Exemple #1
// Assign bitmask to each player to indicate what team they are in
//   Called at match start and also when a client connects
void BotsAssignTeamFlags (void)
	gedict_t    *p, *p2;
	int         teamflag = 1;
	char        *s = "";

	if (!teamplay)

	// Clear teamflag from all items
	for (p = world; (p = nextent (p)); )
		p->fb.teamflag = 0;

	for ( p = world; (p = find_plr( p )); )
		p->k_flag = 0;

	for ( p = world; (p = find_plr( p )); ) {
		if( p->k_flag || strnull( s = getteam( p ) ) )

		p->k_flag = 1;
		p->fb.teamflag = teamflag;
		for (p2 = p; (p2 = find_plr (p2)); ) {
			if (streq (s, getteam (p2))) {
				p2->k_flag = 1;
				p2->fb.teamflag = teamflag;
		teamflag <<= 1;
Exemple #2
// convienence command for ctf admins
// often times you play a game on non-symmetrical map as one color then swap teams and play again to be fair
void AdminSwapAll()
	gedict_t *p;

	if ( !is_adm( self ) )

	if ( match_in_progress )

	if ( !isCTF() )

	for( p = world; (p = find_plr( p )); ) {
		if ( streq( getteam(p), "blue" ) )
        	stuffcmd_flags(p, STUFFCMD_IGNOREINDEMO, "team \"red\"\ncolor 4\n");
		else if ( streq( getteam(p), "red" ) )
			stuffcmd_flags(p, STUFFCMD_IGNOREINDEMO, "team \"blue\"\ncolor 13\n");

	G_bprint(2, "%s swapped the teams\n", getname( self ) );
Exemple #3
void PlayerDropFlag( gedict_t *player, qbool tossed )
	gedict_t *flag;
	char *cn;

	if (!(player->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG))

	if ( streq(getteam(player), "red") )
		cn = "item_flag_team2";
		cn = "item_flag_team1";

	flag = find( world, FOFCLSN, cn );
	if ( flag )
		DropFlag( flag, tossed );
Exemple #4
void GrappleAnchor()
    gedict_t *owner = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner );

    if (other == owner)

    // DO NOT allow the grapple to hook to any projectiles, no matter WHAT!
    // if you create new types of projectiles, make sure you use one of the
    // classnames below or write code to exclude your new classname so
    // grapples will not stick to them.

    if ( streq(other->s.v.classname, "rocket")  ||
            streq(other->s.v.classname, "grenade") ||
            streq(other->s.v.classname, "spike"  ) ||
            streq(other->s.v.classname, "hook"   ))

    if ( other->ct == ctPlayer )
        // grappling players in prewar is annoying
        if ( match_in_progress != 2 || (tp_num() == 4 && streq(getteam(other), getteam(owner))) )
            GrappleReset( self );

        sound ( self, CHAN_WEAPON, "player/axhit1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

        // previously 10 damage per hit, but at close range that could be exploited
        other->deathtype = dtHOOK;
        T_Damage ( other, self, owner, 1 );

        // make hook invisible since we will be pulling directly
        // towards the player the hook hit. Quakeworld makes it
        // too quirky to try to match hook's velocity with that of
        // the client that it hit.
        setmodel ( self, "" );
        sound ( self, CHAN_WEAPON, "player/axhit2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

        // One point of damage inflicted upon impact. Subsequent
        // damage will only be done to PLAYERS... this way secret
        // doors and triggers will only be damaged once.
        if ( other->s.v.takedamage ) {
            other->deathtype = dtHOOK;
            T_Damage ( other, self, owner, 1 );

        SetVector( self->s.v.velocity , 0, 0, 0 );
        SetVector( self->s.v.avelocity, 0, 0, 0 );

