static void
gimp_layer_mask_undo_pop (GimpUndo            *undo,
                          GimpUndoMode         undo_mode,
                          GimpUndoAccumulator *accum)
  GimpLayerMaskUndo *layer_mask_undo = GIMP_LAYER_MASK_UNDO (undo);
  GimpLayer         *layer           = GIMP_LAYER (GIMP_ITEM_UNDO (undo)->item);

  GIMP_UNDO_CLASS (parent_class)->pop (undo, undo_mode, accum);

  if ((undo_mode       == GIMP_UNDO_MODE_UNDO &&
       undo->undo_type == GIMP_UNDO_LAYER_MASK_ADD) ||
      (undo_mode       == GIMP_UNDO_MODE_REDO &&
       undo->undo_type == GIMP_UNDO_LAYER_MASK_REMOVE))
      /*  remove layer mask  */

      gimp_layer_apply_mask (layer, GIMP_MASK_DISCARD, FALSE);
      /*  restore layer mask  */

      gimp_layer_add_mask (layer, layer_mask_undo->layer_mask, FALSE, NULL);
/* -----------------------
 * p_tri_map_preprocessing
 * -----------------------
 * prepare the tri mask for processing
 * - have bpp == 1
 * - have same size and offset as the input drawable (that is a layer)
 * - pixel values >= 240 are set to value 240 (MATTING_USER_FOREGROUND)
 * - in case the input layer already has an alpha channel
 *   all fully transparent (alpha == 0) pixels are also set 0 (MATTING_USER_BACKGROUND)
 *   in the tri map to keep pixels fully transparent. (such pixels typicall do not
 *   have a useful color information in the RGB channels)
 * in case the user provided the tri map as layer or channel that is NOT the layermask of the input layer
 * we create a new dummy layer with same size and offset as the input layer
 * and add a layermask to this dummy layer.
 * The layermask of the dummy layer is then filled with the intersecting grayscale copy
 * of the user-provided triMap drawable and will be used as tri map in the alpha matting processing.
 * returns the dawable Id of the relevant TRI MAP that fulfills the conditons listed above.
static gint32
p_tri_map_preprocessing (GimpDrawable *drawable, GapFgExtractValues *fgValPtr, gint32 *dummyLayerId)
  gint32           prepocessedTriMapLayerId;
  gint32           inputLayerMaskId;
  gint32           imageId;

  *dummyLayerId = -1;
  imageId = gimp_drawable_get_image(drawable->drawable_id);

  inputLayerMaskId = gimp_layer_get_mask(drawable->drawable_id);
  if (fgValPtr->tri_map_drawable_id == inputLayerMaskId)
    prepocessedTriMapLayerId = inputLayerMaskId;
    gint          offset_x;
    gint          offset_y;
    gint32        dummyLayerMaskId;
    gint32        l_fsel_layer_id;

    *dummyLayerId = gimp_layer_new(imageId
            , "DUMMY"
            , drawable->width
            , drawable->height
            , GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE
            , 100.0   /* full opacity */
            , GIMP_NORMAL_MODE       /* normal mode */

    /* get offsets of the input drawable (layer) within the image */
    gimp_drawable_offsets (drawable->drawable_id, &offset_x, &offset_y);

    /* add dummy layer (of same size at same offsets) to the same image */
    gimp_image_add_layer(imageId, *dummyLayerId, -1 /* stackposition */ );
    gimp_layer_set_offsets(*dummyLayerId, offset_x, offset_y);

    /* create a new layermask (black is full transparent */
    dummyLayerMaskId = gimp_layer_create_mask(*dummyLayerId, GIMP_ADD_BLACK_MASK);
    gimp_layer_add_mask(*dummyLayerId, dummyLayerMaskId);

    l_fsel_layer_id = gimp_edit_paste(dummyLayerMaskId, FALSE);

    prepocessedTriMapLayerId = dummyLayerMaskId;

  gap_fg_rgn_tri_map_normalize(drawable, prepocessedTriMapLayerId);


}       /* end p_tri_map_preprocessing */
Exemple #3
static MagickBooleanType ReadOneLayer(Image* image,XCFDocInfo* inDocInfo,
  XCFLayerInfo *outLayer )


  unsigned int
    foundPropEnd = 0;


