static void gncOwnerOffsetLots (GNCLot *from_lot, GNCLot *to_lot, const GncOwner *owner) { gnc_numeric target_offset; Split *split; /* from lot should not be a document lot because we're removing a split from there ! */ if (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (from_lot)) { PWARN ("from_lot %p is a document lot. That is not allowed in gncOwnerOffsetLots", from_lot); return; } /* Get best matching split from from_lot to offset to_lot */ target_offset = gnc_lot_get_balance (to_lot); if (gnc_numeric_zero_p (target_offset)) return; // to_lot is already balanced, nothing more to do split = gncOwnerFindOffsettingSplit (from_lot, target_offset); if (!split) return; // No suitable offsetting split found, nothing more to do /* If the offsetting split is bigger than the amount needed to balance * to_lot, reduce the split so its reduced value closes to_lot exactly. * Note the negation in the reduction function. The split must be of * opposite sign of to_lot's balance in order to be able to close it. */ if (gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (xaccSplitGetValue (split)), gnc_numeric_abs (target_offset)) > 0) gncOwnerReduceSplitTo (split, gnc_numeric_neg (target_offset)); /* Move the reduced split from from_lot to to_lot */ gnc_lot_add_split (to_lot, split); }
/* * Given an owner, extract the open balance from the owner and then * convert it to the desired currency. */ gnc_numeric gncOwnerGetBalanceInCurrency (const GncOwner *owner, const gnc_commodity *report_currency) { gnc_numeric balance = gnc_numeric_zero (); GList *acct_list, *acct_node, *acct_types, *lot_list = NULL, *lot_node; QofBook *book; gnc_commodity *owner_currency; GNCPriceDB *pdb; g_return_val_if_fail (owner, gnc_numeric_zero ()); /* Get account list */ book = qof_instance_get_book (qofOwnerGetOwner (owner)); acct_list = gnc_account_get_descendants (gnc_book_get_root_account (book)); acct_types = gncOwnerGetAccountTypesList (owner); owner_currency = gncOwnerGetCurrency (owner); /* For each account */ for (acct_node = acct_list; acct_node; acct_node = acct_node->next) { Account *account = acct_node->data; /* Check if this account can have lots for the owner, otherwise skip to next */ if (g_list_index (acct_types, (gpointer)xaccAccountGetType (account)) == -1) continue; if (!gnc_commodity_equal (owner_currency, xaccAccountGetCommodity (account))) continue; /* Get a list of open lots for this owner and account */ lot_list = xaccAccountFindOpenLots (account, gncOwnerLotMatchOwnerFunc, (gpointer)owner, NULL); /* For each lot */ for (lot_node = lot_list; lot_node; lot_node = lot_node->next) { GNCLot *lot = lot_node->data; gnc_numeric lot_balance = gnc_lot_get_balance (lot); GncInvoice *invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(lot); if (invoice) balance = gnc_numeric_add (balance, lot_balance, gnc_commodity_get_fraction (owner_currency), GNC_HOW_RND_ROUND_HALF_UP); } } pdb = gnc_pricedb_get_db (book); if (report_currency) balance = gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_latest_price ( pdb, balance, owner_currency, report_currency); return balance; }
gint gncOwnerLotsSortFunc (GNCLot *lotA, GNCLot *lotB) { GncInvoice *ia, *ib; Timespec da, db; ia = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lotA); ib = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lotB); if (ia) da = gncInvoiceGetDateDue (ia); else da = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_earliest_split (lotA))); if (ib) db = gncInvoiceGetDateDue (ib); else db = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_earliest_split (lotB))); return timespec_cmp (&da, &db); }
/* Find an existing lot link transaction in the given lot * Only use a lot link that already links at least two * documents (to avoid perpetuating the lot link proliferation * that happened in 2.6.0-2.6.3). */ static Transaction * get_ll_transaction_from_lot (GNCLot *lot) { SplitList *ls_iter; /* This should really only be called on a document lot */ if (!gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot)) return NULL; /* The given lot is a valid document lot. Now iterate over all * other lot links in this lot to find one more document lot. */ for (ls_iter = gnc_lot_get_split_list (lot); ls_iter; ls_iter = ls_iter->next) { Split *ls = ls_iter->data; Transaction *ll_txn = xaccSplitGetParent (ls); SplitList *ts_iter; if (xaccTransGetTxnType (ll_txn) != TXN_TYPE_LINK) continue; for (ts_iter = xaccTransGetSplitList (ll_txn); ts_iter; ts_iter = ts_iter->next) { Split *ts = ts_iter->data; GNCLot *tslot = xaccSplitGetLot (ts); if (!tslot) continue; if (tslot == lot) continue; if (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot)) return ll_txn; /* Got one more document lot - mission accomplished */ } } /* The lot doesn't have an ll_txn with the requested criteria... */ return NULL; }