    // conveniently clears the sound channel of the CHAIN1 sound,
    // which is a looping sample and would continue to play. Tink1 is
    // the least offensive choice, as NULL.WAV loops and clogs the
    // channel with silence
    sound ( owner, CHAN_NO_PHS_ADD + CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/tink1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );

    if ( !owner->s.v.button0 )
        GrappleReset( self );

    if ( (int)owner->s.v.flags & FL_ONGROUND )
        owner->s.v.flags -= FL_ONGROUND;

    owner->on_hook = true;
    sound ( owner, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/chain2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );
    owner->ctf_sound = true;

    self->s.v.enemy     = EDICT_TO_PROG( other );
    self->s.v.think     = (func_t) GrappleTrack;
    self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time;
    self->s.v.solid     = SOLID_NOT;
    self->s.v.touch     = (func_t) SUB_Null;
Exemple #5
void T_Damage( gedict_t * targ, gedict_t * inflictor, gedict_t * attacker, float damage )
	vec3_t          dir;
	gedict_t       *oldself;
	float           save;
	float           take;
	int				i, c1 = 8, c2 = 4, hdp;
	float			dmg_dealt = 0, virtual_take = 0;
	float			non_hdp_damage; // save damage before handicap apply for kickback calculation
	float			native_damage = damage; // save damage before apply any modificator
	char            *attackerteam, *targteam, *attackername, *victimname;
	qbool			tp4teamdmg = false;

	//midair and instagib
	float playerheight = 0, midheight = 0;
	qbool midair = false, inwater = false, do_dmg = false, rl_dmg = false, stomp_dmg = false;

	// can't apply damage to dead
	if ( !targ->s.v.takedamage || ISDEAD( targ ) )

	// can't damage other players in race
	if ( isRACE() && ( attacker != targ ) )
			if ( targ->ct == ctPlayer || attacker->ct == ctPlayer )

	// ignore almost all damage in CA while coutdown
	if ( isCA() && match_in_progress && ra_match_fight != 2 )
		if ( !( 	dtTELE1 == targ->deathtype	// always do tele damage
				 || dtTELE2 == targ->deathtype	// always do tele damage
				 || dtTELE3 == targ->deathtype	// always do tele damage
				 || dtSUICIDE == targ->deathtype // do suicide damage anyway

	// used by buttons and triggers to set activator for target firing
	damage_attacker = attacker;
	damage_inflictor = inflictor;

	attackerteam = getteam( attacker );
	targteam = getteam( targ );

	if ( (int)cvar("k_midair") )
		midair = true;

	// in bloodfest boss damage factor.
	if ( k_bloodfest && attacker->bloodfest_boss )
		damage *= 4;

	// check for quad damage powerup on the attacker
	// midair quad makes rockets fast, but no change to damage
	if ( attacker->super_damage_finished > g_globalvars.time
	     && strneq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "door" ) && dtSTOMP != targ->deathtype
		 && !midair 
		damage *= ( deathmatch == 4 ? 8 : 4 ); // in dmm4 quad is octa actually

	// ctf strength rune
	if ( attacker->ctf_flag & CTF_RUNE_STR )
		damage *= 2;

	// ctf resistance rune
	if ( targ->ctf_flag & CTF_RUNE_RES )
		damage /= 2;
		ResistanceSound( targ );

	// did we hurt enemy flag carrier?
	if ( (targ->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG) && (!streq(targteam, attackerteam)) )
		attacker->carrier_hurt_time = g_globalvars.time;

	// in teamplay 4 we do no armor or health damage to teammates (unless telefrag), but do apply velocity changes
	if ( tp_num() == 4 && streq(targteam, attackerteam) && ( isCA() || targ != attacker ) && !TELEDEATH(targ) )
		tp4teamdmg = true;

	if ( midair || cvar("k_instagib") )
		traceline( PASSVEC3(targ->s.v.origin),
				targ->s.v.origin[2] - 2048,
				true, targ );

		playerheight = targ->s.v.absmin[2] - g_globalvars.trace_endpos[2] + ( cvar("k_instagib") ? 1 : 0 );

