Exemple #1
precompute_init (gint w,
                 gint h)
  gint n;
  gint bpp=1;

  xstep = 1.0 / (gdouble) width;
  ystep = 1.0 / (gdouble) height;

  pre_w = w;
  pre_h = h;

  for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
      if (vertex_normals[n] != NULL)
        g_free (vertex_normals[n]);
      if (heights[n] != NULL)
        g_free (heights[n]);

      heights[n] = g_new (gdouble, w);
      vertex_normals[n] = g_new (GimpVector3, w);

  for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)
    if (triangle_normals[n] != NULL)
      g_free (triangle_normals[n]);

  if (bumprow != NULL)
      g_free (bumprow);
      bumprow = NULL;
  if (mapvals.bumpmap_id != -1)
      bpp = gimp_drawable_bpp(mapvals.bumpmap_id);

  bumprow = g_new (guchar, w * bpp);

  triangle_normals[0] = g_new (GimpVector3, (w << 1) + 2);
  triangle_normals[1] = g_new (GimpVector3, (w << 1) + 2);

  for (n = 0; n < (w << 1) + 1; n++)
      gimp_vector3_set (&triangle_normals[0][n], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      gimp_vector3_set (&triangle_normals[1][n], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

  for (n = 0; n < w; n++)
      gimp_vector3_set (&vertex_normals[0][n], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      gimp_vector3_set (&vertex_normals[1][n], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      gimp_vector3_set (&vertex_normals[2][n], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      heights[0][n] = 0.0;
      heights[1][n] = 0.0;
      heights[2][n] = 0.0;
static void
set_default_settings (void)
  gint i;

  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.viewpoint,  0.5, 0.5, 2.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.firstaxis,  1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.secondaxis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.normal,     0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.position,   0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource.position,  -0.5, -0.5, 2.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource.direction, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.scale,      0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

  mapvals.maptype = MAP_PLANE;

  mapvals.pixeltreshold   = 0.25;
  mapvals.alpha           = 0.0;
  mapvals.beta            = 0.0;
  mapvals.gamma           = 0.0;
  mapvals.maxdepth        = 3.0;
  mapvals.radius          = 0.25;
  mapvals.cylinder_radius = 0.25;
  mapvals.cylinder_length = 1.0;

  mapvals.zoom             = 1.0;
  mapvals.lightsource.type = POINT_LIGHT;

  mapvals.antialiasing           = TRUE;
  mapvals.create_new_image       = FALSE;
  mapvals.create_new_layer       = FALSE;
  mapvals.transparent_background = FALSE;
  mapvals.tiled                  = FALSE;
  mapvals.livepreview            = FALSE;
  mapvals.showgrid               = TRUE;

  mapvals.lightsource.intensity = 1.0;
  gimp_rgba_set (&mapvals.lightsource.color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

  mapvals.material.ambient_int  = 0.3;
  mapvals.material.diffuse_int  = 1.0;
  mapvals.material.diffuse_ref  = 0.5;
  mapvals.material.specular_ref = 0.5;
  mapvals.material.highlight    = 27.0;

  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    mapvals.boxmap_id[i] = -1;

  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    mapvals.cylindermap_id[i] = -1;
Exemple #3
static gboolean
intersect_box (GimpVector3        scale,
	       GimpVector3        viewp,
	       GimpVector3        dir,
	       FaceIntersectInfo *face_intersect)
  GimpVector3        v, d, tmp, axis[3];
  FaceIntersectInfo  face_tmp;
  gboolean           result = FALSE;
  gfloat             m[16];
  gint               i = 0;

  gimp_vector3_set (&axis[0], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&axis[1], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&axis[2], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

  /* Front side */
  /* ========== */

  if (intersect_rect (scale.x, scale.y, scale.z / 2.0,
		      viewp, dir, &face_intersect[i]) == TRUE)
      face_intersect[i].face = 0;
      gimp_vector3_set (&face_intersect[i++].n, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      result = TRUE;

  /* Back side */
  /* ========= */

  if (intersect_rect (scale.x, scale.y, -scale.z / 2.0,
		      viewp, dir, &face_intersect[i]) == TRUE)
      face_intersect[i].face = 1;
      face_intersect[i].u = 1.0 - face_intersect[i].u;
      gimp_vector3_set (&face_intersect[i++].n, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
      result = TRUE;

