void GUI_URLS::get_gui_urls(USER& user, HOST& host, TEAM& team, char* buf) {
    bool found;
    char userid[256], teamid[256], hostid[256], weak_auth[256], rss_auth[256];
    strcpy(buf, "");
    if (!text) return;
    strcpy(buf, text);

    sprintf(userid, "%d", user.id);
    sprintf(hostid, "%d", host.id);
    if (user.teamid) {
        sprintf(teamid, "%d", team.id);
    } else {
        strcpy(teamid, "0");
        while (remove_element(buf, "<ifteam>", "</ifteam>")) {

    get_weak_auth(user, weak_auth);
    get_rss_auth(user, rss_auth);
    while (1) {
        found = false;
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<userid/>", userid);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<user_name/>", user.name);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<hostid/>", hostid);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<teamid/>", teamid);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<team_name/>", team.name);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<authenticator/>", user.authenticator);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<weak_auth/>", weak_auth);
        found |= str_replace(buf, "<rss_auth/>", rss_auth);
        if (!found) break;
Exemple #2
// Based on the info in the request message,
// look up the host and its user, and make sure the authenticator matches.
// Some special cases:
//  1) If no host ID is supplied, or if RPC seqno mismatch,
//     create a new host record
//  2) If the host record specified by g_request->hostid is a "zombie"
//     (i.e. it was merged with another host via the web site)
//     then follow links to find the proper host
// If this function returns zero, then:
// - reply.host contains a valid host record (possibly new)
// - reply.user contains a valid user record
// - if user belongs to a team, reply.team contains team record
int authenticate_user() {
    int retval;
    char buf[1024];
    DB_HOST host;
    DB_USER user;
    DB_TEAM team;

    if (g_request->hostid) {
        retval = host.lookup_id(g_request->hostid);
        while (!retval && host.userid==0) {
            // if host record is zombie, follow link to new host
            retval = host.lookup_id(host.rpc_seqno);
            if (!retval) {
                g_reply->hostid = host.id;
                                    "[HOST#%d] forwarding to new host ID %d\n",
                                    g_request->hostid, host.id
        if (retval) {
            g_reply->insert_message("Can't find host record", "low");
                                "[HOST#%d?] can't find host\n",
            g_request->hostid = 0;
            goto lookup_user_and_make_new_host;

        g_reply->host = host;

        // look up user based on the ID in host record,
        // and see if the authenticator matches (regular or weak)
        g_request->using_weak_auth = false;
        sprintf(buf, "where id=%d", host.userid);
        retval = user.lookup(buf);
        if (!retval && !strcmp(user.authenticator, g_request->authenticator)) {
            // req auth matches user auth - go on
        } else {
            if (!retval) {
                // user for host.userid exists - check weak auth
                get_weak_auth(user, buf);
                if (!strcmp(buf, g_request->authenticator)) {
                    g_request->using_weak_auth = true;
                                        "[HOST#%d] accepting weak authenticator\n",
            if (!g_request->using_weak_auth) {
                // weak auth failed - look up user based on authenticator
                    user.authenticator, g_request->authenticator, sizeof(user.authenticator)
                escape_string(user.authenticator, sizeof(user.authenticator));
                sprintf(buf, "where authenticator='%s'", user.authenticator);
                retval = user.lookup(buf);
                if (retval) {
                        _("Invalid or missing account key.  To fix, remove and add this project."),
                    g_reply->nucleus_only = true;
                                        "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] Bad authenticator '%s'\n",
                                        host.id, user.id, g_request->authenticator
                    return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR;

        g_reply->user = user;

        if (host.userid != user.id) {
            // If the request's host ID isn't consistent with the authenticator,
            // create a new host record.
                                "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] inconsistent host ID; creating new host\n",
                                host.id, user.id
            goto make_new_host;