	// get some data before apply damage in mid air mode
	if ( midair )
		inwater = ( ((int)targ->s.v.flags & FL_INWATER) && targ->s.v.waterlevel > 1 );

		if ( streq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "rocket" ))
			midheight = targ->s.v.origin[2] - inflictor->s.v.oldorigin[2];

		rl_dmg = ( targ->ct == ctPlayer && dtRL == targ->deathtype );
		stomp_dmg = ( targ->ct == ctPlayer && dtSTOMP == targ->deathtype );

		if ( !rl_dmg ) {
			// damage types which ignore "lowheight"
			do_dmg =   targ->ct != ctPlayer				// always do damage to non player, secret doors etc...
				 	|| dtWATER_DMG == targ->deathtype	// always do water damage
				 	|| dtLAVA_DMG  == targ->deathtype	// always do lava damage
				 	|| dtSLIME_DMG == targ->deathtype	// always do slime damage
				 	|| dtSTOMP == targ->deathtype	// always do stomp damage
				 	|| dtTELE1 == targ->deathtype	// always do tele damage
				 	|| dtTELE2 == targ->deathtype	// always do tele damage
				 	|| dtTELE3 == targ->deathtype	// always do tele damage
					|| dtSUICIDE == targ->deathtype; // do suicide damage anyway

	non_hdp_damage = damage; // save damage before handicap apply for kickback calculation

	// #handicap#
	if ( attacker != targ ) // attack no self
	if ( attacker->ct == ctPlayer && targ->ct == ctPlayer ) // player vs player
	if ( ( hdp = GetHandicap(attacker) ) != 100 ) // skip checks if hdp == 100
	if (    dtAXE  == targ->deathtype
 		 || dtSG   == targ->deathtype
		 || dtSSG  == targ->deathtype
		 || dtNG   == targ->deathtype
		 || dtSNG  == targ->deathtype
		 || dtGL   == targ->deathtype
		 || dtRL   == targ->deathtype
		 || dtLG_BEAM     == targ->deathtype
		 || dtLG_DIS      == targ->deathtype
		 || dtLG_DIS_SELF == targ->deathtype // even that impossible
	   ) {
		damage *= 0.01f * hdp;

	// save damage based on the target's armor level

	save = newceil( targ->s.v.armortype * damage );

	if ( tp4teamdmg )
		save = 0; // we do not touch armor

	if ( save >= targ->s.v.armorvalue )
		save = targ->s.v.armorvalue;
		targ->s.v.armortype = 0;	// lost all armor
		targ->s.v.items -= ( ( int ) targ->s.v.items & ( IT_ARMOR1 | IT_ARMOR2 | IT_ARMOR3 ) );

	dmg_dealt += save;

	if ( match_in_progress == 2 )
		targ->s.v.armorvalue = targ->s.v.armorvalue - save;

	take = newceil( damage - save );

	// mid air damage modificators
	if ( midair )
		int k_midair_minheight, midair_minheight;

		k_midair_minheight = (int)cvar("k_midair_minheight");	

		if ( k_midair_minheight == 1 )
			midair_minheight = 128;
		else if ( k_midair_minheight == 2 )
			midair_minheight = 256;
		else if ( k_midair_minheight == 3 )
			midair_minheight = 512;
		else if ( k_midair_minheight == 4 )
			midair_minheight = 1024;
			midair_minheight = 64;

		if ( rl_dmg || stomp_dmg )
			take = 9999;

		if ( playerheight < midair_minheight && rl_dmg )
			take = 0; // no dmg done if target is not high enough

		if ( playerheight < 45 && !inwater && rl_dmg )
			take = 0; // no rl dmg in such case

		if ( !rl_dmg && !do_dmg )
			take = 0; // unknown damage for midair, so do not damage

		if ( rl_dmg && targ == attacker )
			take = 0; // no self rl damage

	// instagib damage modificators
	if ( cvar("k_instagib") )
		if ( inflictor->ct == ctPlayer )
			take = 5000;

		if ( attacker == targ )
			take = 0;

	// helps kill player in prewar at "wrong" places
	if ( match_in_progress != 2 && native_damage > 450 )
		take = 99999;

	// team play damage avoidance and godmode or invincibility check

	virtual_take = max(0, take); // virtual_take used for calculating dmg_dealt only in case of k_dmgfrags

