Exemple #1
static Bool Channel_NeedsBuffering(GF_Channel *ch, u32 ForRebuffering)
	if (!ch->MaxBuffer || ch->IsEndOfStream) return 0;

	/*for rebuffering, check we're not below min buffer*/
	if (ForRebuffering) {
		if (ch->MinBuffer && (ch->BufferTime <= (s32) ch->MinBuffer)) {
			return 1;
		return 0;

	/*nothing received, buffer needed*/
	if (!ch->first_au_fetched && !ch->AU_buffer_first) {
		u32 now = gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term);
		/*data timeout (no data sent)*/
		if (now > ch->last_au_time + ch->clock->data_timeout) {
			gf_term_message(ch->odm->term, ch->service->url, "Data timeout - aborting buffering", GF_OK); 
			ch->MinBuffer = ch->MaxBuffer = 0;
			ch->au_duration = 0;
			gf_scene_buffering_info(ch->odm->parentscene ? ch->odm->parentscene : ch->odm->subscene);
			return 0;
		} else {
			now = ch->clock->data_timeout + ch->last_au_time - now;
			now /= 1000;
			if (now != ch->au_duration) {
				char szMsg[500];
				ch->au_duration = now;
				sprintf(szMsg, "Buffering - Waiting for data (%d s)", now);
				gf_term_message(ch->odm->term, ch->service->url, szMsg, GF_OK); 
			return 1;

	/*buffer not filled yet*/
	if (ch->BufferTime < (s32) ch->MaxBuffer) {
		/*check last AU time*/
		u32 now = gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term);
		/*if more than half sec since last AU don't buffer and prevent rebuffering on short streams
		this will also work for channels ignoring timing*/
		if (now>ch->last_au_time + MAX(ch->BufferTime, 500) ) {
			/*this can be safely seen as a stream with very few updates (likely only one)*/
			if (!ch->AU_buffer_first && ch->first_au_fetched) ch->MinBuffer = 0;
			return 0;
		return 1;
	return 0;
Exemple #2
void gf_clock_pause(GF_Clock *ck)
	if (!ck->Paused) ck->PauseTime = gf_term_get_time(ck->term);
	ck->Paused += 1;
Exemple #3
void gf_clock_resume(GF_Clock *ck)
	ck->Paused -= 1;
	if (!ck->Paused)
		ck->StartTime += gf_term_get_time(ck->term) - ck->PauseTime;
Exemple #4
void gf_clock_set_speed(GF_Clock *ck, Fixed speed)
	u32 time;
	if (speed==ck->speed) return;
	time = gf_term_get_time(ck->term);
	/*adjust start time*/
	ck->discontinuity_time = gf_clock_time(ck) - ck->init_time;
	ck->PauseTime = ck->StartTime = time;
	ck->speed = speed;
Exemple #5
u32 gf_clock_real_time(GF_Clock *ck)
	u32 time;
	if (!ck->clock_init) return ck->StartTime;
	time = ck->Paused > 0 ? ck->PauseTime : gf_term_get_time(ck->term);
	time = ck->discontinuity_time + ck->init_time + (time - ck->StartTime) * FIX2INT(100*ck->speed) / 100;
	time = ck->discontinuity_time + ck->init_time + (u32) (ck->speed * (time - ck->StartTime) );
	return time;
Exemple #6
void Channel_ReceiveSkipSL(GF_ClientService *serv, GF_Channel *ch, const char *StreamBuf, u32 StreamLength)
	GF_DBUnit *au;
	if (!StreamLength) return;

	gf_es_lock(ch, 1);
	au = gf_db_unit_new();
	au->flags = GF_DB_AU_RAP;
	au->DTS = gf_clock_time(ch->clock);
	au->data = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * (ch->media_padding_bytes + StreamLength));
	memcpy(au->data, StreamBuf, sizeof(char) * StreamLength);
	if (ch->media_padding_bytes) memset(au->data + StreamLength, 0, sizeof(char)*ch->media_padding_bytes);
	au->dataLength = StreamLength;
	au->next = NULL;

	/*if channel owns the clock, start it*/
	if (ch->clock && !ch->IsClockInit) {
		if (gf_es_owns_clock(ch)) {
			gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, 0);
			ch->IsClockInit = 1;
			ch->seed_ts = 0;
		if (ch->clock->clock_init && !ch->IsClockInit) {
			ch->IsClockInit = 1;
			ch->seed_ts = gf_clock_time(ch->clock);

	if (!ch->AU_buffer_first) {
		ch->AU_buffer_first = au;
		ch->AU_buffer_last = au;
		ch->AU_Count = 1;
	} else {
		ch->AU_buffer_last->next = au;
		ch->AU_buffer_last = ch->AU_buffer_last->next;
		ch->AU_Count += 1;


	if (ch->BufferOn) {
		ch->last_au_time = gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term);
		Channel_UpdateBuffering(ch, 1);
	gf_es_lock(ch, 0);
Exemple #7
GF_Err gf_es_start(GF_Channel *ch)
	if (!ch) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	switch (ch->es_state) {
		return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	/*if the channel is already running, don't reset its settings. This only happens in the case of broadcast 
	objects started several times by the scene but not stopped at the ODManager level (cf gf_odm_stop)*/
		return GF_OK;
	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] Starting ES %d\n", ch->esd->ESID));

	/*reset clock if we own it*/
	if (gf_es_owns_clock(ch) && !ch->clock->no_time_ctrl) 

	/*reset channel*/
	Channel_Reset(ch, 1);
	/*create pull buffer if needed*/
	if (ch->is_pulling && !ch->AU_buffer_pull) ch->AU_buffer_pull = gf_db_unit_new();

	/*and start buffering - pull channels always turn off buffering immediately, otherwise 
	buffering size is setup by the network service - except InputSensor*/
	if ((ch->esd->decoderConfig->streamType != GF_STREAM_INTERACT) || ch->esd->URLString) {
		/*don't trigger rebuffer*/
		//if (ch->MinBuffer || (ch->clock->clock_init && ch->clock->Paused))
	ch->last_au_time = gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term);
	ch->es_state = GF_ESM_ES_RUNNING;

	ch->resync_drift = 0;
	if (ch->clock->clockID==ch->esd->ESID) {
		const char *opt = gf_cfg_get_key(ch->clock->term->user->config, "Systems", "ResyncLateClock");
		if (opt) ch->resync_drift = atoi(opt);
	return GF_OK;
Exemple #8
void gf_clock_set_time(GF_Clock *ck, u32 TS)
	if (!ck->clock_init) {
		ck->init_time = TS;
		ck->clock_init = 1;
		ck->drift = 0;
		/*update starttime and pausetime even in pause mode*/
		ck->PauseTime = ck->StartTime = gf_term_get_time(ck->term);
		if (ck->term->play_state) ck->Paused ++;
#if 0
	/*TODO: test with pure OCR streams*/
	else if (ck->use_ocr) {
		/*just update the drift - we could also apply a drift algo*/
		u32 now = gf_clock_real_time(ck);
		s32 drift = (s32) TS - (s32) now;
		ck->drift += drift;
Exemple #9
/*handles reception of an SL-PDU, logical or physical*/
void gf_es_receive_sl_packet(GF_ClientService *serv, GF_Channel *ch, char *payload, u32 payload_size, GF_SLHeader *header, GF_Err reception_status)
	GF_SLHeader hdr;
	u32 nbAU, OldLength, size, AUSeqNum;
	Bool EndAU, NewAU;

