ea_t wince_debmod_t::is_hwbpt_triggered(thid_t id, bool /*is_stepping*/)
  if ( is_xscale )
    uint32 dcsr = SetDebugControlAndStatus(0, 0);
    int moe = (dcsr >> 2) & 7;  // method of entry (exception reason)
    //    msg("moe=%d\n", moe);
    switch ( moe )
    case 1: // Instruction Breakpoint Hit
    case 2: // Data Breakpoint Hit
        SetDebugControlAndStatus(0, 7<<2); // clean moe
        CONTEXT Context;
        Context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL;
        HANDLE h = get_thread_handle(id);
        if ( GetThreadContext(h, &Context) )
          ea_t ea = s0tops(Context.Pc);
          if ( s0tops(codebpts[0]) == ea || s0tops(codebpts[1]) == ea )
            //              msg("HARDWARE CODE BREAKPOINT!\n");
            return ea;
          // This is a data breakpoint
          // Set PC to the next instruction since the data bpts always occur
          // AFTER the instruction
#define THUMB_STATE 0x0020
          Context.Pc += (Context.Psr & THUMB_STATE)? 2 : 4;
          SetThreadContext(h, &Context);
        // FIXME: determine which data bpt really caused the exception
        // Currently we just return the first active bpt
        return databpts[0] != BADADDR ? databpts[0] : databpts[1];
    case 0: // Processor Reset
    case 3: // BKPT Instruction Executed
    case 4: // External Debug Event (JTAG Debug Break or SOC Debug Break)
    case 5: // Vector Trap Occurred
    case 6: // Trace Buffer Full Break
    case 7: // Reserved
  return BADADDR;
Exemple #2
ea_t pc_debmod_t::is_hwbpt_triggered(thid_t id)
  CONTEXT Context;
  HANDLE h = get_thread_handle(id);
  if ( GetThreadContext(h, &Context) )
    for ( int i=0; i < MAX_BPT; i++ )
      if ( (Context.Dr7 & uint32(1 << (i*2)))
        && (Context.Dr6 & uint32(1 << i)) )  // Local hardware breakpoint 'i'
        ULONG_PTR *dr = NULL;
        switch ( i )
        case 0: dr = &Context.Dr0; break;
        case 1: dr = &Context.Dr1; break;
        case 2: dr = &Context.Dr2; break;
        case 3: dr = &Context.Dr3; break;
        if ( dr == NULL )
        if ( hwbpt_ea[i] == *dr )
          set_hwbpts(h);             // Clear the status bits
          return hwbpt_ea[i];
        //? TRACING                else
        //                  debdeb("System hardware breakpoint at %08X ???\n", *dr); //?
        // what to do ?:
        // reset it, and continue as if no event were received ?
        // send it to IDA, and let the user setup a "stop on non-debugger hardware breakpoint" option ?
  return BADADDR;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	auto db = get_database(argc, argv);
	const int NUM_THREADS = 50;

	test_init(7 + NUM_THREADS);
	db->execute("CREATE TABLE rusqltest (`value` INT(2) NOT NULL)");
	db->execute("INSERT INTO rusqltest VALUES (20)");

		auto statement = db->prepare("SELECT value FROM rusqltest");


		boost::thread thread([&db]() {
			auto thread_handle = db->get_thread_handle();
			db->execute("UPDATE rusqltest SET value=30");

		uint64_t value = 10;
		test(statement.fetch(), "one result");
		test(value == 20, "value was correct (" + std::to_string(value) + ")");
		test(!statement.fetch(), "exactly one result");

		test(statement.fetch(), "one result");
		test(value == 30, "value was correct (" + std::to_string(value) + ")");
		test(!statement.fetch(), "exactly one result");

	db->execute("DELETE FROM rusqltest");
	db->execute("INSERT INTO rusqltest VALUES (0)");

	// Test simultaneous use of the database
	std::vector<std::shared_ptr<boost::thread>> threads;
	boost::mutex output_mutex;
	for(int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
		threads.emplace_back(std::make_shared<boost::thread>([i, &db, &output_mutex]() {
			auto thread_handle = db->get_thread_handle();
			try {
				for(int j = 0; j < 1000; ++j) {
					std::string iteration = std::to_string(i) + "," + std::to_string(j);
						auto statement = db->prepare("SELECT value FROM rusqltest");
						uint64_t value;
						if(!statement.fetch()) {
							boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(output_mutex);
							fail("First statement should succeed (iteration " + iteration + ")");
						if(statement.fetch()) {
							boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(output_mutex);
							fail("Second statement should fail (iteration " + iteration + ")");

					db->execute("UPDATE rusqltest SET value=value+1");
					boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(output_mutex);
					pass("Thread " + std::to_string(i) + " succeeded");
			} catch(...) {
				boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(output_mutex);
				fail("Thread " + std::to_string(i) + " threw an exception");

	for(auto &thread : threads) {

		auto statement = db->prepare("SELECT value FROM rusqltest");
		uint64_t result;
		test(result == NUM_THREADS * 1000, "the right amount of increments was done");

	db->execute("DROP TABLE rusqltest");