	// ignore this checks for suicide damage
	if ( dtSUICIDE != targ->deathtype )
		if ( ( int ) targ->s.v.flags & FL_GODMODE )
			take = 0; // what if god was one of us
		else if ( targ->invincible_finished >= g_globalvars.time )
			if ( targ->invincible_sound < g_globalvars.time )
				sound( targ, CHAN_AUTO, "items/protect3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );
				targ->invincible_sound = g_globalvars.time + 2;

			take = 0;
		else if ( ( tp_num() == 1 || ( tp_num() == 3 && targ != attacker ) )
		 	&& !strnull( attackerteam )
		 	&& streq( targteam, attackerteam )
		 	&& attacker->ct == ctPlayer
		 	&& strneq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "door" )
		 	&& !TELEDEATH( targ ) // do telefrag damage in tp
			// teamplay == 1 don't damage self and mates (armor affected anyway)
			// teamplay == 3 don't damage mates, do damage to self (armor affected anyway)

			take = 0;	   	
	   	else if ( tp4teamdmg )
			take = 0; // we do not touch health	   	

	take = max(0, take); // avoid negative take, if any

	if ( cvar("k_dmgfrags") )
		if ( TELEDEATH( targ ) )
			// tele doesn't count for any dmgfrags damage
			dmg_dealt = 0; 
		else if ( targ->invincible_finished >= g_globalvars.time )
			// damage dealt _not_ capped by victim's health if victim has pent
			dmg_dealt += virtual_take;
			// damage dealt capped by victim's health
			dmg_dealt += bound( 0, virtual_take, targ->s.v.health );
		// damage dealt capped by victim's health
		dmg_dealt += bound( 0, take, targ->s.v.health );

	// add to the damage total for clients, which will be sent as a single
	// message at the end of the frame
	// FIXME: remove after combining shotgun blasts?
	if ( targ->ct == ctPlayer )
		targ->s.v.dmg_take += take;
		targ->s.v.dmg_save += save;
		targ->s.v.dmg_inflictor = EDICT_TO_PROG( inflictor );

	if ( save )
		if (( streq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "worldspawn" ) || strnull( attacker->s.v.classname ))
	        	|| ( targ->deathtype == dtWATER_DMG )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtEXPLO_BOX )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtFALL )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtSQUISH )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtCHANGELEVEL )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtFIREBALL )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtSLIME_DMG )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtLAVA_DMG )
	                || ( targ->deathtype == dtTRIGGER_HURT )
				attackername = "world";
			attackername = attacker->s.v.netname;
			victimname = targ->s.v.netname;

			g_globalvars.time - match_start_time,
			death_type( targ->deathtype ),
			(int)(attacker->super_damage_finished > g_globalvars.time ? 1 : 0 ),

	// figure momentum add
	if ( inflictor != world
		 && (	targ->s.v.movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK
			  || ( k_bloodfest && ( (int)targ->s.v.flags & FL_MONSTER ) )
		float nailkick;

		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			dir[i] = targ->s.v.origin[i] - ( inflictor->s.v.absmin[i] + inflictor->s.v.absmax[i] ) * 0.5;

		VectorNormalize( dir );

		dir[2] = ((dtLG_DIS_SELF == targ->deathtype || dtLG_DIS == targ->deathtype) && dir[2] < 0) ? -dir[2] : dir[2];

		if ( midair && non_hdp_damage < 60 && attacker != targ ) {
			c1 = 11;
			c2 = 6;

		// Yawnmode: nails increases kickback
		// - Molgrum
		if ( k_yawnmode && streq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "spike" ) )
			nailkick = 1.2;
			nailkick = 1.0;

