void show_all_messages (CT *cts) { CT ct, *ctp; /* * If form is not specified, then get default form * for showing headers of MIME messages. */ if (!formsw) formsw = getcpy (etcpath ("mhl.headers")); /* * If form is "mhl.null", suppress display of header. */ if (!strcmp (formsw, "mhl.null")) formsw = NULL; for (ctp = cts; *ctp; ctp++) { ct = *ctp; /* if top-level type is ok, then display message */ if (type_ok (ct, 1)) show_single_message (ct, formsw); } }
static void seq_private (struct msgs *mp) { int i, j, alen, plen; char *cp; struct node *np; alen = strlen ("atr-"); plen = strlen (mp->foldpath) + 1; for (np = m_defs; np; np = np->n_next) { if (ssequal ("atr-", np->n_name) && (j = strlen (np->n_name) - plen) > alen && *(np->n_name + j) == '-' && strcmp (mp->foldpath, np->n_name + j + 1) == 0) { cp = getcpy (np->n_name + alen); *(cp + j - alen) = '\0'; if ((i = seq_init (mp, cp, getcpy (np->n_field))) != -1) make_seq_private (mp, i); } } }
static void DisplayMsgHeader (CT ct, char *form) { pid_t child_id; int i, vecp; char **vec; char *file; vec = argsplit(mhlproc, &file, &vecp); vec[vecp++] = getcpy("-form"); vec[vecp++] = getcpy(form); vec[vecp++] = getcpy("-nobody"); vec[vecp++] = getcpy(ct->c_file); /* * If we've specified -(no)moreproc, * then just pass that along. */ if (nomore) { vec[vecp++] = getcpy("-nomoreproc"); } else if (progsw) { vec[vecp++] = getcpy("-moreproc"); vec[vecp++] = getcpy(progsw); } vec[vecp] = NULL; fflush (stdout); for (i = 0; (child_id = fork()) == NOTOK && i < 5; i++) sleep (5); switch (child_id) { case NOTOK: adios ("fork", "unable to"); /* NOTREACHED */ case OK: execvp (file, vec); fprintf (stderr, "unable to exec "); perror (mhlproc); _exit (-1); /* NOTREACHED */ default: xpid = -child_id; break; } arglist_free(file, vec); }
void seq_read (struct msgs *mp, int lockflag) { /* * Initialize the list of sequence names. Go ahead and * add the "cur" sequence to the list of sequences. */ svector_push_back (mp->msgattrs, getcpy (current)); make_all_public (mp); /* initially, make all public */ /* If folder is empty, don't scan for sequence information */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) return; /* Initialize the public sequences */ seq_public (mp, lockflag); /* Initialize the private sequences */ seq_private (mp); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int msgnum, *icachesw; char *cp, *file = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *folder = NULL; char *maildir, buf[100], **argp; char **arguments; struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; struct msgs *mp = NULL; CT ct, *ctp; FILE *fp; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } done=freects_done; arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; /* * Parse arguments */ while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case AUTOSW: autosw++; continue; case NAUTOSW: autosw = 0; continue; case RCACHESW: icachesw = &rcachesw; goto do_cache; case WCACHESW: icachesw = &wcachesw; do_cache: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); switch (*icachesw = smatch (cp, caches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, caches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "%s unknown", cp); default: break; } continue; case CHECKSW: checksw++; continue; case NCHECKSW: checksw = 0; continue; case PARTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (npart >= NPARTS) adios (NULL, "too many parts (starting with %s), %d max", cp, NPARTS); parts[npart++] = cp; continue; case TYPESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (ntype >= NTYPES) adios (NULL, "too many types (starting with %s), %d max", cp, NTYPES); types[ntype++] = cp; continue; case FILESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); file = *cp == '-' ? cp : path (cp, TFILE); continue; case OUTFILESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); outfile = *cp == '-' ? cp : path (cp, TFILE); continue; case VERBSW: verbosw = 1; continue; case NVERBSW: verbosw = 0; continue; case CLOBBERSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (save_clobber_policy (cp)) { adios (NULL, "invalid argument, %s, to %s", argp[-1], argp[-2]); } continue; case DEBUGSW: debugsw = 1; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } /* null terminate the list of acceptable parts/types */ parts[npart] = NULL; types[ntype] = NULL; /* * Check if we've specified an additional profile */ if ((cp = getenv ("MHSTORE"))) { if ((fp = fopen (cp, "r"))) { readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0); fclose (fp); } else { admonish ("", "unable to read $MHSTORE profile (%s)", cp); } } /* * Read the standard profile setup */ if ((fp = fopen (cp = etcpath ("mhn.defaults"), "r"))) { readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0); fclose (fp); } /* Check for public cache location */ if ((cache_public = context_find (nmhcache)) && *cache_public != '/') cache_public = NULL; /* Check for private cache location */ if (!(cache_private = context_find (nmhprivcache))) cache_private = ".cache"; cache_private = getcpy (m_maildir (cache_private)); /* * Cache the current directory before we do any chdirs()'s. */ cwd = getcpy (pwd()); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (file && msgs.size) adios (NULL, "cannot specify msg and file at same time!"); /* * check if message is coming from file */ if (file) { if (!(cts = (CT *) calloc ((size_t) 2, sizeof(*cts)))) adios (NULL, "out of memory"); ctp = cts; if ((ct = parse_mime (file))) { *ctp++ = ct; if (outfile) { ct->c_storage = outfile; } } } else { /* * message(s) are coming from a folder */ if (!msgs.size) app_msgarg(&msgs, "cur"); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ if (!