  /* Check if we've found the two possible intersection points */
  /* ========================================================= */

  if (i < 2)
      /* Top: Rotate viewpoint and direction into rectangle's local coordinate system */
      /* ============================================================================ */

      rotatemat (90, &axis[0], m);
      vecmulmat (&v, &viewp, m);
      vecmulmat (&d, &dir, m);

      if (intersect_rect (scale.x, scale.z, scale.y / 2.0,
			  v, d, &face_intersect[i]) == TRUE)
          face_intersect[i].face = 2;

          transpose_mat (m);
          vecmulmat(&tmp, &face_intersect[i].s, m);
          face_intersect[i].s = tmp;

          gimp_vector3_set (&face_intersect[i++].n, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
          result = TRUE;

  /* Check if we've found the two possible intersection points */
  /* ========================================================= */

  if (i < 2)
      /* Bottom: Rotate viewpoint and direction into rectangle's local coordinate system */
      /* =============================================================================== */

      rotatemat (90, &axis[0], m);
      vecmulmat (&v, &viewp, m);
      vecmulmat (&d, &dir, m);

      if (intersect_rect (scale.x, scale.z, -scale.y / 2.0,
			  v, d, &face_intersect[i]) == TRUE)
          face_intersect[i].face = 3;

          transpose_mat (m);

          vecmulmat (&tmp, &face_intersect[i].s, m);
          face_intersect[i].s = tmp;

          face_intersect[i].v = 1.0 - face_intersect[i].v;

          gimp_vector3_set (&face_intersect[i++].n, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

          result = TRUE;

  /* Check if we've found the two possible intersection points */
  /* ========================================================= */

  if (i < 2)
      /* Left side: Rotate viewpoint and direction into rectangle's local coordinate system */
      /* ================================================================================== */

      rotatemat (90, &axis[1], m);
      vecmulmat (&v, &viewp, m);
      vecmulmat (&d, &dir, m);

      if (intersect_rect (scale.z, scale.y, scale.x / 2.0,
			  v, d, &face_intersect[i]) == TRUE)
          face_intersect[i].face = 4;

          transpose_mat (m);
          vecmulmat (&tmp, &face_intersect[i].s, m);
          face_intersect[i].s = tmp;

          gimp_vector3_set (&face_intersect[i++].n, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
          result = TRUE;

  /* Check if we've found the two possible intersection points */
  /* ========================================================= */

  if (i < 2)
      /* Right side: Rotate viewpoint and direction into rectangle's local coordinate system */
      /* =================================================================================== */

      rotatemat (90, &axis[1], m);
      vecmulmat (&v, &viewp, m);
      vecmulmat (&d, &dir, m);

      if (intersect_rect (scale.z, scale.y, -scale.x / 2.0,
			  v, d, &face_intersect[i]) == TRUE)
          face_intersect[i].face = 5;

          transpose_mat (m);
          vecmulmat (&tmp, &face_intersect[i].s, m);

          face_intersect[i].u = 1.0 - face_intersect[i].u;

          gimp_vector3_set (&face_intersect[i++].n, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
          result = TRUE;

  /* Sort intersection points */
  /* ======================== */

  if (face_intersect[0].t > face_intersect[1].t)
      face_tmp = face_intersect[0];
      face_intersect[0] = face_intersect[1];
      face_intersect[1] = face_tmp;

  return result;
Exemple #4
static gboolean
intersect_cylinder (GimpVector3        vp,
		    GimpVector3        dir,
		    FaceIntersectInfo *face_intersect)
  gdouble  a, b, c, d, e, f, tmp, l;
  gboolean result = FALSE;
  gint     i;

#define sqr(a) (a*a)

  a = sqr (dir.x) + sqr (dir.z);
  b = 2.0 * (vp.x * dir.x + vp.z * dir.z);
  c = sqr (vp.x) + sqr (vp.z) - sqr (mapvals.cylinder_radius);

  d = sqr (b) - 4.0 * a * c;

  if (d >= 0.0)
      e = sqrt (d);
      f = 2.0 * a;

      if (f != 0.0)
          result = TRUE;

          face_intersect[0].t = (-b+e)/f;
          face_intersect[1].t = (-b-e)/f;

          if (face_intersect[0].t>face_intersect[1].t)
              tmp = face_intersect[0].t;
              face_intersect[0].t = face_intersect[1].t;
              face_intersect[1].t = tmp;