		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) 
			targ->s.v.velocity[i] += dir[i] * non_hdp_damage * c1 * nailkick * ( midair && playerheight >= 45 ? ( 1 + ( playerheight - 45 ) / 64 ) : 1 );

		if ( midair && playerheight < 45 )
			targ->s.v.velocity[2] += dir[2] * non_hdp_damage * c2 * nailkick; // only for z component

		if ( k_bloodfest && ( (int)targ->s.v.flags & FL_MONSTER ) )
			targ->s.v.flags = (int)targ->s.v.flags & ~FL_ONGROUND;		

	if ( match_in_progress == 2 && (int)cvar("k_dmgfrags") )
		if ( attacker->ct == ctPlayer && targ->ct == ctPlayer && attacker != targ )
			if ( isDuel() || isFFA() || strneq(attackerteam, targteam) )
				int dmg_frags;
				attacker->ps.dmg_frags += dmg_dealt; // add dealt
				dmg_frags = attacker->ps.dmg_frags / 100; // 1 frag = 100 damage
				attacker->s.v.frags = (int)(attacker->s.v.frags + dmg_frags);
				attacker->ps.dmg_frags -= dmg_frags * 100;

	// do the damage

	if (    match_in_progress == 2
		 || dtSUICIDE == targ->deathtype // do suicide damage anyway
		 || TELEDEATH( targ )
		 || ( k_practice && targ->ct != ctPlayer ) // #practice mode#
		 || take >= 99999 // do such huge damage even in prewar, prewar because indirectly here match_in_progress != 2
		targ->s.v.health -= take;

//		G_bprint( 2, "%s %f\n", targ->s.v.classname, targ->s.v.health );

		if ( take )
			if (( streq( inflictor->s.v.classname, "worldspawn" ) || strnull( attacker->s.v.classname ))
		        	|| ( targ->deathtype == dtWATER_DMG )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtEXPLO_BOX )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtFALL )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtSQUISH )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtCHANGELEVEL )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtFIREBALL )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtSLIME_DMG )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtLAVA_DMG )
		                || ( targ->deathtype == dtTRIGGER_HURT )
				attackername = "world";
				attackername = attacker->s.v.netname;
				victimname = targ->s.v.netname;

				g_globalvars.time - match_start_time,
				death_type( targ->deathtype ),
				(int)(attacker->super_damage_finished > g_globalvars.time ? 1 : 0 ),

		if ( !targ->s.v.health || dtSUICIDE == targ->deathtype )
			targ->s.v.health = -1; // qqshka, no zero health, heh, imo less bugs after this

	// show damage in sbar
	if ( match_in_progress != 2 && ISLIVE( targ ) && !k_matchLess )
		if ( !midair || ( (int)targ->s.v.flags & FL_ONGROUND ) )
			if ( targ->ct == ctPlayer )			
				targ->s.v.currentammo = 1000 + Q_rint(damage);

			if ( attacker != targ && attacker->ct == ctPlayer)
				attacker->s.v.health = 1000 + Q_rint(damage);

	// update damage stats like: give/taked/team damage
	if ( attacker->ct == ctPlayer && targ->ct == ctPlayer )
		if ( attacker == targ )
			// self damage

			attacker->ps.dmg_self += dmg_dealt;
			int items = targ->s.v.items;

			// damage to enemy weapon
				attacker->ps.dmg_eweapon += dmg_dealt;

			if ( tp_num() && streq(attackerteam, targteam) )
				attacker->ps.dmg_team += dmg_dealt;
				attacker->ps.dmg_g += dmg_dealt;
				targ->ps.dmg_t     += dmg_dealt;

			// real hits

			if ( take || save )
				if ( dtRL == targ->deathtype )

				if ( dtGL == targ->deathtype )

			// virtual hits

			if ( virtual_take || save )
				if ( dtRL == targ->deathtype )
					// virtual given rl damage
					attacker->ps.dmg_g_rl += ( virtual_take + save );

				if ( dtGL == targ->deathtype )

	// mid air bonuses
	if ( midair && match_in_progress == 2 && attacker != targ && take && rl_dmg)
			MidairDamageBonus(attacker, midheight);

	if ( midair && match_in_progress == 2 && stomp_dmg ) {
		targ->s.v.frags -= 3;

 	// if targed killed, do appropriate action and return
	if ( ISDEAD( targ ) )
		Killed( targ, attacker, inflictor );