	if (ch->bypass_sl_and_db) {
		GF_SceneDecoder *sdec;
		ch->IsClockInit = 1;
		if (ch->odm->subscene) {
			sdec = (GF_SceneDecoder *)ch->odm->subscene->scene_codec->decio;
		} else {
			sdec = (GF_SceneDecoder *)ch->odm->codec->decio;
		sdec->ProcessData(sdec, payload, payload_size, ch->esd->ESID, 0, 0);

	if (ch->es_state != GF_ESM_ES_RUNNING) return;

	if (ch->skip_sl) {
		Channel_ReceiveSkipSL(serv, ch, payload, payload_size);
	if (ch->is_raw_channel) {
		ch->CTS = ch->DTS = (u32) (ch->ts_offset + (header->compositionTimeStamp - ch->seed_ts) * 1000 / ch->ts_res);
		if (!ch->IsClockInit) {
		if (payload)
			gf_es_dispatch_raw_media_au(ch, payload, payload_size, ch->CTS);

	/*physical SL-PDU - depacketize*/
	if (!header) {
		u32 SLHdrLen;
		if (!payload_size) return;
		gf_sl_depacketize(ch->esd->slConfig, &hdr, payload, payload_size, &SLHdrLen);
		payload_size -= SLHdrLen;
		payload += SLHdrLen;
	} else {
		hdr = *header;

	/*we ignore OCRs for the moment*/
	if (hdr.OCRflag) {
		if (!ch->IsClockInit) {
			/*channel is the OCR, re-initialize the clock with the proper OCR*/
			if (gf_es_owns_clock(ch)) {
				u32 OCR_TS;

				/*timestamps of PCR stream haven been shifted - shift the OCR as well*/
				if (ch->seed_ts) {
					u64 diff_ts;
					Double scale = hdr.m2ts_pcr ? 27000000 : ch->esd->slConfig->OCRResolution;
					scale /= ch->ts_res;
					diff_ts = (u64) (ch->seed_ts * scale);
					hdr.objectClockReference -= diff_ts;

				/*if SL is mapped from network module(eg not coded), OCR=PCR shall be given in 27Mhz units*/
				if (hdr.m2ts_pcr) {
					OCR_TS = (u32) ( hdr.objectClockReference / 27000);
				} else {
					OCR_TS = (u32) ( (s64) (hdr.objectClockReference) * ch->ocr_scale);
				OCR_TS += ch->ts_offset;
				ch->clock->clock_init = 0;

				gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, OCR_TS);
				/*many TS streams deployed with HLS have broken PCRs - we will check their consistency
				when receiving the first AU with DTS/CTS on this channel*/
				ch->clock->probe_ocr = 1;
				GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: initializing clock at STB %d from OCR TS %d (original TS "LLD") - %d buffering - OTB %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term), OCR_TS, hdr.objectClockReference, ch->clock->Buffering, gf_clock_time(ch->clock) ));
				if (ch->clock->clock_init) ch->IsClockInit = 1;

#if 0
		/*adjust clock if M2TS PCR discontinuity*/
		else if (hdr.m2ts_pcr==2) {
			u32 ck;
			u32 OCR_TS = (u32) ( hdr.objectClockReference / 27000);
			ck = gf_clock_time(ch->clock);
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: At OTB %d - OCR Discontinuity OCR: adjusting to %d (original TS "LLD") - original clock %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), OCR_TS, hdr.objectClockReference, ck));
//			gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, (u32) OCR_TS);
		/*compute clock drift*/
		else {
			u32 ck;
			u32 OCR_TS;
			if (hdr.m2ts_pcr) {
				OCR_TS = (u32) ( hdr.objectClockReference / 27000);
			} else {
				OCR_TS = (u32) ( (s64) (hdr.objectClockReference) * ch->ocr_scale);
			ck = gf_clock_time(ch->clock);
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: At OTB %d adjusting OCR to %d (original TS "LLD") - diff %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), OCR_TS, hdr.objectClockReference, (s32) OCR_TS - (s32) ck));
//			gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, (u32) OCR_TS);
			u32 ck;
			u32 OCR_TS;
			if (hdr.m2ts_pcr) {
				OCR_TS = (u32) ( hdr.objectClockReference / 27000);
			} else {
				OCR_TS = (u32) ( (s64) (hdr.objectClockReference) * ch->ocr_scale);
			ck = gf_clock_time(ch->clock);
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: At OTB %d got OCR %d (original TS "LLD") - diff %d%s\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), OCR_TS, hdr.objectClockReference, (s32) OCR_TS - (s32) ck, (hdr.m2ts_pcr==2) ? " - PCR Discontinuity flag" : "" ));
		if (!payload_size) return;

	/*check state*/
	if (!ch->codec_resilient && (reception_status==GF_CORRUPTED_DATA)) {

	if (!ch->esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitStartFlag) {
		/*no AU signaling - each packet is an AU*/
		if (!ch->esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitEndFlag) 
			hdr.accessUnitEndFlag = hdr.accessUnitStartFlag = 1;
		/*otherwise AU are signaled by end of previous packet*/
			hdr.accessUnitStartFlag = ch->NextIsAUStart;

	/*get RAP*/
	if (ch->esd->slConfig->hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag) {
		hdr.randomAccessPointFlag = 1;
	} else if ((ch->carousel_type!=GF_ESM_CAROUSEL_MPEG2) && (!ch->esd->slConfig->useRandomAccessPointFlag || ch->codec_resilient) ) {
		ch->stream_state = 0;

	if (ch->esd->slConfig->packetSeqNumLength) {
		if (ch->pck_sn && hdr.packetSequenceNumber) {
			/*repeated -> drop*/
			if (ch->pck_sn == hdr.packetSequenceNumber) {
				GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: repeated packet, droping\n", ch->esd->ESID));
			/*if codec has no resiliency check packet drops*/
			if (!ch->codec_resilient && !hdr.accessUnitStartFlag) {
				if (ch->pck_sn == (u32) (1<<ch->esd->slConfig->packetSeqNumLength) ) {
					if (hdr.packetSequenceNumber) {
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: packet loss, droping & wait RAP\n", ch->esd->ESID));
				} else if (ch->pck_sn + 1 != hdr.packetSequenceNumber) {
					GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: packet loss, droping & wait RAP\n", ch->esd->ESID));
		ch->pck_sn = hdr.packetSequenceNumber;

	/*if empty, skip the packet*/
	if (hdr.paddingFlag && !hdr.paddingBits) {
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Empty packet - skipping\n", ch->esd->ESID));
	/*IDLE stream shall be processed*/

	NewAU = 0;
	if (hdr.accessUnitStartFlag) {
		NewAU = 1;
		ch->NextIsAUStart = 0;
		ch->skip_carousel_au = 0;