gboolean gncOwnerLotMatchOwnerFunc (GNCLot *lot, gpointer user_data) { const GncOwner *req_owner = user_data; GncOwner lot_owner; const GncOwner *end_owner; GncInvoice *invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot); /* Determine the owner associated to the lot */ if (invoice) /* Invoice lots */ end_owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice)); else if (gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot (lot, &lot_owner)) /* Pre-payment lots */ end_owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (&lot_owner); else return FALSE; /* Is this a lot for the requested owner ? */ return gncOwnerEqual (end_owner, req_owner); }
static void gnc_payment_dialog_highlight_document (PaymentWindow *pw) { if (pw->invoice) { GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view)); GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view)); gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (selection); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter)) { do { GValue value = { 0 }; GNCLot *lot; GncInvoice *invoice; gtk_tree_model_get_value (model, &iter, 5, &value); lot = (GNCLot *) g_value_get_pointer (&value); g_value_unset (&value); if (!lot) continue; /* Lot has been deleted behind our back... */ invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot); if (!invoice) continue; if (pw->invoice == invoice) { gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (selection, &iter); gnc_payment_dialog_document_selection_changed (pw); } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter)); } } }
void gnc_payment_window_fill_docs_list (PaymentWindow *pw) { GtkListStore *store; GList *list = NULL, *node; g_return_if_fail (pw->docs_list_tree_view && GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view)); /* Get a list of open lots for this owner and post account */ if (pw->owner.owner.undefined) list = xaccAccountFindOpenLots (pw->post_acct, gncOwnerLotMatchOwnerFunc, &pw->owner, NULL); /* Clear the existing list */ store = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view))); gtk_list_store_clear(store); /* Add the documents and overpayments to the tree view */ for (node = list; node; node = node->next) { GNCLot *lot = node->data; time64 doc_date_time = 0; const gchar *doc_type_str = NULL; const gchar *doc_id_str = NULL; const gchar *doc_deb_str = NULL; const gchar *doc_cred_str = NULL; GtkTreeIter iter; Timespec doc_date; GncInvoice *document; gnc_numeric value = gnc_numeric_zero(); gnc_numeric debit = gnc_numeric_zero(); gnc_numeric credit = gnc_numeric_zero(); /* Find the lot's document if it exists, * it could also be a prepayment lot. */ document = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot); /* Find the document's date or pre-payment date */ if (document) doc_date = gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (document); else { /* Calculate the payment date based on the lot splits */ Transaction *trans = xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (lot)); if (trans) doc_date = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (trans); else continue; /* No valid split in this lot, skip it */ } doc_date_time = timespecToTime64 (doc_date); /* Find the document type. No type means pre-payment in this case */ if (document) { doc_type_str = gncInvoiceGetTypeString (document); } else doc_type_str = _("Pre-Payment"); /* Find the document id. Empty for pre-payments. */ if (document) { doc_id_str = gncInvoiceGetID (document); } /* Find the debit/credit amount. * Invoices/vendor credit notes are debit (increasing the balance) * Customer credit notes/bills are credit (decreasing the balance) * Pre-payments are debit or credit depending on their sign */ value = gnc_lot_get_balance (lot); if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (value)) debit = value; else credit = gnc_numeric_neg (value); /* Only display non-zero debits/credits */ if (!gnc_numeric_zero_p (debit)) doc_deb_str = xaccPrintAmount (debit, gnc_default_print_info (FALSE)); if (!gnc_numeric_zero_p (credit)) doc_cred_str = xaccPrintAmount (credit, gnc_default_print_info (FALSE)); gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, 0, doc_date_time, 1, doc_id_str, 2, doc_type_str, 3, doc_deb_str, 4, doc_cred_str, 5, (gpointer)lot, -1); } g_list_free (list); /* Highlight the preset invoice if it's in the new list */ gnc_payment_dialog_highlight_document (pw); }
void gncOwnerAutoApplyPaymentsWithLots (const GncOwner *owner, GList *lots) { GList *base_iter; /* General note: in the code below the term "payment" can * both mean a true payment or a document of * the opposite sign (invoice vs credit note) relative to * the lot being processed. In general this function will * perform a balancing action on a set of lots, so you * will also find frequent references to balancing instead. */ /* Payments can only be applied when at least an owner * and a list of lots to use are given */ if (!owner) return; if (!lots) return; for (base_iter = lots; base_iter; base_iter = base_iter->next) { GNCLot *base_lot = base_iter->data; QofBook *book; Account *acct; const gchar *name; GList *lot_list, *lot_iter; Transaction *txn = NULL; gnc_numeric base_lot_bal, val_to_pay, val_paid = { 0, 1 }; gboolean base_bal_is_pos; const gchar *action, *memo; /* Only attempt to apply payments to open lots. * Note that due to the iterative nature of this function lots * in the list may become closed before they are evaluated as * base lot, so we should check this for each lot. */ base_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (base_lot); if (gnc_numeric_zero_p (base_lot_bal)) continue; book = gnc_lot_get_book (base_lot); acct = gnc_lot_get_account (base_lot); name = gncOwnerGetName (gncOwnerGetEndOwner (owner)); lot_list = base_iter->next; /* Strings used when creating splits later on. */ action = _("Lot Link"); memo = _("Internal link between invoice and payment lots"); /* Note: to balance the lot the payment to assign * must have the opposite sign of the existing lot balance */ val_to_pay = gnc_numeric_neg (base_lot_bal); base_bal_is_pos = gnc_numeric_positive_p (base_lot_bal); /* Create splits in a linking transaction between lots until * - either the invoice lot is balanced * - or there are no more balancing lots. */ for (lot_iter = lot_list; lot_iter; lot_iter = lot_iter->next) { gnc_numeric payment_lot_balance; Split *split; Account *bal_acct; gnc_numeric split_amt; GNCLot *balancing_lot = lot_iter->data; /* Only attempt to use open lots to balance the base lot. * Note that due to the iterative nature of this function lots * in the list may become closed before they are evaluated as * base lot, so we should check this for each lot. */ if (gnc_lot_is_closed (balancing_lot)) continue; /* Balancing transactions for invoice/payments can only happen * in the same account. */ bal_acct = gnc_lot_get_account (balancing_lot); if (acct != bal_acct) continue; payment_lot_balance = gnc_lot_get_balance (balancing_lot); /* Only attempt to balance if the base lot and balancing lot are * of the opposite sign. (Otherwise we would increase the balance * of the lot - Duh */ if (base_bal_is_pos == gnc_numeric_positive_p (payment_lot_balance)) continue; /* * If there is less to pay than there's open in the lot; we're done -- apply the base_lot_vale. * Note that payment_value and balance are opposite in sign, so we have to compare absolute values here * * Otherwise, apply the balance, subtract that from the payment_value, * and move on to the next one. */ if (gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (val_to_pay), gnc_numeric_abs (payment_lot_balance)) <= 0) { /* abs(val_to_pay) <= abs(balance) */ split_amt = val_to_pay; } else { /* abs(val_to_pay) > abs(balance) * Remember payment_value and balance are opposite in sign, * and we want a payment to neutralize the current balance * so we need to negate here */ split_amt = payment_lot_balance; } /* If not created yet, create a new transaction linking * the base lot and the balancing