Exemple #1
* This function assembles the graph into a single processor
graph_t *AssembleEntireGraph(ctrl_t *ctrl, idx_t *vtxdist, idx_t *xadj, idx_t *adjncy)
  idx_t i, gnvtxs, nvtxs, gnedges, nedges;
  idx_t npes = ctrl->npes, mype = ctrl->mype;
  idx_t *axadj, *aadjncy;
  idx_t *recvcounts, *displs;
  graph_t *agraph;

  gnvtxs = vtxdist[npes];
  nvtxs = vtxdist[mype+1]-vtxdist[mype];
  nedges = xadj[nvtxs];

  recvcounts = imalloc(npes, "AssembleGraph: recvcounts");
  displs = imalloc(npes+1, "AssembleGraph: displs");

  /* Gather all the xadj arrays first */
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
    xadj[i] = xadj[i+1]-xadj[i];

  axadj = imalloc(gnvtxs+1, "AssembleEntireGraph: axadj");

  for (i=0; i<npes; i++) {
    recvcounts[i] = vtxdist[i+1]-vtxdist[i];
    displs[i] = vtxdist[i];

  /* Assemble the xadj and then the adjncy */
  gkMPI_Gatherv((void *)xadj, nvtxs, IDX_T, axadj, recvcounts, displs, 
      IDX_T, 0, ctrl->comm);

  MAKECSR(i, nvtxs, xadj);
  MAKECSR(i, gnvtxs, axadj);

  /* Gather all the adjncy arrays next */
  /* Determine the # of edges stored at each processor */
  gkMPI_Allgather((void *)(&nedges), 1, IDX_T, (void *)recvcounts, 1, IDX_T, ctrl->comm);
  displs[0] = 0;
  for (i=1; i<npes+1; i++) 
    displs[i] = displs[i-1] + recvcounts[i-1];
  gnedges = displs[npes];

  aadjncy = imalloc(gnedges, "AssembleEntireGraph: aadjncy");

  /* Assemble the xadj and then the adjncy */
  gkMPI_Gatherv((void *)adjncy, nedges, IDX_T, aadjncy, recvcounts, displs, IDX_T, 0, ctrl->comm);

  /* myprintf(ctrl, "Gnvtxs: %"PRIDX", Gnedges: %"PRIDX"\n", gnvtxs, gnedges); */

  agraph = CreateGraph();
  agraph->nvtxs = gnvtxs;
  agraph->nedges = gnedges;
  agraph->xadj = axadj;
  agraph->adjncy = aadjncy; 

  return agraph;
Exemple #2
void CreateCoarseGraph_Local(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t cnvtxs)
  idx_t h, i, j, k, l;
  idx_t nvtxs, ncon, nedges, firstvtx, cfirstvtx;
  idx_t npes=ctrl->npes, mype=ctrl->mype;
  idx_t cnedges, v, u;
  idx_t *xadj, *vwgt, *vsize, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *vtxdist, *where, *home;
  idx_t *match, *cmap;
  idx_t *cxadj, *cvwgt, *cvsize = NULL, *cadjncy, *cadjwgt, *cvtxdist, 
        *chome = NULL, *cwhere = NULL;
  real_t *cnvwgt;
  graph_t *cgraph;
  idx_t htable[LHTSIZE], htableidx[LHTSIZE];


  nvtxs  = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon   = graph->ncon;
  xadj   = graph->xadj;
  vwgt   = graph->vwgt;
  home   = graph->home;
  vsize  = graph->vsize;
  adjncy = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt = graph->adjwgt;
  where  = graph->where;
  match  = graph->match;

  vtxdist  = graph->vtxdist;
  firstvtx = vtxdist[mype];

  cmap = graph->cmap = ismalloc(nvtxs+graph->nrecv, -1, "CreateCoarseGraph: cmap");

  /* Initialize the coarser graph */
  cgraph = CreateGraph();
  cgraph->nvtxs = cnvtxs;
  cgraph->level = graph->level+1;
  cgraph->ncon  = ncon;

  cgraph->finer = graph;
  graph->coarser = cgraph;