		/*if we have a pending AU, add it*/
		if (ch->buffer) {
			if (ch->esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitEndFlag) {
				GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: missed end of AU (DTS %d)\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->DTS));
			if (ch->codec_resilient) {
				if (!ch->IsClockInit && !ch->skip_time_check_for_pending) gf_es_check_timing(ch);
				Channel_DispatchAU(ch, 0);
			} else {
				ch->buffer = NULL;
				ch->AULength = 0;
				ch->len = ch->allocSize = 0;
		ch->skip_time_check_for_pending = 0;
		AUSeqNum = hdr.AU_sequenceNumber;
		/*Get CTS */
		if (ch->esd->slConfig->useTimestampsFlag) {
			if (hdr.compositionTimeStampFlag) {
				ch->net_dts = ch->net_cts = hdr.compositionTimeStamp;
				/*get DTS */
				if (hdr.decodingTimeStampFlag) ch->net_dts = hdr.decodingTimeStamp;

#if 0
				/*until clock is not init check seed ts*/
				if (!ch->IsClockInit && (ch->net_dts < ch->seed_ts)) 
					ch->seed_ts = ch->net_dts;

				if (ch->net_cts<ch->seed_ts) {
					u64 diff = ch->seed_ts - ch->net_cts;
					ch->CTS_past_offset = (u32) (diff * 1000 / ch->ts_res) + ch->ts_offset;

					ch->net_dts = ch->net_cts = 0;
					ch->CTS = ch->DTS = gf_clock_time(ch->clock);
				} else {
					if (ch->net_dts>ch->seed_ts) ch->net_dts -= ch->seed_ts;
					else ch->net_dts=0;
					ch->net_cts -= ch->seed_ts;
					ch->CTS_past_offset = 0;

					/*TS Wraping not tested*/
					ch->CTS = (u32) (ch->ts_offset + (s64) (ch->net_cts) * 1000 / ch->ts_res);
					ch->DTS = (u32) (ch->ts_offset + (s64) (ch->net_dts) * 1000 / ch->ts_res);

				if (ch->clock->probe_ocr && gf_es_owns_clock(ch)) {
					s32 diff_ts = ch->DTS;
					diff_ts -= ch->clock->init_time;
					if (ABS(diff_ts) > 10000) {
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: invalid clock reference detected - DTS %d but OCR %d - using DTS as OCR\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->DTS, ch->clock->init_time));
						ch->clock->clock_init = 0;
						gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, ch->DTS-1000);
					ch->clock->probe_ocr = 0;

				ch->no_timestamps = 0;
			} else {
				ch->no_timestamps = 1;
		} else {
			/*use CU duration*/
			if (!ch->IsClockInit)
				ch->DTS = ch->CTS = ch->ts_offset;

			if (!ch->esd->slConfig->AUSeqNumLength) {
				if (!ch->au_sn) {
					ch->CTS = ch->ts_offset;
					ch->au_sn = 1;
				} else {
					ch->CTS += ch->esd->slConfig->CUDuration;
			} else {
				//use the sequence number to get the TS
				if (AUSeqNum < ch->au_sn) {
					nbAU = ( (1<<ch->esd->slConfig->AUSeqNumLength) - ch->au_sn) + AUSeqNum;
				} else {
					nbAU = AUSeqNum - ch->au_sn;
				ch->CTS += nbAU * ch->esd->slConfig->CUDuration;

		/*if the AU Length is carried in SL, get its size*/
		if (ch->esd->slConfig->AULength > 0) {
			ch->AULength = hdr.accessUnitLength;
		} else {
			ch->AULength = 0;
		/*carousel for repeated AUs.*/
		if (ch->carousel_type) {
/* not used :			Bool use_rap = hdr.randomAccessPointFlag; */

			if (ch->carousel_type==GF_ESM_CAROUSEL_MPEG2) {
				AUSeqNum = hdr.m2ts_version_number_plus_one-1;
				/*mpeg-2 section carrouseling does not take into account the RAP nature of the tables*/

				if (AUSeqNum==ch->au_sn) {
					if (ch->stream_state) {
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: MPEG-2 Carousel: tuning in\n", ch->esd->ESID));
					} else {
						ch->skip_carousel_au = 1;
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: MPEG-2 Carousel: repeated AU (TS %d) - skipping\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->CTS));
				} else {
					GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: MPEG-2 Carousel: updated AU (TS %d)\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->CTS));
					ch->au_sn = AUSeqNum;
			} else {
				if (hdr.randomAccessPointFlag) {
					/*initial tune-in*/
					if (ch->stream_state==1) {
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: RAP Carousel found (TS %d) - tuning in\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->CTS));
						ch->au_sn = AUSeqNum;
						ch->stream_state = 0;
					/*carousel RAP*/
					else if (AUSeqNum == ch->au_sn) {
						/*error recovery*/
						if (ch->stream_state==2) {
							GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: RAP Carousel found (TS %d) - recovering\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->CTS));
							ch->stream_state = 0;
						else {
							ch->skip_carousel_au = 1;
							GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: RAP Carousel found (TS %d) - skipping\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->CTS));
					/*regular RAP*/
					else {
						if (ch->stream_state==2) {
							GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: RAP Carousel found (TS %d) - recovering from previous errors\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->CTS));
 						ch->au_sn = AUSeqNum;
						ch->stream_state = 0;
				/*regular AU but waiting for RAP*/
				else if (ch->stream_state) {
#if 0
					ch->skip_carousel_au = 1;
					GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Waiting for RAP Carousel - skipping\n", ch->esd->ESID));
					GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Tuning in before RAP\n", ch->esd->ESID));
				/*previous packet(s) loss: check for critical or non-critical AUs*/
				else if (reception_status == GF_REMOTE_SERVICE_ERROR) { 
					if (ch->au_sn == AUSeqNum) {
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Lost a non critical packet\n", ch->esd->ESID));
					/*Packet lost are critical*/
					else {
						ch->stream_state = 2;
						GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Lost a critical packet - skipping\n", ch->esd->ESID));
				} else {
					ch->au_sn = AUSeqNum;
					GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: NON-RAP AU received (TS %d)\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->DTS));

		/*no carousel signaling, tune-in at first RAP*/
		else if (hdr.randomAccessPointFlag) {
			ch->stream_state = 0;
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: RAP AU received\n", ch->esd->ESID));
		/*waiting for RAP, return*/
		else if (ch->stream_state) {
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Waiting for RAP - skipping AU (DTS %d)\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->DTS));

	/*update the RAP marker on a packet base (to cope with AVC/H264 NALU->AU reconstruction)*/
	if (hdr.randomAccessPointFlag) ch->IsRap = 1;

	/*get AU end state*/	
	OldLength = ch->buffer ? ch->len : 0;
	EndAU = hdr.accessUnitEndFlag;
	if (ch->AULength == OldLength + payload_size) EndAU = 1;
	if (EndAU) ch->NextIsAUStart = 1;

	if (EndAU && !ch->IsClockInit) gf_es_check_timing(ch);