          for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
              face_intersect[i].s.x = vp.x + face_intersect[i].t * dir.x;
              face_intersect[i].s.y = vp.y + face_intersect[i].t * dir.y;
              face_intersect[i].s.z = vp.z + face_intersect[i].t * dir.z;

              face_intersect[i].n = face_intersect[i].s;
              face_intersect[i].n.y = 0.0;

              l = mapvals.cylinder_length/2.0;

              face_intersect[i].u = (atan2(face_intersect[i].s.x,face_intersect[i].s.z)+G_PI)/(2.0*G_PI);
              face_intersect[i].v = (face_intersect[i].s.y+l)/mapvals.cylinder_length;

              /* Mark hitpoint as on the cylinder hull */
              /* ===================================== */

              face_intersect[i].face = 0;

              /* Check if we're completely off the cylinder axis */
              /* =============================================== */

              if (face_intersect[i].s.y>l || face_intersect[i].s.y<-l)
                  /* Check if we've hit a cap */
                  /* ======================== */

                  if (face_intersect[i].s.y>l)
                      if (intersect_circle(vp,dir,l,&face_intersect[i])==FALSE)
                        result = FALSE;
                          face_intersect[i].face = 2;
                          face_intersect[i].v = 1 - face_intersect[i].v;
                          gimp_vector3_set(&face_intersect[i].n, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
                      if (intersect_circle(vp,dir,-l,&face_intersect[i])==FALSE)
                        result = FALSE;
                          face_intersect[i].face = 1;
                          gimp_vector3_set(&face_intersect[i].n, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);

#undef sqr

  return result;
static void
set_default_settings (void)
  gint k;

  mapvals.update_enabled = TRUE;
  mapvals.light_selected = 0;
  mapvals.light_isolated = FALSE;

  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.viewpoint,   0.5, 0.5, 0.25);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.planenormal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[0].position,  -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[0].direction, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);

  gimp_rgba_set (&mapvals.lightsource[0].color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  mapvals.lightsource[0].intensity = 1.0;
  mapvals.lightsource[0].type      = POINT_LIGHT;
  mapvals.lightsource[0].active    = TRUE;

  /* init lights 2 and 3 pos to upper left and below */
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[1].position,   2.0, -1.0, 1.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[1].direction,  1.0, -1.0, 1.0);

  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[2].position,   1.0,  2.0, 1.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[2].direction,  0.0,  1.0, 1.0);

  /* init any remaining lights to directly overhead */
  for (k = 3; k < NUM_LIGHTS; k++)
      gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[k].position,   0.0,  0.0, 1.0);
      gimp_vector3_set (&mapvals.lightsource[k].direction,  0.0,  0.0, 1.0);

  for (k = 1; k < NUM_LIGHTS; k++)
      gimp_rgba_set (&mapvals.lightsource[k].color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
      mapvals.lightsource[k].intensity = 1.0;
      mapvals.lightsource[k].type      = NO_LIGHT;
      mapvals.lightsource[k].active    = TRUE;

  mapvals.material.ambient_int  =  0.2;
  mapvals.material.diffuse_int  =  0.5;
  mapvals.material.diffuse_ref  =  0.4;
  mapvals.material.specular_ref =  0.5;
  mapvals.material.highlight    = 27.0;
  mapvals.material.metallic     = FALSE;

  mapvals.pixel_treshold      = 0.25;
  mapvals.max_depth           =  3.0;
  mapvals.preview_zoom_factor =  1.0;

  mapvals.bumpmaptype = 0;
  mapvals.bumpmin     = 0.0;
  mapvals.bumpmax     = 0.1;

  mapvals.antialiasing           = FALSE;
  mapvals.create_new_image       = FALSE;
  mapvals.transparent_background = FALSE;
  mapvals.bump_mapped            = FALSE;
  mapvals.env_mapped             = FALSE;
  mapvals.ref_mapped             = FALSE;
  mapvals.previewquality         = FALSE;
  mapvals.interactive_preview    = TRUE;

  mapvals.bumpmap_id = -1;
  mapvals.envmap_id  = -1;
static void
draw_wireframe_cylinder (gint startx,
			 gint starty,
			 gint pw,
			 gint ph)
  GimpVector3 p[2*8], a, axis, scale;
  gint        n = 0, i;
  gdouble     cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
  gfloat      m[16], l, angle;

