Exemple #1
static void
gimp_blend_tool_options_notify (GimpTool         *tool,
                                GimpToolOptions  *options,
                                const GParamSpec *pspec)
  GimpContext   *context    = GIMP_CONTEXT (options);
  GimpBlendTool *blend_tool = GIMP_BLEND_TOOL (tool);

  if (! strcmp (pspec->name, "gradient"))
      gimp_blend_tool_set_gradient (blend_tool, context->gradient);

      if (blend_tool->filter)
        gimp_drawable_filter_apply (blend_tool->filter, NULL);
  else if (blend_tool->render_node &&
           gegl_node_find_property (blend_tool->render_node, pspec->name))
      /* Sync any property changes on the config object that match the op */
      GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT;

      g_value_init (&value, pspec->value_type);

      g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (options), pspec->name, &value);
      gegl_node_set_property (blend_tool->render_node, pspec->name, &value);

      g_value_unset (&value);

      if (! strcmp (pspec->name, "gradient-type"))
          if (gimp_blend_tool_is_shapeburst (blend_tool))
            gimp_blend_tool_precalc_shapeburst (blend_tool);

          gimp_blend_tool_update_graph (blend_tool);

      gimp_drawable_filter_apply (blend_tool->filter, NULL);
  else if (blend_tool->filter &&
           ! strcmp (pspec->name, "opacity"))
      gimp_drawable_filter_set_opacity (blend_tool->filter,
                                        gimp_context_get_opacity (context));
  else if (blend_tool->filter &&
           ! strcmp (pspec->name, "paint-mode"))
      gimp_drawable_filter_set_mode (blend_tool->filter,
                                     gimp_context_get_paint_mode (context));
Exemple #2
static void
gimp_blend_tool_active_modifier_key (GimpTool        *tool,
                                     GdkModifierType  key,
                                     gboolean         press,
                                     GdkModifierType  state,
                                     GimpDisplay     *display)
  GimpBlendTool *blend_tool = GIMP_BLEND_TOOL (tool);

  if (key == gimp_get_constrain_behavior_mask ())
      gimp_blend_tool_point_motion (blend_tool, press);

      gimp_tool_pop_status (tool, display);
      gimp_blend_tool_push_status (blend_tool, state, display);

      gimp_blend_tool_update_items (blend_tool);

      gimp_blend_tool_update_graph (blend_tool);
      gimp_drawable_filter_apply (blend_tool->filter, NULL);
  else if (key == GDK_MOD1_MASK)
      gimp_tool_pop_status (tool, display);
      gimp_blend_tool_push_status (blend_tool, state, display);
Exemple #3
static void
gimp_blend_tool_button_press (GimpTool            *tool,
                              const GimpCoords    *coords,
                              guint32              time,
                              GdkModifierType      state,
                              GimpButtonPressType  press_type,
                              GimpDisplay         *display)
  GimpBlendTool *blend_tool = GIMP_BLEND_TOOL (tool);

  if (tool->display && display != tool->display)
      gimp_tool_pop_status (tool, tool->display);
      gimp_blend_tool_halt (blend_tool);

  blend_tool->grabbed_point = gimp_blend_tool_get_point_under_cursor (blend_tool);

  if (blend_tool->grabbed_point == POINT_NONE &&
      ! gimp_draw_tool_is_active (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (tool)))
      blend_tool->start_x = coords->x;
      blend_tool->start_y = coords->y;

      if (gimp_blend_tool_is_shapeburst (blend_tool))
          blend_tool->grabbed_point = POINT_FILL_MODE;
          blend_tool->grabbed_point = POINT_INIT_MODE;
  else if ((state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) &&
           gimp_draw_tool_is_active (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (tool)))
      blend_tool->grabbed_point = POINT_BOTH;

  gimp_blend_tool_point_motion (blend_tool,
                                state & gimp_get_constrain_behavior_mask ());

  tool->display = display;
  gimp_blend_tool_update_items (blend_tool);

  if (blend_tool->grabbed_point != POINT_FILL_MODE &&
      blend_tool->grabbed_point != POINT_INIT_MODE)
      gimp_blend_tool_update_graph (blend_tool);
      gimp_drawable_filter_apply (blend_tool->filter, NULL);

  gimp_tool_control_activate (tool->control);

  gimp_blend_tool_push_status (blend_tool, state, display);
Exemple #4
static void
gimp_blend_tool_gradient_dirty (GimpBlendTool *blend_tool)
  if (! blend_tool->filter)