	// react to the damage - call pain function
	oldself = self;
	self = targ;

  	if ( (int)self->s.v.flags & FL_MONSTER )
		GetMadAtAttacker( attacker );

	if ( self->th_pain )
		self->th_pain( attacker, take );

	self = oldself;
Exemple #6
void CTF_Obituary( gedict_t *targ, gedict_t *attacker )
	qbool carrier_bonus = false;
	qbool flagdefended = false;
	gedict_t *head;
	char *attackerteam;

	if ( !isCTF() )

	attackerteam = getteam(attacker);

	// 2 point bonus for killing enemy flag carrier
	if ( targ->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG )
		attacker->s.v.frags += 2;
		attacker->ps.ctf_points += 2;
		attacker->carrier_frag_time = g_globalvars.time;
		//G_sprint( attacker, 1, "Enemy flag carrier killed: 2 bonus frags\n" );

	// defending carrier from aggressive player
	if (( targ->carrier_hurt_time + CARRIER_DEFEND_TIME > g_globalvars.time ) &&
		!( attacker->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG ) )
		carrier_bonus = true;
		attacker->s.v.frags += 2;
		attacker->ps.ctf_points += 2;
		// Yes, aggressive is spelled wrong.. but dont want to fix now and break stat parsers
		G_bprint( 2, "%s defends %s's flag carrier against an agressive enemy\n",
			streq( getteam(attacker), "red" ) ? redtext("RED") : redtext("BLUE") );

	head = trap_findradius( world, targ->s.v.origin, 400 );
	while ( head )
		if ( head->ct == ctPlayer )
			if ( (head->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG) && ( head != attacker )
				 && streq(getteam(head), getteam(attacker)) && !carrier_bonus
				G_bprint( 2, "%s defends %s's flag carrier\n", attacker->s.v.netname,
					streq(getteam(attacker), "red") ? redtext("RED") : redtext("BLUE"));

		if ( (streq(getteam(attacker), "red") &&
			  streq(head->s.v.classname, "item_flag_team1")) ||
			 (streq(getteam(attacker), "blue") &&
			  streq(head->s.v.classname, "item_flag_team2")) 
			flagdefended = true;
			attacker->s.v.frags += 2;
			attacker->ps.ctf_points += 2;
			G_bprint( 2, "%s defends the %s flag\n", 
				streq(getteam(attacker), "red") ? redtext("RED") : redtext("BLUE"));

		head = trap_findradius( head, targ->s.v.origin, 400 );
	// Defend bonus if attacker is close to flag even if target is not
	head = trap_findradius( world, attacker->s.v.origin, 400 );
	while ( head )
		if ( ( streq(head->s.v.classname, "item_flag_team1") && streq(attackerteam, "red" ) ) ||
			 ( streq(head->s.v.classname, "item_flag_team2") && streq(attackerteam, "blue") ) )
			if (!flagdefended)
				attacker->s.v.frags += 2;
				attacker->ps.ctf_points += 2;
				G_bprint( 2, "%s defends the %s flag\n",
					streq(attackerteam, "red") ? redtext("RED") : redtext("BLUE"));
		head = trap_findradius( head, attacker->s.v.origin, 400 );
Exemple #7
void FlagStatus()
	gedict_t *flag1, *flag2;

	if ( !isCTF() )

	flag1 = find( world, FOFCLSN, "item_flag_team1" );
	flag2 = find( world, FOFCLSN, "item_flag_team2" );

	if (!flag1 || !flag2)

	if ( self->ct == ctSpec )
		switch ( (int) flag1->cnt )
			case FLAG_AT_BASE:
				G_sprint( self, 2, "The %s flag is in base.\n", redtext("RED") );
 			case FLAG_CARRIED:
				G_sprint( self, 2, "%s has the %s flag.\n", PROG_TO_EDICT( flag1->s.v.owner )->s.v.netname, redtext("RED") );
				G_sprint( self, 2, "The %s flag is lying about.\n", redtext("RED") );

		switch ( (int) flag2->cnt )
			case FLAG_AT_BASE:
				G_sprint( self, 2, "The %s flag is in base. ", redtext("BLUE") );
				G_sprint( self, 2, "%s has the %s flag. ", PROG_TO_EDICT( flag1->s.v.owner )->s.v.netname, redtext("BLUE") );
				G_sprint( self, 2, "The %s flag is lying about. ", redtext("BLUE") );