        // If the seqno from the host is less than what we expect,
        // the user must have copied the state file to a different host.
        // Make a new host record.
        if (!batch && g_request->rpc_seqno < g_reply->host.rpc_seqno) {
            g_request->hostid = 0;
                                "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] RPC seqno %d less than expected %d; creating new host\n",
                                g_reply->host.id, user.id, g_request->rpc_seqno, g_reply->host.rpc_seqno
            goto make_new_host;

    } else {
        // Here no hostid was given, or the ID was bad.
        // Look up the user, then create a new host record
        // if authenticator contains _, it's a weak auth
        if (strchr(g_request->authenticator, '_')) {
            int userid = atoi(g_request->authenticator);
            retval = user.lookup_id(userid);
            if (!retval) {
                get_weak_auth(user, buf);
                if (strcmp(buf, g_request->authenticator)) {
                    retval = ERR_AUTHENTICATOR;
        } else {
                user.authenticator, g_request->authenticator,
            escape_string(user.authenticator, sizeof(user.authenticator));
            sprintf(buf, "where authenticator='%s'", user.authenticator);
            retval = user.lookup(buf);
        if (retval) {
                "Invalid or missing account key.  To fix, remove and add this project .",
                                "[HOST#<none>] Bad authenticator '%s': %s\n",
                                g_request->authenticator, boincerror(retval)
            return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR;
        g_reply->user = user;

        // If host CPID is present,
        // scan backwards through this user's hosts,
        // looking for one with the same host CPID.
        // If we find one, it means the user detached and reattached.
        // Use the existing host record,
        // and mark in-progress results as over.
        if (strlen(g_request->host.host_cpid)) {
            if (find_host_by_cpid(user, g_request->host.host_cpid, host)) {
                                    "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] No host ID in request, but host with matching CPID found.\n",
                                    host.id, host.userid
                if ((g_request->allow_multiple_clients != 1)
                        && (g_request->other_results.size() == 0)
                   ) {
                goto got_host;

        // One final attempt to locate an existing host record:
        // scan backwards through this user's hosts,
        // looking for one with the same host name,
        // IP address, processor and amount of RAM.
        // If found, use the existing host record,
        // and mark in-progress results as over.
        // NOTE: If the client was run with --allow_multiple_clients, skip this.
        if ((g_request->allow_multiple_clients != 1)
                && find_host_by_other(user, g_request->host, host)
           ) {
                                "[HOST#%d] [USER#%d] Found similar existing host for this user - assigned.\n",
                                host.id, host.userid
            goto got_host;
        // either of the above cases,
        // or host ID didn't match user ID,
        // or RPC seqno was too low.
        // Create a new host.
        // g_reply->user is filled in and valid at this point
        host = g_request->host;
        host.id = 0;
        host.create_time = time(0);
        host.userid = g_reply->user.id;
        host.rpc_seqno = 0;
        host.expavg_time = time(0);
        safe_strcpy(host.venue, g_reply->user.venue);
        retval = host.insert();
        if (retval) {
                "Couldn't create host record in database", "low"
            log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "host.insert() failed\n");
            return retval;
        host.id = boinc_db.insert_id();

        g_reply->host = host;
        g_reply->hostid = g_reply->host.id;
        // this tells client to updates its host ID
        g_request->rpc_seqno = 0;
        // this value eventually gets written to host DB record;
        // for new hosts it must be zero.
        // This kludge forces this.

    // have user record in g_reply->user at this point

    if (g_reply->user.teamid) {
        retval = team.lookup_id(g_reply->user.teamid);
        if (!retval) g_reply->team = team;

    // compute email hash
        (unsigned char*)g_reply->user.email_addr,

    // if new user CPID, update user record
    if (!g_request->using_weak_auth && strlen(g_request->cross_project_id)) {
        if (strcmp(g_request->cross_project_id, g_reply->user.cross_project_id)) {
            user.id = g_reply->user.id;
            escape_string(g_request->cross_project_id, sizeof(g_request->cross_project_id));
            sprintf(buf, "cross_project_id='%s'", g_request->cross_project_id);
            unescape_string(g_request->cross_project_id, sizeof(g_request->cross_project_id));

    return 0;