lot(s) */ if (!txn) { Timespec ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (base_lot))); xaccAccountBeginEdit (acct); txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book); xaccTransBeginEdit (txn); xaccTransSetDescription (txn, name ? name : ""); xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct)); xaccTransSetDateEnteredSecs (txn, gnc_time (NULL)); xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (txn, &ts); xaccTransSetTxnType (txn, TXN_TYPE_LINK); } /* Create the split for this link in current balancing lot */ split = xaccMallocSplit (book); xaccSplitSetMemo (split, memo); /* set Action using utility function */ gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action); xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split); xaccTransAppendSplit (txn, split); xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (split_amt), xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct)); gnc_lot_add_split (balancing_lot, split); /* If the balancing lot was linked to a document (invoice/credit note), * send an event for it as well so it gets potentially updated as paid */ { GncInvoice *this_invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(balancing_lot); if (this_invoice) qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(this_invoice), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL); } val_paid = gnc_numeric_add (val_paid, split_amt, GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_LCD); val_to_pay = gnc_numeric_sub (val_to_pay, split_amt, GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_LCD); if (gnc_numeric_zero_p (val_to_pay)) break; } /* If the above loop managed to create a transaction and some balancing splits, * create the final split for the link transaction in the base lot */ if (txn) { GncInvoice *this_invoice; Split *split = xaccMallocSplit (book); xaccSplitSetMemo (split, memo); /* set Action with utiltity function */ gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action); xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split); xaccTransAppendSplit (txn, split); xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, val_paid, xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct)); gnc_lot_add_split (base_lot, split); xaccTransCommitEdit (txn); xaccAccountCommitEdit (acct); /* If the base lot was linked to a document (invoice/credit note), * send an event for it as well so it gets potentially updated as paid */ this_invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(base_lot); if (this_invoice) qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(this_invoice), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL); } } }
static gboolean gncScrubLotLinks (GNCLot *scrub_lot) { gboolean modified = FALSE, restart_needed = FALSE; SplitList *sls_iter = NULL; scrub_start: restart_needed = FALSE; // Iterate over all splits in the lot for (sls_iter = gnc_lot_get_split_list (scrub_lot); sls_iter; sls_iter = sls_iter->next) { Split *sl_split = sls_iter->data; Transaction *ll_txn = NULL; // ll_txn = "Lot Link Transaction" SplitList *lts_iter = NULL; if (!sl_split) continue; // next scrub lot split // Only lot link transactions need to be scrubbed ll_txn = xaccSplitGetParent (sl_split); if (!ll_txn) { // Ooops - the split doesn't belong to any transaction ! // This is not expected so issue a warning and continue with next split PWARN("Encountered a split in a business lot that's not part of any transaction. " "This is unexpected! Skipping split %p.", sl_split); continue; } if (xaccTransGetTxnType (ll_txn) != TXN_TYPE_LINK) continue; // next scrub lot split // Iterate over all splits in the lot link transaction for (lts_iter = xaccTransGetSplitList (ll_txn); lts_iter; lts_iter = lts_iter->next) { Split *ll_txn_split = lts_iter->data; // These all refer to splits in the lot link transaction GNCLot *remote_lot = NULL; // lot at the other end of the lot link transaction gboolean sl_is_doc_lot, rl_is_doc_lot; if (!ll_txn_split) continue; // next lot link transaction split // Skip the split in the lot we're currently scrubbing if (sl_split == ll_txn_split) continue; // next lot link transaction split // Only splits of opposite signed values can be scrubbed if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (xaccSplitGetValue (sl_split)) == gnc_numeric_positive_p (xaccSplitGetValue (ll_txn_split))) continue; // next lot link transaction split // Find linked lot via split remote_lot = xaccSplitGetLot (ll_txn_split); if (!remote_lot) { // This is unexpected - write a warning message and skip this split PWARN("Encountered a Lot Link transaction with a split that's not in any lot. " "This is unexpected! Skipping split %p from transaction %p.", ll_txn_split, ll_txn); continue; } sl_is_doc_lot = (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (scrub_lot) != NULL); rl_is_doc_lot = (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (remote_lot) != NULL); // Depending on the type of lots we're comparing, we need different actions // - Two document lots (an invoice and a credit note): // Special treatment - look for all document lots linked via ll_txn // and update the memo to be of more use to the uses. // - Two payment lots: // (Part of) the link will be eliminated and instead (part of) // one payment will be added to the other lot to keep the balance. // If the payments are not equal in abs value part of the bigger payment // will be moved to the smaller payment's lot. // - A document and a payment lot: // (Part of) the link will be eliminated and instead (part of) the real // payment will be added to the document lot to handle the payment. if (sl_is_doc_lot && rl_is_doc_lot) gncOwnerSetLotLinkMemo (ll_txn); else if (!sl_is_doc_lot && !rl_is_doc_lot) { gint cmp = gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (xaccSplitGetValue (sl_split)), gnc_numeric_abs (xaccSplitGetValue (ll_txn_split))); if (cmp >= 0) restart_needed = scrub_other_link (scrub_lot, sl_split, remote_lot, ll_txn_split); else restart_needed = scrub_other_link (remote_lot, ll_txn_split, scrub_lot, sl_split); } else { GNCLot *doc_lot = sl_is_doc_lot ? scrub_lot : remote_lot; GNCLot *pay_lot = sl_is_doc_lot ? remote_lot : scrub_lot; Split *ll_doc_split = sl_is_doc_lot ? sl_split : ll_txn_split; Split *ll_pay_split = sl_is_doc_lot ? ll_txn_split : sl_split; // Ok, let's try to move a payment from pay_lot to doc_lot restart_needed = scrub_other_link (pay_lot, ll_pay_split, doc_lot, ll_doc_split); } // If we got here, the splits in our lot and ll_txn have been severely mixed up // And our iterator lists are probably no longer valid // So let's start over if (restart_needed) { modified = TRUE; goto scrub_start; } } } return modified; }
void gncOwnerSetLotLinkMemo (Transaction *ll_txn) { gchar *memo_prefix = _("Offset between documents: "); gchar *new_memo; SplitList *lts_iter; SplitList *splits = NULL, *siter; GList *titles = NULL, *titer; if (!ll_txn) return; if (xaccTransGetTxnType (ll_txn) != TXN_TYPE_LINK) return; // Find all splits in the lot link transaction that are also in a document lot for (lts_iter = xaccTransGetSplitList (ll_txn); lts_iter; lts_iter = lts_iter->next) { Split *split = lts_iter->data; GNCLot *lot; GncInvoice *invoice; gchar *title; if (!split) continue; lot = xaccSplitGetLot (split); if (!lot) continue; invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot); if (!invoice) continue; title = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", gncInvoiceGetTypeString (invoice), gncInvoiceGetID (invoice)); titles = g_list_insert_sorted (titles, title, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); splits = g_list_prepend (splits, split); // splits don't need to be sorted } if (!titles) return; // We didn't find document lots // Create the memo as we'd want it to be new_memo = g_strconcat (memo_prefix, titles->data, NULL); for (titer = titles->next; titer; titer = titer->next) { gchar *tmp_memo = g_strconcat (new_memo, " - ", titer->data, NULL); g_free (new_memo); new_memo = tmp_memo; } g_list_free_full (titles, g_free); // Update the memos of all the splits we found previously (if needed) for (siter = splits; siter; siter = siter->next) { if (g_strcmp0 (xaccSplitGetMemo (siter->data), new_memo) != 0) xaccSplitSetMemo (siter->data, new_memo); } g_list_free (splits); g_free (new_memo); }
