Exemple #1
static void print_version(void)
{     /* print version information */
      xprintf("GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver %s\n", glp_version());
      xprintf("Copyright (C) 2008 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Appli"
         "ed Informatics,\n");
      xprintf("Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights re"
      xprintf("This program has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n");
      xprintf("This program is free software; you may re-distribute it "
         "under the terms\n");
      xprintf("of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.\n")
 * This is the main function.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int i;
    printf("GLPK version: %s\n", glp_version());
    for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        printf ("\nIteration %d", i);
        if (i & 1) {
            printf(", error expected to occur.\n");
        } else {
            printf(", success expected.\n");
        if (runOptimizer(i)) {
            printf("An error has occured.\n");
        } else {
            printf("Successful execution.\n");
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemple #3
int glp_intopt(glp_prob *P, const glp_iocp *parm)
{     /* solve MIP problem with the branch-and-bound method */
      glp_iocp _parm;
      int i, j, ret;
      /* check problem object */
      if (P == NULL || P->magic != GLP_PROB_MAGIC)
         xerror("glp_intopt: P = %p; invalid problem object\n", P);
      if (P->tree != NULL)
         xerror("glp_intopt: operation not allowed\n");
      /* check control parameters */
      if (parm == NULL)
         parm = &_parm, glp_init_iocp((glp_iocp *)parm);
      if (!(parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_OFF ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_ERR ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_ON  ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_ALL ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_DBG))
         xerror("glp_intopt: msg_lev = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->br_tech == GLP_BR_FFV ||
            parm->br_tech == GLP_BR_LFV ||
            parm->br_tech == GLP_BR_MFV ||
            parm->br_tech == GLP_BR_DTH ||
            parm->br_tech == GLP_BR_PCH))
         xerror("glp_intopt: br_tech = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->bt_tech == GLP_BT_DFS ||
            parm->bt_tech == GLP_BT_BFS ||
            parm->bt_tech == GLP_BT_BLB ||
            parm->bt_tech == GLP_BT_BPH))
         xerror("glp_intopt: bt_tech = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(0.0 < parm->tol_int && parm->tol_int < 1.0))
         xerror("glp_intopt: tol_int = %g; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(0.0 < parm->tol_obj && parm->tol_obj < 1.0))
         xerror("glp_intopt: tol_obj = %g; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->tm_lim < 0)
         xerror("glp_intopt: tm_lim = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->out_frq < 0)
         xerror("glp_intopt: out_frq = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->out_dly < 0)
         xerror("glp_intopt: out_dly = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(0 <= parm->cb_size && parm->cb_size <= 256))
         xerror("glp_intopt: cb_size = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->pp_tech == GLP_PP_NONE ||
            parm->pp_tech == GLP_PP_ROOT ||
            parm->pp_tech == GLP_PP_ALL))
         xerror("glp_intopt: pp_tech = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->mip_gap < 0.0)
         xerror("glp_intopt: mip_gap = %g; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->mir_cuts == GLP_ON || parm->mir_cuts == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: mir_cuts = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->gmi_cuts == GLP_ON || parm->gmi_cuts == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: gmi_cuts = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->cov_cuts == GLP_ON || parm->cov_cuts == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: cov_cuts = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->clq_cuts == GLP_ON || parm->clq_cuts == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: clq_cuts = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->presolve == GLP_ON || parm->presolve == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: presolve = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->binarize == GLP_ON || parm->binarize == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: binarize = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->fp_heur == GLP_ON || parm->fp_heur == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: fp_heur = %d; invalid parameter\n",
#if 1 /* 28/V-2010 */
      if (!(parm->alien == GLP_ON || parm->alien == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_intopt: alien = %d; invalid parameter\n",
#if 0 /* 11/VII-2013 */
      /* integer solution is currently undefined */
      P->mip_stat = GLP_UNDEF;
      P->mip_obj = 0.0;
      if (!parm->use_sol)
         P->mip_stat = GLP_UNDEF;
      if (P->mip_stat == GLP_NOFEAS)
         P->mip_stat = GLP_UNDEF;
      if (P->mip_stat == GLP_UNDEF)
         P->mip_obj = 0.0;
      else if (P->mip_stat == GLP_OPT)
         P->mip_stat = GLP_FEAS;
      /* check bounds of double-bounded variables */
      for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++)
      {  GLPROW *row = P->row[i];
         if (row->type == GLP_DB && row->lb >= row->ub)