	/* we need to skip all the packets of the current AU in the carousel scenario */
	if (ch->skip_carousel_au == 1) return;

	if (!payload_size && EndAU && ch->buffer) {
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Empty packet, flushing buffer\n", ch->esd->ESID));
		Channel_DispatchAU(ch, 0);
	if (!payload_size) return;

	/*missed begining, unusable*/
	if (!ch->buffer && !NewAU) {
		if (ch->esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitStartFlag) {
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: missed begin of AU\n", ch->esd->ESID));
		if (ch->codec_resilient) NewAU = 1;
		else return;

	/*Write the Packet payload to the buffer*/
	if (NewAU) {
		/*we should NEVER have a bitstream at this stage*/
		/*ignore length fields*/
		size = payload_size + ch->media_padding_bytes;
		ch->buffer = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
		if (!ch->buffer) {

		ch->allocSize = size;
		memset(ch->buffer, 0, sizeof(char) * size);
		ch->len = 0;
	if (!ch->esd->slConfig->usePaddingFlag) hdr.paddingFlag = 0;
	if (ch->ipmp_tool) {
		GF_Err e;
		GF_IPMPEvent evt;
		memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(evt));
		evt.channel = ch;
		evt.data = payload;
		evt.data_size = payload_size;
		evt.is_encrypted = hdr.isma_encrypted;
		evt.isma_BSO = hdr.isma_BSO;
		e = ch->ipmp_tool->process(ch->ipmp_tool, &evt);

		/*we discard undecrypted AU*/
		if (e) {
			if (e==GF_EOS) {
				if (evt.restart_requested) {
					if (ch->odm->parentscene->is_dynamic_scene) {
						gf_scene_restart_dynamic(ch->odm->parentscene, 0);
					} else {

	gf_es_lock(ch, 1);

	if (hdr.paddingFlag && !EndAU) {	
		/*to do - this shouldn't happen anyway */

	} else {
		/*check if enough space*/
		size = ch->allocSize;
		if (size && (payload_size + ch->len <= size)) {
			memcpy(ch->buffer+ch->len, payload, payload_size);
			ch->len += payload_size;
		} else {
			size = payload_size + ch->len + ch->media_padding_bytes;
			ch->buffer = (char*)gf_realloc(ch->buffer, sizeof(char) * size);
			memcpy(ch->buffer+ch->len, payload, payload_size);
			ch->allocSize = size;
			ch->len += payload_size;
		if (hdr.paddingFlag) ch->padingBits = hdr.paddingBits;

	if (EndAU) Channel_DispatchAU(ch, hdr.au_duration);

	gf_es_lock(ch, 0);
Exemple #10
static void gf_es_check_timing(GF_Channel *ch)
	/*the first data received inits the clock - this is needed to handle clock dependencies on non-initialized 
	streams (eg, bifs/od depends on audio/video clock)*/
	if (!ch->clock->clock_init) {
		if (!ch->clock->use_ocr) {
			gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, ch->CTS);
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: Forcing clock initialization at STB %d - AU DTS %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term), ch->DTS));
			ch->IsClockInit = 1;
	/*channel is the OCR, force a re-init of the clock since we cannot assume the AU used to init the clock was
	not sent ahead of time*/
	else if (gf_es_owns_clock(ch)) {
		if (!ch->clock->use_ocr) {
			ch->clock->clock_init = 0;
			gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, ch->DTS);
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: initializing clock at STB %d - AU DTS %d - %d buffering - OTB %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term), ch->DTS, ch->clock->Buffering, gf_clock_time(ch->clock) ));
			ch->IsClockInit = 1;
	/*if channel is not the OCR, shift all time stamps to match the current time at clock init*/
	else if (!ch->IsClockInit ) {
//		ch->ts_offset += gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock);
		if (ch->clock->clock_init) {
			ch->IsClockInit = 1;
			if (ch->odm->flags & GF_ODM_INHERIT_TIMELINE) {
//				ch->ts_offset += gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock) - ch->CTS;
	/*deal with some broken DMB streams were the timestamps on BIFS/OD are not set (0) or completely out of sync
	of the OCR clock (usually audio). If the audio codec (BSAC ...) is not found, we force re-initializing of the clock
	so that video can play back correctly*/
	else if (gf_clock_time(ch->clock) * 1000 < ch->DTS) {
		ch->clock->clock_init = 0;
		gf_clock_set_time(ch->clock, ch->DTS);
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: re-initializing clock at STB %d - AU DTS %d - %d buffering\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term), ch->DTS, ch->clock->Buffering));
		ch->IsClockInit = 1;
Exemple #11
static void ch_buffer_on(GF_Channel *ch)
	/*don't buffer on an already running clock*/
	if (ch->clock->no_time_ctrl && ch->clock->clock_init && (ch->esd->ESID!=ch->clock->clockID) ) return;
	if (ch->dispatch_after_db) return;

	/*just in case*/
	if (!ch->BufferOn) {
		ch->BufferOn = 1;
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: buffering on at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term), ch->clock->Buffering));
Exemple #12
static GF_Err MediaCodec_Process(GF_Codec *codec, u32 TimeAvailable)
	GF_CMUnit *CU;
	GF_DBUnit *AU;
	GF_Channel *ch, *prev_ch;
	u32 mmlevel, cts;
	u32 first, entryTime, now, obj_time, unit_size;
	GF_MediaDecoder *mdec = (GF_MediaDecoder*)codec->decio;
	GF_Err e = GF_OK;

	/*if video codec muted don't decode (try to saves ressources)
	if audio codec muted we dispatch to keep sync in place*/
	if (codec->Muted && (codec->type==GF_STREAM_VISUAL) ) return GF_OK;

	entryTime = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term);

	/*fetch next AU in DTS order for this codec*/
	Decoder_GetNextAU(codec, &ch, &AU);
	/*no active channel return*/
	if (!AU || !ch) {
		/*if the codec is in EOS state, assume we're done*/
		if (codec->Status == GF_ESM_CODEC_EOS) {
			/*if codec is reordering, try to flush it*/
			if (codec->is_reordering) {
				if ( LockCompositionUnit(codec, codec->last_unit_cts+1, &CU, &unit_size) == GF_OUT_OF_MEM)
					return GF_OK;
				assert( CU );
				e = mdec->ProcessData(mdec, NULL, 0, 0, CU->data, &unit_size, 0, 0);
				if (e==GF_OK) e = UnlockCompositionUnit(codec, CU, unit_size);
			if (codec->CB) gf_cm_set_eos(codec->CB);
		/*if no data, and channel not buffering, ABORT CB buffer (data timeout or EOS not detectable)*/
		else if (ch && !ch->BufferOn)
		return GF_OK;

	/*get the object time*/
	obj_time = gf_clock_time(codec->ck);
	/*Media Time for media codecs is updated in the CB*/

	if (!codec->CB) {
		return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	/*image codecs*/
	if (codec->CB->Capacity == 1) {
		/*usually only one image is tolerated in the stream, but just in case force reset of CB*/
		if (codec->CB->UnitCount && (obj_time>=AU->CTS)) {
			codec->CB->output->dataLength = 0;
			codec->CB->UnitCount = 0;

		/*CB is already full*/
		if (codec->CB->UnitCount)
			return GF_OK;