void gncOwnerAutoApplyPaymentsWithLots (const GncOwner *owner, GList *lots) { GList *left_iter; /* General note: in the code below the term "payment" can * both mean a true payment or a document of * the opposite sign (invoice vs credit note) relative to * the lot being processed. In general this function will * perform a balancing action on a set of lots, so you * will also find frequent references to balancing instead. */ /* Payments can only be applied when at least an owner * and a list of lots to use are given */ if (!owner) return; if (!lots) return; for (left_iter = lots; left_iter; left_iter = left_iter->next) { GNCLot *left_lot = left_iter->data; gnc_numeric left_lot_bal; gboolean left_lot_has_doc; gboolean left_modified = FALSE; Account *acct; GList *right_iter; /* Only attempt to apply payments to open lots. * Note that due to the iterative nature of this function lots * in the list may become empty/closed before they are evaluated as * base lot, so we should check this for each lot. */ if (!left_lot || qof_instance_get_destroying (left_lot)) continue; if (gnc_lot_count_splits (left_lot) == 0) { gnc_lot_destroy (left_lot); continue; } if (gnc_lot_is_closed (left_lot)) continue; acct = gnc_lot_get_account (left_lot); xaccAccountBeginEdit (acct); left_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (left_lot); left_lot_has_doc = (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (left_lot) != NULL); /* Attempt to offset left_lot with any of the remaining lots. To do so * iterate over the remaining lots adding lot links or moving payments * around. */ for (right_iter = left_iter->next; right_iter; right_iter = right_iter->next) { GNCLot *right_lot = right_iter->data; gnc_numeric right_lot_bal; gboolean right_lot_has_doc; /* Only attempt to use open lots to balance the base lot. * Note that due to the iterative nature of this function lots * in the list may become empty/closed before they are evaluated as * base lot, so we should check this for each lot. */ if (!right_lot || qof_instance_get_destroying (right_lot)) continue; if (gnc_lot_count_splits (right_lot) == 0) { gnc_lot_destroy (right_lot); continue; } if (gnc_lot_is_closed (right_lot)) continue; /* Balancing transactions for invoice/payments can only happen * in the same account. */ if (acct != gnc_lot_get_account (right_lot)) continue; /* Only attempt to balance if the base lot and balancing lot are * of the opposite sign. (Otherwise we would increase the balance * of the lot - Duh */ right_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (right_lot); if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (left_lot_bal) == gnc_numeric_positive_p (right_lot_bal)) continue; /* Ok we found two lots than can (partly) offset each other. * Depending on the lot types, a different action is needed to accomplish this. * 1. Both lots are document lots (invoices/credit notes) * -> Create a lot linking transaction between the lots * 2. Both lots are payment lots (lots without a document attached) * -> Use part of the bigger lot to the close the smaller lot * 3. One document lot with one payment lot * -> Use (part of) the payment to offset (part of) the document lot, * Which one will be closed depends on which is the bigger one */ right_lot_has_doc = (gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (right_lot) != NULL); if (left_lot_has_doc && right_lot_has_doc) gncOwnerCreateLotLink (left_lot, right_lot, owner); else if (!left_lot_has_doc && !right_lot_has_doc) { gint cmp = gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (left_lot_bal), gnc_numeric_abs (right_lot_bal)); if (cmp >= 0) gncOwnerOffsetLots (left_lot, right_lot, owner); else gncOwnerOffsetLots (right_lot, left_lot, owner); } else { GNCLot *doc_lot = left_lot_has_doc ? left_lot : right_lot; GNCLot *pay_lot = left_lot_has_doc ? right_lot : left_lot; // Ok, let's try to move a payment from pay_lot to doc_lot gncOwnerOffsetLots (pay_lot, doc_lot, owner); } /* If we get here, then right_lot was modified * If the lot has a document, send an event for send an event for it as well * so it gets potentially updated as paid */ { GncInvoice *this_invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(right_lot); if (this_invoice) qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(this_invoice), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL); } left_modified = TRUE; } /* If left_lot was modified and the lot has a document, * send an event for send an event for it as well * so it gets potentially updated as paid */ if (left_modified) { GncInvoice *this_invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(left_lot); if (this_invoice) qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(this_invoice), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL); } xaccAccountCommitEdit (acct); } }