         {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
               xprintf("glp_intopt: row %d: lb = %g, ub = %g; incorrect"
                  " bounds\n", i, row->lb, row->ub);
            ret = GLP_EBOUND;
            goto done;
      for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++)
      {  GLPCOL *col = P->col[j];
         if (col->type == GLP_DB && col->lb >= col->ub)
         {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
               xprintf("glp_intopt: column %d: lb = %g, ub = %g; incorr"
                  "ect bounds\n", j, col->lb, col->ub);
            ret = GLP_EBOUND;
            goto done;
      /* bounds of all integer variables must be integral */
      for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++)
      {  GLPCOL *col = P->col[j];
         if (col->kind != GLP_IV) continue;
         if (col->type == GLP_LO || col->type == GLP_DB)
         {  if (col->lb != floor(col->lb))
            {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
                  xprintf("glp_intopt: integer column %d has non-intege"
                     "r lower bound %g\n", j, col->lb);
               ret = GLP_EBOUND;
               goto done;
         if (col->type == GLP_UP || col->type == GLP_DB)
         {  if (col->ub != floor(col->ub))
            {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
                  xprintf("glp_intopt: integer column %d has non-intege"
                     "r upper bound %g\n", j, col->ub);
               ret = GLP_EBOUND;
               goto done;
         if (col->type == GLP_FX)
         {  if (col->lb != floor(col->lb))
            {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
                  xprintf("glp_intopt: integer column %d has non-intege"
                     "r fixed value %g\n", j, col->lb);
               ret = GLP_EBOUND;
               goto done;
      /* solve MIP problem */
      if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ALL)
      {  int ni = glp_get_num_int(P);
         int nb = glp_get_num_bin(P);
         char s[50];
         xprintf("GLPK Integer Optimizer, v%s\n", glp_version());
         xprintf("%d row%s, %d column%s, %d non-zero%s\n",
            P->m, P->m == 1 ? "" : "s", P->n, P->n == 1 ? "" : "s",
            P->nnz, P->nnz == 1 ? "" : "s");
         if (nb == 0)
            strcpy(s, "none of");
         else if (ni == 1 && nb == 1)
            strcpy(s, "");
         else if (nb == 1)
            strcpy(s, "one of");
         else if (nb == ni)
            strcpy(s, "all of");
            sprintf(s, "%d of", nb);
         xprintf("%d integer variable%s, %s which %s binary\n",
            ni, ni == 1 ? "" : "s", s, nb == 1 ? "is" : "are");
#if 1 /* 28/V-2010 */
      if (parm->alien)
      {  /* use alien integer optimizer */
         ret = _glp_intopt1(P, parm);
         goto done;
      if (!parm->presolve)
#if 0 /* 11/VII-2013 */
         ret = solve_mip(P, parm);
         ret = solve_mip(P, parm, P, NULL);
int glp_print_ranges(glp_prob *P, int len, const int list[],
                     int flags, const char *fname)
{   /* print sensitivity analysis report */
    glp_file *fp = NULL;
    GLPROW *row;
    GLPCOL *col;
    int m, n, pass, k, t, numb, type, stat, var1, var2, count, page,
    double lb, ub, slack, coef, prim, dual, value1, value2, coef1,
           coef2, obj1, obj2;
    const char *name, *limit;
    char buf[13+1];
    /* sanity checks */
    if (P == NULL || P->magic != GLP_PROB_MAGIC)
        xerror("glp_print_ranges: P = %p; invalid problem object\n",
    m = P->m, n = P->n;
    if (len < 0)
        xerror("glp_print_ranges: len = %d; invalid list length\n",
    if (len > 0)
    {   if (list == NULL)
            xerror("glp_print_ranges: list = %p: invalid parameter\n",
        for (t = 1; t <= len; t++)
        {   k = list[t];
            if (!(1 <= k && k <= m+n))
                xerror("glp_print_ranges: list[%d] = %d; row/column numb"
                       "er out of range\n", t, k);
    if (flags != 0)
        xerror("glp_print_ranges: flags = %d; invalid parameter\n",
    if (fname == NULL)
        xerror("glp_print_ranges: fname = %p; invalid parameter\n",
    if (glp_get_status(P) != GLP_OPT)
    {   xprintf("glp_print_ranges: optimal basic solution required\n");
        ret = 1;
        goto done;
    if (!glp_bf_exists(P))
    {   xprintf("glp_print_ranges: basis factorization required\n");
        ret = 2;
        goto done;
    /* start reporting */
    xprintf("Write sensitivity analysis report to '%s'...\n", fname);
    fp = glp_open(fname, "w");
    if (fp == NULL)
    {   xprintf("Unable to create '%s' - %s\n", fname, get_err_msg());
        ret = 3;
        goto done;
    page = count = 0;
    for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
        for (t = 1; t <= (len == 0 ? m+n : len); t++)
        {   if (t == 1) count = 0;
            k = (len == 0 ? t : list[t]);
            if (pass == 1 && k > m || pass == 2 && k <= m)
            if (count == 0)
            {   xfprintf(fp, "GLPK %-4s - SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS REPORT%73sPa"
                         "ge%4d\n", glp_version(), "", ++page);
                xfprintf(fp, "\n");
                xfprintf(fp, "%-12s%s\n", "Problem:",
                         P->name == NULL ? "" : P->name);
                xfprintf(fp, "%-12s%s%s%.10g (%s)\n", "Objective:",
                         P->obj == NULL ? "" : P->obj,
                         P->obj == NULL ? "" : " = ", P->obj_val,
                         P->dir == GLP_MIN ? "MINimum" :