  * Obtain the vtxdist of the coarser graph 
  cvtxdist = cgraph->vtxdist = imalloc(npes+1, "CreateCoarseGraph: cvtxdist");
  cvtxdist[npes] = cnvtxs;  /* Use last position in the cvtxdist as a temp buffer */

  gkMPI_Allgather((void *)(cvtxdist+npes), 1, IDX_T, (void *)cvtxdist, 1, IDX_T, ctrl->comm);

  MAKECSR(i, npes, cvtxdist);

  cgraph->gnvtxs = cvtxdist[npes];

  PrintVector(ctrl, npes+1, 0, cvtxdist, "cvtxdist");

  * Construct the cmap vector 
  cfirstvtx = cvtxdist[mype];

  /* Create the cmap of what you know so far locally */
  cnvtxs = 0;
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    if (match[i] >= KEEP_BIT) {
      k = match[i] - KEEP_BIT;
      if (k<firstvtx+i)
        continue;  /* i has been matched via the (k,i) side */

      cmap[i] = cfirstvtx + cnvtxs++;
      if (k != firstvtx+i) {
        cmap[k-firstvtx] = cmap[i];
        match[k-firstvtx] += KEEP_BIT;  /* Add the KEEP_BIT to simplify coding */

  CommInterfaceData(ctrl, graph, cmap, cmap+nvtxs);

  PrintVector(ctrl, nvtxs, firstvtx, cmap, "Cmap");

  * Finally, create the coarser graph
  /* Allocate memory for the coarser graph, and fire up coarsening */
  cxadj   = cgraph->xadj = imalloc(cnvtxs+1, "CreateCoarserGraph: cxadj");
  cvwgt   = cgraph->vwgt = imalloc(cnvtxs*ncon, "CreateCoarserGraph: cvwgt");
  cnvwgt  = cgraph->nvwgt = rmalloc(cnvtxs*ncon, "CreateCoarserGraph: cnvwgt");
  if (ctrl->partType == ADAPTIVE_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == REFINE_PARTITION)
    chome = cgraph->home = imalloc(cnvtxs, "CreateCoarserGraph: chome");
  if (vsize != NULL)
    cvsize = cgraph->vsize = imalloc(cnvtxs, "CreateCoarserGraph: cvsize");
  if (where != NULL)
    cwhere = cgraph->where = imalloc(cnvtxs, "CreateCoarserGraph: cwhere");

  cadjncy = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->nedges);
  cadjwgt = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->nedges);

  iset(LHTSIZE, -1, htable);

  cxadj[0] = cnvtxs = cnedges = 0;
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    v = firstvtx+i; 
    u = match[i]-KEEP_BIT;

    if (v > u) 
      continue;  /* I have already collapsed it as (u,v) */

    /* Collapse the v vertex first, which you know that is local */
    for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
      cvwgt[cnvtxs*ncon+h] = vwgt[i*ncon+h];
    if (ctrl->partType == ADAPTIVE_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == REFINE_PARTITION)
      chome[cnvtxs] = home[i];
    if (vsize != NULL)
      cvsize[cnvtxs] = vsize[i];
    if (where != NULL)
      cwhere[cnvtxs] = where[i];
    nedges = 0;

    for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
      k = cmap[adjncy[j]];
      if (k != cfirstvtx+cnvtxs) {  /* If this is not an internal edge */
        l = k&MASK;
        if (htable[l] == -1) { /* Seeing this for first time */
          htable[l] = k;
          htableidx[l] = cnedges+nedges;
          cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
          cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges++] = adjwgt[j];
        else if (htable[l] == k) {
          cadjwgt[htableidx[l]] += adjwgt[j];
        else { /* Now you have to go and do a search. Expensive case */
          for (l=0; l<nedges; l++) {
            if (cadjncy[cnedges+l] == k)
          if (l < nedges) {
            cadjwgt[cnedges+l] += adjwgt[j];
          else {
            cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
            cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges++] = adjwgt[j];

