static char * test_adaptative()
    /* Check if the adaptative is dividing properly and returning the same thing
       as the non-adaptative (do spliting by hand) */
    TESSEROID tess,
    GLQ *glqlon, *glqlat, *glqr;
    double mindist, resadapt, resnormal;
    double lon, lat;
    int n;

    tess.density = 1000.;
    tess.w = -0.5;
    tess.e = 0.5;
    tess.s = -0.5;
    tess.n = 0.5;
    tess.r1 = MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS - 10000;
    tess.r2 = MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS;

    glqlon = glq_new(2, tess.w, tess.e);
    if(glqlon == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    glqlat = glq_new(2, tess.s, tess.n);
    if(glqlat == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    glqr = glq_new(2, tess.r1, tess.r2);
    if(glqr == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    mindist = 100000;

    /* If at half mindist should only divide once */
    for(lon = -0.5; lon <= 0.5; lon += 0.05)
        for(lat = -0.5; lat <= 0.5; lat += 0.05)
            resadapt = calc_tess_model_adapt(&tess, 1, lon, lat,
                                             0.5*mindist + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS,
                                             glqlon, glqlat, glqr,
            n = split_tess(tess, 20, 20, 20, split);
            sprintf(msg, "splitting in %d instead of 8000", n);
            mu_assert(n == 8000, msg);
            resnormal = calc_tess_model(split, n, lon, lat,
                                        0.5*mindist + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glqlon,
                                        glqlat, glqr, tess_gzz);
            sprintf(msg, "adapt = %.10f  normal = %.10f", resadapt, resnormal);
            mu_assert_almost_equals(resadapt, resnormal, pow(10, -2), msg);
    return 0;
static char * test_tess_tensor_trace()
    #define N 4
    TESSEROID tesses[N] = {
    GLQ *glqlon, *glqlat, *glqr;
    int i;
    double lon, lat, r, trace, dist;

    glqlon = glq_new(8, tesses[0].w, tesses[0].e);
    if(glqlon == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    glqlat = glq_new(8, tesses[0].s, tesses[0].n);
    if(glqlat == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    glqr = glq_new(8, tesses[0].r1, tesses[0].r2);
    if(glqr == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
        lon = 0.5*(tesses[i].w + tesses[i].e);
        lat = 0.5*(tesses[i].n + tesses[i].s);
        r = tesses[i].r2;

        for(dist=100000; dist <= 5000000; dist += 5000)
            trace = calc_tess_model_adapt(&tesses[i], 1, lon, lat, r + dist,
                        glqlon, glqlat, glqr, tess_gxx,
                        TESSEROID_GXX_SIZE_RATIO) +
                    calc_tess_model_adapt(&tesses[i], 1, lon, lat, r + dist,
                        glqlon, glqlat, glqr, tess_gyy,
                        TESSEROID_GYY_SIZE_RATIO) +
                    calc_tess_model_adapt(&tesses[i], 1, lon, lat, r + dist,
                        glqlon, glqlat, glqr, tess_gzz,

            sprintf(msg, "(tess %d dist %g) trace %.10f", i, dist, trace);
            mu_assert_almost_equals(trace, 0, 0.0000000001, msg);

    #undef N
    return 0;
static char * test_tess2sphere_gzz()
    SPHERE sphere;
    TESSEROID tess;
    double radius, dist, restess, ressphere;
    GLQ *glqlon, *glqlat, *glqr;

    tess.density = 1000.;
    tess.w = 44;
    tess.e = 46;
    tess.s = -1;
    tess.n = 1;
    tess.r1 = MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS - 100000;
    tess.r2 = MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS;

    glqlon = glq_new(8, tess.w, tess.e);
    if(glqlon == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    glqlat = glq_new(8, tess.s, tess.n);
    if(glqlat == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");

    glqr = glq_new(8, tess.r1, tess.r2);
    if(glqr == NULL)
        mu_assert(0, "GLQ allocation error");


    radius = tess.r2;

