Exemple #1
* This function reads the spd matrix
void ReadCoordinates(GraphType *graph, char *filename)
  idxtype i, j, k, l, nvtxs, fmt, readew, readvw, ncon, edge, ewgt;
  FILE *fpin;
  char *line;

  fpin = gk_fopen(filename, "r", __func__);

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;

  graph->coords = gk_dsmalloc(3*nvtxs, 0.0, "ReadCoordinates: coords");

  line = gk_cmalloc(MAXLINE+1, "ReadCoordinates: line");

  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    fgets(line, MAXLINE, fpin);
    msscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf", graph->coords+3*i+0, graph->coords+3*i+1, graph->coords+3*i+2);

  gk_free((void **)&line, LTERM);
Exemple #2
int gk_rw_PageRank(gk_csr_t *mat, float lamda, float eps, int max_niter, float *pr)
  ssize_t i, j, iter, nrows;
  double *rscale, *prold, *prnew, *prtmp;
  double fromsinks, error;
  ssize_t *rowptr;
  int *rowind;
  float *rowval;

  nrows  = mat->nrows;
  rowptr = mat->rowptr;
  rowind = mat->rowind;
  rowval = mat->rowval;

  prold  = gk_dsmalloc(nrows, 0, "gk_rw_PageRank: prnew");
  prnew  = gk_dsmalloc(nrows, 0, "gk_rw_PageRank: prold");
  rscale = gk_dsmalloc(nrows, 0, "gk_rw_PageRank: rscale");

  /* compute the scaling factors to get adjacency weights into transition 
     probabilities */
  for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
    for (j=rowptr[i]; j<rowptr[i+1]; j++)
      rscale[i] += rowval[j];
    if (rscale[i] > 0)
      rscale[i] = 1.0/rscale[i];

  /* the restart distribution is the initial pr scores */
  for (i=0; i<nrows; i++)
    prnew[i] = pr[i];

  /* get into the PR iteration */
  for (iter=0; iter<max_niter; iter++) {
    gk_SWAP(prnew, prold, prtmp);
    gk_dset(nrows, 0.0, prnew);

    /* determine the total current PR score of the sinks so that you 
       can distribute them to all nodes according to the restart 
       distribution. */
    for (fromsinks=0.0, i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
      if (rscale[i] == 0) 
        fromsinks += prold[i];

    /* push random-walk scores to the outlinks */
    for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
      for (j=rowptr[i]; j<rowptr[i+1]; j++)
        prnew[rowind[j]] += prold[i]*rscale[i]*rowval[j];

    /* apply the restart conditions */
    for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
      prnew[i] = lamda*(fromsinks*pr[i]+prnew[i]) + (1.0-lamda)*pr[i];

    /* compute the error */
    for (error=0.0, i=0; i<nrows; i++) 
      error = (fabs(prnew[i]-prold[i]) > error ? fabs(prnew[i]-prold[i]) : error);

    //printf("nrm1: %le  maxfabserr: %le\n", gk_dsum(nrows, prnew, 1), error);

    if (error < eps)

  /* store the computed pr scores into pr for output */
  for (i=0; i<nrows; i++)
    pr[i] = prnew[i];

  gk_free((void **)&prnew, &prold, &rscale, LTERM);
  return (int)(iter+1);