                         P->dir == GLP_MAX ? "MAXimum" : "???");
                xfprintf(fp, "\n");
                xfprintf(fp, "%6s %-12s %2s %13s %13s %13s  %13s %13s %13s "
                         "%s\n", "No.", pass == 1 ? "Row name" : "Column name",
                         "St", "Activity", pass == 1 ? "Slack" : "Obj coef",
                         "Lower bound", "Activity", "Obj coef", "Obj value at",
                xfprintf(fp, "%6s %-12s %2s %13s %13s %13s  %13s %13s %13s "
                         "%s\n", "", "", "", "", "Marginal", "Upper bound",
                         "range", "range", "break point", "variable");
                xfprintf(fp, "------ ------------ -- ------------- --------"
                         "----- -------------  ------------- ------------- ------"
                         "------- ------------\n");
            if (pass == 1)
            {   numb = k;
                xassert(1 <= numb && numb <= m);
                row = P->row[numb];
                name = row->name;
                type = row->type;
                lb = glp_get_row_lb(P, numb);
                ub = glp_get_row_ub(P, numb);
                coef = 0.0;
                stat = row->stat;
                prim = row->prim;
                if (type == GLP_FR)
                    slack = - prim;
                else if (type == GLP_LO)
                    slack = lb - prim;
                else if (type == GLP_UP || type == GLP_DB || type == GLP_FX)
                    slack = ub - prim;
                dual = row->dual;
            {   numb = k - m;
                xassert(1 <= numb && numb <= n);
                col = P->col[numb];
                name = col->name;
                lb = glp_get_col_lb(P, numb);
                ub = glp_get_col_ub(P, numb);
                coef = col->coef;
                stat = col->stat;
                prim = col->prim;
                slack = 0.0;
                dual = col->dual;
            if (stat != GLP_BS)
            {   glp_analyze_bound(P, k, &value1, &var1, &value2, &var2);
                if (stat == GLP_NF)
                    coef1 = coef2 = coef;
                else if (stat == GLP_NS)
                    coef1 = -DBL_MAX, coef2 = +DBL_MAX;
                else if (stat == GLP_NL && P->dir == GLP_MIN ||
                         stat == GLP_NU && P->dir == GLP_MAX)
                    coef1 = coef - dual, coef2 = +DBL_MAX;
                    coef1 = -DBL_MAX, coef2 = coef - dual;
                if (value1 == -DBL_MAX)
                {   if (dual < -1e-9)
                        obj1 = +DBL_MAX;
                    else if (dual > +1e-9)
                        obj1 = -DBL_MAX;
                        obj1 = P->obj_val;
                    obj1 = P->obj_val + dual * (value1 - prim);
                if (value2 == +DBL_MAX)
                {   if (dual < -1e-9)
                        obj2 = -DBL_MAX;
                    else if (dual > +1e-9)
                        obj2 = +DBL_MAX;
                        obj2 = P->obj_val;
                    obj2 = P->obj_val + dual * (value2 - prim);
            {   glp_analyze_coef(P, k, &coef1, &var1, &value1, &coef2,
                                 &var2, &value2);
                if (coef1 == -DBL_MAX)
                {   if (prim < -1e-9)
                        obj1 = +DBL_MAX;
                    else if (prim > +1e-9)
                        obj1 = -DBL_MAX;
                        obj1 = P->obj_val;
                    obj1 = P->obj_val + (coef1 - coef) * prim;
                if (coef2 == +DBL_MAX)
                {   if (prim < -1e-9)
                        obj2 = -DBL_MAX;
                    else if (prim > +1e-9)
                        obj2 = +DBL_MAX;
                        obj2 = P->obj_val;
                    obj2 = P->obj_val + (coef2 - coef) * prim;
            /*** first line ***/
            /* row/column number */
            xfprintf(fp, "%6d", numb);
            /* row/column name */
            xfprintf(fp, " %-12.12s", name == NULL ? "" : name);
            if (name != NULL && strlen(name) > 12)
                xfprintf(fp, "%s\n%6s %12s", name+12, "", "");
            /* row/column status */
            xfprintf(fp, " %2s",
                     stat == GLP_BS ? "BS" : stat == GLP_NL ? "NL" :
                     stat == GLP_NU ? "NU" : stat == GLP_NF ? "NF" :
                     stat == GLP_NS ? "NS" : "??");
            /* row/column activity */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, prim));
            /* row slack, column objective coefficient */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, k <= m ? slack : coef));
            /* row/column lower bound */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, lb));
            /* row/column activity range */
            xfprintf(fp, "  %s", format(buf, value1));
            /* row/column objective coefficient range */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, coef1));
            /* objective value at break point */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, obj1));
            /* limiting variable name */
            if (var1 != 0)
            {   if (var1 <= m)
                    limit = glp_get_row_name(P, var1);
                    limit = glp_get_col_name(P, var1 - m);
                if (limit != NULL)
                    xfprintf(fp, " %s", limit);
            xfprintf(fp, "\n");
            /*** second line ***/
            xfprintf(fp, "%6s %-12s %2s %13s", "", "", "", "");
            /* row/column reduced cost */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, dual));
