Exemple #1
static void write_constr_pdb(const char *fn, const char *title,
                             gmx_mtop_t *mtop,
                             int start, int homenr, t_commrec *cr,
                             rvec x[], matrix box)
    char          fname[STRLEN], format[STRLEN];
    FILE         *out;
    int           dd_ac0 = 0, dd_ac1 = 0, i, ii, resnr;
    gmx_domdec_t *dd;
    char         *anm, *resnm;

    dd = NULL;
    if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
        dd = cr->dd;
        dd_get_constraint_range(dd, &dd_ac0, &dd_ac1);
        start  = 0;
        homenr = dd_ac1;

    if (PAR(cr))
        sprintf(fname, "%s_n%d.pdb", fn, cr->sim_nodeid);
        sprintf(fname, "%s.pdb", fn);
    sprintf(format, "%s\n", get_pdbformat());

    out = gmx_fio_fopen(fname, "w");

    fprintf(out, "TITLE     %s\n", title);
    gmx_write_pdb_box(out, -1, box);
    for (i = start; i < start+homenr; i++)
        if (dd != NULL)
            if (i >= dd->nat_home && i < dd_ac0)
            ii = dd->gatindex[i];
            ii = i;
        gmx_mtop_atominfo_global(mtop, ii, &anm, &resnr, &resnm);
        fprintf(out, format, "ATOM", (ii+1)%100000,
                anm, resnm, ' ', resnr%10000, ' ',
                10*x[i][XX], 10*x[i][YY], 10*x[i][ZZ]);
    fprintf(out, "TER\n");

Exemple #2
int init_mmcg(	int nfile,		// number of files
		const t_filenm fnm[],	// file names
		t_inputrec* ir, 	// input record and box stuff
		gmx_mtop_t *top_global,	// global topology
		int *allcgnr, 		// charge groups number
		int *allcgid[],		// charge groups ids
		int *allsolnr, 		// solvent groups number
		int *allsolid[],	// solvent groups ids
		t_commrec *cr		// communicators

      char *mmcgf, *topf, line[STRLEN+1], strtmp[STRLEN+1], *pos;
      FILE *mmcgfp, *topfp;
      int k0,k=0,i,resnr;
      int icg,cg0,cg1;
      int allatresnr, *allatresid;

      t_block all_cgs;
      all_cgs = gmx_mtop_global_cgs(top_global); // index of cgs for whole system

      mmcgf = ftp2fn(efGMX,nfile,fnm);

      if((mmcgfp = fopen(mmcgf,"r"))==NULL)
	{ // opening-of mmcg-data failed
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : Impossible to open the mmcg-data file\n");
	return 1;
      while (!feof(mmcgfp))
	{ // counting lines in mmcg-data file
          if (fgets (line,STRLEN+1,mmcgfp)) allatresnr++;

      // reading mmcg data
      snew (allatresid,allatresnr);
      rewind (mmcgfp);
      for (i=0,k=0; i<allatresnr;i++) {
	 if(line[0] == '#') { 
             if(strstr(line,"nstwtlist")) { // number of step for list regeneration
		pos = strchr(line,'='); pos++; 
                ir->mmcg.nstwtlist = atoi(pos);
	     else if (strstr(line,"shell1wt")) { // inner limit of water droplet
		pos = strchr(line,'='); pos++; 
                ir->mmcg.shell1wt = atoi(pos);
	     else if (strstr(line,"shell2wt")) { // outer limit of water droplet
		pos = strchr(line,'='); pos++; 
                ir->mmcg.shell2wt = atoi(pos);
        // reading all-atoms resids
        allatresid[k] = atoi(line);
        if(allatresid[k] != 0) k++;
      } // end for, mmcg file scanning 

      allatresnr = k;
      if (cr->nnodes!=1) gmx_barrier(cr);

      // printing all-atoms resids in the log file
      fprintf(log,"MM/CG : gmx_resids: %d\n", allatresnr);
      for(i=0; i<allatresnr;i++)
	fprintf (log, "  %d\n", allatresid[i]);

      // internal enumeration
      for (i=0; i<allatresnr;i++) (allatresid[i])--;

      // allocating charge groups and solvent
      snew(*allcgid, ncg_mtop(top_global));
      int maxsol;

      // It seems that GROMACS did not store the correct number of solvent
      // molecules in top_global... At this point the value of nmol is more than 10 million!
      // => srenew() at the end of the routine when allsolnr will be computed
      int moltype_id=0;
      while (strcmp(top_global->moltype->name[moltype_id],"SOL")) {
      maxsol = top_global->molblock[moltype_id].nmol;
      snew(*allsolid, maxsol);
      // charge groups to monitor, first and last indices
      cg0 = 0;
      cg1 = ncg_mtop(top_global); 
      char **atomname_=NULL,**resname_=NULL; // we need these to get the information of atoms
	  				     // cf. mtop_utils.h

      for(icg=cg0; icg<cg1; icg++) {
	// get residue number and name of the cg's first atom
	k0 = all_cgs.index[icg];

	if (!strcmp(resname_,"SOL")) { // Water
	  (*allsolid)[*allsolnr] = icg;
	  (*allsolnr)++; // counting waters
	for (i=0; i<allatresnr; i++) {
	  if (resnr == allatresid[i]) { // touché !
	    (*allcgid)[*allcgnr] = icg;
	    (*allcgnr)++; // counting cg
      if(cr->nnodes!=1) gmx_barrier(cr);
      return 0;