  /* Compute wireframe points */
  /* ======================== */

  init_compute ();

  scale = mapvals.scale;
  gimp_vector3_mul (&scale, 0.5);

  l = mapvals.cylinder_length / 2.0;
  angle = 0;

  gimp_vector3_set (&axis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      rotatemat (angle, &axis, m);

      gimp_vector3_set (&a, mapvals.cylinder_radius, 0.0, 0.0);

      vecmulmat (&p[i], &a, m);

      p[i+8] = p[i];

      p[i].y   += l;
      p[i+8].y -= l;

      angle += 360.0 / 8.0;

  /* Rotate and translate points */
  /* =========================== */

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      vecmulmat (&a, &p[i], rotmat);
      gimp_vector3_add (&p[i], &a, &mapvals.position);

  /* Draw the box */
  /* ============ */

  cx1 = (gdouble) startx;
  cy1 = (gdouble) starty;
  cx2 = cx1 + (gdouble) pw;
  cy2 = cy1 + (gdouble) ph;

  for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
      n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[i],p[i+1]);
      n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[i+8],p[i+9]);
      n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[i],p[i+8]);

  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[7],p[0]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[15],p[8]);

  /* Mark end of lines */
  /* ================= */

  linetab[n].x1 = -1;
static void
draw_wireframe_box (gint startx,
		    gint starty,
		    gint pw,
		    gint ph)
  GimpVector3 p[8], tmp, scale;
  gint        n = 0, i;
  gdouble     cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;

  /* Compute wireframe points */
  /* ======================== */

  init_compute ();

  scale = mapvals.scale;
  gimp_vector3_mul (&scale, 0.5);

  gimp_vector3_set (&p[0], -scale.x, -scale.y, scale.z);
  gimp_vector3_set (&p[1],  scale.x, -scale.y, scale.z);
  gimp_vector3_set (&p[2],  scale.x,  scale.y, scale.z);
  gimp_vector3_set (&p[3], -scale.x,  scale.y, scale.z);

  gimp_vector3_set (&p[4], -scale.x, -scale.y, -scale.z);
  gimp_vector3_set (&p[5],  scale.x, -scale.y, -scale.z);
  gimp_vector3_set (&p[6],  scale.x,  scale.y, -scale.z);
  gimp_vector3_set (&p[7], -scale.x,  scale.y, -scale.z);

  /* Rotate and translate points */
  /* =========================== */

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      vecmulmat (&tmp, &p[i], rotmat);
      gimp_vector3_add (&p[i], &tmp, &mapvals.position);

  /* Draw the box */
  /* ============ */

  cx1 = (gdouble) startx;
  cy1 = (gdouble) starty;
  cx2 = cx1 + (gdouble) pw;
  cy2 = cy1 + (gdouble) ph;

  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[0],p[1]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[1],p[2]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[2],p[3]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[3],p[0]);

  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[4],p[5]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[5],p[6]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[6],p[7]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[7],p[4]);

  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[0],p[4]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[1],p[5]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[2],p[6]);
  n = draw_line (n, startx,starty,pw,ph, cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2, p[3],p[7]);

  /* Mark end of lines */
  /* ================= */

  linetab[n].x1 = -1;
static void
draw_wireframe_sphere (gint startx,
		       gint starty,
		       gint pw,
		       gint ph)
  GimpVector3 p[2 * (WIRESIZE + 5)];
  gint        cnt, cnt2, n = 0;
  gdouble     x1, y1, x2, y2, twopifac, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;

  /* Compute wireframe points */
  /* ======================== */

  twopifac = (2.0 * G_PI) / WIRESIZE;

  for (cnt = 0; cnt < WIRESIZE; cnt++)
      p[cnt].x = mapvals.radius * cos ((gdouble) cnt * twopifac);
      p[cnt].y = 0.0;
      p[cnt].z = mapvals.radius * sin ((gdouble) cnt * twopifac);
      gimp_vector3_rotate (&p[cnt],
			   gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha),
			   gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta),
			   gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma));
      gimp_vector3_add (&p[cnt], &p[cnt], &mapvals.position);

  p[cnt] = p[0];

  for (cnt = WIRESIZE + 1; cnt < 2 * WIRESIZE + 1; cnt++)
      p[cnt].x = mapvals.radius * cos ((gdouble) (cnt-(WIRESIZE+1))*twopifac);
      p[cnt].y = mapvals.radius * sin ((gdouble) (cnt-(WIRESIZE+1))*twopifac);
      p[cnt].z = 0.0;
      gimp_vector3_rotate (&p[cnt],
			   gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha),
			   gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta),
			   gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma));
      gimp_vector3_add (&p[cnt], &p[cnt], &mapvals.position);

  p[cnt] = p[WIRESIZE+1];
  cnt2 = cnt;