(cts = (CT *) calloc ((size_t) (mp->numsel + 1), sizeof(*cts)))) adios (NULL, "out of memory"); ctp = cts; for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) { if (is_selected(mp, msgnum)) { char *msgnam; msgnam = m_name (msgnum); if ((ct = parse_mime (msgnam))) { *ctp++ = ct; if (outfile) { ct->c_storage = add (outfile, NULL); } } } } } if (!*cts) done (1); userrs = 1; SIGNAL (SIGQUIT, quitser); SIGNAL (SIGPIPE, pipeser); /* * Get the associated umask for the relevant contents. */ for (ctp = cts; *ctp; ctp++) { struct stat st; ct = *ctp; if (type_ok (ct, 1) && !ct->c_umask) { if (stat (ct->c_file, &st) != NOTOK) ct->c_umask = ~(st.st_mode & 0777); else ct->c_umask = ~m_gmprot(); } } /* * Store the message content */ store_all_messages (cts); /* Now free all the structures for the content */ for (ctp = cts; *ctp; ctp++) free_content (*ctp); free ((char *) cts); cts = NULL; /* If reading from a folder, do some updating */ if (mp) { context_replace (pfolder, folder);/* update current folder */ seq_setcur (mp, mp->hghsel); /* update current message */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ } done (files_not_clobbered); return 1; }
int scan (FILE *inb, int innum, int outnum, char *nfs, int width, int curflg, int unseen, char *folder, long size, int noisy) { int i, compnum, encrypted, state; char *cp, *tmpbuf, *startbody, **nxtbuf; char *saved_c_text = NULL; struct comp *cptr; struct comp **savecomp; char *scnmsg = NULL; FILE *scnout = NULL; char name[NAMESZ]; int bufsz; static int rlwidth, slwidth; static size_t scanl_size; /* first-time only initialization */ if (!scanl) { if (width == 0) { if ((width = sc_width ()) < WIDTH/2) width = WIDTH/2; else if (width > MAXSCANL) width = MAXSCANL; } dat[3] = slwidth = width; /* Arbitrarily allocate 20 * slwidth to provide room for lots of escape sequences. */ scanl_size = SCAN_CHARWIDTH * (20 * slwidth + 2); scanl = (char *) mh_xmalloc (scanl_size); if (outnum) umask(~m_gmprot()); /* Compile format string */ ncomps = fmt_compile (nfs, &fmt, 1) + 2; bodycomp = fmt_findcomp("body"); datecomp = fmt_findcomp("date"); cptr = fmt_findcomp("folder"); if (cptr && folder) cptr->c_text = getcpy(folder); if (fmt_addcompentry("encrypted")) { ncomps++; } cptr = fmt_findcomp("dtimenow"); if (cptr) cptr->c_text = getcpy(dtimenow (0)); /* * In other programs I got rid of this complicated buffer switching, * but since scan reads lots of messages at once and this complicated * memory management, I decided to keep it; otherwise there was * the potential for a lot of malloc() and free()s, and I could * see the malloc() pool really getting fragmented. Maybe it * wouldn't be an issue in practice; perhaps this will get * revisited someday. * * So, some notes for what's going on: * * nxtbuf is an array of pointers that contains malloc()'d buffers * to hold our component text. used_buf is an array of struct comp * pointers that holds pointers to component structures we found while * processing a message. * * We read in the message with m_getfld(), using "tmpbuf" as our * input buffer. tmpbuf is set at the start of message processing * to the first buffer in our buffer pool (nxtbuf). * * Every time we find a component we care about, we set that component's * text buffer to the current value of tmpbuf, and then switch tmpbuf * to the next buffer in our pool. We also add that component to * our used_buf pool. * * When we're done, we go back and zero out all of the component * text buffer pointers that we saved in used_buf. * * Note that this means c_text memory is NOT owned by the fmt_module * and it's our responsibility to free it. */ nxtbuf = compbuffers = (char **) calloc((size_t) ncomps, sizeof(char *)); if (nxtbuf == NULL) adios (NULL, "unable to allocate component buffers"); used_buf = (struct comp **) calloc((size_t) (ncomps+1), sizeof(struct comp *)); if (used_buf == NULL) adios (NULL, "unable to allocate component buffer stack"); used_buf += ncomps+1; *--used_buf = 0; rlwidth = bodycomp && (width > SBUFSIZ) ? width : SBUFSIZ; for (i = ncomps; i--; ) *nxtbuf++ = mh_xmalloc(rlwidth); } /* * each-message initialization */ nxtbuf = compbuffers; savecomp = used_buf; tmpbuf = *nxtbuf++; startbody = NULL; dat[0] = innum ? innum : outnum; dat[1] = curflg; dat[4] = unseen; /* * Get the first field. If the message is non-empty * and we're doing an "inc", open the output file. */ bufsz = rlwidth; m_getfld_state_reset (&gstate); if ((state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, tmpbuf, &bufsz, inb)) == FILEEOF) { if (ferror(inb)) { advise("read", "unable to"); /* "read error" */ return SCNFAT; } else { return SCNEOF; } } if (outnum) { if (outnum > 0) { scnmsg = m_name (outnum); if (*scnmsg == '?') /* msg num out of range */ return SCNNUM; } else { scnmsg = "/dev/null"; } if ((scnout = fopen (scnmsg, "w")) == NULL) adios (scnmsg, "unable to write"); } /* scan - main loop */ for (compnum = 1; ; bufsz = rlwidth, state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, tmpbuf, &bufsz, inb)) { switch (state) { case FLD: case FLDPLUS: compnum++; if (outnum) { FPUTS (name); if ( putc (':', scnout) == EOF) DIEWRERR(); FPUTS (tmpbuf); } /* * if we're interested in this component, save a pointer * to the component text, then start using our next free * buffer as the component temp buffer (buffer switching * saves an extra copy of the component text). */ if ((cptr = fmt_findcasecomp(name))) { if (! cptr->c_text) { cptr->c_text = tmpbuf; for (cp = tmpbuf + strlen (tmpbuf) - 1; cp >= tmpbuf; cp--) if (isspace ((unsigned char) *cp)) *cp = 0; else break; *--savecomp = cptr; tmpbuf = *nxtbuf++; } } while (state == FLDPLUS) { bufsz = rlwidth; state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, tmpbuf, &bufsz, inb); if (outnum) FPUTS (tmpbuf); } break; case BODY: compnum = -1; /* * A slight hack ... if we have less than rlwidth characters * in the buffer, call m_getfld again. */ if ((i = strlen(tmpbuf)) < rlwidth) { bufsz = rlwidth - i; state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, tmpbuf + i, &bufsz, inb); } if (! outnum) { state = FILEEOF; /* stop now if scan cmd */ if (bodycomp && startbody == NULL) startbody = tmpbuf; goto finished; } if (putc ('\n', scnout) == EOF) DIEWRERR(); FPUTS (tmpbuf); /* * The previous code here used to call m_getfld() using * pointers to the underlying output stdio buffers to * avoid the extra copy. Tests by Markus Schnalke show * no noticable performance loss on larger mailboxes * if we incur an extra copy, and messing around with * internal stdio buffers is becoming more and more * unportable as times go on. So from now on just deal * with the overhead of an extra copy. * * Subtle change - with the previous code tmpbuf wasn't * used, so we could reuse it for the {body} component. * Now since we're using tmpbuf as our read buffer we * need to save the beginning of the body for later. * See the above (and below) use of startbody. */ body:; if (bodycomp && startbody == NULL) { startbody = tmpbuf; tmpbuf = *nxtbuf++; } while (state == BODY) { bufsz = rlwidth; state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, tmpbuf, &bufsz, inb); FPUTS(tmpbuf); } goto finished; case LENERR: case FMTERR: if (innum) fprintf (stderr, "??Format error (message %d) in ", outnum ? outnum : innum); else fprintf (stderr, "??Format error in "); fprintf (stderr, "component %d\n", compnum); if (outnum) { FPUTS ("\n\nBAD MSG:\n"); FPUTS (name); if (putc ('\n', scnout) == EOF) DIEWRERR(); state = BODY; goto body; } /* fall through */ case FILEEOF: goto finished; default: adios (NULL, "getfld() returned %d", state); } } /* * format and output the scan line. */ finished: if (ferror(inb)) { advise("read", "unable to"); /* "read error" */ return SCNFAT; } /* Save and restore buffer so we don't trash our dynamic pool! */ if (bodycomp) { saved_c_text = bodycomp->c_text; bodycomp->c_text = startbody; } if (size) dat[2] = size; else if (outnum > 0) { dat[2] = ftell(scnout); if (dat[2] == EOF) DIEWRERR(); } if ((datecomp && !datecomp->c_text) || (!size && !outnum)) { struct stat st; fstat (fileno(inb), &st); if (!size && !outnum) dat[2] = st.st_size; if (datecomp) { if (! datecomp->c_text) { if (datecomp->c_tws == NULL) datecomp->c_tws = (struct tws *) calloc((size_t) 1, sizeof(*datecomp->c_tws)); if (datecomp->c_tws == NULL) adios (NULL, "unable to allocate tws buffer"); *datecomp->c_tws = *dlocaltime ((time_t *) &st.st_mtime); datecomp->c_flags |= CF_DATEFAB|CF_TRUE; } else { datecomp->c_flags &= ~CF_DATEFAB; } } } fmt_scan (fmt, scanl, scanl_size, slwidth, dat, NULL); if (bodycomp) bodycomp->c_text = saved_c_text; if (noisy) fputs (scanl, stdout); cptr = fmt_findcomp ("encrypted"); encrypted = cptr && cptr->c_text; /* return dynamically allocated buffers to pool */ while ((cptr = *savecomp++)) { cptr->c_text = NULL; } if (outnum && (ferror(scnout) || fclose (scnout) == EOF)) DIEWRERR(); return (state != FILEEOF ? SCNERR : encrypted ? SCNENC : SCNMSG); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int anot = 0, inplace = 1, nedit = 0; int nwhat = 0, i, in, isdf = 0, out; char *cp, *cwd, *maildir, *msgnam, *dfolder = NULL; char *dmsg = NULL, *ed = NULL, *file = NULL, *folder = NULL; char *form = NULL, *msg = NULL, buf[BUFSIZ], drft[BUFSIZ]; char **argp, **arguments; struct msgs *mp = NULL; struct stat st; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); /* read user profile/context */ context_read(); arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msg] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (1); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (1); case ANNOSW: anot++; continue; case NANNOSW: anot = 0; continue; case EDITRSW: if (!(ed = *argp++) || *ed == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nedit = 0; continue; case NEDITSW: nedit++; continue; case WHATSW: if (!(whatnowproc = *argp++) || *whatnowproc == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nwhat = 0; continue; case NWHATSW: nwhat++; continue; case FILESW: if (file) adios (NULL, "only one file at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); file = path (cp, TFILE); continue; case FORMSW: if (!(form = *argp++) || *form == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case INPLSW: inplace++; continue; case NINPLSW: inplace = 0; continue; case DFOLDSW: if (dfolder) adios (NULL, "only one draft folder at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp, *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); continue; case DMSGSW: if (dmsg) adios (NULL, "only one draft message at a time!"); if (!(dmsg = *argp++) || *dmsg == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case NDFLDSW: dfolder = NULL; isdf = NOTOK; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else { if (msg) adios (NULL, "only one message at a time!"); else msg = cp; } } cwd = getcpy (pwd ()); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (file && (msg || folder)) adios (NULL, "can't mix files and folders/msgs"); in = open_form(&form, distcomps); try_it_again: strncpy (drft, m_draft (dfolder, dmsg, NOUSE, &isdf), sizeof(drft)); /* Check if draft already exists */ if (stat (drft, &st) != NOTOK) { printf ("Draft \"%s\" exists (%ld bytes).", drft, (long) st.st_size); for (i = LISTDSW; i != YESW;) { if (!