		/*a SHA signature is computed for each AU. This avoids decoding/recompositing when identical (for instance streaming a carousel)*/
			u8 new_unit_signature[20];
			gf_sha1_csum(AU->data, AU->dataLength, new_unit_signature);
			if (!memcmp(codec->last_unit_signature, new_unit_signature, sizeof(new_unit_signature))) {
				return GF_OK;
			codec->nb_repeted_frames = 0;
			memcpy(codec->last_unit_signature, new_unit_signature, sizeof(new_unit_signature));

	/*try to refill the full buffer*/
	first = 1;
	while (codec->CB->Capacity > codec->CB->UnitCount) {
	/*set media processing level*/
		/*SEEK: if the last frame had the same TS, we are seeking. Ask the codec to drop*/
		if (!ch->skip_sl && codec->last_unit_cts && (codec->last_unit_cts == AU->CTS) && !ch->esd->dependsOnESID) {
			mmlevel = GF_CODEC_LEVEL_SEEK;
			/*object clock is paused by media control or terminal is paused: exact frame seek*/
			if (
				(codec->ck->mc && codec->ck->mc->paused) || 
			) {
				mmlevel = GF_CODEC_LEVEL_NORMAL;
				/*force staying in step-mode*/
		/*only perform drop in normal playback*/
		else if (codec->CB->Status == CB_PLAY) {
			/*extremely late, set the level to drop
			 NOTE: the 100 ms safety gard is to avoid discarding audio*/
			if (!ch->skip_sl && (AU->CTS + 100 < obj_time) ) {
				mmlevel = GF_CODEC_LEVEL_DROP;
				GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d: frame too late (%d vs %d) - using drop level\n", codec->decio->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, AU->CTS, obj_time));

				if (ch->resync_drift && (AU->CTS + ch->resync_drift < obj_time)) {
					ch->clock->StartTime += (obj_time - AU->CTS);
					GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d: decoder too slow on OCR stream - rewinding clock of %d ms\n", codec->decio->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, obj_time - AU->CTS));
					obj_time = gf_clock_time(codec->ck);
			/*we are late according to the media manager*/
			else if (codec->PriorityBoost) {
			/*otherwise we must have an idea of the load in order to set the right level
			use the composition buffer for that, only on the first frame*/
			else if (first) {
				//if the CB is almost empty set to very late
				if (codec->CB->UnitCount <= codec->CB->Min+1) {
					mmlevel = GF_CODEC_LEVEL_VERY_LATE;
				} else if (codec->CB->UnitCount * 2 <= codec->CB->Capacity) {
					mmlevel = GF_CODEC_LEVEL_LATE;
				first = 0;

		/*when using temporal scalability make sure we can decode*/
		if (ch->esd->dependsOnESID && (codec->last_unit_dts > AU->DTS)){
//			printf("SCALABLE STREAM DEAD!!\n");
			goto drop;

		if (ch->skip_sl) {
			if (codec->bytes_per_sec) {
				AU->CTS = codec->last_unit_cts + ch->ts_offset + codec->cur_audio_bytes * 1000 / codec->bytes_per_sec;
			} else if (codec->fps) {
				AU->CTS = codec->last_unit_cts + ch->ts_offset + (u32) (codec->cur_video_frames * 1000 / codec->fps);
		if ( LockCompositionUnit(codec, AU->CTS, &CU, &unit_size) == GF_OUT_OF_MEM)
			return GF_OK;


		now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term);

		assert( CU );
		if (!CU->data && unit_size)
			e = GF_OUT_OF_MEM;
			e = mdec->ProcessData(mdec, AU->data, AU->dataLength, ch->esd->ESID, CU->data, &unit_size, AU->PaddingBits, mmlevel);
		now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term) - now;
		if (codec->Status == GF_ESM_CODEC_STOP) return GF_OK;

		/*input is too small, resize composition memory*/
		switch (e) {
			/*release but no dispatch*/
			UnlockCompositionUnit(codec, CU, 0);
			ResizeCompositionBuffer(codec, unit_size);

		/*this happens a lot when using non-MPEG-4 streams (ex: ffmpeg demuxer)*/
			/*in seek don't dispatch any output*/
			if (mmlevel	== GF_CODEC_LEVEL_SEEK)
				unit_size = 0;
			e = UnlockCompositionUnit(codec, CU, unit_size);

			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_RTI|GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d at %d decoded packed frame TS %d in %d ms\n", codec->decio->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), AU->CTS, now));
			if (ch->skip_sl) {
				if (codec->bytes_per_sec) {
					codec->cur_audio_bytes += unit_size;
				} else if (codec->fps && unit_size) {
					codec->cur_video_frames += 1;
			} else {
				u32 deltaTS = 0;
				if (codec->bytes_per_sec) {
					deltaTS = unit_size * 1000 / codec->bytes_per_sec;
				} /*else if (0 && codec->fps && unit_size) {
					deltaTS = (u32) (1000.0f / codec->fps);
				} */else {
					deltaTS = (AU->DTS - codec->last_unit_dts);
				AU->CTS += deltaTS;
			codec_update_stats(codec, 0, now);

		/*for all cases below, don't release the composition buffer until we are sure we are not
		processing a scalable stream*/
		case GF_OK:
			if (unit_size) {
				GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_RTI|GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d at %d decoded frame TS %d in %d ms (DTS %d) - %d in CB\n", codec->decio->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), AU->CTS, now, AU->DTS, codec->CB->UnitCount + 1));
			/*if no size the decoder is not using the composition memory - if the object is in intitial buffering resume it!!*/
			else if (codec->CB->Status == CB_BUFFER) {

			codec_update_stats(codec, AU->dataLength, now);
			if (ch->skip_sl) {
				if (codec->bytes_per_sec) {
					codec->cur_audio_bytes += unit_size;
					while (codec->cur_audio_bytes>codec->bytes_per_sec) {
						codec->cur_audio_bytes -= codec->bytes_per_sec;
						codec->last_unit_cts += 1000;
				} else if (codec->fps && unit_size) {
					codec->cur_video_frames += 1;
			if (codec->odm->flags & GF_ODM_PREFETCH) {
				GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d At %d decoding frame TS %d in prefetch mode\n", codec->decio->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock) ));
			unit_size = 0;
			/*error - if the object is in intitial buffering resume it!!*/
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d At %d (frame TS %d - %d ms ): decoded error %s\n", codec->decio->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), AU->CTS, now, gf_error_to_string(e) ));
			e = GF_OK;

		codec->last_unit_dts = AU->DTS;
		/*remember base layer timing*/
		if (!ch->esd->dependsOnESID && !ch->skip_sl) codec->last_unit_cts = AU->CTS;

		/*store current CTS*/
		cts = AU->CTS;
		prev_ch = ch;

		AU = NULL;

		if (e) {
			UnlockCompositionUnit(codec, CU, unit_size);
			return e;

		Decoder_GetNextAU(codec, &ch, &AU);
		/*same CTS: same output, likely scalable stream so don't release the CB*/
		if (AU && (AU->CTS == cts) && (ch !=prev_ch) ) {
			unit_size = codec->CB->UnitSize;
			goto scalable_retry;