static void gncOwnerCreateLotLink (GNCLot *from_lot, GNCLot *to_lot, const GncOwner *owner) { const gchar *action = _("Lot Link"); Account *acct = gnc_lot_get_account (from_lot); const gchar *name = gncOwnerGetName (gncOwnerGetEndOwner (owner)); Transaction *ll_txn = NULL; gnc_numeric from_lot_bal, to_lot_bal; Timespec from_ts, to_ts; time64 time_posted; Split *split; /* Sanity check */ if (!gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (from_lot) || !gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (to_lot)) return; /* Determine transaction date based on lot splits */ from_ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (from_lot))); to_ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (to_lot))); if (timespecToTime64 (from_ts) >= timespecToTime64 (to_ts)) time_posted = timespecToTime64 (from_ts); else time_posted = timespecToTime64 (to_ts); /* Figure out how much we can offset between the lots */ from_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (from_lot); to_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (to_lot); if (gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (from_lot_bal), gnc_numeric_abs (to_lot_bal)) > 0) from_lot_bal = gnc_numeric_neg (to_lot_bal); else to_lot_bal = gnc_numeric_neg (from_lot_bal); xaccAccountBeginEdit (acct); /* Look for a pre-existing lot link we can extend */ ll_txn = get_ll_transaction_from_lot (from_lot); if (!ll_txn) ll_txn = get_ll_transaction_from_lot (to_lot); if (!ll_txn) { /* No pre-existing lot link. Create one. */ Timespec ts; timespecFromTime64 (&ts, time_posted); ll_txn = xaccMallocTransaction (gnc_lot_get_book (from_lot)); xaccTransBeginEdit (ll_txn); xaccTransSetDescription (ll_txn, name ? name : "(Unknown)"); xaccTransSetCurrency (ll_txn, xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct)); xaccTransSetDateEnteredSecs (ll_txn, gnc_time (NULL)); xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (ll_txn, &ts); xaccTransSetTxnType (ll_txn, TXN_TYPE_LINK); } else { Timespec ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (ll_txn); xaccTransBeginEdit (ll_txn); /* Maybe we need to update the post date of the transaction ? */ if (time_posted > timespecToTime64 (ts)) { timespecFromTime64 (&ts, time_posted); xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (ll_txn, &ts); } } /* Create a split for the from_lot */ split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_lot_get_book (from_lot)); /* set Action using utility function */ gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action); xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split); xaccTransAppendSplit (ll_txn, split); /* To offset the lot balance, the split must be of the opposite sign */ xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (from_lot_bal), xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct)); gnc_lot_add_split (from_lot, split); /* Create a split for the to_lot */ split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_lot_get_book (to_lot)); /* set Action using utility function */ gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action); xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split); xaccTransAppendSplit (ll_txn, split); /* To offset the lot balance, the split must be of the opposite sign */ xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (to_lot_bal), xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct)); gnc_lot_add_split (to_lot, split); xaccTransCommitEdit (ll_txn); /* Do some post-cleaning on the lots * The above actions may have created splits that are * in the same transaction and lot. These can be merged. */ xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (to_lot, FALSE); xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (from_lot, FALSE); /* And finally set the same memo for all remaining splits * It's a convenience for the users to identify all documents * involved in the link. */ gncOwnerSetLotLinkMemo (ll_txn); xaccAccountCommitEdit (acct); }