(argp = getans ("\nDisposition? ", isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl))) done (1); switch (i = smatch (*argp, isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl)) { case NOSW: done (0); case NEWSW: dmsg = NULL; goto try_it_again; case YESW: break; case LISTDSW: showfile (++argp, drft); break; case REFILSW: if (refile (++argp, drft) == 0) i = YESW; break; default: advise (NULL, "say what?"); break; } } } if ((out = creat (drft, m_gmprot ())) == NOTOK) adios (drft, "unable to create"); cpydata (in, out, form, drft); close (in); close (out); if (file) { /* * Dist a file */ anot = 0; /* don't want to annotate a file */ } else { /* * Dist a message */ if (!msg) msg = "cur"; if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse the message range/sequence/name and set SELECTED */ if (!m_convert (mp, msg)) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ if (mp->numsel > 1) adios (NULL, "only one message at a time!"); } msgnam = file ? file : getcpy (m_name (mp->lowsel)); if ((in = open (msgnam, O_RDONLY)) == NOTOK) adios (msgnam, "unable to open message"); if (!file) { context_replace (pfolder, folder);/* update current folder */ seq_setcur (mp, mp->lowsel); /* update current message */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ } if (nwhat) done (0); what_now (ed, nedit, NOUSE, drft, msgnam, 1, mp, anot ? "Resent" : NULL, inplace, cwd); done (1); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int sizesw = 1, headsw = 1; int *icachesw; char *cp, buf[BUFSIZ]; char buffer[BUFSIZ], *compfile = NULL; char **argp, **arguments; CT ct, cts[2]; FILE *fp = NULL; FILE *fp_out = NULL; done=unlink_done; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); /* read user profile/context */ context_read(); arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (cp[0] == '-' && cp[1] == '\0') { if (compfile) adios (NULL, "cannot specify both standard input and a file"); else compfile = cp; listsw = 0; /* turn off -list if using standard in/out */ verbosw = 0; /* turn off -verbose listings */ break; } if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [switches] file", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (1); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (1); case RCACHESW: icachesw = &rcachesw; goto do_cache; case WCACHESW: icachesw = &wcachesw; do_cache: ; if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); switch (*icachesw = smatch (cp, caches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, caches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "%s unknown", cp); default: break; } continue; case CHECKSW: checksw++; continue; case NCHECKSW: checksw = 0; continue; case EBCDICSW: ebcdicsw++; continue; case NEBCDICSW: ebcdicsw = 0; continue; case HEADSW: headsw++; continue; case NHEADSW: headsw = 0; continue; case LISTSW: listsw++; continue; case NLISTSW: listsw = 0; continue; case RFC934SW: rfc934sw++; continue; case NRFC934SW: rfc934sw = 0; continue; case SIZESW: sizesw++; continue; case NSIZESW: sizesw = 0; continue; case CONTENTIDSW: contentidsw = 1; continue; case NCONTENTIDSW: contentidsw = 0; continue; case VERBSW: verbosw++; continue; case NVERBSW: verbosw = 0; continue; case DEBUGSW: debugsw = 1; continue; } } if (compfile) adios (NULL, "only one composition file allowed"); else compfile = cp; } set_endian (); if ((cp = getenv ("MM_NOASK")) && !strcmp (cp, "1")) listsw = 0; /* * Check if we've specified an additional profile */ if ((cp = getenv ("MHBUILD"))) { if ((fp = fopen (cp, "r"))) { readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0); fclose (fp); } else { admonish ("", "unable to read $MHBUILD profile (%s)", cp); } } /* * Read the standard profile setup */ if ((fp = fopen (cp = etcpath ("mhn.defaults"), "r"))) { readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0); fclose (fp); } /* Check for public cache location */ if ((cache_public = context_find (nmhcache)) && *cache_public != '/') cache_public = NULL; /* Check for private cache location */ if (!(cache_private = context_find (nmhprivcache))) cache_private = ".cache"; cache_private = getcpy (m_maildir (cache_private)); /* * Check for storage directory. If defined, we * will store temporary files there. Else we * store them in standard nmh directory. */ if ((cp = context_find (nmhstorage)) && *cp) tmp = concat (cp, "/", invo_name, NULL); else tmp = add (m_maildir (invo_name), NULL); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); /* Check if we have a file to process */ if (!compfile) adios (NULL, "need to specify a %s composition file", invo_name); /* * Process the composition file from standard input. */ if (compfile[0] == '-' && compfile[1] == '\0') { /* copy standard input to temporary file */ strncpy (infile, m_mktemp(invo_name, NULL, &fp), sizeof(infile)); while (fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin)) fputs (buffer, fp); fclose (fp); unlink_infile = 1; /* build the content structures for MIME message */ ct = build_mime (infile); cts[0] = ct; cts[1] = NULL; /* output MIME message to this temporary file */ strncpy (outfile, m_mktemp(invo_name, NULL, &fp_out), sizeof(outfile)); unlink_outfile = 1; /* output the message */ output_message_fp (ct, fp_out, outfile); fclose(fp_out); /* output the temp file to standard output */ if ((fp = fopen (outfile, "r")) == NULL) adios (outfile, "unable to open"); while (fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, fp)) fputs (buffer, stdout); fclose (fp); unlink (infile); unlink_infile = 0; unlink (outfile); unlink_outfile = 0; free_content (ct); done (0); } /* * Process the composition file from a file. */ /* build the content structures for MIME message */ ct = build_mime (compfile); cts[0] = ct; cts[1] = NULL; /* output MIME message to this temporary file */ strncpy(outfile, m_mktemp2(compfile, invo_name, NULL, &fp_out), sizeof(outfile)); unlink_outfile = 1; /* output the message */ output_message_fp (ct, fp_out, outfile); fclose(fp_out); /* * List the message info */ if (listsw) list_all_messages (cts, headsw, sizesw, verbosw, debugsw); /* Rename composition draft */ snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s.orig", m_backup (compfile)); if (rename (compfile, buffer) == NOTOK) { adios (compfile, "unable to rename comp draft %s to", buffer); } /* Rename output file to take its place */ if (rename (outfile, compfile) == NOTOK) { advise (outfile, "unable to rename output %s to", compfile); rename (buffer, compfile); done (1); } unlink_outfile = 0; free_content (ct); done (0); return 1; }