            /* row/column upper bound */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, ub));
            /* row/column activity range */
            xfprintf(fp, "  %s", format(buf, value2));
            /* row/column objective coefficient range */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, coef2));
            /* objective value at break point */
            xfprintf(fp, " %s", format(buf, obj2));
            /* limiting variable name */
            if (var2 != 0)
            {   if (var2 <= m)
                    limit = glp_get_row_name(P, var2);
                    limit = glp_get_col_name(P, var2 - m);
                if (limit != NULL)
                    xfprintf(fp, " %s", limit);
            xfprintf(fp, "\n");
            xfprintf(fp, "\n");
            /* print 10 items per page */
            count = (count + 1) % 10;
    xfprintf(fp, "End of report\n");
#if 0 /* FIXME */
    if (glp_ioerr(fp))
    {   xprintf("Write error on '%s' - %s\n", fname, get_err_msg());
        ret = 4;
        goto done;
    ret = 0;
    if (fp != NULL) glp_close(fp);
    return ret;
Exemple #5
int glp_simplex(glp_prob *P, const glp_smcp *parm)
{     /* solve LP problem with the simplex method */
      glp_smcp _parm;
      int i, j, ret;
      /* check problem object */
      if (P == NULL || P->magic != GLP_PROB_MAGIC)
         xerror("glp_simplex: P = %p; invalid problem object\n", P);
      if (P->tree != NULL && P->tree->reason != 0)
         xerror("glp_simplex: operation not allowed\n");
      /* check control parameters */
      if (parm == NULL)
         parm = &_parm, glp_init_smcp((glp_smcp *)parm);
      if (!(parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_OFF ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_ERR ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_ON  ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_ALL ||
            parm->msg_lev == GLP_MSG_DBG))
         xerror("glp_simplex: msg_lev = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->meth == GLP_PRIMAL ||
            parm->meth == GLP_DUALP  ||
            parm->meth == GLP_DUAL))
         xerror("glp_simplex: meth = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->pricing == GLP_PT_STD ||
            parm->pricing == GLP_PT_PSE))
         xerror("glp_simplex: pricing = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->r_test == GLP_RT_STD ||
            parm->r_test == GLP_RT_HAR))
         xerror("glp_simplex: r_test = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(0.0 < parm->tol_bnd && parm->tol_bnd < 1.0))
         xerror("glp_simplex: tol_bnd = %g; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(0.0 < parm->tol_dj && parm->tol_dj < 1.0))
         xerror("glp_simplex: tol_dj = %g; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(0.0 < parm->tol_piv && parm->tol_piv < 1.0))
         xerror("glp_simplex: tol_piv = %g; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->it_lim < 0)
         xerror("glp_simplex: it_lim = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->tm_lim < 0)
         xerror("glp_simplex: tm_lim = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->out_frq < 1)
         xerror("glp_simplex: out_frq = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (parm->out_dly < 0)
         xerror("glp_simplex: out_dly = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      if (!(parm->presolve == GLP_ON || parm->presolve == GLP_OFF))
         xerror("glp_simplex: presolve = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      /* basic solution is currently undefined */
      P->pbs_stat = P->dbs_stat = GLP_UNDEF;
      P->obj_val = 0.0;
      P->some = 0;
      /* check bounds of double-bounded variables */
      for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++)
      {  GLPROW *row = P->row[i];
         if (row->type == GLP_DB && row->lb >= row->ub)
         {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
               xprintf("glp_simplex: row %d: lb = %g, ub = %g; incorrec"
                  "t bounds\n", i, row->lb, row->ub);
            ret = GLP_EBOUND;
            goto done;
      for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++)
      {  GLPCOL *col = P->col[j];
         if (col->type == GLP_DB && col->lb >= col->ub)
         {  if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ERR)
               xprintf("glp_simplex: column %d: lb = %g, ub = %g; incor"
                  "rect bounds\n", j, col->lb, col->ub);
            ret = GLP_EBOUND;
            goto done;
      /* solve LP problem */
      if (parm->msg_lev >= GLP_MSG_ALL)
      {  xprintf("GLPK Simplex Optimizer, v%s\n", glp_version());
         xprintf("%d row%s, %d column%s, %d non-zero%s\n",
            P->m, P->m == 1 ? "" : "s", P->n, P->n == 1 ? "" : "s",
            P->nnz, P->nnz == 1 ? "" : "s");
      if (P->nnz == 0)
         trivial_lp(P, parm), ret = 0;
      else if (!parm->presolve)
         ret = solve_lp(P, parm);
         ret = preprocess_and_solve_lp(P, parm);
done: /* return to the application program */
      return ret;
Exemple #6
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	mexErrMsgTxt("This MEX interface is compatible only with GLPK version 4.18 or higher.");
  if (nrhs != 9){
      mexPrintf("MEX interface to GLPK Version %s\n",glp_version());
      mexPrintf("Internal interface for the GNU GLPK library.\n");
      mexPrintf("You should use the 'glpk' function instead.\n\n");
      mexPrintf("SYNTAX: [xopt, fmin, status, extra] = glpkcc(c, a, b, lb, ub, ctype, vartype, sense, param)\n");