		/*in seek don't dispatch any output*/
		if (mmlevel	== GF_CODEC_LEVEL_SEEK)
			unit_size = 0;

		UnlockCompositionUnit(codec, CU, unit_size);
		if (!ch || !AU) return GF_OK;

		/*escape from decoding loop only if above critical limit - this is to avoid starvation on audio*/
		if (!ch->esd->dependsOnESID && (codec->CB->UnitCount > codec->CB->Min)) {
			now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term);
			if (now - entryTime >= TimeAvailable) {
				return GF_OK;
		Decoder_GetNextAU(codec, &ch, &AU);
		if (!ch || !AU) return GF_OK;
	return GF_OK;
Exemple #13
void gf_cm_set_eos(GF_CompositionMemory *cb)
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 1);
	/*we may have a pb if the stream is so short that the EOS is signaled 
	while we're buffering. In this case we shall turn the clock on and 
	keep a trace of the EOS notif*/
	if (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) {
		cb->Status = CB_BUFFER_DONE;
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));
	cb->HasSeenEOS = 1;
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 0);
void gf_cm_set_eos(GF_CompositionMemory *cb)
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 1);
	/*we may have a pb if the stream is so short that the EOS is signaled 
	while we're buffering. In this case we shall turn the clock on and 
	keep a trace of the EOS notif*/
	if (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) {
		cb->Status = CB_BUFFER_DONE;
//		cb->odm->codec->ck->data_timeout = 0;
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));
	cb->HasSeenEOS = 1;

	//in bench mode eos cannot be signaled through flush of composition memory since it is always empty - do it here
	if (cb->odm->term->bench_mode==2) {
		cb->Status = CB_STOP;

	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 0);
void gf_cm_abort_buffering(GF_CompositionMemory *cb)
	if (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) {
		cb->Status = CB_BUFFER_DONE;
//		cb->odm->codec->ck->data_timeout = 0;
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));
void gf_cm_set_status(GF_CompositionMemory *cb, u32 Status)
	if (cb->Status == Status) 

	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 1);
	/*if we're asked for play, trigger on buffering*/
	if (Status == CB_PLAY) {
		switch (cb->Status) {
		case CB_STOP:
			cb->Status = CB_BUFFER;
		case CB_PAUSE:
			cb->Status = CB_PLAY;
		/*this should never happen (calling play while already buffering ...)*/
		case CB_BUFFER:
			cb->LastRenderedTS = 0;
			cb->Status = Status;
	} else {
		cb->LastRenderedTS = 0;
		if (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) {
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));
		if (Status == CB_STOP) {
			cb->LastRenderedTS = 0;
		cb->Status = Status;
		if (Status==CB_BUFFER) {

	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 0);

void gf_cm_unlock_input(GF_CompositionMemory *cb, GF_CMUnit *cu, u32 cu_size, Bool codec_reordering)
	/*nothing dispatched, ignore*/
	if (!cu_size) {
		cu->dataLength = 0;
		cu->TS = 0;
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 1);

	if (codec_reordering) {
		cb->input = cb->input->next;
	} else {
		cu = gf_cm_reorder_unit(cb, cu, codec_reordering);

	if (cu) {
		/*FIXME - if the CU already has data, this is spatial scalability so same num buffers*/
		if (!cu->dataLength) cb->UnitCount += 1;
		cu->dataLength = cu_size;
		cu->RenderedLength = 0;

		/*turn off buffering - this must be done now rather than when fetching first output frame since we're not 
		sure output is fetched (Switch node, ...)*/
		if ( (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) && (cb->UnitCount >= cb->Capacity) ) {
			/*done with buffering, signal to the clock (ONLY ONCE !)*/
			cb->Status = CB_BUFFER_DONE;
//			cb->odm->codec->ck->data_timeout = 0;
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));

			gf_term_service_media_event(cb->odm->parentscene->root_od, GF_EVENT_MEDIA_CANPLAY);

		//new FPS regulation doesn't need this signaling
#if 0
		/*since a new CU is here notify the compositor*/
		if ((cb->odm->codec->type==GF_STREAM_VISUAL) && cb->odm->mo && cb->odm->mo->num_open) {
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 0);
void gf_cm_del(GF_CompositionMemory *cb)
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 1);
	/*may happen when CB is destroyed right after creation */
	if (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) {
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));
	if (cb->input){
	  /*break the loop and destroy*/
	  cb->input->prev->next = NULL;
	  gf_cm_unit_del(cb->input, cb->no_allocation);
	  cb->input = NULL;
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 0);
Exemple #19
static GF_Err SystemCodec_Process(GF_Codec *codec, u32 TimeAvailable)
	GF_DBUnit *AU;
	GF_Channel *ch;
	u32 now, obj_time, mm_level, au_time, cts;
	GF_Scene *scene_locked;
	Bool check_next_unit;
	GF_SceneDecoder *sdec = (GF_SceneDecoder *)codec->decio;
	GF_Err e = GF_OK;

	scene_locked = NULL;

	/*for resync, if needed - the logic behind this is that there is no composition memory on sytems codecs so
	"frame dropping" is done by preventing the compositor from redrawing after an update and decoding following AU
	so that the compositor is always woken up once all late systems AUs are decoded. This flag is overriden when
	check_next_unit = (codec->odm->term->flags & GF_TERM_SYSDEC_RESYNC) ? 1 : 0;


	/*muting systems codec means we don't decode until mute is off - likely there will be visible however
	there is no other way to decode system AUs without modifying the content, which is what mute is about on visual...*/
	if (codec->Muted) goto exit;

	/*fetch next AU in DTS order for this codec*/
	Decoder_GetNextAU(codec, &ch, &AU);

	/*no active channel return*/
	if (!AU || !ch) {
		/*if the codec is in EOS state, move to STOP*/
		if (codec->Status == GF_ESM_CODEC_EOS) {
			GF_CodecCapability cap;
			cap.cap.valueInt = 0;
			sdec->GetCapabilities(codec->decio, &cap);
			if (!cap.cap.valueInt) {
				if ((codec->type==GF_STREAM_OD) && (codec->nb_dec_frames==1)) {
					/*this is just by safety, since seeking is only allowed when a single clock is present
					in the scene*/
					if (gf_list_count(codec->odm->net_service->Clocks)==1)
		goto exit;

	if (ch && ch->odm->media_ctrl && !ch->odm->media_ctrl->media_speed)
		goto exit;

	/*get the object time*/
	obj_time = gf_clock_time(codec->ck);

	/*clock is not started*/
//	if (ch->first_au_fetched && !gf_clock_is_started(ch->clock)) goto exit;

	/*check timing based on the input channel and main FPS*/
	if (AU->DTS > obj_time /*+ codec->odm->term->half_frame_duration*/) goto exit;

	cts = AU->CTS;
	/*in cases where no CTS was set for the BIFS (which may be interpreted as "now", although not compliant), use the object clock*/
	if (AU->flags & GF_DB_AU_NO_TIMESTAMPS) au_time = obj_time;
	/*case where CTS is in the past (carousels) */
	else if (AU->flags & GF_DB_AU_CTS_IN_PAST) {
		au_time = - (s32) AU->CTS;
		cts = AU->DTS;
	/*regular case, SFTime will be from CTS (since DTS == CTS)*/
	else au_time = AU->DTS;