  /* Find rotated axis */
  /* ================= */

  gimp_vector3_set (&p[cnt], 0.0, -0.35, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_rotate (&p[cnt],
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma));
  p[cnt+1] = mapvals.position;

  gimp_vector3_set (&p[cnt+2], 0.0, 0.0, -0.35);
  gimp_vector3_rotate (&p[cnt+2],
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma));
  p[cnt+3] = mapvals.position;

  p[cnt + 4] = p[cnt];
  gimp_vector3_mul (&p[cnt + 4], -1.0);
  p[cnt + 5] = p[cnt + 1];

  gimp_vector3_add (&p[cnt],     &p[cnt],     &mapvals.position);
  gimp_vector3_add (&p[cnt + 2], &p[cnt + 2], &mapvals.position);
  gimp_vector3_add (&p[cnt + 4], &p[cnt + 4], &mapvals.position);

  /* Draw the circles (equator and zero meridian) */
  /* ============================================ */

  cx1 = (gdouble) startx;
  cy1 = (gdouble) starty;
  cx2 = cx1 + (gdouble) pw;
  cy2 = cy1 + (gdouble) ph;

  for (cnt = 0; cnt < cnt2 - 1; cnt++)
      if (p[cnt].z > mapvals.position.z && p[cnt + 1].z > mapvals.position.z)
          gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
				&x1, &y1, &mapvals.viewpoint, &p[cnt]);
          gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
				&x2, &y2, &mapvals.viewpoint, &p[cnt + 1]);

          if (clip_line (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2) == TRUE)
              linetab[n].x1 = (gint) (x1 + 0.5);
              linetab[n].y1 = (gint) (y1 + 0.5);
              linetab[n].x2 = (gint) (x2 + 0.5);
              linetab[n].y2 = (gint) (y2 + 0.5);
              linetab[n].linewidth = 3;
              linetab[n].linestyle = GDK_LINE_SOLID;
              gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc,
              gdk_draw_line (previewarea->window, gc,
			     linetab[n].x1, linetab[n].y1,
			     linetab[n].x2, linetab[n].y2);

  /* Draw the axis (pole to pole and center to zero meridian) */
  /* ======================================================== */

  for (cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++)
      gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
			    &x1, &y1, &mapvals.viewpoint, &p[cnt2]);
      gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
			    &x2, &y2, &mapvals.viewpoint, &p[cnt2 + 1]);

      if (clip_line (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2) == TRUE)
          linetab[n].x1 = RINT (x1);
          linetab[n].y1 = RINT (y1);
          linetab[n].x2 = RINT (x2);
          linetab[n].y2 = RINT (y2);

          if (p[cnt2].z < mapvals.position.z || p[cnt2+1].z < mapvals.position.z)
              linetab[n].linewidth = 1;
              linetab[n].linestyle = GDK_LINE_DOUBLE_DASH;
              linetab[n].linewidth = 3;
              linetab[n].linestyle = GDK_LINE_SOLID;

          gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc,
          gdk_draw_line (previewarea->window, gc,
			 linetab[n].x1, linetab[n].y1,
			 linetab[n].x2, linetab[n].y2);

      cnt2 += 2;

  /* Mark end of lines */
  /* ================= */

  linetab[n].x1 = -1;
static void
draw_wireframe_plane (gint startx,
		      gint starty,
		      gint pw,
		      gint ph)
  GimpVector3 v1, v2, a, b, c, d, dir1, dir2;
  gint        cnt, n = 0;
  gdouble     x1, y1, x2, y2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, fac;