	// Swap flags so that flag1 is "your" flag
	if ( streq(getteam(self), "blue") )
		gedict_t *swap = flag1;
		flag1 = flag2;
		flag2 = swap;

	switch ( (int) flag1->cnt )
		case FLAG_AT_BASE:
			G_sprint( self, 2, "Your flag is in base. " );
			G_sprint( self, 2, "%s has your flag. ", PROG_TO_EDICT( flag1->s.v.owner )->s.v.netname );
			G_sprint( self, 2, "Your flag is lying about. " );

	switch ( (int) flag2->cnt )
		case FLAG_AT_BASE:
			G_sprint ( self, 2, "The enemy flag is in their base.\n" );
			if ( self == PROG_TO_EDICT( flag2->s.v.owner ))
				G_sprint ( self, 2, "You have the enemy flag.\n" );
				G_sprint ( self, 2, "%s has the enemy flag.\n", PROG_TO_EDICT( flag2->s.v.owner)->s.v.netname );
			G_sprint ( self, 2, "The enemy flag is lying about.\n" );
			G_sprint ( self, 2, "\n" );
Exemple #8
void DropFlag( gedict_t *flag, qbool tossed )
	gedict_t *p = PROG_TO_EDICT( flag->s.v.owner );
	gedict_t *p1;

	p->ctf_flag -= ( p->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG );
	p->s.v.effects -= ( (int) p->s.v.effects & ( EF_FLAG1 | EF_FLAG2 ));
	p->s.v.items -= ( (int) p->s.v.items & (int) flag->s.v.items );

	setorigin( flag, PASSVEC3(p->s.v.origin) );
	flag->s.v.origin[2] -= 24;
	flag->cnt = FLAG_DROPPED;
	if ( tossed )
		trap_makevectors( p->s.v.v_angle );
		if ( p->s.v.v_angle[0] )
			flag->s.v.velocity[0] = g_globalvars.v_forward[0] * 300 + g_globalvars.v_up[0] * 200;
			flag->s.v.velocity[1] = g_globalvars.v_forward[1] * 300 + g_globalvars.v_up[1] * 200;
			flag->s.v.velocity[2] = g_globalvars.v_forward[2] * 300 + g_globalvars.v_up[2] * 200;
			aim( flag->s.v.velocity );
			VectorScale( flag->s.v.velocity, 300, flag->s.v.velocity );
			flag->s.v.velocity[2] = 200;
		SetVector( flag->s.v.velocity, 0, 0, 300 );
	flag->s.v.flags = FL_ITEM;
	flag->s.v.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
	flag->s.v.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
	setmodel( flag, flag->mdl );
	setsize ( flag, -16, -16, 0, 16, 16, 74 );
	flag->super_time = g_globalvars.time + FLAG_RETURN_TIME;
	if ( tossed )
		flag->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 0.75;
		flag->s.v.think = (func_t) FlagResetOwner;
		flag->s.v.owner = EDICT_TO_PROG( flag );

	G_bprint( 2, "%s", p->s.v.netname );
	if ( streq(getteam(p), "red") )
		G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", tossed ? redtext("tossed") : redtext("lost"), redtext("BLUE") );
		G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", tossed ? redtext("tossed") : redtext("lost"), redtext("RED") );

	for ( p1 = world; (p1 = find_plr( p1 )); )
		if ( strneq(getteam(p), getteam(p1)) )
			p1->carrier_hurt_time = -1;

	refresh_plus_scores (); // update players status bar faster
Exemple #9
void FlagTouch()
	gedict_t *p, *owner;

	if( !k_practice )
	if ( match_in_progress != 2 )

	if ( other->ct != ctPlayer )

	if ( other->s.v.health < 1 )

	if ( self->cnt == FLAG_RETURNED )

	// if owner of the flag, do nothing (probably toss in progress)
	if ( self->s.v.owner == EDICT_TO_PROG( other ) )