static void seq_public (struct msgs *mp, int lockflag) { int state; char *cp, seqfile[PATH_MAX]; char name[NAMESZ], field[BUFSIZ]; FILE *fp; m_getfld_state_t gstate = 0; /* * If mh_seq == NULL or if *mh_seq == '\0' (the user has defined * the "mh-sequences" profile entry, but left it empty), * then just return, and do not initialize any public sequences. */ if (mh_seq == NULL || *mh_seq == '\0') return; /* get filename of sequence file */ snprintf (seqfile, sizeof(seqfile), "%s/%s", mp->foldpath, mh_seq); if ((fp = lkfopendata (seqfile, lockflag ? "r+" : "r")) == NULL) return; /* Use m_getfld to scan sequence file */ for (;;) { int fieldsz = sizeof field; switch (state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, field, &fieldsz, fp)) { case FLD: case FLDPLUS: if (state == FLDPLUS) { cp = getcpy (field); while (state == FLDPLUS) { fieldsz = sizeof field; state = m_getfld (&gstate, name, field, &fieldsz, fp); cp = add (field, cp); } seq_init (mp, getcpy (name), trimcpy (cp)); free (cp); } else { seq_init (mp, getcpy (name), trimcpy (field)); } continue; case BODY: lkfclosedata (fp, seqfile); adios (NULL, "no blank lines are permitted in %s", seqfile); /* fall */ case FILEEOF: break; default: lkfclosedata (fp, seqfile); adios (NULL, "%s is poorly formatted", seqfile); } break; /* break from for loop */ } m_getfld_state_destroy (&gstate); if (lockflag) { mp->seqhandle = fp; mp->seqname = getcpy(seqfile); } else { lkfclosedata (fp, seqfile); } }
static struct nexus * nexp3 (void) { int i; register char *cp, *dp; char buffer[BUFSIZ], temp[64]; register struct nexus *n; if ((cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) return NULL; if (*cp != '-') { padvise (NULL, "%s unexpected", cp); return NULL; } if (*++cp == '-') { dp = ++cp; goto header; } switch (i = smatch (cp, parswit)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, parswit); talked++; return NULL; case UNKWNSW: fprintf (stderr, "-%s unknown\n", cp); talked++; return NULL; case PRLBR: if ((n = parse ()) == NULL) { padvise (NULL, "missing group"); return NULL; } if ((cp = nxtarg ()) == NULL) { padvise (NULL, "missing -rbrace"); return NULL; } if (*cp++ == '-' && smatch (cp, parswit) == PRRBR) return n; padvise (NULL, "%s unexpected", --cp); return NULL; default: prvarg (); return NULL; case PRCC: case PRDATE: case PRFROM: case PRTO: case PRSUBJ: strncpy(temp, parswit[i].sw, sizeof(temp)); temp[sizeof(temp) - 1] = '\0'; dp = *brkstring (temp, " ", NULL); header: ; if (!(cp = nxtarg ())) {/* allow -xyz arguments */ padvise (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } n = newnexus (GREPaction); n->n_header = 1; snprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "^%s[ \t]*:.*%s", dp, cp); dp = buffer; goto pattern; case PRSRCH: n = newnexus (GREPaction); n->n_header = 0; if (!(cp = nxtarg ())) {/* allow -xyz arguments */ padvise (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } dp = cp; pattern: ; if (!gcompile (n, dp)) { padvise (NULL, "pattern error in %s %s", argp[-2], cp); return NULL; } n->n_patbuf = getcpy (dp); return n; case PROTHR: padvise (NULL, "internal error!"); return NULL; case PRDATF: if (!(datesw = nxtarg ()) || *datesw == '-') { padvise (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } return nexp3 (); case PRAFTR: case PRBEFR: if (!(cp = nxtarg ())) {/* allow -xyz arguments */ padvise (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); return NULL; } n = newnexus (TWSaction); n->n_datef = datesw; if (!tcompile (cp, &n->n_tws, n->n_after = i == PRAFTR)) { padvise (NULL, "unable to parse %s %s", argp[-2], cp); return NULL; } return n; } }
static void mhl_draft (int out, char *digest, int volume, int issue, char *file, char *filter, int dashstuff) { pid_t child_id; int i, msgnum, pd[2]; char buf1[BUFSIZ]; char buf2[BUFSIZ]; char *program; struct msgs_array vec = { 0, 0, NULL }; if (pipe (pd) == NOTOK) adios ("pipe", "unable to create"); argsplit_msgarg(&vec, mhlproc, &program); for (i = 0; (child_id = fork()) == NOTOK && i < 5; i++) sleep (5); switch (child_id) { case NOTOK: adios ("fork", "unable to"); case OK: close (pd[0]); dup2 (pd[1], 1); close (pd[1]); i = 1; app_msgarg(&vec, "-forwall"); app_msgarg(&vec, "-form"); app_msgarg(&vec, filter); if (digest) { app_msgarg(&vec, "-digest"); app_msgarg(&vec, digest); app_msgarg(&vec, "-issue"); snprintf (buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%d", issue); app_msgarg(&vec, buf1); app_msgarg(&vec, "-volume"); snprintf (buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%d", volume); app_msgarg(&vec, buf2); } /* * Are we dashstuffing (quoting) the lines that begin * with `-'. We use the mhl default (don't add any flag) * unless the user has specified a specific flag. */ if (dashstuff > 0) app_msgarg(&vec, "-dashstuffing"); else if (dashstuff < 0) app_msgarg(&vec, "-nodashstuffing"); for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) { if (is_selected (mp, msgnum)) app_msgarg(&vec, getcpy (m_name (msgnum))); } app_msgarg(&vec, NULL); execvp (program, vec.msgs); fprintf (stderr, "unable to exec "); perror (mhlproc); _exit (-1); default: close (pd[1]); cpydata (pd[0], out, vec.msgs[0], file); close (pd[0]); pidXwait(child_id, mhlproc); break; } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int anot = 0, inplace = 1, mime = 0; int issue = 0, volume = 0, dashstuff = 0; int nedit = 0, nwhat = 0, i, in; int out, isdf = 0, msgnum = 0; int outputlinelen = OUTPUTLINELEN; int dat[5]; char *cp, *cwd, *maildir, *dfolder = NULL; char *dmsg = NULL, *digest = NULL, *ed = NULL; char *file = NULL, *filter = NULL, *folder = NULL, *fwdmsg = NULL; char *from = NULL, *to = NULL, *cc = NULL, *subject = NULL, *fcc = NULL; char *form = NULL, buf[BUFSIZ], value[10]; char **argp, **arguments; struct stat st; struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; int buildsw = 0; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case ANNOSW: anot++; continue; case NANNOSW: anot = 0; continue; case EDITRSW: if (!