  //-- 1nd Input. A column array containing the objective function
  //--            coefficients.
  int mrowsc = mxGetM(C_IN);

  double *c=mxGetPr(C_IN);
  if (c == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of C");
  //-- 2nd Input. A matrix containing the constraints coefficients.
  // If matrix A is NOT a sparse matrix
  double *A = mxGetPr(A_IN); // get the matrix
  if(A==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of A");
  int mrowsA = mxGetM(A_IN);
  int *rn;
  int *cn;
  double *a;
  int nz = 0;
     rn=(int *)mxCalloc(mrowsA*mrowsc+1,sizeof(int));
     cn=(int *)mxCalloc(mrowsA*mrowsc+1,sizeof(int));
	   a=(double *)mxCalloc(mrowsA*mrowsc+1,sizeof(double));

     for (int i = 0; i < mrowsA; i++){
      for (int j = 0; j < mrowsc; j++){
	     if (A[i+j*mrowsA] != 0){
	      rn[nz] = i + 1;
	      cn[nz] = j + 1;
	      a[nz] = A[i+j*mrowsA];
	    /* NOTE: nnz is the actual number of nonzeros and is stored as the
          last element of the jc array where the size of the jc array is the
          number of columns + 1 */
	    nz = *(mxGetJc(A_IN) + mrowsc);
	    int *jc = mxGetJc(A_IN);
	    int *ir = mxGetIr(A_IN);
	    double *pr = mxGetPr(A_IN);

