Exemple #1
static void
cam_renderer_draw (cam_renderer_t *cr)
    if (! cr->renderer->renderer.enabled) return;
    if (! cr->last_image) return;

    // create the texture object if necessary
    if (! cr->texture) {
        cr->texture = glutil_texture_new (cr->last_image->width, 
                cr->last_image->width * 3 * cr->last_image->height);

    // upload the texture to the graphics card if necessary
    if (!cr->is_uploaded) {
        int stride = 0;
        GLenum gl_format;
        uint8_t *tex_src = NULL;

        if (cr->last_image->pixelformat == 0 || 
                cr->last_image->pixelformat == PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY ||
                cr->last_image->pixelformat == PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_BGGR ||
                cr->last_image->pixelformat == PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_RGGB ||
                cr->last_image->pixelformat == PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_GRBG ||
                cr->last_image->pixelformat == PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_GBRG) {

            stride = cr->last_image->width;
            gl_format = GL_LUMINANCE;
            tex_src = cr->last_image->image;
        } else if (cr->last_image->pixelformat == PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG) {
            lcmtypes_image_t * msg = cr->last_image;

            // might need to JPEG decompress...
            stride = cr->last_image->width * 3;
            int buf_size = msg->height * stride;
            if (cr->uncompressed_buffer_size < buf_size) {
                cr->uncompresed_buffer = 
                    realloc (cr->uncompresed_buffer, buf_size);
                cr->uncompressed_buffer_size = buf_size;
            jpeg_decompress_to_8u_rgb (msg->image, msg->size, 
                    cr->uncompresed_buffer, msg->width, msg->height, stride);

            gl_format = GL_RGB;
            tex_src = cr->uncompresed_buffer;
        } else {
        glutil_texture_upload (cr->texture, gl_format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
                stride, tex_src);
        cr->is_uploaded = 1;

    // draw the image
    glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
    glutil_texture_draw (cr->texture);

Exemple #2
void draw_images (botlcm_image_t **img, int nimg, double ratio, double *user_trans)
    for (int i=0;i<nimg;i++) {
        botlcm_image_t *im = img[i];
        if (!im) continue;
        gboolean greyscale = img[i]->pixelformat == CAM_PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY;

        GLUtilTexture *tex = glutil_texture_new (im->width, im->height, im->row_stride * im->height);
        if (!tex) continue;
        glutil_texture_upload (tex, greyscale ? GL_LUMINANCE : GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, im->row_stride, im->data);
        int xmin = i * im->width * ratio + user_trans[0];
        int xmax = (i+1) * im->width * ratio + user_trans[0];
        int ymin = 0 + user_trans[1];
        int ymax = im->height*ratio + user_trans[1];
        glutil_texture_draw_pt (tex, xmin, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, ymax, xmax, ymin);
        glutil_texture_free (tex);
Exemple #3
/* draw image sub-region
void draw_img_subregion (botlcm_image_t **img, int nimg, int col, int row, int sensorid, float scale, float orientation, int feature_type, int wcol, int wrow)
    if (sensorid < 0 || sensorid > 4) {
        printf ("mmm... sensorid = %d for feature at pos %d %d (orientation: %.3f)\n", sensorid, col, row, orientation);

    /* SURF scale is different */
    if (feature_type == NAVLCM_FEATURES_PARAM_T_SURF64 || feature_type == NAVLCM_FEATURES_PARAM_T_SURF128)
        scale *= 8;

    /* SIFT scale is different */
    if (feature_type == NAVLCM_FEATURES_PARAM_T_SIFT || feature_type == NAVLCM_FEATURES_PARAM_T_SIFT2)
       scale *= 1.414 * 3 * (4 + 1) / 2.0;
    /* FAST scale is different */
    if (feature_type == NAVLCM_FEATURES_PARAM_T_FAST)
        scale = 15;

    assert (0 <= sensorid && sensorid <= 4);

    botlcm_image_t *image = img[sensorid];

    assert (image);

    int size = 100;
    unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)calloc(3*size*size,sizeof(unsigned char));

    if (sensorid == 0)
        wcol += 500;

    // fill pixels
    for (int c=0;c<size;c++) {
        for (int r=0;r<size;r++) {
            int cp = col + (int)((1.0 * c - size/2)/(size/2) * scale);
            int rp = row + (int)((1.0 * r - size/2)/(size/2) * scale);
            if (0 <= cp && cp < image->width && 0 <= rp && rp < image->height) {
                data[3*(r*size+c)] = image->data[rp*image->width + cp];
                data[3*(r*size+c)+1] = image->data[rp*image->width + cp];
                data[3*(r*size+c)+2] = image->data[rp*image->width + cp];

    // draw orientation as a line
    for (int r=0;r<size;r++) {
        int cp = size/2 + (int)(1.0 * r - size/2) * cos (orientation);
        int rp = size/2 + (int)(1.0 * r - size/2) * sin (orientation);
        if (0 <= cp && cp < size && 0 <= rp && rp < size) {
            data[3*(rp*size+cp)] = 255;
            data[3*(rp*size+cp)+1] = 255;
            data[3*(rp*size+cp)+2] = 0;

    // draw red cross at the center
    for (int r=0;r<20;r++) {
        data[3*(size/2*size+size/2+r-10)] = 255;
        data[3*(size/2*size+size/2+r-10)+1] = 0;
        data[3*(size/2*size+size/2+r-10)+2] = 0;
    for (int r=0;r<20;r++) {
        data[3*((size/2+r-10)*size+size/2)] = 255;
        data[3*((size/2+r-10)*size+size/2)+1] = 0;
        data[3*((size/2+r-10)*size+size/2)+2] = 0;

    GLUtilTexture *tex = glutil_texture_new (size, size, 3*size*size);
    if (tex) {
        int xmin = wcol;
        int xmax = xmin+size-1;
        int ymin = wrow;
        int ymax = ymin+size-1;

        // on a red background
        glColor3f (1,0,0);
        glBegin (GL_QUADS);
        glVertex2f (xmin-4, ymin-4);
        glVertex2f (xmin-4, ymax+4);
        glVertex2f (xmax+4, ymax+4);
        glVertex2f (xmax+4, ymin-4);
        glEnd ();

        glutil_texture_upload (tex, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3*size, data);
        glutil_texture_draw_pt (tex, xmin, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, ymax, xmax, ymin);
        glutil_texture_free (tex);

    free (data);