Exemple #1
static GList *
gnc_search_param_prepend_internal (GList *list, char const *title,
                                   GtkJustification justify,
                                   GNCIdTypeConst type_override,
                                   GNCIdTypeConst search_type,
                                   const char *param, va_list args)
    GNCSearchParam *p;
    GSList *path = NULL;
    const char *this_param;

    p = gnc_search_param_new ();
    gnc_search_param_set_title (p, title);
    gnc_search_param_set_justify (p, justify);

    for (this_param = param; this_param;
            this_param = va_arg (args, const char *))
        path = g_slist_prepend (path, (gpointer)this_param);

    /* put the path into the right order, and set it */
    path = g_slist_reverse (path);
    gnc_search_param_set_param_path (p, search_type, path);

    /* Maybe over-ride the type */
    if (type_override)
        gnc_search_param_override_param_type (p, type_override);

    /* And return it */
    return g_list_prepend (list, p);
Exemple #2
static void
gnc_reconcile_view_init (GNCReconcileView *view)
    GNCSearchParamSimple *param;
    GList          *columns = NULL;
    gboolean num_action =

    view->reconciled = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
    view->account = NULL;
    view->sibling = NULL;

    param = gnc_search_param_simple_new();
    gnc_search_param_set_param_fcn (param, QOF_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
                                    gnc_reconcile_view_is_reconciled, view);
    gnc_search_param_set_title ((GNCSearchParam *) param, _("Reconciled:R") + 11);
    gnc_search_param_set_justify ((GNCSearchParam *) param, GTK_JUSTIFY_CENTER);
    gnc_search_param_set_passive ((GNCSearchParam *) param, FALSE);
    gnc_search_param_set_non_resizeable ((GNCSearchParam *) param, TRUE);
    columns = g_list_prepend (columns, param);

    columns = gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _("Amount"),
              NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
              SPLIT_AMOUNT, NULL);
    columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _("Description"), NULL,
                                        GNC_ID_SPLIT, SPLIT_TRANS,
                                        TRANS_DESCRIPTION, NULL);
    columns = num_action ?
              gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _("Num"),
              NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
              SPLIT_ACTION, NULL) :
              gnc_search_param_prepend_with_justify (columns, _("Num"),
              NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
              SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_NUM, NULL);
    columns = gnc_search_param_prepend (columns, _("Date"), NULL, GNC_ID_SPLIT,
                                        SPLIT_TRANS, TRANS_DATE_POSTED, NULL);

    view->column_list = columns;