	/*check seeking and update timing - do NOT use the base layer, since BIFS streams may depend on other
	streams not on the same clock*/
	if (codec->last_unit_cts == cts) {
		/*seeking for systems is done by not releasing the graph until seek is done*/
		check_next_unit = 1;
		mm_level = GF_CODEC_LEVEL_SEEK;

	/*set system stream timing*/
	else {
		codec->last_unit_cts = AU->CTS;
		/*we're droping the frame*/
		if (scene_locked) codec->nb_droped ++;

	/*lock scene*/
	if (!scene_locked) {
		scene_locked = codec->odm->subscene ? codec->odm->subscene : codec->odm->parentscene;
		if (!gf_mx_try_lock(scene_locked->root_od->term->compositor->mx)) 
			return GF_OK;
		/*if terminal is paused, force step-mode: it won't hurt in regular pause/play and ensures proper frame dumping*/
		if (codec->odm->term->play_state) codec->odm->term->compositor->step_mode=1;

	/*current media time for system objects is the clock time, since the media is likely to have random
	updates in time*/
	codec->odm->current_time = gf_clock_time(codec->ck);

	now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term);
	e = sdec->ProcessData(sdec, AU->data, AU->dataLength, ch->esd->ESID, au_time, mm_level);
	now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term) - now;

	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[%s] ODM%d#CH%d at %d decoded AU TS %d in %d ms\n", sdec->module_name, codec->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, ch->esd->ESID, codec->odm->current_time, AU->CTS, now));

	codec_update_stats(codec, AU->dataLength, now);
	codec->prev_au_size = AU->dataLength;

	/*destroy this AU*/

	if (e) {
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[SysDec] Codec %s AU CTS %d Decode error %s\n", sdec->module_name , cts, gf_error_to_string(e) ));
		if (e<0) ch->stream_state = 2;
		goto exit;

	/*in broadcast mode, generate a scene if none is available*/
	if (codec->ck->no_time_ctrl) {
		GF_Scene *scene = codec->odm->subscene ? codec->odm->subscene : codec->odm->parentscene;

		/*static OD resources (embedded in ESD) in broadcast mode, reset time*/
		if (codec->flags & GF_ESM_CODEC_IS_STATIC_OD) gf_clock_reset(codec->ck);
		/*generate a temp scene if none is in place*/
		if (scene->graph_attached != 1) {
			Bool prev_dyn = scene->is_dynamic_scene;
			scene->is_dynamic_scene = 1;
			scene->graph_attached = 2;
			scene->is_dynamic_scene = prev_dyn;
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[Decoder] Got OD resources before scene - generating temporary scene\n"));

	/*if no release restart*/
	if (check_next_unit) goto check_unit;

	if (scene_locked) {
	return e;
Exemple #20
static void ch_buffer_off(GF_Channel *ch)
	/*just in case*/
	if (ch->BufferOn) {
		ch->BufferOn = 0;
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d: buffering off at STB %d (OTB %d) (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", ch->esd->ESID, gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term), gf_clock_time(ch->clock), ch->clock->Buffering));
Exemple #21
static void cb_set_buffer_off(GF_CompositionMemory *cb)
	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] CB Buffering done ODM%d: buffering off at OTB %u (STB %d) (nb wait on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_clock_time(cb->odm->codec->ck), gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));

	gf_term_service_media_event(cb->odm->parentscene->root_od, GF_EVENT_MEDIA_CANPLAY);
Exemple #22
/*dispatch the AU in the DB*/
static void Channel_DispatchAU(GF_Channel *ch, u32 duration)
	u32 time;
	GF_DBUnit *au;

	if (!ch->buffer || !ch->len) {
		if (ch->buffer) {
			ch->buffer = NULL;

	au = gf_db_unit_new();
	if (!au) {
		ch->buffer = NULL;
		ch->len = 0;

	au->CTS = ch->CTS;
	au->DTS = ch->DTS;
	if (ch->IsRap) au->flags |= GF_DB_AU_RAP;
	if (ch->CTS_past_offset) {
		au->CTS = ch->CTS_past_offset;
		au->flags |= GF_DB_AU_CTS_IN_PAST;
		ch->CTS_past_offset = 0;
	if (ch->no_timestamps) {
		au->flags |= GF_DB_AU_NO_TIMESTAMPS;
	au->data = ch->buffer;
	au->dataLength = ch->len;
	au->PaddingBits = ch->padingBits;

	ch->IsRap = 0;
	ch->padingBits = 0;
	au->next = NULL;
	ch->buffer = NULL;

	if (ch->len + ch->media_padding_bytes != ch->allocSize) {
		au->data = (char*)gf_realloc(au->data, sizeof(char) * (au->dataLength + ch->media_padding_bytes));
	if (ch->media_padding_bytes) memset(au->data + au->dataLength, 0, sizeof(char)*ch->media_padding_bytes);
	ch->len = ch->allocSize = 0;

	gf_es_lock(ch, 1);

	if (ch->service && ch->service->cache) {
		GF_SLHeader slh;
		memset(&slh, 0, sizeof(GF_SLHeader));
		slh.accessUnitEndFlag = slh.accessUnitStartFlag = 1;
		slh.compositionTimeStampFlag = slh.decodingTimeStampFlag = 1;
		slh.decodingTimeStamp = ch->net_dts;
		slh.compositionTimeStamp = ch->net_cts;
		slh.randomAccessPointFlag = (au->flags & GF_DB_AU_RAP) ? 1 : 0;
		ch->service->cache->Write(ch->service->cache, ch, au->data, au->dataLength, &slh);

	if (!ch->AU_buffer_first) {
		ch->AU_buffer_first = au;
		ch->AU_buffer_last = au;
		ch->AU_Count = 1;
	} else {
		if (ch->AU_buffer_last->DTS<=au->DTS) {
			ch->AU_buffer_last->next = au;
			ch->AU_buffer_last = ch->AU_buffer_last->next;
		/*enable deinterleaving only for audio channels (some video transport may not be able to compute DTS, cf MPEG1-2/RTP)
		HOWEVER, we must recompute a monotone increasing DTS in case the decoder does perform frame reordering
		in which case the DTS is used for presentation time!!*/
		else if (ch->esd->decoderConfig->streamType!=GF_STREAM_AUDIO) {
#if 0
			GF_DBUnit *au_prev, *ins_au;
			u32 DTS;
			au->DTS = 0;
			/*append AU*/
			ch->AU_buffer_last->next = au;
			ch->AU_buffer_last = ch->AU_buffer_last->next;

#if 0
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] Media deinterleaving OD %d ch %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID));