  /* Set a property on the node. Otherwise it will cache and refuse to update */
  gegl_node_set (blend_tool->render_node,
                 "gradient", blend_tool->gradient,

  /* Update the filter */
  gimp_drawable_filter_apply (blend_tool->filter, NULL);
Exemple #5
static void
gimp_blend_tool_motion (GimpTool         *tool,
                        const GimpCoords *coords,
                        guint32           time,
                        GdkModifierType   state,
                        GimpDisplay      *display)
  GimpBlendTool *blend_tool = GIMP_BLEND_TOOL (tool);

  /* Save the mouse coordinates from last call */
  gdouble last_x = blend_tool->mouse_x;
  gdouble last_y = blend_tool->mouse_y;

  blend_tool->mouse_x = coords->x;
  blend_tool->mouse_y = coords->y;

  if (blend_tool->grabbed_point == POINT_FILL_MODE ||
      blend_tool->grabbed_point == POINT_INIT_MODE)
      blend_tool->grabbed_point = POINT_END;
      gimp_blend_tool_start (blend_tool, display);

  /* Move the whole line if alt is pressed */
  if (blend_tool->grabbed_point == POINT_BOTH)
      gdouble dx = last_x - coords->x;
      gdouble dy = last_y - coords->y;

      blend_tool->start_x -= dx;
      blend_tool->start_y -= dy;

      blend_tool->end_x -= dx;
      blend_tool->end_y -= dy;
      gimp_blend_tool_point_motion (blend_tool,
                                    state & gimp_get_constrain_behavior_mask ());

  gimp_tool_pop_status (tool, display);
  gimp_blend_tool_push_status (blend_tool, state, display);

  gimp_blend_tool_update_items (blend_tool);

  gimp_blend_tool_update_graph (blend_tool);
  gimp_drawable_filter_apply (blend_tool->filter, NULL);
Exemple #6
static void
gimp_warp_tool_stroke_changed (GeglPath            *path,
                               const GeglRectangle *roi,
                               GimpWarpTool        *wt)
  GimpWarpOptions *options       = GIMP_WARP_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (wt);
  GeglRectangle    update_region = *roi;

  update_region.x      -= options->effect_size * 0.5;
  update_region.y      -= options->effect_size * 0.5;
  update_region.width  += options->effect_size;
  update_region.height += options->effect_size;

  g_printerr ("update rect: (%d,%d), %dx%d\n",
              update_region.x, update_region.y,
              update_region.width, update_region.height);

  gimp_drawable_filter_apply (wt->filter, &update_region);
Exemple #7
static void
gimp_warp_tool_update_stroke (GimpWarpTool *wt,
                              GeglNode     *node)
  GeglPath *stroke;
  gdouble   size;

  gegl_node_get (node,
                 "stroke", &stroke,
                 "size",   &size,

  if (stroke)
      gdouble        min_x;
      gdouble        max_x;
      gdouble        min_y;
      gdouble        max_y;
      GeglRectangle  bbox;

      gegl_path_get_bounds (stroke, &min_x, &max_x, &min_y, &max_y);
      g_object_unref (stroke);

      bbox.x      = min_x - size * 0.5;
      bbox.y      = min_y - size * 0.5;
      bbox.width  = max_x - min_x + size;
      bbox.height = max_y - min_y + size;

  g_printerr ("update stroke: (%d,%d), %dx%d\n",
              bbox.x, bbox.y,
              bbox.width, bbox.height);

      gimp_drawable_filter_apply (wt->filter, &bbox);
static void
gimp_seamless_clone_tool_filter_update (GimpSeamlessCloneTool *sc)
  GimpTool         *tool  = GIMP_TOOL (sc);
  GimpDisplayShell *shell = gimp_display_get_shell (tool->display);
  GimpItem         *item  = GIMP_ITEM (tool->drawable);
  gint              x, y;
  gint              w, h;
  gint              off_x, off_y;
  GeglRectangle     visible;
  GeglOperation    *op = NULL;

