Exemple #1
GFile *
gimp_get_temp_file (Gimp        *gimp,
                    const gchar *extension)
  static gint  id = 0;
  static gint  pid;
  gchar       *basename;
  gchar       *path;
  GFile       *dir;
  GFile       *file;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_GIMP (gimp), NULL);

  if (id == 0)
    pid = gimp_get_pid ();

  if (extension)
    basename = g_strdup_printf ("gimp-temp-%d%d.%s", pid, id++, extension);
    basename = g_strdup_printf ("gimp-temp-%d%d", pid, id++);

  path = gimp_config_path_expand (GIMP_GEGL_CONFIG (gimp->config)->temp_path,
                                  TRUE, NULL);

  dir = g_file_new_for_path (path);
  g_free (path);

  file = g_file_get_child (dir, basename);
  g_free (basename);
  g_object_unref (dir);

  return file;
Exemple #2
static GimpValueArray *
getpid_invoker (GimpProcedure         *procedure,
                Gimp                  *gimp,
                GimpContext           *context,
                GimpProgress          *progress,
                const GimpValueArray  *args,
                GError               **error)
  GimpValueArray *return_vals;
  gint32 pid = 0;

  pid = gimp_get_pid ();

  return_vals = gimp_procedure_get_return_values (procedure, TRUE, NULL);
  g_value_set_int (gimp_value_array_index (return_vals, 1), pid);

  return return_vals;
Exemple #3
GimpPlugInShm *
gimp_plug_in_shm_new (void)
  /* allocate a piece of shared memory for use in transporting tiles
   *  to plug-ins. if we can't allocate a piece of shared memory then
   *  we'll fall back on sending the data over the pipe.

  GimpPlugInShm *shm = g_slice_new0 (GimpPlugInShm);

  shm->shm_ID = -1;

#if defined(USE_SYSV_SHM)

  /* Use SysV shared memory mechanisms for transferring tile data. */
    shm->shm_ID = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, TILE_MAP_SIZE, IPC_CREAT | 0600);

    if (shm->shm_ID != -1)
        shm->shm_addr = (guchar *) shmat (shm->shm_ID, NULL, 0);

        if (shm->shm_addr == (guchar *) -1)
            g_printerr ("shmat() failed: %s\n" ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                        g_strerror (errno));
            shmctl (shm->shm_ID, IPC_RMID, NULL);
            shm->shm_ID = -1;

        if (shm->shm_addr != (guchar *) -1)
          shmctl (shm->shm_ID, IPC_RMID, NULL);
        g_printerr ("shmget() failed: %s\n" ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                    g_strerror (errno));

#elif defined(USE_WIN32_SHM)

  /* Use Win32 shared memory mechanisms for transferring tile data. */
    gint  pid;
    gchar fileMapName[MAX_PATH];

    /* Our shared memory id will be our process ID */
    pid = GetCurrentProcessId ();

    /* From the id, derive the file map name */
    g_snprintf (fileMapName, sizeof (fileMapName), "GIMP%d.SHM", pid);

    /* Create the file mapping into paging space */
    shm->shm_handle = CreateFileMapping (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL,
                                         PAGE_READWRITE, 0,

    if (shm->shm_handle)
        /* Map the shared memory into our address space for use */
        shm->shm_addr = (guchar *) MapViewOfFile (shm->shm_handle,
                                                  0, 0, TILE_MAP_SIZE);

        /* Verify that we mapped our view */
        if (shm->shm_addr)
            shm->shm_ID = pid;
            g_printerr ("MapViewOfFile error: %d... " ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                        GetLastError ());
        g_printerr ("CreateFileMapping error: %d... " ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                    GetLastError ());

#elif defined(USE_POSIX_SHM)

  /* Use POSIX shared memory mechanisms for transferring tile data. */
    gint  pid;
    gchar shm_handle[32];
    gint  shm_fd;

    /* Our shared memory id will be our process ID */
    pid = gimp_get_pid ();

    /* From the id, derive the file map name */
    g_snprintf (shm_handle, sizeof (shm_handle), "/gimp-shm-%d", pid);

    /* Create the file mapping into paging space */
    shm_fd = shm_open (shm_handle, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600);

    if (shm_fd != -1)
        if (ftruncate (shm_fd, TILE_MAP_SIZE) != -1)
            /* Map the shared memory into our address space for use */
            shm->shm_addr = (guchar *) mmap (NULL, TILE_MAP_SIZE,
                                             PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                                             shm_fd, 0);

            /* Verify that we mapped our view */
            if (shm->shm_addr != MAP_FAILED)
                shm->shm_ID = pid;
                g_printerr ("mmap() failed: %s\n" ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                            g_strerror (errno));

                shm_unlink (shm_handle);
            g_printerr ("ftruncate() failed: %s\n" ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                        g_strerror (errno));

            shm_unlink (shm_handle);

        close (shm_fd);
        g_printerr ("shm_open() failed: %s\n" ERRMSG_SHM_DISABLE,
                    g_strerror (errno));


  if (shm->shm_ID == -1)
      g_slice_free (GimpPlugInShm, shm);
      shm = NULL;
      GIMP_LOG (SHM, "attached shared memory segment ID = %d", shm->shm_ID);

  return shm;