(ed = *argp++) || *ed == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nedit = 0; continue; case NEDITSW: nedit++; continue; case WHATSW: if (!(whatnowproc = *argp++) || *whatnowproc == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nwhat = 0; continue; case BILDSW: buildsw++; /* fall... */ case NWHATSW: nwhat++; continue; case FILESW: if (file) adios (NULL, "only one file at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); file = path (cp, TFILE); continue; case FILTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); filter = getcpy (etcpath (cp)); mime = 0; continue; case FORMSW: if (!(form = *argp++) || *form == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case FRMTSW: filter = getcpy (etcpath (mhlforward)); continue; case NFRMTSW: filter = NULL; continue; case INPLSW: inplace++; continue; case NINPLSW: inplace = 0; continue; case MIMESW: mime++; filter = NULL; continue; case NMIMESW: mime = 0; continue; case DGSTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); digest = getcpy(cp); mime = 0; continue; case ISSUESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((issue = atoi (cp)) < 1) adios (NULL, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp); continue; case VOLUMSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((volume = atoi (cp)) < 1) adios (NULL, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp); continue; case DFOLDSW: if (dfolder) adios (NULL, "only one draft folder at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp, *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); continue; case DMSGSW: if (dmsg) adios (NULL, "only one draft message at a time!"); if (!(dmsg = *argp++) || *dmsg == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case NDFLDSW: dfolder = NULL; isdf = NOTOK; continue; case BITSTUFFSW: dashstuff = 1; /* trinary logic */ continue; case NBITSTUFFSW: dashstuff = -1; /* trinary logic */ continue; case FROMSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); from = addlist(from, cp); continue; case TOSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); to = addlist(to, cp); continue; case CCSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); cc = addlist(cc, cp); continue; case FCCSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); fcc = addlist(fcc, cp); continue; case SUBJECTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); subject = getcpy(cp); continue; case WIDTHSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((outputlinelen = atoi(cp)) < 10) adios (NULL, "impossible width %d", outputlinelen); continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else { app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } } cwd = getcpy (pwd ()); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (file && (msgs.size || folder)) adios (NULL, "can't mix files and folders/msgs"); try_it_again: strncpy (drft, buildsw ? m_maildir ("draft") : m_draft (dfolder, NULL, NOUSE, &isdf), sizeof(drft)); /* Check if a draft already exists */ if (!buildsw && stat (drft, &st) != NOTOK) { printf ("Draft \"%s\" exists (%ld bytes).", drft, (long) st.st_size); for (i = LISTDSW; i != YESW;) { if (!(argp = getans ("\nDisposition? ", isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl))) done (1); switch (i = smatch (*argp, isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl)) { case NOSW: done (0); case NEWSW: dmsg = NULL; goto try_it_again; case YESW: break; case LISTDSW: showfile (++argp, drft); break; case REFILSW: if (refile (++argp, drft) == 0) i = YESW; break; default: advise (NULL, "say what?"); break; } } } if (file) { /* * Forwarding a file. */ anot = 0; /* don't want to annotate a file */ } else { /* * Forwarding a message. */ if (!msgs.size) app_msgarg(&msgs, "cur"); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous sequence */ /* * Find the first message in our set and use it as the input * for the component scanner */ for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) if (is_selected (mp, msgnum)) { fwdmsg = strdup(m_name(msgnum)); break; } if (! fwdmsg) adios (NULL, "Unable to find input message"); } if (filter && access (filter, R_OK) == NOTOK) adios (filter, "unable to read"); /* * Open form (component) file. */ if (digest) { if (issue == 0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), IFORMAT, digest); if (volume == 0 && (cp = context_find (buf)) && ((issue = atoi (cp)) < 0)) issue = 0; issue++; } if (volume == 0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), VFORMAT, digest); if ((cp = context_find (buf)) == NULL || (volume = atoi (cp)) <= 0) volume = 1; } if (!form) form = digestcomps; } else { if (!form) form = forwcomps; } dat[0] = digest ? issue : msgnum; dat[1] = volume; dat[2] = 0; dat[3] = outputlinelen; dat[4] = 0; in = build_form (form, digest, dat, from, to, cc, fcc, subject, file ? file : fwdmsg); if ((out = creat (drft, m_gmprot ())) == NOTOK) adios (drft, "unable to