  /* clear the block! */
  (void) ResetMagickMemory( outLayer, 0, sizeof( XCFLayerInfo ) );
  /* read in the layer width, height, type and name */
  outLayer->width = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
  outLayer->height = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
  outLayer->type = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
  (void) ReadBlobStringWithLongSize(image, outLayer->name,
  /* allocate the image for this layer */
  outLayer->image=CloneImage(image,outLayer->width, outLayer->height,MagickTrue,
  if (outLayer->image == (Image *) NULL)
    return MagickFalse;
  /* read the layer properties! */
  foundPropEnd = 0;
  while ( (foundPropEnd == MagickFalse) && (EOFBlob(image) == MagickFalse) ) {
  PropType    prop_type = (PropType) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
  size_t  prop_size = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    switch (prop_type)
    case PROP_END:
      foundPropEnd = 1;
      outLayer->active = 1;
      outLayer->floating_offset = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_OPACITY:
      outLayer->opacity = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_VISIBLE:
      outLayer->visible = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_LINKED:
      outLayer->linked = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
      outLayer->preserve_trans = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
      outLayer->apply_mask = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_EDIT_MASK:
      outLayer->edit_mask = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_SHOW_MASK:
      outLayer->show_mask = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_OFFSETS:
      outLayer->offset_x = (ssize_t) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
      outLayer->offset_y = (ssize_t) ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_MODE:
      outLayer->mode = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
    case PROP_TATTOO:
      outLayer->preserve_trans = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
        for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) prop_size; i++ )
          (void) ReadBlobByte(image);

       ssize_t base = info->cp;
       GimpParasite *p;
       while (info->cp - base < prop_size)
       p = xcf_load_parasite(info);
       gimp_drawable_parasite_attach(GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer), p);
       if (info->cp - base != prop_size)
       g_message ("Error detected while loading a layer's parasites");
      /* g_message ("unexpected/unknown layer property: %d (skipping)",
         prop_type); */

      int buf[16];
      ssize_t amount;

      /* read over it... */
      while ((prop_size > 0) && (EOFBlob(image) == MagickFalse))
        amount = (ssize_t) MagickMin(16, prop_size);
        amount = ReadBlob(image, (size_t) amount, (unsigned char *) &buf);
        if (!amount)
        prop_size -= (size_t) MagickMin(16, (size_t) amount);

  if (foundPropEnd == MagickFalse)
  /* clear the image based on the layer opacity */
    ScaleCharToQuantum((unsigned char) (255-outLayer->opacity));    
  (void) SetImageBackgroundColor(outLayer->image);

  /* set the compositing mode */
  outLayer->image->compose = GIMPBlendModeToCompositeOperator( outLayer->mode );
  if ( outLayer->visible == MagickFalse )
      /* BOGUS: should really be separate member var! */
      outLayer->image->compose = NoCompositeOp;

  /* read the hierarchy and layer mask offsets */
  hierarchy_offset = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);
  layer_mask_offset = ReadBlobMSBLong(image);

  /* read in the hierarchy */
  offset=SeekBlob(image, (MagickOffsetType) hierarchy_offset, SEEK_SET);
  if (offset < 0)
    (void) ThrowMagickException(&image->exception,GetMagickModule(),
  if (load_hierarchy (image, inDocInfo, outLayer) == 0)

  /* read in the layer mask */
  if (layer_mask_offset != 0)
      offset=SeekBlob(image, (MagickOffsetType) layer_mask_offset, SEEK_SET);

#if 0  /* BOGUS: support layer masks! */
      layer_mask = xcf_load_layer_mask (info, gimage);
      if (layer_mask == 0)
  goto error;

      /* set the offsets of the layer_mask */
      GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer_mask)->offset_x = GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)->offset_x;
      GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer_mask)->offset_y = GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)->offset_y;

      gimp_layer_add_mask (layer, layer_mask, MagickFalse);

      layer->mask->apply_mask = apply_mask;
      layer->mask->edit_mask  = edit_mask;
      layer->mask->show_mask  = show_mask;

  /* attach the floating selection... */
#if 0  /* BOGUS: we may need to read this, even if we don't support it! */
  if (add_floating_sel)
      GimpLayer *floating_sel;

      floating_sel = info->floating_sel;
      floating_sel_attach (floating_sel, GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer));

  return MagickTrue;
static void run ( const gchar *name, gint nparams, const GimpParam *param,
                  gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals)
  static GimpParam values[3];
  GimpRunMode run_mode;
  GimpPDBStatusType status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS;
  SeparateContext mysc;
  //enum separate_function func = SEP_NONE;
  run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32;