    /* Collapse the u vertex next */
    if (v != u) { 
      u -= firstvtx;
      for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
        cvwgt[cnvtxs*ncon+h] += vwgt[u*ncon+h];
      if (vsize != NULL)
        cvsize[cnvtxs] += vsize[u];
      if (where != NULL && cwhere[cnvtxs] != where[u])
        myprintf(ctrl, "Something went wrong with the where local matching! %"PRIDX" %"PRIDX"\n", cwhere[cnvtxs], where[u]);

      for (j=xadj[u]; j<xadj[u+1]; j++) {
        k = cmap[adjncy[j]];
        if (k != cfirstvtx+cnvtxs) {  /* If this is not an internal edge */
          l = k&MASK;
          if (htable[l] == -1) { /* Seeing this for first time */
            htable[l] = k;
            htableidx[l] = cnedges+nedges;
            cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
            cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges++] = adjwgt[j];
          else if (htable[l] == k) {
            cadjwgt[htableidx[l]] += adjwgt[j];
          else { /* Now you have to go and do a search. Expensive case */
            for (l=0; l<nedges; l++) {
              if (cadjncy[cnedges+l] == k)
            if (l < nedges) {
              cadjwgt[cnedges+l] += adjwgt[j];
            else {
              cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
              cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges++] = adjwgt[j];

    cnedges += nedges;
    for (j=cxadj[cnvtxs]; j<cnedges; j++)
      htable[cadjncy[j]&MASK] = -1;  /* reset the htable */
    cxadj[++cnvtxs] = cnedges;

  cgraph->nedges = cnedges;

  for (j=0; j<cnvtxs; j++) {
    for (h=0; h<ncon; h++) 
      cgraph->nvwgt[j*ncon+h] = ctrl->invtvwgts[h]*cvwgt[j*ncon+h];

  cgraph->adjncy = imalloc(cnedges, "CreateCoarserGraph: cadjncy");
  cgraph->adjwgt = imalloc(cnedges, "CreateCoarserGraph: cadjwgt");
  icopy(cnedges, cadjncy, cgraph->adjncy);
  icopy(cnedges, cadjwgt, cgraph->adjwgt);


  /* Note that graph->where works fine even if it is NULL */
  gk_free((void **)&graph->where, LTERM); 

Exemple #3
void CreateCoarseGraph_Global(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t cnvtxs)
  idx_t h, i, j, k, l, ii, jj, ll, nnbrs, nvtxs, nedges, ncon;
  idx_t firstvtx, lastvtx, cfirstvtx, clastvtx, otherlastvtx;
  idx_t npes=ctrl->npes, mype=ctrl->mype;
  idx_t cnedges, nsend, nrecv, nkeepsize, nrecvsize, nsendsize, v, u;
  idx_t *xadj, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *vwgt, *vsize, *vtxdist, *home, *where;
  idx_t *match, *cmap;
  idx_t *cxadj, *cadjncy, *cadjwgt, *cvwgt, *cvsize = NULL, *chome = NULL, 
          *cwhere = NULL, *cvtxdist;
  idx_t *rsizes, *ssizes, *rlens, *slens, *rgraph, *sgraph, *perm;
  idx_t *peind, *recvptr, *recvind;
  real_t *nvwgt, *cnvwgt;
  graph_t *cgraph;
  ikv_t *scand, *rcand;
  idx_t htable[LHTSIZE], htableidx[LHTSIZE];


  nvtxs  = graph->nvtxs;
  ncon   = graph->ncon;
  xadj   = graph->xadj;
  vwgt   = graph->vwgt;
  vsize  = graph->vsize;
  nvwgt  = graph->nvwgt;
  home   = graph->home;
  where  = graph->where;
  adjncy = graph->adjncy;
  adjwgt = graph->adjwgt;
  match  = graph->match;

  vtxdist  = graph->vtxdist;
  firstvtx = vtxdist[mype];
  lastvtx  = vtxdist[mype+1];

  cmap = graph->cmap = ismalloc(nvtxs+graph->nrecv, -1, "Global_CreateCoarseGraph: cmap");

  nnbrs   = graph->nnbrs;
  peind   = graph->peind;
  recvind = graph->recvind;
  recvptr = graph->recvptr;