  GimpProgress     *progress;
  GeglNode         *output;
  GeglProcessor    *processor;
  gdouble           value;

  progress = gimp_progress_start (GIMP_PROGRESS (sc), FALSE,
                                  _("Cloning the foreground object"));

  /* Find out at which x,y is the top left corner of the currently
   * displayed part */
  gimp_display_shell_untransform_viewport (shell, &x, &y, &w, &h);

  /* Find out where is our drawable positioned */
  gimp_item_get_offset (item, &off_x, &off_y);

  /* Create a rectangle from the intersection of the currently displayed
   * part with the drawable */
  gimp_rectangle_intersect (x, y, w, h,
                            gimp_item_get_width  (item),
                            gimp_item_get_height (item),

  /* Since the filter_apply function receives a rectangle describing
   * where it should update the preview, and since that rectangle should
   * be relative to the drawable's location, we now offset back by the
   * drawable's offsetts. */
  visible.x -= off_x;
  visible.y -= off_y;

  g_object_get (sc->sc_node, "gegl-operation", &op, NULL);
  /* If any cache of the visible area was present, clear it!
   * We need to clear the cache in the sc_node, since that is
   * where the previous paste was located
  gegl_operation_invalidate (op, &visible, TRUE);
  g_object_unref (op);

  /* Now update the image map and show this area */
  gimp_drawable_filter_apply (sc->filter, NULL);

  /* Show update progress. */
  output = gegl_node_get_output_proxy (sc->render_node, "output");
  processor = gegl_node_new_processor (output, NULL);

  while (gegl_processor_work (processor, &value))
      if (progress)
        gimp_progress_set_value (progress, value);

  if (progress)
    gimp_progress_end (progress);

  g_object_unref (processor);
Exemple #9
gimp_drawable_edit_fill (GimpDrawable    *drawable,
                         GimpFillOptions *options,
                         const gchar     *undo_desc)
  GimpContext *context;
  gint         x, y, width, height;

  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable));
  g_return_if_fail (gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (drawable)));
  g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_FILL_OPTIONS (options));

  if (! gimp_item_mask_intersect (GIMP_ITEM (drawable),
                                  &x, &y, &width, &height))
      return;  /*  nothing to do, but the fill succeeded  */

  context = GIMP_CONTEXT (options);

  if (gimp_layer_mode_is_alpha_only (gimp_context_get_paint_mode (context)))
      if (! gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawable) ||
          ! (gimp_drawable_get_active_mask (drawable) &
          return;  /*  nothing to do, but the fill succeeded  */

  if (! undo_desc)
    undo_desc = gimp_fill_options_get_undo_desc (options);

  /* check if we can fill the drawable's buffer directly */
  if (gimp_drawable_edit_can_fill_direct (drawable, options))
      gimp_drawable_edit_fill_direct (drawable, options, undo_desc);

      gimp_drawable_update (drawable, x, y, width, height);
      GeglNode           *operation;
      GimpDrawableFilter *filter;
      gdouble             opacity;
      GimpLayerMode       mode;
      GimpLayerMode       composite_mode;

      opacity        = gimp_context_get_opacity (context);
      mode           = gimp_context_get_paint_mode (context);
      composite_mode = gimp_layer_mode_get_paint_composite_mode (mode);

      operation = gegl_node_new_child (NULL,
                                       "operation",        "gimp:fill-source",
                                       "options",          options,
                                       "drawable",         drawable,
                                       "pattern-offset-x", -x,
                                       "pattern-offset-y", -y,

      filter = gimp_drawable_filter_new (drawable, undo_desc, operation, NULL);

      gimp_drawable_filter_set_opacity (filter, opacity);
      gimp_drawable_filter_set_mode    (filter,