    /* Make a sphere with the same mass as the tesseroid */
    tess2sphere(tess, &sphere);

    for(dist=1500000; dist <= 2000000; dist += 1000)
        restess = tess_gzz(tess,0,45,radius+dist,*glqlon,*glqlat,*glqr);
        ressphere = sphere_gzz(sphere,0,45,radius+dist);

        sprintf(msg, "(distance %g m) tess = %.5f  sphere = %.5f", dist,
                restess, ressphere);
        mu_assert_almost_equals(restess, ressphere, 0.001, msg);

    return 0;
Exemple #4
static char * test_glq_intcos()
    double result, expected;
    double angles[6];
    int i, t, orders[6] = {2, 3, 5, 8, 15, 25};
    GLQ *glq;

    angles[0] = PI*0.1;
    angles[1] = PI;
    angles[2] = PI*1.2;
    angles[3] = PI*1.9;
    angles[4] = PI*4.3;
    angles[5] = PI*6.9;

    for(t = 0; t < 6; t++)
        glq = glq_new(orders[t], 0., angles[t]);

        if(glq == NULL)
                "(order %d, angle %g) failed to create new GLQ struct",
                orders[t], angles[t]);
            mu_assert(0, msg);

        for(i = 0, result = 0; i < orders[t]; i++)
            result += glq->weights[i]*cos(glq->nodes[i]);
        result *= 0.5*angles[t];

        expected = sin(angles[t]);


        sprintf(msg, "(order %d, angle %g) expected %f, got %f", orders[t],
                angles[t], expected, result);
        mu_assert_almost_equals(result, expected, pow(10, -5), msg);

    return 0;
Exemple #5
static char * test_glq_sincos()
    GLQ *glq;
    int i;
    double result, d2r = PI/180.;

    glq = glq_new(10, 0, 90);

    for(i = 0; i < glq->order; i++)
        result = sin(d2r*glq->nodes[i]);
        sprintf(msg, "expected sin(%g)=%g, got %g", glq->nodes[i], result,
        mu_assert_almost_equals(result, glq->nodes_sin[i], pow(10, -15), msg);
        result = cos(d2r*glq->nodes[i]);
        sprintf(msg, "expected cos(%g)=%g, got %g", glq->nodes[i], result,
        mu_assert_almost_equals(result, glq->nodes_cos[i], pow(10, -15), msg);
    return 0;
/* Run the main for a generic tessh* program */
int run_tessb_main(int argc, char **argv, const char *progname,
    double (*field)(TESSEROID, double, double, double, GLQ, GLQ, GLQ),
    double ratio1, double ratio2, double ratio3)
    TESSB_ARGS args;
    GLQ *glq_lon, *glq_lat, *glq_r;
    TESSEROID *model;
    int modelsize, rc, line, points = 0, error_exit = 0, bad_input = 0;
    char buff[10000];
    double lon, lat, height, res;
    FILE *logfile = NULL, *modelfile = NULL;
    time_t rawtime;
    clock_t tstart;
    struct tm * timeinfo;

	double (*field1)(TESSEROID, double, double, double, GLQ, GLQ, GLQ);
	double (*field2)(TESSEROID, double, double, double, GLQ, GLQ, GLQ);
	double (*field3)(TESSEROID, double, double, double, GLQ, GLQ, GLQ);
	double ggt_1, ggt_2, ggt_3;
	int n_tesseroid;


    rc = parse_tessb_args(argc, argv, progname, &args, &print_tessb_help);
    if(rc == 2)
        return 0;
    if(rc == 1)
        log_warning("Terminating due to bad input");
        log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);

        return 1;

    /* Set the appropriate logging level and log to file if necessary */
        logfile = fopen(args.logfname, "w");
        if(logfile == NULL)
            log_error("unable to create log file %s", args.logfname);
            log_warning("Terminating due to bad input");
            log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);
            return 1;
        log_tofile(logfile, LOG_DEBUG);