      rn=(int *)mxCalloc(nz+1,sizeof(int));
	    cn=(int *)mxCalloc(nz+1,sizeof(int));
	    a=(double *)mxCalloc(nz+1,sizeof(double));

      int nelc,count,row;
      count=0; row=0;
	    for(int i=1;i<=mrowsc;i++){
	      for(int j=0;j<nelc;j++){

  //-- 3rd Input. A column array containing the right-hand side value
  //	           for each constraint in the constraint matrix.
  double *b = mxGetPr(B_IN);
  if (b==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of b");

  //-- 4th Input. An array of length mrowsc containing the lower
  //--            bound on each of the variables.
  double *lb = mxGetPr(LB_IN);
  if (lb==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of lb");

  //-- LB argument, default: Free
  int *freeLB=(int *)mxCalloc(mrowsc,sizeof(int));
  for (int i = 0; i < mrowsc; i++) {
    if (lb[i]==-mxGetInf()){
      freeLB[i] = 1;
	 	}else freeLB[i] = 0;

  //-- 5th Input. An array of at least length numcols containing the upper
  //--            bound on each of the variables.
  double *ub = mxGetPr(UB_IN);

  if (ub==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of ub");
  int *freeUB=(int *)mxCalloc(mrowsc,sizeof(int));
  for (int i = 0; i < mrowsc; i++)
    if (ub[i]==mxGetInf())
	     freeUB[i] = 1;
	  }else freeUB[i] = 0;

  //-- 6th Input. A column array containing the sense of each constraint
  //--            in the constraint matrix.
  int size = mxGetNumberOfElements(CTYPE_IN) + 1;
  if (size==0) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of ctype");
  /* Allocate enough memory to hold the converted string. */
  char *ctype =(char *)mxCalloc(size, sizeof (char));