	// touching their own flag
	if ((self->k_teamnumber == 1 && streq(getteam(other), "red")) ||
		(self->k_teamnumber == 2 && streq(getteam(other), "blue")) )
		if ( self->cnt == FLAG_AT_BASE )
			if ( other->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG )
				gedict_t *cflag = NULL;

				// capture
				other->ctf_flag -= ( (int) other->ctf_flag & CTF_FLAG );
				other->s.v.effects -= ( (int) other->s.v.effects & (EF_FLAG1 | EF_FLAG2) );

				sound( other, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/flagcap.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE);

				G_bprint( 2, "%s", other->s.v.netname );
				if ( self->k_teamnumber == 1 )
					cflag = find( world, FOFCLSN, "item_flag_team2" );
					G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", redtext("captured"), redtext("BLUE") );
					cflag = find( world, FOFCLSN, "item_flag_team1" );
					G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", redtext("captured"), redtext("RED") );

				if ( cflag ) 
					G_bprint( 2, "The capture took %.1f seconds\n", cflag->cnt2 );

				other->s.v.frags += CAPTURE_BONUS;
				other->ps.ctf_points += CAPTURE_BONUS;

				// loop through all players on team to give bonus
				for ( p = world; (p = find_plr( p )); )
					p->s.v.items -= ( (int) p->s.v.items & (IT_KEY1 | IT_KEY2) );
					if ( streq(getteam(p), getteam(other)) )
						if ( p->return_flag_time + RETURN_ASSIST_TIME > g_globalvars.time )
							p->return_flag_time = -1;
							p->s.v.frags += RETURN_ASSIST_BONUS;
							p->ps.ctf_points += RETURN_ASSIST_BONUS;
							G_bprint( 2, "%s gets an assist for returning his flag!\n", p->s.v.netname );
						if ( p->carrier_frag_time + CARRIER_ASSIST_TIME > g_globalvars.time )
							p->carrier_frag_time = -1;
							p->s.v.frags += CARRIER_ASSIST_BONUS;
							p->ps.ctf_points += CARRIER_ASSIST_BONUS;
							G_bprint( 2, "%s gets an assist for fragging the flag carrier!\n", p->s.v.netname );

						if ( p != other ) 
							p->s.v.frags += TEAM_BONUS;
							p->ps.ctf_points += TEAM_BONUS;
						p->carrier_hurt_time = -1;
				RegenFlags( true );

				k_nochange = 0;	// Set it so it should update scores at next attempt.
				refresh_plus_scores ();

		else if ( self->cnt == FLAG_DROPPED )
			other->s.v.frags += RETURN_BONUS;
			other->ps.ctf_points += RETURN_BONUS;
			other->return_flag_time = g_globalvars.time;
			sound (other, CHAN_ITEM, self->s.v.noise1, 1, ATTN_NONE);
			RegenFlag( self );

			G_bprint( 2, "%s", other->s.v.netname);

			if ( self->k_teamnumber == 1)
				G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", redtext("returned"), redtext("RED") );
				G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", redtext("returned"), redtext("BLUE") );

			k_nochange = 0;	// Set it so it should update scores at next attempt.
			refresh_plus_scores ();


	if ( strneq(getteam(other), "red") && strneq(getteam(other), "blue"))

	refresh_plus_scores (); // update players status bar faster

	// Pick up the flag
	sound( other, CHAN_ITEM, self->s.v.noise, 1, ATTN_NONE );
	other->ctf_flag |= CTF_FLAG;

	other->s.v.items = (int) other->s.v.items | (int) self->s.v.items;

	self->cnt = FLAG_CARRIED;
	self->s.v.solid = SOLID_NOT;
	self->s.v.owner = EDICT_TO_PROG( other );

	owner = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner );

	G_bprint( 2, "%s", other->s.v.netname );
	if ( streq(getteam(other), "red") )
		G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", redtext("got"), redtext("BLUE") );
		owner->s.v.effects = (int) owner->s.v.effects | EF_FLAG2;
		G_bprint( 2, " %s the %s flag!\n", redtext("got"), redtext("RED") );
		owner->s.v.effects = (int) owner->s.v.effects | EF_FLAG1;
	setmodel( self, "" );