			DTS = au->DTS;
			au_prev = ch->AU_buffer_first;
			/*locate first AU in buffer with DTS greater than new unit CTS*/
			while (au_prev->next && (au_prev->DTS < DTS) ) au_prev = au_prev->next;
			/*remember insertion point*/
			ins_au = au_prev;
			/*shift all following frames DTS*/
			while (au_prev->next) {
				au_prev->next->DTS = au_prev->DTS;
				au_prev = au_prev->next;
			/*and apply*/
			ins_au->DTS = DTS;
		} else {
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_INFO, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] Audio deinterleaving OD %d ch %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, ch->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID));
			/*de-interleaving of AUs*/
			if (ch->AU_buffer_first->DTS > au->DTS) {
				au->next = ch->AU_buffer_first;
				ch->AU_buffer_first = au;
			} else {
				GF_DBUnit *au_prev = ch->AU_buffer_first;
				while (au_prev->next && au_prev->next->DTS<au->DTS) {
					au_prev = au_prev->next;
				if (au_prev->next->DTS==au->DTS) {
				} else {
					au->next = au_prev->next;
					au_prev->next = au;
		ch->AU_Count += 1;

	ch->au_duration = 0;
	if (duration) ch->au_duration = (u32) ((u64)1000 * duration / ch->ts_res);

	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ES%d - Dispatch AU DTS %d - CTS %d - size %d time %d Buffer %d Nb AUs %d - First AU relative timing %d\n", ch->esd->ESID, au->DTS, au->CTS, au->dataLength, gf_clock_real_time(ch->clock), ch->BufferTime, ch->AU_Count, ch->AU_buffer_first ? ch->AU_buffer_first->DTS - gf_clock_time(ch->clock) : 0 ));

	/*little optimisation: if direct dispatching is possible, try to decode the AU
	we must lock the media scheduler to avoid deadlocks with other codecs accessing the scene or 
	media resources*/
	if (ch->dispatch_after_db) {
		u32 retry = 100;
		u32 current_frame;
		GF_Terminal *term = ch->odm->term;

		gf_es_lock(ch, 0);
		if (gf_mx_try_lock(term->mm_mx)) {
			switch (ch->esd->decoderConfig->streamType) {
			case GF_STREAM_OD:
				gf_codec_process(ch->odm->subscene->od_codec, 100);
				if (ch->odm->codec) 
					gf_codec_process(ch->odm->codec, 100);
					gf_codec_process(ch->odm->subscene->scene_codec, 100);
		gf_es_lock(ch, 1);

		current_frame = term->compositor->frame_number;
		/*wait for initial setup to complete before giving back the hand to the caller service*/
		while (retry) {
			/*Scene bootstrap: if the scene is attached, wait for first frame to complete so that initial PLAY on
			objects can be evaluated*/
			if (term->compositor->scene && (term->compositor->frame_number==current_frame) ) {
			/*Media bootstrap: wait for all pending requests on media objects are processed*/
			if (gf_list_count(term->media_queue)) {

	time = gf_term_get_time(ch->odm->term);
	if (ch->BufferOn) {
		ch->last_au_time = time;
		Channel_UpdateBuffering(ch, 1);
	} else {
		/*trigger the data progress every 500 ms*/
		if (ch->last_au_time + 500 > time) {
			gf_term_service_media_event(ch->odm, GF_EVENT_MEDIA_PROGRESS);
			ch->last_au_time = time;

	gf_es_lock(ch, 0);
Exemple #23
void gf_cm_unlock_input(GF_CompositionMemory *cb, u32 TS, u32 NbBytes)
	GF_CMUnit *cu;

	/*nothing dispatched, ignore*/
	if (!NbBytes) return;
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 1);

	/*insert/swap this CU*/
	cu = LocateAndOrderUnit(cb, TS);

	if (cu) {
		/*if the CU already has data, this is spatial scalability so same num buffers*/
		if (!cu->dataLength) cb->UnitCount += 1;
		cu->dataLength = NbBytes;
		cu->RenderedLength = 0;

		/*turn off buffering - this must be done now rather than when fetching first output frame since we're not 
		sure output is fetched (Switch node, ...)*/
		if ( (cb->Status == CB_BUFFER) && (cb->UnitCount >= cb->Capacity) ) {
			/*done with buffering, signal to the clock (ONLY ONCE !)*/
			cb->Status = CB_BUFFER_DONE;
			GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_SYNC, ("[SyncLayer] ODM%d: buffering off at %d (nb buffering on clock: %d)\n", cb->odm->OD->objectDescriptorID, gf_term_get_time(cb->odm->term), cb->odm->codec->ck->Buffering));

		/*since a new CU is here notify the renderer*/
		if ((cb->odm->codec->type==GF_STREAM_VISUAL) && cb->odm->mo && cb->odm->mo->num_open) {
	gf_odm_lock(cb->odm, 0);
Exemple #24
/*special handling of decoders not using ESM*/
static GF_Err PrivateScene_Process(GF_Codec *codec, u32 TimeAvailable)
	Bool resume_clock;
	u32 now;
	GF_Channel *ch;
	GF_Scene *scene_locked;
	GF_SceneDecoder *sdec = (GF_SceneDecoder *)codec->decio;
	GF_Err e = GF_OK;

	/*muting systems codec means we don't decode until mute is off - likely there will be visible however
	there is no other way to decode system AUs without modifying the content, which is what mute is about on visual...*/
	if (codec->Muted) return GF_OK;

	if (codec->Status == GF_ESM_CODEC_EOS) {
		return GF_OK;

	scene_locked = codec->odm->subscene ? codec->odm->subscene : codec->odm->parentscene;

	ch = (GF_Channel*)gf_list_get(codec->inChannels, 0);
	if (!ch) return GF_OK;
	resume_clock = 0;
	/*init channel clock*/
	if (!ch->IsClockInit) {
		Bool started;
		/*signal seek*/
		if (!gf_mx_try_lock(scene_locked->root_od->term->compositor->mx)) return GF_OK;

		sdec->ProcessData(sdec, NULL, 0, ch->esd->ESID, -1, GF_CODEC_LEVEL_NORMAL);
		started = gf_clock_is_started(ch->clock);
		/*let's be nice to the scene loader (that usually involves quite some parsing), pause clock while
		codec->last_unit_dts = 0;
		if (!started) return GF_OK;

	codec->odm->current_time = codec->last_unit_cts = gf_clock_time(codec->ck);

	/*lock scene*/
	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[PrivateDec] Codec %s Processing at %d\n", sdec->module_name , codec->odm->current_time));

	if (!gf_mx_try_lock(scene_locked->root_od->term->compositor->mx)) return GF_OK;
	now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term);
	e = sdec->ProcessData(sdec, NULL, 0, ch->esd->ESID, codec->odm->current_time, GF_CODEC_LEVEL_NORMAL);
	now = gf_term_get_time(codec->odm->term) - now;
	codec->last_unit_dts ++;
	/*resume on error*/
	if (e && (codec->last_unit_dts<2) ) {
		codec->last_unit_dts = 2;
	/*resume clock on 2nd decode (we assume parsing is done in 2 steps, one for first frame display, one for complete parse)*/
	else if (codec->last_unit_dts==2) {

	codec_update_stats(codec, 0, now);


	if (e==GF_EOS) {
		/*first end of stream, evaluate duration*/
		//if (!codec->odm->duration) gf_odm_set_duration(codec->odm, ch, codec->odm->current_time);
		return GF_OK;
	return e;