  /* Copy the string data from string_array_ptr and place it into buf. */
  if (mxGetString(CTYPE_IN, ctype, size) != 0)  mexErrMsgTxt("Could not convert string data.");
  //-- 7th Input. A column array containing the types of the variables.
  size = mxGetNumberOfElements(VARTYPE_IN)+1;
  char *vtype = (char *)mxCalloc(size, sizeof (char));
  int *vartype = (int *)mxCalloc(size, sizeof (int));
  if (size==0) mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: invalid value of vartype");
  // Copy the string data from string_array_ptr and place it into buf.
  if (mxGetString(VARTYPE_IN, vtype, size) != 0)
	  mexErrMsgTxt("Could not convert string data.");
  int isMIP = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < mrowsc ; i++)
    switch (vtype[i]){
      case 'I': vartype[i] = GLP_IV; isMIP = 1; break;
      case 'B': vartype[i] = GLP_BV; isMIP = 1; break;
      default: vartype[i] = GLP_CV;   

  //-- 8th Input. Sense of optimization.
  int sense;
  double *tmp = mxGetPr(SENSE_IN);
  if (*tmp >= 0) sense = 1;
  else sense = -1;

  //-- 9th Input. A structure containing the control parameters.
  //-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  //-- Integer parameters
  //-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  //-- Level of messages output by the solver
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "msglev", glpIntParam[0]);
  if (glpIntParam[0] < 0 || glpIntParam[0] > 3)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.msglev must be 0 (no output [default]) or 1 (error messages only) or 2 (normal output) or 3 (full output)");
  //-- scaling option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "scale", glpIntParam[1]);
  if (glpIntParam[1] < 0 || glpIntParam[1] > 2)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.scale must be 0 (no scaling) or 1 (equilibration scaling [default]) or 2 (geometric mean scaling)");

  //-- Dual dimplex option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "dual", glpIntParam[2]);
  if (glpIntParam[2] < 0 || glpIntParam[2] > 1)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.dual must be 0 (do NOT use dual simplex [default]) or 1 (use dual simplex)");

  //-- Pricing option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "price", glpIntParam[3]);
  if (glpIntParam[3] < 0 || glpIntParam[3] > 1)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.price must be 0 (textbook pricing) or 1 (steepest edge pricing [default])");

  //-- Solution rounding option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "round", glpIntParam[4]);
  if (glpIntParam[4] < 0 || glpIntParam[4] > 1)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.round must be 0 (report all primal and dual values [default]) or 1 (replace tiny primal and dual values by exact zero)");

  //-- Simplex iterations limit
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "itlim", glpIntParam[5]);

  //-- Simplex iterations count
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "itcnt", glpIntParam[6]);

  //-- Output frequency, in iterations
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "outfrq", glpIntParam[7]);

  //-- Branching heuristic option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "branch", glpIntParam[14]);
  if (glpIntParam[14] < 0 || glpIntParam[14] > 2)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.branch must be (MIP only) 0 (branch on first variable) or 1 (branch on last variable) or 2 (branch using a heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin [default]");

  //-- Backtracking heuristic option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "btrack", glpIntParam[15]);
  if (glpIntParam[15] < 0 || glpIntParam[15] > 2)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.btrack must be (MIP only) 0 (depth first search) or 1 (breadth first search) or 2 (backtrack using the best projection heuristic [default]");

  //-- Presolver option
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "presol", glpIntParam[16]);
  if (glpIntParam[16] < 0 || glpIntParam[16] > 1)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.presol must be 0 (do NOT use LP presolver) or 1 (use LP presolver [default])");
  //-- Generating cuts
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "usecuts", glpIntParam[17]);
  if (glpIntParam[17] < 0 || glpIntParam[17] > 1)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.usecuts must be 0 (do NOT generate cuts) or 1 (generate Gomory's cuts [default])");

  //-- LPsolver option
  int lpsolver = 1;
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "lpsolver", lpsolver);
  if (lpsolver < 1 || lpsolver > 2)
      mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.lpsolver must be 1 (simplex method) or 2 (interior point method)");