  /* Initialize the coarser graph */
  cgraph = CreateGraph();
  cgraph->nvtxs  = cnvtxs;
  cgraph->ncon   = ncon;
  cgraph->level  = graph->level+1;
  cgraph->finer  = graph;
  graph->coarser = cgraph;

  * Obtain the vtxdist of the coarser graph 
  cvtxdist = cgraph->vtxdist = imalloc(npes+1, "Global_CreateCoarseGraph: cvtxdist");
  cvtxdist[npes] = cnvtxs;  /* Use last position in the cvtxdist as a temp buffer */

  gkMPI_Allgather((void *)(cvtxdist+npes), 1, IDX_T, (void *)cvtxdist, 1, 
      IDX_T, ctrl->comm);

  MAKECSR(i, npes, cvtxdist);

  cgraph->gnvtxs = cvtxdist[npes];

  PrintVector(ctrl, npes+1, 0, cvtxdist, "cvtxdist");

  * Construct the cmap vector 
  cfirstvtx = cvtxdist[mype];
  clastvtx  = cvtxdist[mype+1];

  /* Create the cmap of what you know so far locally. */
  for (cnvtxs=0, i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    if (match[i] >= KEEP_BIT) {
      k = match[i] - KEEP_BIT;
      if (k>=firstvtx && k<firstvtx+i)
        continue;  /* Both (i,k) are local and i has been matched via the (k,i) side */

      cmap[i] = cfirstvtx + cnvtxs++;
      if (k != firstvtx+i && (k>=firstvtx && k<lastvtx)) { /* I'm matched locally */
        cmap[k-firstvtx] = cmap[i];
        match[k-firstvtx] += KEEP_BIT;  /* Add the KEEP_BIT to simplify coding */
  PASSERT(ctrl, cnvtxs == clastvtx-cfirstvtx);

  CommInterfaceData(ctrl, graph, cmap, cmap+nvtxs);

  /* Update the cmap of the locally stored vertices that will go away. 
   * The remote processor assigned cmap for them */
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    if (match[i] < KEEP_BIT) { /* Only vertices that go away satisfy this*/
      cmap[i] = cmap[nvtxs+BSearch(graph->nrecv, recvind, match[i])];

  CommInterfaceData(ctrl, graph, cmap, cmap+nvtxs);

#ifndef NDEBUG
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs+graph->nrecv; i++) {
    if (cmap[i] == -1) 
      errexit("cmap[%"PRIDX"] == -1\n", i);

  PrintVector(ctrl, nvtxs, firstvtx, cmap, "Cmap");

  * Determine how many adjcency lists you need to send/receive.
  /* first pass: determine sizes */
  for (nsend=0, nrecv=0, i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    if (match[i] < KEEP_BIT) /* This is going away */
    else {
      k = match[i]-KEEP_BIT;
      if (k<firstvtx || k>=lastvtx) /* This is comming from afar */

  scand = ikvwspacemalloc(ctrl, nsend);
  rcand = graph->rcand = ikvmalloc(nrecv, "CreateCoarseGraph: rcand");

  /* second pass: place them in the appropriate arrays */
  nkeepsize = nsend = nrecv = 0;
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    if (match[i] < KEEP_BIT) { /* This is going away */
      scand[nsend].key = match[i];
      scand[nsend].val = i;
    else {
      nkeepsize += (xadj[i+1]-xadj[i]);

      k = match[i]-KEEP_BIT;
      if (k<firstvtx || k>=lastvtx) { /* This is comming from afar */
        rcand[nrecv].key = k;
        rcand[nrecv].val = cmap[i] - cfirstvtx;  /* Set it for use during the partition projection */
        PASSERT(ctrl, rcand[nrecv].val>=0 && rcand[nrecv].val<cnvtxs);

  PrintPairs(ctrl, nsend, scand, "scand");
  PrintPairs(ctrl, nrecv, rcand, "rcand");