  /* setup for localization */
  INIT_I18N ();

  cmsErrorAction( LCMS_ERROR_IGNORE );

  mysc.filename = NULL;
  if( nparams != ( run_mode == GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE ? 2 : 1 ) )
  else if( run_mode == GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE ) {
    if( param[1].type != GIMP_PDB_STRING || strlen( param[1].data.d_string ) == 0 )
      status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR;
      mysc.filename = g_strdup( param[1].data.d_string );
  } else {
    gint size = gimp_get_data_size( "plug-in-separate-import/lastpath" );
    if( size ) {
      mysc.filename = g_malloc( size );
      gimp_get_data( "plug-in-separate-import/lastpath", mysc.filename );

  if( status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS && ( run_mode == GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE || separate_import_dialog( &mysc ) ) ) {
    gint i, j, x, y;
    TIFF *in;
    guint32 width, height, stripSize, stripCount, stripHeight;
    gint16 bps, spp, step, planerConfig, photometric, inkset, resolutionUnit;
    float xres, yres;
    const gchar *layerNames[] = { "C", "M", "Y", "K" };
    guchar *buf, *maskbuf[4], *srcbuf, *destbuf[4], *iccProfile;
    gint32 layers[5], masks[4];
    GimpDrawable *drw[4];
    GimpPixelRgn rgn[4];
    GimpRGB primaries[4] = { { .180, .541, .870, 1.0 },
                             { .925, .149, .388, 1.0 },
                             { .929, .862, .129, 1.0 },
                             { 0, 0, 0, 1.0 }  };

    gchar *str = NULL;
    gchar *baseName = g_path_get_basename( gimp_filename_to_utf8( mysc.filename ) );

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
      gchar *_filename = NULL; // win32 filename encoding(not UTF-8)
      _filename = g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8( mysc.filename );
      in = TIFFOpen( _filename ? _filename : mysc.filename, "r" );
      g_free( _filename );
    in = TIFFOpen( mysc.filename, "r" );

    if( !in ) {
      str = g_strdup_printf( _( "Cannot open : \"%s\"" ), baseName );
      gimp_message( str );
      g_free( str );
    } else {
      if( ( TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bps ) == FALSE || ( bps != 8 && bps != 16 ) ) ||
          ( TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &spp ) == FALSE || spp != 4 ) ||
          ( TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric ) == FALSE || photometric != PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED ) ||
          ( TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &planerConfig ) == FALSE || planerConfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ) ||
          ( TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_INKSET, &inkset ) == TRUE && inkset != INKSET_CMYK ) ) {
        str = g_strdup_printf( _( "\"%s\" is unsupported." ), baseName );
        gimp_message( str );
        g_free( str );
        status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR;
      } else {
        stripCount = TIFFNumberOfStrips( in );
        stripSize = TIFFStripSize( in );
        TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width );
        TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height );
        TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &stripHeight );
        TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, &resolutionUnit );
        TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, &xres );
        TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, &yres );

#if 0
        str = g_strdup_printf( "Photometric : %d  BPS : %d  SPP : %d\nInkset : %d  StripCount : %d", photometric, bps, spp, inkset, stripCount );
        gimp_message( str );
        g_free( str );

        step = ( bps == 16 ) ? 2 : 1;

        buf = g_malloc( stripSize );

        values[1].data.d_image = gimp_image_new( width, height, GIMP_RGB );
        gimp_image_set_resolution( values[1].data.d_image, xres, yres );
        for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
          layers[i] = gimp_layer_new( values[1].data.d_image, layerNames[i], width, height, GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE, 100.0, GIMP_DARKEN_ONLY_MODE );
          gimp_context_set_foreground( &primaries[i] );
          gimp_drawable_fill( layers[i], GIMP_FOREGROUND_FILL );
          gimp_image_add_layer( values[1].data.d_image, layers[i], i );
          masks[i] = gimp_layer_create_mask( layers[i], GIMP_ADD_BLACK_MASK );
          gimp_layer_add_mask( layers[i], masks[i] );
          drw[i] = gimp_drawable_get( masks[i] );
          maskbuf[i] = g_malloc( width * stripHeight );
        layers[4] = gimp_layer_new( values[1].data.d_image, _( "Background" ), width, height, GIMP_RGB_IMAGE, 100.0, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE );
        gimp_drawable_fill( layers[4], GIMP_WHITE_FILL );
        gimp_image_add_layer( values[1].data.d_image, layers[4], 4 );

        str = g_strdup_printf( _( "Reading \"%s\"..." ), baseName );
        gimp_progress_init( str );
        g_free( str );