  /* Find rotated box corners */
  /* ======================== */

  gimp_vector3_set (&v1, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
  gimp_vector3_set (&v2, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0);

  gimp_vector3_rotate (&v1,
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma));

  gimp_vector3_rotate (&v2,
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta),
		       gimp_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma));

  dir1 = v1; gimp_vector3_normalize (&dir1);
  dir2 = v2; gimp_vector3_normalize (&dir2);

  fac = 1.0 / (gdouble) WIRESIZE;

  gimp_vector3_mul (&dir1, fac);
  gimp_vector3_mul (&dir2, fac);

  gimp_vector3_add (&a, &mapvals.position, &v1);
  gimp_vector3_sub (&b, &a, &v2);
  gimp_vector3_add (&a, &a, &v2);
  gimp_vector3_sub (&d, &mapvals.position, &v1);
  gimp_vector3_sub (&d, &d, &v2);

  c = b;

  cx1 = (gdouble) startx;
  cy1 = (gdouble) starty;
  cx2 = cx1 + (gdouble) pw;
  cy2 = cy1 + (gdouble) ph;

  for (cnt = 0; cnt <= WIRESIZE; cnt++)
      gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
			    &x1, &y1, &mapvals.viewpoint, &a);
      gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
			    &x2, &y2, &mapvals.viewpoint, &b);

      if (clip_line (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2) == TRUE)
          linetab[n].x1 = RINT (x1);
          linetab[n].y1 = RINT (y1);
          linetab[n].x2 = RINT (x2);
          linetab[n].y2 = RINT (y2);
          linetab[n].linewidth = 1;
          linetab[n].linestyle = GDK_LINE_SOLID;
          gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc,
          gdk_draw_line (previewarea->window, gc,
			 linetab[n].x1, linetab[n].y1,
			 linetab[n].x2, linetab[n].y2);

      gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
			    &x1, &y1, &mapvals.viewpoint, &c);
      gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph,
			    &x2, &y2, &mapvals.viewpoint, &d);

      if (clip_line (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2) == TRUE)
          linetab[n].x1 = RINT (x1);
          linetab[n].y1 = RINT (y1);
          linetab[n].x2 = RINT (x2);
          linetab[n].y2 = RINT (y2);
          linetab[n].linewidth = 1;
          linetab[n].linestyle = GDK_LINE_SOLID;
          gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (gc,
          gdk_draw_line (previewarea->window, gc,
			 linetab[n].x1, linetab[n].y1,
			 linetab[n].x2, linetab[n].y2);

      gimp_vector3_sub (&a, &a, &dir1);
      gimp_vector3_sub (&b, &b, &dir1);
      gimp_vector3_add (&c, &c, &dir2);
      gimp_vector3_add (&d, &d, &dir2);

  /* Mark end of lines */
  /* ================= */

  linetab[n].x1 = -1;
compute_preview (gint x,
		 gint y,
		 gint w,
		 gint h,
		 gint pw,
		 gint ph)
  gdouble      xpostab[PREVIEW_WIDTH];
  gdouble      ypostab[PREVIEW_HEIGHT];
  gdouble      realw;
  gdouble      realh;
  GimpVector3  p1, p2;
  GimpRGB      color;
  GimpRGB      lightcheck, darkcheck;
  gint         xcnt, ycnt, f1, f2;
  glong        index = 0;

  init_compute ();

  p1 = int_to_pos (x, y);
  p2 = int_to_pos (x + w, y + h);

  /* First, compute the linear mapping (x,y,x+w,y+h) to (0,0,pw,ph) */
  /* ============================================================== */

  realw = (p2.x - p1.x);
  realh = (p2.y - p1.y);

  for (xcnt = 0; xcnt < pw; xcnt++)
    xpostab[xcnt] = p1.x + realw * ((gdouble) xcnt / (gdouble) pw);

  for (ycnt = 0; ycnt < ph; ycnt++)
    ypostab[ycnt] = p1.y + realh * ((gdouble) ycnt / (gdouble) ph);

