; 
   ptcb->ipv4_dst = DestIp; 
   ptcb->dport = SrcPorts; 
   ptcb->next_seq = 1;
   ptcb->WaitingOnConnect = 1;
   pthread_cond_wait(&(ptcb->condAccept), &(ptcb->mutex));
   ptcb->WaitingOnConnect = 0;
// wait on sema event of syn-ack.
 //  remove_tcb(identifier);
   return 0;
socket_close(int identifier)
   printf("closing tcb\n");
   Socket_Send_Msg *Msg = NULL;
   struct tcb *ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(identifier);
   if (rte_mempool_get(buffer_message_pool, (void **)&Msg) < 0) {
       printf ("Failed to get message buffer\n");
/// / put assert ;
   Msg->m_Identifier = identifier;
   Msg->m_Msg_Type = SOCKET_CLOSE;
   if (rte_ring_enqueue(ptcb->tcb_socket_ring_send, Msg) < 0) {
      printf("Failed to send message - message discarded\n");
      rte_mempool_put(buffer_message_pool, Msg);
 //  remove_tcb(identifier);
   return 0;
socket_read(int ser_id, char *buffer, int len)
// check all corner case before going further
//   assert(ptcb->WaitingOnRead == 0);
   struct tcb *ptcb = NULL;
   ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(ser_id);
 //  if(ptcb->WaitingOnAccept) {
   //   return 0;
      // don't allow multiple accepts hold on same socket.
  // }
   ptcb->WaitingOnRead = 1;
   pthread_cond_wait(&(ptcb->condAccept), &(ptcb->mutex));
   memcpy(buffer, ptcb->read_buffer, ptcb->read_buffer_len); 
   ptcb->WaitingOnRead = 0;
   return 10; 
socket_accept(int ser_id, struct sock_addr *client_addr)
   struct tcb *ptcb = NULL;
   struct tcb *new_ptcb = NULL;
   ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(ser_id);
   if(ptcb->WaitingOnAccept) {
      return 0;
      // don't allow multiple accepts hold on same socket.
   ptcb->state = LISTENING;
   ptcb->WaitingOnAccept = 1;
   pthread_cond_wait(&(ptcb->condAccept), &(ptcb->mutex));
   new_ptcb = ptcb->newpTcbOnAccept;
   ptcb->WaitingOnAccept = 0;
   return new_ptcb->identifier; 
socket_send(int ser_id, const unsigned char *message, int len)
   Socket_Send_Msg *Msg = NULL;
   struct tcb *ptcb = get_tcb_by_identifier(ser_id);
   if (rte_mempool_get(buffer_message_pool,(void **) &Msg) < 0) {
       printf ("Failed to get message buffer\n");
/// / put assert ;
   Msg->m_Identifier = ser_id;
   Msg->m_Len = len;
   Msg->m_Msg_Type = SEND_DATA;
   memcpy(Msg->m_Data, message, len);
   if (rte_ring_enqueue(ptcb->tcb_socket_ring_send, Msg) < 0) {
      printf("Failed to send message - message discarded\n");
      rte_mempool_put(buffer_message_pool, Msg);
   printf("****** Enqued for  %s and len %d and identifier %d\n",(char *)Msg->m_Data, Msg->m_Len, Msg->m_Identifier);
  // sendtcppacket(ptcb, mbuf, message, len);
  // ptcb->send_data(message, len); 
   return 0;
   Socket_Send_Msg *msg;
   uint32_t i;
   unsigned char message[1500];
   struct tcb *ptcb = NULL;
   struct tcb *temp = NULL;
   uint32_t TotalTcbs = Ntcb;
   for(i=0; i<TotalTcbs; i++) {  // change it to hash type later
   //   if( i != 0)
      //printf("Checking tcb %d for sendingi %d %d\n", i, Ntcb, TotalTcbs);
      ptcb = tcbs[i];
      if(ptcb == NULL) {
      int num = rte_ring_dequeue(ptcb->tcb_socket_ring_recv, (void **)&msg);
      if(num < 0) {
         if(ptcb->need_ack_now) {
            logger(LOG_TCP, LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL, "sending immidiate ack for tcb %u\n", ptcb->identifier);
            ptcb->tcp_flags = TCP_FLAG_ACK;
            sendtcpdata(ptcb, NULL, 0);
            ptcb->need_ack_now = 0;
            // will use a saeparate api for ack later.
      if(msg->m_Msg_Type == SOCKET_CLOSE) {
         temp = get_tcb_by_identifier(msg->m_Identifier);
         if(temp != ptcb) {
            printf ("Everything screewed at tcb'\n");
      // put assert
         ptcb->tcp_flags = TCP_FLAG_ACK | TCP_FLAG_FIN; // no problem in acking
         ptcb->need_ack_now = 1;
    //     sendfin(ptcb);
      if(msg->m_Msg_Type == CONNECTION_OPEN) {
         temp = get_tcb_by_identifier(msg->m_Identifier);
         if(temp != ptcb) {
            printf ("Everything screewed at tcb'\n");
      // put assert
         ptcb->state = SYN_SENT; 
      if(msg->m_Msg_Type == SEND_DATA) {
         printf("****** Received %s and len %d and identifier %d\n",(char *)msg->m_Data, msg->m_Len, msg->m_Identifier);
         memcpy(message, msg->m_Data, msg->m_Len);
         temp = get_tcb_by_identifier(msg->m_Identifier);
         if(temp != ptcb) {
            printf ("Everything screewed at tcb'\n");
      // put assert
         ptcb->tcp_flags = TCP_FLAG_ACK; 
         sendtcpdata(ptcb, message, msg->m_Len);
      rte_mempool_put(buffer_message_pool, msg);
   return 0;