void hCytoBandDrawCentromere(struct hvGfx *hvg, int x, int y, 
	int width, int height, Color bgColor, Color fgColor)
/* Draw the centromere. */
struct gfxPoly *poly;
int xCen = x+width/2, yCen = y+height/2;
int xEnd = x+width-1, yEnd = y+height-1;

/* Draw box over centromere, may be drawn already with lettering
 * which we don't want. */

hvGfxBox(hvg, x, y, width, height, bgColor);

char *savedHint = hvGfxGetHint(hvg,"fat");

/* Make up triangle on left of centromere and draw. */
poly = gfxPolyNew();
gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x, y);
gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xCen, yCen);
gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, x, yEnd);
hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fgColor, TRUE);

/* Make up triangle on right of centromere and draw. */
poly = gfxPolyNew();
gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xEnd, y);
gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xCen, yCen);
gfxPolyAddPoint(poly, xEnd, yEnd);
hvGfxDrawPoly(hvg, poly, fgColor, TRUE);

Exemple #2
void vgNextItemButton(struct vGfx *vg, int x, int y, int w, int h, 
		      Color color, Color bgColor, boolean nextItem)
/* Draw a button that looks like a fast-forward or rewind button on */
/* a remote control. If nextItem is TRUE, it points right, otherwise */
/* left. color is the outline color, and bgColor is the fill color. */
struct gfxPoly *t1, *t2;
/* Make the triangles */
t1 = gfxPolyNew();
t2 = gfxPolyNew();
if (nextItem)
    /* point right. */
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t1, x, y);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t1, x+w/2, y+h/2);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t1, x, y+h);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t2, x+w/2, y);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t2, x+w, y+h/2);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t2, x+w/2, y+h);    
    /* point left. */
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t1, x, y+h/2);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t1, x+w/2, y);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t1, x+w/2, y+h);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t2, x+w/2, y+h/2);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t2, x+w, y);
    gfxPolyAddPoint(t2, x+w, y+h);
/* The two filled triangles. */
vgDrawPoly(vg, t1, bgColor, TRUE);
vgDrawPoly(vg, t2, bgColor, TRUE);
/* The two outline triangles. */
vgDrawPoly(vg, t1, color, FALSE);
vgDrawPoly(vg, t2, color, FALSE);