  * Determine how many lists and their sizes  you will send and 
  * received for each of the neighboring PEs
  rlens = graph->rlens = imalloc(nnbrs+1, "CreateCoarseGraph: graph->rlens");
  slens = graph->slens = imalloc(nnbrs+1, "CreateCoarseGraph: graph->slens");

  rsizes = iset(nnbrs, 0, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nnbrs));
  ssizes = iset(nnbrs, 0, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nnbrs));

  /* Take care the sending data first */
  ikvsortii(nsend, scand);
  slens[0] = 0;
  for (k=i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    otherlastvtx = vtxdist[peind[i]+1];
    for (; k<nsend && scand[k].key < otherlastvtx; k++)
      ssizes[i] += (xadj[scand[k].val+1]-xadj[scand[k].val]);
    slens[i+1] = k;

  /* Take care the receiving data next. You cannot yet determine the rsizes[] */
  ikvsortii(nrecv, rcand);
  rlens[0] = 0;
  for (k=i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    otherlastvtx = vtxdist[peind[i]+1];
    for (; k<nrecv && rcand[k].key < otherlastvtx; k++);
    rlens[i+1] = k;

  PrintVector(ctrl, nnbrs+1, 0, slens, "slens");
  PrintVector(ctrl, nnbrs+1, 0, rlens, "rlens");

  * Exchange size information
  /* Issue the receives first. */
  for (i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (rlens[i+1]-rlens[i] > 0)  /* Issue a receive only if you are getting something */
      gkMPI_Irecv((void *)(rsizes+i), 1, IDX_T, peind[i], 1, ctrl->comm, ctrl->rreq+i);

  /* Take care the sending data next */
  for (i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (slens[i+1]-slens[i] > 0)  /* Issue a send only if you are sending something */
      gkMPI_Isend((void *)(ssizes+i), 1, IDX_T, peind[i], 1, ctrl->comm, ctrl->sreq+i);

  /* OK, now get into the loop waiting for the operations to finish */
  for (i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (rlens[i+1]-rlens[i] > 0)  
      gkMPI_Wait(ctrl->rreq+i, &ctrl->status);
  for (i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (slens[i+1]-slens[i] > 0)  
      gkMPI_Wait(ctrl->sreq+i, &ctrl->status);

  PrintVector(ctrl, nnbrs, 0, rsizes, "rsizes");
  PrintVector(ctrl, nnbrs, 0, ssizes, "ssizes");

  * Allocate memory for received/sent graphs and start sending 
  * and receiving data.
  * rgraph and sgraph is a different data structure than CSR
  * to facilitate single message exchange.
  nrecvsize = isum(nnbrs, rsizes, 1);
  nsendsize = isum(nnbrs, ssizes, 1);
  rgraph = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, (4+ncon)*nrecv+2*nrecvsize);

  WCOREPUSH;  /* for freeing sgraph right away */
  sgraph = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, (4+ncon)*nsend+2*nsendsize);

  /* Deal with the received portion first */
  for (l=i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    /* Issue a receive only if you are getting something */
    if (rlens[i+1]-rlens[i] > 0) {
      gkMPI_Irecv((void *)(rgraph+l), (4+ncon)*(rlens[i+1]-rlens[i])+2*rsizes[i], 
          IDX_T, peind[i], 1, ctrl->comm, ctrl->rreq+i);
      l += (4+ncon)*(rlens[i+1]-rlens[i])+2*rsizes[i];

  /* Deal with the sent portion now */
  for (ll=l=i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (slens[i+1]-slens[i] > 0) {  /* Issue a send only if you are sending something */
      for (k=slens[i]; k<slens[i+1]; k++) {
        ii = scand[k].val;
        sgraph[ll++] = firstvtx+ii;
        sgraph[ll++] = xadj[ii+1]-xadj[ii];
        for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
          sgraph[ll++] = vwgt[ii*ncon+h];
        sgraph[ll++] = (ctrl->partType == STATIC_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == ORDER_PARTITION 
                        ? -1 : vsize[ii]);
        sgraph[ll++] = (ctrl->partType == STATIC_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == ORDER_PARTITION 
                        ? -1 : home[ii]);
        for (jj=xadj[ii]; jj<xadj[ii+1]; jj++) {
          sgraph[ll++] = cmap[adjncy[jj]];
          sgraph[ll++] = adjwgt[jj];