  /* Compute preview using the offset tables */
  /* ======================================= */

  if (mapvals.transparent_background == TRUE)
      gimp_rgba_set (&background, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      gimp_context_get_background (&background);
      gimp_rgb_set_alpha (&background, 1.0);

  gimp_rgba_set (&lightcheck,
  gimp_rgba_set (&darkcheck,
  gimp_vector3_set (&p2, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0);

  for (ycnt = 0; ycnt < ph; ycnt++)
      for (xcnt = 0; xcnt < pw; xcnt++)
          p1.x = xpostab[xcnt];
          p1.y = ypostab[ycnt];

          p2 = p1;
          color = (* get_ray_color) (&p1);

          if (color.a < 1.0)
              f1 = ((xcnt % 32) < 16);
              f2 = ((ycnt % 32) < 16);
              f1 = f1 ^ f2;

              if (f1)
                  if (color.a == 0.0)
		    color = lightcheck;
		    gimp_rgb_composite (&color, &lightcheck,
                  if (color.a == 0.0)
		    color = darkcheck;
		    gimp_rgb_composite (&color, &darkcheck,

	  gimp_rgb_get_uchar (&color,
			      preview_rgb_data + index,
			      preview_rgb_data + index + 1,
			      preview_rgb_data + index + 2);
	  index += 3;
Exemple #11
precompute_normals (gint x1,
                    gint x2,
                    gint y)
  GimpVector3 *tmpv, p1, p2, p3, normal;
  gdouble     *tmpd;
  gint         n, i, nv;
  guchar      *map = NULL;
  gint bpp = 1;
  guchar mapval;

  /* First, compute the heights */
  /* ========================== */

  tmpv                = triangle_normals[0];
  triangle_normals[0] = triangle_normals[1];
  triangle_normals[1] = tmpv;

  tmpv              = vertex_normals[0];
  vertex_normals[0] = vertex_normals[1];
  vertex_normals[1] = vertex_normals[2];
  vertex_normals[2] = tmpv;

  tmpd       = heights[0];
  heights[0] = heights[1];
  heights[1] = heights[2];
  heights[2] = tmpd;

  if (mapvals.bumpmap_id != -1)
      bpp = gimp_drawable_bpp(mapvals.bumpmap_id);

  gimp_pixel_rgn_get_row (&bump_region, bumprow, x1, y, x2 - x1);

  if (mapvals.bumpmaptype > 0)
      switch (mapvals.bumpmaptype)
          case 1:
            map = logmap;
          case 2:
            map = sinemap;
            map = spheremap;

      for (n = 0; n < (x2 - x1); n++)
          if (bpp>1)
              mapval = (guchar)((float)((bumprow[n * bpp] +bumprow[n * bpp +1] + bumprow[n * bpp + 2])/3.0 )) ;
              mapval = bumprow[n * bpp];

          heights[2][n] = (gdouble) mapvals.bumpmax * (gdouble) map[mapval] / 255.0;
      for (n = 0; n < (x2 - x1); n++)
          if (bpp>1)
              mapval = (guchar)((float)((bumprow[n * bpp] +bumprow[n * bpp +1] + bumprow[n * bpp + 2])/3.0 )) ;
              mapval = bumprow[n * bpp];
          heights[2][n] = (gdouble) mapvals.bumpmax * (gdouble) mapval / 255.0;

  /* Compute triangle normals */
  /* ======================== */

  i = 0;
  for (n = 0; n < (x2 - x1 - 1); n++)
      p1.x = 0.0;
      p1.y = ystep;
      p1.z = heights[2][n] - heights[1][n];

      p2.x = xstep;
      p2.y = ystep;
      p2.z = heights[2][n+1] - heights[1][n];

      p3.x = xstep;
      p3.y = 0.0;
      p3.z = heights[1][n+1] - heights[1][n];

      triangle_normals[1][i] = gimp_vector3_cross_product (&p2, &p1);
      triangle_normals[1][i+1] = gimp_vector3_cross_product (&p3, &p2);

      gimp_vector3_normalize (&triangle_normals[1][i]);
      gimp_vector3_normalize (&triangle_normals[1][i+1]);

      i += 2;

  /* Compute vertex normals */
  /* ====================== */

  i = 0;
  gimp_vector3_set (&normal, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  for (n = 0; n < (x2 - x1 - 1); n++)
      nv = 0;

      if (n > 0)
          if (y > 0)
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[0][i-1]);
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[0][i-2]);
              nv += 2;

          if (y < pre_h)
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[1][i-1]);

      if (n <pre_w)
          if (y > 0)
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[0][i]);
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[0][i+1]);
              nv += 2;

          if (y < pre_h)
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[1][i]);
              gimp_vector3_add (&normal, &normal, &triangle_normals[1][i+1]);
              nv += 2;

      gimp_vector3_mul (&normal, 1.0 / (gdouble) nv);
      gimp_vector3_normalize (&normal);
      vertex_normals[1][n] = normal;

      i += 2;