Exemple #1
 * @brief Draws a circle in a rectangle.
 *    @param cx X position of the center in screen coordinates..
 *    @param cy Y position of the center in screen coordinates.
 *    @param r Radius of the circle.
 *    @param rx X position of the rectangle limiting the circle in screen coords.
 *    @param ry Y position of the rectangle limiting the circle in screen coords.
 *    @param rw Width of the limiting rectangle.
 *    @param rh Height of the limiting rectangle.
 *    @param c Colour to use.
void gl_drawCircleInRect( const double cx, const double cy, const double r,
      const double rx, const double ry, const double rw, const double rh,
      const glColour *c, int filled )
   int i, j;
   double rxw,ryh, x,y,p, w,h, tx,ty, tw,th, r2;

   rxw = rx+rw;
   ryh = ry+rh;

   /* is offscreen? */
   if ((cx+r < rx) || (cy+r < ry) || (cx-r > rxw) || (cy-r > ryh))
   /* can be drawn normally? */
   else if ((cx-r > rx) && (cy-r > ry) && (cx+r < rxw) && (cy+r < ryh)) {
      gl_drawCircle( cx, cy, r, c, filled );

   /* Case if filled. */
   if (filled) {
      r2 = 2.*r;
      /* Clamp bottom left. */
      x  = CLAMP( rx, rxw, cx-r );
      y  = CLAMP( ry, ryh, cy-r );
      /* Clamp width. */
      w  = CLAMP( rx, rxw, cx+r ) - x;
      h  = CLAMP( ry, ryh, cy+r ) - y;
      /* Calculate texture bottom left. */
      tx  = x - (cx-r);
      tx *= gl_circle->srw / r2; /* Transform to unitary coordinates. */
      ty  = y - (cy-r);
      ty *= gl_circle->srh / r2;
      /* Calculate dimensions of texture. */
      tw  = w/r2 * gl_circle->srw;
      th  = h/r2 * gl_circle->srh;
      /* Render. */
      gl_blitTexture( gl_circle, x, y, w, h, tx, ty, tw, th, c );

   /* Starting parameters. */
   i = 0;
   x = 0;
   y = r;
   p = (5. - (r*4.)) / 4.;

   PIXEL( cx,   cy+y );
   PIXEL( cx,   cy-y );
   PIXEL( cx+y, cy   );
   PIXEL( cx-y, cy   );

   while (x<y) {
      if (p < 0) p += 2*(double)(x)+1;
      else p += 2*(double)(x-(--y))+1;

      if (x==0) {
         PIXEL( cx,   cy+y );
         PIXEL( cx,   cy-y );
         PIXEL( cx+y, cy   );
         PIXEL( cx-y, cy   );
         if (x==y) {
            PIXEL( cx+x, cy+y );
            PIXEL( cx-x, cy+y );
            PIXEL( cx+x, cy-y );
            PIXEL( cx-x, cy-y );
            if (x<y) {
               PIXEL( cx+x, cy+y );
               PIXEL( cx-x, cy+y );
               PIXEL( cx+x, cy-y );
               PIXEL( cx-x, cy-y );
               PIXEL( cx+y, cy+x );
               PIXEL( cx-y, cy+x );
               PIXEL( cx+y, cy-x );
               PIXEL( cx-y, cy-x );
   gl_vboSubData( gl_renderVBO, 0, i*2*sizeof(GLfloat), vertex );
   gl_vboActivateOffset( gl_renderVBO, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 );

   /* Set up the colour. */
   for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
      col[4*j+0] = c->r;
      col[4*j+1] = c->g;
      col[4*j+2] = c->b;
      col[4*j+3] = c->a;
   gl_vboSubData( gl_renderVBO, gl_renderVBOcolOffset, i*4*sizeof(GLfloat), col );
   gl_vboActivateOffset( gl_renderVBO, GL_COLOR_ARRAY,
         gl_renderVBOcolOffset, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0 );

   /* Draw. */
   glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, i );

   /* Clear state. */
Exemple #2
 * @brief Draws a circle in a rectangle.
 *    @param cx X position of the center in screen coordinates..
 *    @param cy Y position of the center in screen coordinates.
 *    @param r Radius of the circle.
 *    @param rx X position of the rectangle limiting the circle in screen coords.
 *    @param ry Y position of the rectangle limiting the circle in screen coords.
 *    @param rw Width of the limiting rectangle.
 *    @param rh Height of the limiting rectangle.
 *    @param c Colour to use.
void gl_drawCircleInRect( const double cx, const double cy, const double r,
      const double rx, const double ry, const double rw, const double rh,
      const glColour *c, int filled )
   int i, j;
   double rxw,ryh, x,y,p, w,h;

   rxw = rx+rw;
   ryh = ry+rh;

   /* is offscreen? */
   if ((cx+r < rx) || (cy+r < ry) || (cx-r > rxw) || (cy-r > ryh))
   /* can be drawn normally? */
   else if ((cx-r > rx) && (cy-r > ry) && (cx+r < rxw) && (cy+r < ryh)) {
      gl_drawCircle( cx, cy, r, c, filled );

   /* Case if filled. */
   if (filled) {
      x = CLAMP( rx, rxw, cx-r );
      y = CLAMP( ry, ryh, cy-r );
      w = CLAMP( 0., rxw-x,  2.*r );
      h = CLAMP( 0., ryh-y,  2.*r );
      gl_blitTexture( gl_circle, x, y, w, h,
            (x-(cx-r))/(2.*r) * gl_circle->srw,
            (y-(cy-r))/(2.*r) * gl_circle->srh,
            (w/(2.*r)) * gl_circle->srw,
            (h/(2.*r)) * gl_circle->srh, c );

   /* Starting parameters. */
   i = 0;
   x = 0;
   y = r;    
   p = (5. - (r*4.)) / 4.;

   PIXEL( cx,   cy+y );
   PIXEL( cx,   cy-y );
   PIXEL( cx+y, cy   );
   PIXEL( cx-y, cy   );

   while (x<y) {
      if (p < 0) p += 2*(double)(x)+1;
      else p += 2*(double)(x-(--y))+1;

      if (x==0) {
         PIXEL( cx,   cy+y );
         PIXEL( cx,   cy-y );
         PIXEL( cx+y, cy   );
         PIXEL( cx-y, cy   );
         if (x==y) {
            PIXEL( cx+x, cy+y );
            PIXEL( cx-x, cy+y );
            PIXEL( cx+x, cy-y );
            PIXEL( cx-x, cy-y );
            if (x<y) {
               PIXEL( cx+x, cy+y );
               PIXEL( cx-x, cy+y );
               PIXEL( cx+x, cy-y );
               PIXEL( cx-x, cy-y );
               PIXEL( cx+y, cy+x );
               PIXEL( cx-y, cy+x );
               PIXEL( cx+y, cy-x );
               PIXEL( cx-y, cy-x );
   gl_vboSubData( gl_renderVBO, 0, i*2*sizeof(GLfloat), vertex );
   gl_vboActivateOffset( gl_renderVBO, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, 0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0 );

   /* Set up the colour. */
   for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
      col[4*j+0] = c->r;
      col[4*j+1] = c->g;
      col[4*j+2] = c->b;
      col[4*j+3] = c->a;
   gl_vboSubData( gl_renderVBO, gl_renderVBOcolOffset, i*4*sizeof(GLfloat), col );
   gl_vboActivateOffset( gl_renderVBO, GL_COLOR_ARRAY,
         gl_renderVBOcolOffset, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0 );

   /* Draw. */
   glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, i );

   /* Clear state. */