    /* Check if a custom distance-size ratio is given */
    if(args.ratio1 != 0)
        ratio1 = args.ratio1;
	if(args.ratio2 != 0)
        ratio2 = args.ratio2;
	if(args.ratio3 != 0)
        ratio3 = args.ratio3;

    /* Print standard verbose */
    log_info("%s (Tesseroids project) %s", progname, tesseroids_version);
    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
    log_info("(local time) %s", asctime(timeinfo));
    log_info("Use recursive division of tesseroids: %s",
             args.adaptative ? "True" : "False");
    log_info("Distance-size ratio1 for recusive division: %g", ratio1);
	log_info("Distance-size ratio2 for recusive division: %g", ratio2);
	log_info("Distance-size ratio3 for recusive division: %g", ratio3);

    /* Make the necessary GLQ structures */
    log_info("Using GLQ orders: %d lon / %d lat / %d r", args.lon_order,
             args.lat_order, args.r_order);
    glq_lon = glq_new(args.lon_order, -1, 1);
    glq_lat = glq_new(args.lat_order, -1, 1);
    glq_r = glq_new(args.r_order, -1, 1);
    if(glq_lon == NULL || glq_lat == NULL || glq_r == NULL)
        log_error("failed to create required GLQ structures");
        log_warning("Terminating due to bad input");
        log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);
        return 1;

    /* Read the tesseroid model file */
    log_info("Reading magnetic tesseroid model from file %s", args.modelfname);
    modelfile = fopen(args.modelfname, "r");
    if(modelfile == NULL)
        log_error("failed to open model file %s", args.modelfname);
        log_warning("Terminating due to bad input");
        log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);
        return 1;
    model = read_mag_tess_model(modelfile, &modelsize);
    if(modelsize == 0)
        log_error("tesseroid file %s is empty", args.modelfname);
        log_warning("Terminating due to bad input");
        log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);
        return 1;
    if(model == NULL)
        log_error("failed to read model from file %s", args.modelfname);
        log_warning("Terminating due to bad input");
        log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);
        return 1;
    log_info("Total of %d tesseroid(s) read", modelsize);

    /* Print a header on the output with provenance information */
    if(strcmp(progname + 4, "pot") == 0)
        printf("# Potential calculated with %s %s:\n", progname,
        printf("# %s component calculated with %s %s:\n", progname+4, progname,
    printf("#   local time: %s", asctime(timeinfo));
    printf("#   model file: %s (%d tesseroids)\n", args.modelfname, modelsize);
    printf("#   GLQ order: %d lon / %d lat / %d r\n", args.lon_order,
           args.lat_order, args.r_order);
    printf("#   Use recursive division of tesseroids: %s\n",
           args.adaptative ? "True" : "False");
    printf("#   Distance-size ratio1 for recusive division: %g\n", ratio1);
	printf("#   Distance-size ratio2 for recusive division: %g\n", ratio2);
	printf("#   Distance-size ratio3 for recusive division: %g\n", ratio3);

	/////////////ELDAR BAYKIEV//////////////
	if (!strcmp("tessbx", progname))
		field1 = &tess_gxx;
		field2 = &tess_gxy;
		field3 = &tess_gxz;

	if (!strcmp("tessby", progname))
		field1 = &tess_gxy;
		field2 = &tess_gyy;
		field3 = &tess_gyz;

	if (!strcmp("tessbz", progname))
		field1 = &tess_gxz;
		field2 = &tess_gyz;
		field3 = &tess_gzz;
	/////////////ELDAR BAYKIEV//////////////

    /* Read each computation point from stdin and calculate */
    log_info("Calculating (this may take a while)...");
    tstart = clock();