create"); /* * copy the components into the draft */ cpydata (in, out, form, drft); close (in); if (file) { /* just copy the file into the draft */ if ((in = open (file, O_RDONLY)) == NOTOK) adios (file, "unable to open"); cpydata (in, out, file, drft); close (in); close (out); } else { /* * If filter file is defined, then format the * messages into the draft using mhlproc. */ if (filter) mhl_draft (out, digest, volume, issue, drft, filter, dashstuff); else if (mime) copy_mime_draft (out); else copy_draft (out, digest, drft, volume, issue, dashstuff); close (out); if (digest) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), IFORMAT, digest); snprintf (value, sizeof(value), "%d", issue); context_replace (buf, getcpy (value)); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), VFORMAT, digest); snprintf (value, sizeof(value), "%d", volume); context_replace (buf, getcpy (value)); } context_replace (pfolder, folder); /* update current folder */ seq_setcur (mp, mp->lowsel); /* update current message */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ } if (nwhat) done (0); what_now (ed, nedit, NOUSE, drft, NULL, 0, mp, anot ? "Forwarded" : NULL, inplace, cwd, 0); done (1); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int msgp = 0, distsw = 0, vecp; int isdf = 0, mime = 0; int msgnum, status; char *cp, *dfolder = NULL, *maildir = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ], **ap, **argp, **arguments, *program; char *msgs[MAXARGS], **vec; struct msgs *mp; struct stat st; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; vec = argsplit(postproc, &program, &vecp); vec[vecp++] = "-library"; vec[vecp++] = getcpy (m_maildir ("")); if ((cp = context_find ("fileproc"))) { vec[vecp++] = "-fileproc"; vec[vecp++] = cp; } if ((cp = context_find ("mhlproc"))) { vec[vecp++] = "-mhlproc"; vec[vecp++] = cp; } if ((cp = context_find ("credentials"))) { /* post doesn't read context so need to pass credentials. */ vec[vecp++] = "-credentials"; vec[vecp++] = cp; } while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown\n", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [file] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case DRAFTSW: msgs[msgp++] = draft; continue; case DFOLDSW: if (dfolder) adios (NULL, "only one draft folder at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp, *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); continue; case DMSGSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); msgs[msgp++] = cp; continue; case NDFLDSW: dfolder = NULL; isdf = NOTOK; continue; case PUSHSW: pushsw++; continue; case NPUSHSW: pushsw = 0; continue; case SPLITSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || sscanf (cp, "%d", &splitsw) != 1) adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case UNIQSW: unique++; continue; case NUNIQSW: unique = 0; continue; case FORWSW: forwsw++; continue; case NFORWSW: forwsw = 0; continue; case VERBSW: verbsw++; vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case NVERBSW: verbsw = 0; vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case MIMESW: mime++; vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case NMIMESW: mime = 0; vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case DEBUGSW: debugsw++; /* fall */ case NFILTSW: case FRMTSW: case NFRMTSW: case BITSTUFFSW: case NBITSTUFFSW: case MSGDSW: case NMSGDSW: case WATCSW: case NWATCSW: case SNOOPSW: case SASLSW: case NOSASLSW: case TLSSW: case INITTLSSW: case NTLSSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case ALIASW: case FILTSW: case WIDTHSW: case CLIESW: case SERVSW: case SASLMECHSW: case SASLMXSSFSW: case USERSW: case PORTSW: case MTSSW: case MESSAGEIDSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); vec[vecp++] = cp; continue; case ATTACHSW: advise(NULL, "The -attach switch is deprecated"); continue; case NOATTACHSW: advise(NULL, "The -noattach switch is deprecated"); continue; case ATTACHFORMATSW: advise(NULL, "The -attachformat switch is deprecated"); continue; } } else { msgs[msgp++] = cp; } } /* * check for "Aliasfile:" profile entry */ if ((cp = context_find ("Aliasfile"))) { char *dp = NULL; for (ap = brkstring(dp = getcpy(cp), " ", "\n"); ap && *ap; ap++) { vec[vecp++] = "-alias"; vec[vecp++] = *ap; } } if (dfolder == NULL) { if (msgp == 0) { msgs[msgp++] = getcpy (m_draft (NULL, NULL, 1, &isdf)); if (stat (msgs[0], &st) == NOTOK) adios (msgs[0], "unable to stat draft file"); cp = concat ("Use \"", msgs[0], "\"? ", NULL); for (status = LISTDSW; status != YESW;) { if (!(argp = getans (cp, anyl))) done (1); switch (status = smatch (*argp, anyl)) { case NOSW: done (0); case YESW: break; case LISTDSW: showfile (++argp, msgs[0]); break; default: advise (NULL, "say what?"); break; } } } else { for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++) msgs[msgnum] = getcpy (m_maildir (msgs[msgnum])); } } else { if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (!msgp) msgs[msgp++] = "cur"; maildir = m_maildir (dfolder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (dfolder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", dfolder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", dfolder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs[msgnum])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ for (msgp = 0, msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) { if (is_selected (mp, msgnum)) { msgs[msgp++] = getcpy (m_name (msgnum)); unset_exists (mp, msgnum); } } mp->msgflags |= SEQMOD; seq_save (mp); } #ifdef WHATNOW go_to_it: #endif /* WHATNOW */ if ((cp = getenv ("SIGNATURE")) == NULL || *cp == 0) if ((cp = context_find ("signature")) && *cp) m_putenv ("SIGNATURE", cp); for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++) if (stat (msgs[msgnum], &st) == NOTOK) adios (msgs[msgnum], "unable to stat draft file"); if ((annotext = getenv ("mhannotate")) == NULL || *annotext == 0) annotext = NULL; if (annotext && ((cp = getenv ("mhinplace")) != NULL && *cp != 0)) inplace = atoi (cp); if ((altmsg = getenv ("mhaltmsg")) == NULL || *altmsg == 0) altmsg = NULL; /* used by dist interface - see below */ if ((cp = getenv ("mhdist")) && *cp && (distsw = atoi (cp)) && altmsg) { vec[vecp++] = "-dist"; if ((cp = m_mktemp2(altmsg, invo_name, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { adios(NULL, "unable to create temporary file in %s", get_temp_dir()); } distfile = getcpy (cp); (void) m_unlink(distfile); if (link (altmsg, distfile) == NOTOK) { /* Cygwin with FAT32 filesystem produces EPERM. */ if (errno != EXDEV && errno != EPERM #ifdef EISREMOTE && errno != EISREMOTE #endif /* EISREMOTE */ ) adios (distfile, "unable to link %s to", altmsg); free (distfile); if ((cp = m_mktemp2(NULL, invo_name, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) { adios(NULL, "unable to create temporary file in %s", get_temp_dir()); } distfile = getcpy (cp); { int in, out; struct stat st; if ((in = open (altmsg, O_RDONLY)) == NOTOK) adios (altmsg, "unable to open"); fstat(in, &st); if ((out = creat (distfile, (int) st.st_mode & 0777)) == NOTOK) adios (distfile, "unable to write"); cpydata (in, out, altmsg, distfile); close (in); close (out); } } } else { distfile = NULL; } if (altmsg == NULL || stat (altmsg, &st) == NOTOK) { st.st_mtime = 0; st.st_dev = 0; st.st_ino = 0; } if (pushsw) push (); status = 0; closefds (3); for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgp; msgnum++) { switch (sendsbr (vec, vecp, program, msgs[msgnum], &st, 1)) { case DONE: done (++status); case NOTOK: status++; /* fall */ case OK: break; } } context_save (); /* save the context file */ done (status); return 1; }
void readconfig (struct node **npp, FILE *ib, char *file, int ctx) { register int state; register char *cp; char name[NAMESZ], field[BUFSIZ]; register struct node *np; register struct procstr *ps; if (npp == NULL && (npp = opp) == NULL) { admonish (NULL, "bug: readconfig called but pump not primed"); return; } for (state = FLD;;) { switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, field, sizeof(field), ib)) { case FLD: case FLDPLUS: case FLDEOF: np = (struct node *) mh_xmalloc (sizeof(*np)); *npp = np; *(npp = &np->n_next) = NULL; np->n_name = getcpy (name); if (state == FLDPLUS) { cp = getcpy (field); while (state == FLDPLUS) { state = m_getfld (state, name, field, sizeof(field), ib); cp = add (field, cp); } np->n_field = trimcpy (cp); free (cp); } else { np->n_field = trimcpy (field); } np->n_context = ctx; /* * Now scan the list of `procs' and link in the * field value to the global variable. */ for (ps = procs; ps->procname; ps++) if (strcmp (np->n_name, ps->procname) == 0) { *ps->procnaddr = np->n_field; break; } if (state == FLDEOF) break; continue; case BODY: case BODYEOF: adios (NULL, "no blank lines are permitted in %s", file); case FILEEOF: break; default: adios (NULL, "%s is poorly formatted", file); } break; } opp = npp; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { pid_t child_id = OK; int i, status, isdf = 0; int distsw = 0, vecp = 0; char *cp, *dfolder = NULL, *dmsg = NULL; char *msg = NULL, **ap, **argp, backup[BUFSIZ]; char buf[BUFSIZ], **arguments, *vec[MAXARGS]; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; vec[vecp++] = invo_name; vec[vecp++] = "-whom"; vec[vecp++] = "-library"; vec[vecp++] = getcpy (m_maildir ("")); /* Don't need to feed fileproc or mhlproc to post because it doesn't use them when used for whom. */ while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [switches] [file]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case CHKSW: case NOCHKSW: case SNOOPSW: case SASLSW: case TLSSW: case INITTLSSW: case NTLSSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case DRAFTSW: msg = draft; continue; case DFOLDSW: if (dfolder) adios (NULL, "only one draft folder at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp, *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); continue; case DMSGSW: if (dmsg) adios (NULL, "only one draft message at a time!"); if (!(dmsg = *argp++) || *dmsg == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case NDFLDSW: dfolder = NULL; isdf = NOTOK; continue; case ALIASW: case CLIESW: case SERVSW: case USERSW: case PORTSW: case SASLMECHSW: case MTSSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); vec[vecp++] = cp; continue; } } if (msg) adios (NULL, "only one draft at a time!"); else vec[vecp++] = msg = cp; } /* allow Aliasfile: profile entry */ if ((cp = context_find ("Aliasfile"))) { char *dp = NULL; for (ap = brkstring(dp = getcpy(cp), " ", "\n"); ap && *ap; ap++) { vec[vecp++] = "-alias"; vec[vecp++] = *ap; } } if (msg == NULL) { cp = getcpy (m_draft (dfolder, dmsg, 1, &isdf)); msg = vec[vecp++] = cp; } if ((cp = getenv ("mhdist")) && *cp && (distsw = atoi (cp)) && (cp = getenv ("mhaltmsg")) && *cp) { if (distout (msg, cp, backup) == NOTOK) done (1); vec[vecp++] = "-dist"; distsw++; } vec[vecp] = NULL; closefds (3); if (distsw) { for (i = 0; (child_id = fork()) == NOTOK && i < 5; i++) sleep (5); } switch (distsw ? child_id : OK) { case NOTOK: advise (NULL, "unable to fork, so checking directly..."); case OK: execvp (postproc, vec); fprintf (stderr, "unable to exec "); perror (postproc); _exit (-1); default: SIGNAL (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); status = pidwait(child_id, OK); (void) m_unlink (msg); if (rename (backup, msg) == NOTOK) adios (msg, "unable to rename %s to", backup); done (status); } return 0; /* dead code to satisfy the compiler */ }