        for( i = 0; i < stripCount; i++ ) {
          guint32 size = TIFFReadEncodedStrip( in, i, buf, stripSize );
          guint32 rowCount = ( size < stripSize ? height % stripHeight : stripHeight );
          srcbuf = buf;
          if( bps == 16 )
          for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
            gimp_pixel_rgn_init( &( rgn[j] ), drw[j],
                                 0, stripHeight * i, width, rowCount,
                                 FALSE, FALSE );
            destbuf[j] = maskbuf[j];
          for( y = 0; y < rowCount; y++ ) {
            for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
              *destbuf[0]++ = *srcbuf;
              srcbuf += step;
              *destbuf[1]++ = *srcbuf;
              srcbuf += step;
              *destbuf[2]++ = *srcbuf;
              srcbuf += step;
              *destbuf[3]++ = *srcbuf;
              srcbuf += step;
              //srcbuf += spp > 4 ? spp - 4 : 0;
          gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect( &( rgn[0] ), maskbuf[0], 0, stripHeight * i, width, rowCount );
          gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect( &( rgn[1] ), maskbuf[1], 0, stripHeight * i, width, rowCount );
          gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect( &( rgn[2] ), maskbuf[2], 0, stripHeight * i, width, rowCount );
          gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect( &( rgn[3] ), maskbuf[3], 0, stripHeight * i, width, rowCount );
          gimp_progress_update( (gdouble)i / stripCount );
        g_free( buf );
        for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
          g_free( maskbuf[i] );
          gimp_drawable_detach( drw[i] );

        if ( TIFFGetField( in, TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE, &width, &iccProfile ) ) {
          GimpParasite *parasite;

          parasite = gimp_parasite_new( CMYKPROFILE, 0, width, iccProfile );
          gimp_image_parasite_attach( values[1].data.d_image, parasite );
          gimp_parasite_free( parasite );

          //g_free( iccProfile ); // This causes clash on TIFFClose( in ).
      TIFFClose( in );
    g_free( baseName );
  } else
    status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL;

  *return_vals = values;
  values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS;
  values[0].data.d_status = status;
  if( status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS ) {
    *nreturn_vals = 2;
    values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE;
    if( run_mode != GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE ) {
      gimp_image_undo_enable( values[1].data.d_image );
      gimp_display_new( values[1].data.d_image );
    gimp_set_data( "plug-in-separate-import/lastpath", mysc.filename, strlen( mysc.filename ) + 1 );
  } else
    *nreturn_vals = 1;

  g_free( mysc.filename );
/* --------------------------------------------
 * gap_fg_from_selection_exec_apply_run
 * --------------------------------------------
 * generate a tri map from the current selection by filling the shrinked
 * shape with white, the expanded shape with black and the borderline
 * between shrinked and expanded selection with medium gray.
 * the trimap is attached as layermask to the input drawable,
 * and used as input for the foreground selection via alpha matting algorithm,
 * that creates a resulting layer with trimmed selection.
gap_fg_from_selection_exec_apply_run (gint32 image_id, gint32 drawable_id
                             , gboolean doProgress, gboolean doFlush
                             , GapFgSelectValues *fsValPtr)
  GimpRGB   color;
  gint32    activeSelection;
  gint32    shrinkedSelection;
  gint32    trimap;
  gboolean  hadSelection;
  gint      rc;

  rc = 0;
  trimap = -1;
  activeSelection = -1;
  shrinkedSelection = -1;
  hadSelection = FALSE;

  if (gimp_selection_is_empty(image_id) == TRUE)
     if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha(drawable_id) == FALSE)
       /* if the layer has no alpha select all */
     activeSelection = gimp_selection_save(image_id);
    activeSelection = gimp_selection_save(image_id);
    hadSelection = TRUE;

  trimap = gimp_layer_get_mask(drawable_id);
  if (trimap < 0)
    /* create trimap as new layermask */
    trimap = gimp_layer_create_mask(drawable_id, GIMP_ADD_BLACK_MASK);
    gimp_layer_add_mask(drawable_id, trimap);
    /* use BLACK color to fill the already existing layermask
     * (note that gimp_drawable_fill is used to fill the entire mask
     * regardless to the current selection)
    color.r = 0.0;
    color.g = 0.0;
    color.b = 0.0;
    color.a = 1.0;
    gimp_context_set_background (&color);
    gimp_drawable_fill(trimap, GIMP_BACKGROUND_FILL);
  if (fsValPtr->innerRadius > 0)
    gimp_selection_shrink(image_id, fsValPtr->innerRadius);
  shrinkedSelection = gimp_selection_save(image_id);
  /* use WHITE color to mark foreground regions
  color.r = 1.0;
  color.g = 1.0;
  color.b = 1.0;
  color.a = 1.0;
  gimp_context_set_background (&color);
  gimp_edit_fill(trimap, GIMP_BACKGROUND_FILL);
  if (fsValPtr->outerRadius > 0)
    gimp_selection_grow(image_id, fsValPtr->outerRadius);
  gimp_selection_combine(shrinkedSelection, GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_SUBTRACT);