      PASSERT(ctrl, ll-l == (4+ncon)*(slens[i+1]-slens[i])+2*ssizes[i]);

      /*myprintf(ctrl, "Sending to pe:%"PRIDX", %"PRIDX" lists of size %"PRIDX"\n", peind[i], slens[i+1]-slens[i], ssizes[i]); */
      gkMPI_Isend((void *)(sgraph+l), ll-l, IDX_T, peind[i], 1, ctrl->comm, ctrl->sreq+i);
      l = ll;

  /* OK, now get into the loop waiting for the operations to finish */
  for (i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (rlens[i+1]-rlens[i] > 0)  
      gkMPI_Wait(ctrl->rreq+i, &ctrl->status);
  for (i=0; i<nnbrs; i++) {
    if (slens[i+1]-slens[i] > 0)  
      gkMPI_Wait(ctrl->sreq+i, &ctrl->status);

  rprintf(ctrl, "Graphs were sent!\n");
  PrintTransferedGraphs(ctrl, nnbrs, peind, slens, rlens, sgraph, rgraph);

  WCOREPOP;  /* free sgraph */

  * Setup the mapping from indices returned by BSearch to 
  * those that are actually stored 
  perm = iset(graph->nrecv, -1, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->nrecv));
  for (j=i=0; i<nrecv; i++) {
    perm[BSearch(graph->nrecv, recvind, rgraph[j])] = j+1;
    j += (4+ncon)+2*rgraph[j+1];

  * Finally, create the coarser graph
  /* Allocate memory for the coarser graph, and fire up coarsening */
  cxadj   = cgraph->xadj  = imalloc(cnvtxs+1, "CreateCoarserGraph: cxadj");
  cvwgt   = cgraph->vwgt  = imalloc(cnvtxs*ncon, "CreateCoarserGraph: cvwgt");
  cnvwgt  = cgraph->nvwgt = rmalloc(cnvtxs*ncon, "CreateCoarserGraph: cnvwgt");
  if (ctrl->partType == ADAPTIVE_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == REFINE_PARTITION) {
    cvsize = cgraph->vsize = imalloc(cnvtxs, "CreateCoarserGraph: cvsize");
    chome  = cgraph->home  = imalloc(cnvtxs, "CreateCoarserGraph: chome");
  if (where != NULL)
    cwhere = cgraph->where = imalloc(cnvtxs, "CreateCoarserGraph: cwhere");

  /* these are just upper bound estimates for now */
  cadjncy = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nkeepsize+nrecvsize);
  cadjwgt = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nkeepsize+nrecvsize);

  iset(LHTSIZE, -1, htable);

  cxadj[0] = cnvtxs = cnedges = 0;
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    if (match[i] >= KEEP_BIT) {
      v = firstvtx+i; 
      u = match[i]-KEEP_BIT;

      if (u>=firstvtx && u<lastvtx && v > u) 
        continue;  /* I have already collapsed it as (u,v) */

      /* Collapse the v vertex first, which you know is local */
      for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
        cvwgt[cnvtxs*ncon+h] = vwgt[i*ncon+h];
      if (ctrl->partType == ADAPTIVE_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == REFINE_PARTITION) {
        cvsize[cnvtxs] = vsize[i];
        chome[cnvtxs]  = home[i];
      if (where != NULL)
        cwhere[cnvtxs] = where[i];
      nedges = 0;

      /* Collapse the v (i) vertex first */
      for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++) {
        k = cmap[adjncy[j]];
        if (k < 0)
          printf("k=%d\n", (int)k);
        if (k != cfirstvtx+cnvtxs) {  /* If this is not an internal edge */
          l = k&MASK;
          if (htable[l] == -1) { /* Seeing this for first time */
            htable[l] = k;
            htableidx[l] = cnedges+nedges;
            cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
            cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges++] = adjwgt[j];
          else if (htable[l] == k) {
            cadjwgt[htableidx[l]] += adjwgt[j];
          else { /* Now you have to go and do a search. Expensive case */
            for (l=0; l<nedges; l++) {
              if (cadjncy[cnedges+l] == k)
            if (l < nedges) {
              cadjwgt[cnedges+l] += adjwgt[j];
            else {
              cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
              cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges++] = adjwgt[j];