	/*for(line = 1; !feof(stdin); line++)
		if(fgets(filebuff[line], 10000, stdin) == NULL)
                log_error("problem encountered reading line %d", line);
                error_exit = 1;


    for(line = 1; !feof(stdin); line++)
        if(fgets(buff, 10000, stdin) == NULL)
                log_error("problem encountered reading line %d", line);
                error_exit = 1;
            /* Check for comments and blank lines */
            if(buff[0] == '#' || buff[0] == '\r' || buff[0] == '\n')
                printf("%s", buff);
            if(sscanf(buff, "%lf %lf %lf", &lon, &lat, &height) != 3)
                log_warning("bad/invalid computation point at line %d", line);
                log_warning("skipping this line and continuing");
            /* Need to remove \n and \r from end of buff first to print the
               result in the end */

			/////////////ELDAR BAYKIEV//////////////
			res = 0;			
				for(n_tesseroid = 0; n_tesseroid < modelsize; n_tesseroid++)
					double B_to_H = model[n_tesseroid].suscept/(M_0);//IMPORTANT
					double M_vect[3] = {model[n_tesseroid].Bx * B_to_H, model[n_tesseroid].By * B_to_H, model[n_tesseroid].Bz * B_to_H};
					double M_vect_p[3] = {0, 0, 0};

					conv_vect_fast(M_vect, (model[n_tesseroid].w + model[n_tesseroid].e)*0.5, (model[n_tesseroid].s + model[n_tesseroid].n)*0.5, lon, lat, M_vect_p);
					ggt_1 = calc_tess_model_adapt(&model[n_tesseroid], 1, lon, lat, height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glq_lon, glq_lat, glq_r, field1, ratio1);
					ggt_2 = calc_tess_model_adapt(&model[n_tesseroid], 1, lon, lat, height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glq_lon, glq_lat, glq_r, field2, ratio2);
					ggt_3 = calc_tess_model_adapt(&model[n_tesseroid], 1, lon, lat, height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glq_lon, glq_lat, glq_r, field3, ratio3);

					res = res + M_0*EOTVOS2SI*(ggt_1 * M_vect_p[0]  + ggt_2 * M_vect_p[1] + ggt_3 * M_vect_p[2]) /(G*model[n_tesseroid].density*4*PI);

					//printf("res %g\n", res);

				for(n_tesseroid = 0; n_tesseroid < modelsize; n_tesseroid++)
					double B_to_H = model[n_tesseroid].suscept/(M_0);//IMPORTANT
					double M_vect[3] = {model[n_tesseroid].Bx * B_to_H, model[n_tesseroid].By * B_to_H, model[n_tesseroid].Bz * B_to_H};
					double M_vect_p[3] = {0, 0, 0};

					conv_vect_fast(M_vect, (model[n_tesseroid].w + model[n_tesseroid].e)*0.5, (model[n_tesseroid].s + model[n_tesseroid].n)*0.5, lon, lat, M_vect_p);
					ggt_1 = calc_tess_model(&model[n_tesseroid], 1, lon, lat, height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glq_lon, glq_lat, glq_r, field1);
					ggt_2 = calc_tess_model(&model[n_tesseroid], 1, lon, lat, height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glq_lon, glq_lat, glq_r, field2);
					ggt_3 = calc_tess_model(&model[n_tesseroid], 1, lon, lat, height + MEAN_EARTH_RADIUS, glq_lon, glq_lat, glq_r, field3);

					res = res + M_0*EOTVOS2SI*(ggt_1 * M_vect_p[0]  + ggt_2 * M_vect_p[1] + ggt_3 * M_vect_p[2]) /(G*model[n_tesseroid].density*4*PI);
            printf("%s %.15g\n", buff, res);
        log_warning("Encountered %d bad computation points which were skipped",
        log_warning("Terminating due to error in input");
        log_warning("Try '%s -h' for instructions", progname);
        log_info("Calculated on %d points in %.5g seconds", points,
                 (double)(clock() - tstart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    /* Clean up */
    return 0;