  /* use medium GRAY to mark undefined regions
  color.r = 0.5;
  color.g = 0.5;
  color.b = 0.5;
  color.a = 1.0;
  gimp_context_set_background (&color);
  gimp_edit_fill(trimap, GIMP_BACKGROUND_FILL);


  /* perform the foreground selection (that creates the resulting layer) */
    GapFgExtractValues fgExtractValues;
    GapFgExtractValues *fgValPtr;
    fgValPtr = &fgExtractValues;
    fgValPtr->input_drawable_id = drawable_id;
    fgValPtr->tri_map_drawable_id = trimap;
    fgValPtr->create_result = TRUE;
    fgValPtr->create_layermask = fsValPtr->create_layermask;
    fgValPtr->lock_color = fsValPtr->lock_color;
    fgValPtr->colordiff_threshold = fsValPtr->colordiff_threshold;

    rc = gap_fg_matting_exec_apply_run (image_id, drawable_id
                                 , doProgress, doFlush
                                 , fgValPtr
  /* restore original selection */
  if (hadSelection == TRUE)

  return (rc);

}  /* end gap_fg_from_selection_exec_apply_run */
/* -------------------------------
 * gap_drawable_foreground_extract
 * -------------------------------
 * perform foreground extraction.
 * This is done in 3 steps INIT, EXTRACTION, DONE (e.g. cleanup)
static gint32
gap_drawable_foreground_extract (GimpDrawable              *drawable,
                                 GimpDrawable              *maskDrawable,
                                 GapFgExtractValues        *fgValPtr
  GappMattingState *state;
  gint32            resultLayerId;
  gint              mask_offset_x;
  gint              mask_offset_y;

  resultLayerId = -1;

  /* get mask offsets within the image
   *  - in case mask is a channel offsets are always 0)
   *  - in case mask is a layer retieve its offsets
  gimp_drawable_offsets (drawable->drawable_id, &mask_offset_x, &mask_offset_y);

  state = gap_drawable_foreground_extract_matting_init (drawable,
        mask_offset_x, mask_offset_y,

  if (state)
    gint32 imageId;

    imageId = gimp_drawable_get_image(drawable->drawable_id);
    resultLayerId = gimp_layer_new(imageId
            , "FG"
            , drawable->width
            , drawable->height
            , GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE
            , 100.0   /* full opacity */
            , GIMP_NORMAL_MODE       /* normal mode */
    if (resultLayerId != -1)
      GimpDrawable *resultDrawable;

      resultDrawable = gimp_drawable_get(resultLayerId);
      if (resultDrawable != NULL)
        gint          offset_x;
        gint          offset_y;
        gboolean      resultUpdateRequired;

        resultUpdateRequired = FALSE;

        /* get offsets of the input drawable (layer) within the image */
        gimp_drawable_offsets (drawable->drawable_id, &offset_x, &offset_y);

        /* add resulting layer (of same size at same offsets) to the same image */
        gimp_image_add_layer(imageId, resultLayerId, -1 /* stackposition */ );
        gimp_layer_set_offsets(resultLayerId, offset_x, offset_y);

        /* perform the foreground extraction */
        gap_drawable_foreground_extract_matting (maskDrawable, resultDrawable, state,
            0.0 // start_percentage 0 (non-interactive shall always start rendering immediate

        /* clean up after fg extract is done */
        gap_drawable_foreground_extract_matting_done (state);

        /* postprocessing */
        if (fgValPtr->lock_color)
            printf("postprocessing: restore resultDrawable:%d RGB channels from original drawable:%d\n"
          resultUpdateRequired = TRUE;
          gap_fg_rgn_copy_rgb_channels(drawable, resultDrawable);

        if (fgValPtr->create_layermask)
          gint32 resultLayerMaskId;

          /* create a new layermask (from alpha channel) */
          resultLayerMaskId = gimp_layer_create_mask(resultLayerId, GIMP_ADD_ALPHA_MASK);
          gimp_layer_add_mask(resultLayerId, resultLayerMaskId);
          if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha(drawable->drawable_id))
              printf("postprocessing: restore resultDrawable:%d ALPHA channel from original drawable:%d\n"
            /* copy the original alpha channel to the result layer */
            gap_fg_rgn_copy_alpha_channel(drawable, resultDrawable);
            resultUpdateRequired = TRUE;

          gimp_drawable_update (resultDrawable->drawable_id
                               , 0, 0
                               , resultDrawable->width, resultDrawable->height

        gimp_drawable_detach (resultDrawable);

  return (resultLayerId);

}  /* end gap_drawable_foreground_extract */