      /* Collapse the u vertex next */
      if (v != u) { 
        if (u>=firstvtx && u<lastvtx) { /* Local vertex */
          u -= firstvtx;
          for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
            cvwgt[cnvtxs*ncon+h] += vwgt[u*ncon+h];

          if (ctrl->partType == ADAPTIVE_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == REFINE_PARTITION) 
            cvsize[cnvtxs] += vsize[u];

          for (j=xadj[u]; j<xadj[u+1]; j++) {
            k = cmap[adjncy[j]];
            if (k != cfirstvtx+cnvtxs) {  /* If this is not an internal edge */
              l = k&MASK;
              if (htable[l] == -1) { /* Seeing this for first time */
                htable[l] = k;
                htableidx[l] = cnedges+nedges;
                cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
                cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges] = adjwgt[j];
              else if (htable[l] == k) {
                cadjwgt[htableidx[l]] += adjwgt[j];
              else { /* Now you have to go and do a search. Expensive case */
                for (l=0; l<nedges; l++) {
                  if (cadjncy[cnedges+l] == k)
                if (l < nedges) {
                  cadjwgt[cnedges+l] += adjwgt[j];
                else {
                  cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
                  cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges] = adjwgt[j];
        else { /* Remote vertex */
          u = perm[BSearch(graph->nrecv, recvind, u)];

          for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
            /* Remember that the +1 stores the vertex weight */
            cvwgt[cnvtxs*ncon+h] += rgraph[(u+1)+h];

          if (ctrl->partType == ADAPTIVE_PARTITION || ctrl->partType == REFINE_PARTITION) {
            cvsize[cnvtxs] += rgraph[u+1+ncon];
            chome[cnvtxs] = rgraph[u+2+ncon];

          for (j=0; j<rgraph[u]; j++) {
            k = rgraph[u+3+ncon+2*j];
            if (k != cfirstvtx+cnvtxs) {  /* If this is not an internal edge */
              l = k&MASK;
              if (htable[l] == -1) { /* Seeing this for first time */
                htable[l] = k;
                htableidx[l] = cnedges+nedges;
                cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
                cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges] = rgraph[u+3+ncon+2*j+1];
              else if (htable[l] == k) {
                cadjwgt[htableidx[l]] += rgraph[u+3+ncon+2*j+1];
              else { /* Now you have to go and do a search. Expensive case */
                for (l=0; l<nedges; l++) {
                  if (cadjncy[cnedges+l] == k)
                if (l < nedges) {
                  cadjwgt[cnedges+l] += rgraph[u+3+ncon+2*j+1];
                else {
                  cadjncy[cnedges+nedges] = k; 
                  cadjwgt[cnedges+nedges] = rgraph[u+3+ncon+2*j+1];

      cnedges += nedges;
      for (j=cxadj[cnvtxs]; j<cnedges; j++)
        htable[cadjncy[j]&MASK] = -1;  /* reset the htable */
      cxadj[++cnvtxs] = cnedges;

  cgraph->nedges = cnedges;

  /* ADD:  In order to keep from having to change this too much */
  /* ADD:  I kept vwgt array and recomputed nvwgt for each coarser graph */
  for (j=0; j<cnvtxs; j++) {
    for (h=0; h<ncon; h++)
      cgraph->nvwgt[j*ncon+h] = ctrl->invtvwgts[h]*cvwgt[j*ncon+h];

  cgraph->adjncy = imalloc(cnedges, "CreateCoarserGraph: cadjncy");
  cgraph->adjwgt = imalloc(cnedges, "CreateCoarserGraph: cadjwgt");
  icopy(cnedges, cadjncy, cgraph->adjncy);
  icopy(cnedges, cadjwgt, cgraph->adjwgt);


  /* Note that graph->where works fine even if it is NULL */
  gk_free((void **)&graph->where, LTERM);