  //-- Save option
  int save_pb = 0;
  char *save_filename = NULL;
  char *filetype = NULL;
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "save", save_pb);
  save_pb = (save_pb != 0);
  if (save_pb){   
    // -- Look for the name --
    mxArray *mxtmp=mxGetField(PARAM,0,"savefilename");
    if ( mxtmp != NULL ){
      int nl=mxGetNumberOfElements(mxtmp)+1;
      nl=nl+4; // increase size to consider then extension .xxx 
      save_filename=(char *)mxCalloc(nl,sizeof(char));
      if (mxGetString(mxtmp, save_filename, nl) != 0)
        mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: Could not load file name to save.");
      // Default file name
      save_filename= (char *)mxCalloc(9, sizeof(char));
    // -- Look for the type --
    char save_filetype[4];
    mxArray *txtmp=mxGetField(PARAM,0,"savefiletype");
    if ( txtmp != NULL ){
      int nl=mxGetNumberOfElements(txtmp)+1; 
      filetype=(char *)mxCalloc(nl,sizeof(char));
      if (mxGetString(txtmp, filetype, nl) != 0)
        mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: Could not load file type.");
      if (!strcmp(filetype,"fixedmps") || !strcmp(filetype,"freemps")){
      } else {
        if (!strcmp(filetype,"cplex")) strcpy(save_filetype,".lp");
        else {
          if (!strcmp(filetype,"plain")) strcpy(save_filetype,".txt");
      filetype= (char *)mxCalloc(5, sizeof(char));
      strcpy(save_filetype,".lp"); // Default file type
    strcat(save_filename,save_filetype); // name.extension   
  // MPS parameters
  //-- mpsinfo 
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "mpsinfo", glpIntParam[8]);
  //-- mpsobj
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "mpsobj", glpIntParam[9]);
  if (glpIntParam[9] < 0 || glpIntParam[9] > 2)
    mexErrMsgTxt("glpkcc: param.mpsobj must be 0 (never output objective function row) or 1 (always output objective function row ) or 2 [default](output objective function row if the problem has no free rows)");
  //-- mpsorig 
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "mpsorig", glpIntParam[10]);
  //-- mpswide 
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "mpswide", glpIntParam[11]);
  //-- mpsfree 
  GLPK_GET_INT_PARAM (PARAM, "mpsfree", glpIntParam[12]);

  //-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  //-- Real parameters
  //-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  //-- Ratio test option
  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "relax", 0);

  //-- Relative tolerance used to check if the current basic solution
  //-- is primal feasible
  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "tolbnd", 1);

  //-- Absolute tolerance used to check if the current basic solution
  //-- is dual feasible
  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "toldj", 2);

  //-- Relative tolerance used to choose eligible pivotal elements of
  //--	the simplex table in the ratio test
  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "tolpiv", 3);

  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "objll", 4);

  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "objul", 5);

  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "tmlim", 6);

  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "outdly", 7);

  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "tolint", 8);

  GLPK_GET_REAL_PARAM (PARAM, "tolobj", 9);
  //-- Assign pointers to the output parameters
  const char **extranames=(const char **)mxCalloc(4,sizeof(*extranames));
  XMIN_OUT   = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrowsc, 1, mxREAL);
  FMIN_OUT   = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
  STATUS_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
  double *xmin   = mxGetPr(XMIN_OUT);
  double *fmin   = mxGetPr(FMIN_OUT);
  double *status = mxGetPr(STATUS_OUT);
  EXTRA_OUT  = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, 4, extranames);
  mxArray *mxlambda   = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrowsA, 1, mxREAL);
  mxArray *mxredcosts = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrowsc, 1, mxREAL);
  mxArray *mxtime     = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
  mxArray *mxmem      = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
  double *lambda = mxGetPr(mxlambda);
  double *redcosts= mxGetPr(mxredcosts);
  double *time   = mxGetPr(mxtime);
  double *mem    = mxGetPr(mxmem);
  int jmpret = setjmp (mark);

  if (jmpret == 0)
    glpk (sense, mrowsc, mrowsA, c, nz, rn,
	       cn, a, b, ctype, freeLB, lb, freeUB,
	       ub, vartype, isMIP, lpsolver, save_pb, save_filename, filetype,
	       xmin, fmin, status, lambda,
	       redcosts, time, mem);

  if (! isMIP)