      gimp_drawable_filter_apply  (filter, NULL);
      gimp_drawable_filter_commit (filter, NULL, FALSE);

      g_object_unref (filter);
      g_object_unref (operation);
Exemple #10
static void
gimp_warp_tool_animate (GimpWarpTool *wt)
  GimpTool        *tool    = GIMP_TOOL (wt);
  GimpWarpOptions *options = GIMP_WARP_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (wt);
  GimpImage       *orig_image;
  GimpImage       *image;
  GimpLayer       *layer;
  GimpLayer       *first_layer;
  GeglNode        *scale_node;
  GimpProgress    *progress;
  GtkWidget       *widget;
  gint             i;

  if (! gimp_warp_tool_get_undo_desc (tool, tool->display))
      gimp_tool_message_literal (tool, tool->display,
                                 _("Please add some warp strokes first."));

  /*  get rid of the image map so we can use wt->graph  */
  if (wt->filter)
      gimp_drawable_filter_abort (wt->filter);
      g_object_unref (wt->filter);
      wt->filter = NULL;

  gimp_progress_start (GIMP_PROGRESS (tool), FALSE,
                       _("Rendering Frame %d"), 1);

  orig_image = gimp_item_get_image (GIMP_ITEM (tool->drawable));

  image = gimp_create_image (orig_image->gimp,
                             gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (tool->drawable)),
                             gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (tool->drawable)),
                             gimp_drawable_get_base_type (tool->drawable),
                             gimp_drawable_get_precision (tool->drawable),

  /*  the first frame is always the unwarped image  */
  layer = GIMP_LAYER (gimp_item_convert (GIMP_ITEM (tool->drawable), image,
  gimp_object_take_name (GIMP_OBJECT (layer),
                         g_strdup_printf (_("Frame %d"), 1));

  gimp_item_set_offset (GIMP_ITEM (layer), 0, 0);
  gimp_item_set_visible (GIMP_ITEM (layer), TRUE, FALSE);
  gimp_layer_set_mode (layer, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE, FALSE);
  gimp_layer_set_opacity (layer, GIMP_OPACITY_OPAQUE, FALSE);
  gimp_image_add_layer (image, layer, NULL, 0, FALSE);

  first_layer = layer;

  scale_node = gegl_node_new_child (NULL,
                                    "operation",    "gimp:scalar-multiply",
                                    "n-components", 2,
  gimp_warp_tool_add_op (wt, scale_node);

  progress = gimp_sub_progress_new (GIMP_PROGRESS (tool));

  for (i = 1; i < options->n_animation_frames; i++)
      gimp_progress_set_text (GIMP_PROGRESS (tool),
                              _("Rendering Frame %d"), i + 1);

      gimp_sub_progress_set_step (GIMP_SUB_PROGRESS (progress),
                                  i, options->n_animation_frames);

      layer = GIMP_LAYER (gimp_item_duplicate (GIMP_ITEM (first_layer),
      gimp_object_take_name (GIMP_OBJECT (layer),
                             g_strdup_printf (_("Frame %d"), i + 1));

      gegl_node_set (scale_node,
                     "factor", (gdouble) i /
                               (gdouble) (options->n_animation_frames - 1),

      gimp_gegl_apply_operation (gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (first_layer)),
                                 gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)),

      gimp_image_add_layer (image, layer, NULL, 0, FALSE);

  g_object_unref (progress);

  gimp_warp_tool_remove_op (wt, scale_node);

  gimp_progress_end (GIMP_PROGRESS (tool));

  /*  recreate the image map  */
  gimp_warp_tool_create_filter (wt, tool->drawable);
  gimp_drawable_filter_apply (wt->filter, NULL);

  widget = GTK_WIDGET (gimp_display_get_shell (tool->display));
  gimp_create_display (orig_image->gimp, image, GIMP_UNIT_PIXEL, 1.0,
                       G_OBJECT (gtk_widget_get_screen (widget)),
                       gimp_widget_get_monitor (widget));
  g_object_unref (image);