Exemple #1
 * gnm_app_clipboard_cut_copy_obj:
 * @wbc: #WorkbookControl
 * @is_cut:
 * @sv: #SheetView
 * @objects: (element-type SheetObject): a list of #SheetObject which is freed
 * Different than copying/cutting a region, this can actually cuts an object
gnm_app_clipboard_cut_copy_obj (WorkbookControl *wbc, gboolean is_cut,
				SheetView *sv, GSList *objects)
	g_return_if_fail (IS_SHEET_VIEW (sv));
	g_return_if_fail (objects != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (app != NULL);

	gnm_app_clipboard_clear (FALSE);
	g_free (app->clipboard_cut_range);
	app->clipboard_cut_range = NULL;
	sv_weak_ref (sv, &(app->clipboard_sheet_view));
		= clipboard_copy_obj (sv_sheet (sv), objects);
	if (is_cut) {
		cmd_objects_delete (wbc, objects, _("Cut Object"));
		objects = NULL;
	if (wb_control_claim_selection (wbc)) {
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (app), signals[CLIPBOARD_MODIFIED], 0);
	} else {
		gnm_app_clipboard_clear (FALSE);
		g_warning ("Unable to set selection ?");
	g_slist_free (objects);
Exemple #2
 * gnm_app_clipboard_cut_copy:
 * @wbc: the workbook control that requested the operation.
 * @is_cut: is this a cut or a copy.
 * @sv: The source sheet for the copy.
 * @area: A single rectangular range to be copied.
 * @animate_range: Do we want ot add an animated cursor around things.
 * When Cutting we
 *   Clear and free the contents of the clipboard and save the sheet and area
 *   to be cut.  DO NOT ACTUALLY CUT!  Paste will move the region if this was a
 *   cut operation.
 * When Copying we
 *   Clear and free the contents of the clipboard and COPY the designated region
 *   into the clipboard.
 * we need to pass @wbc as a control rather than a simple command-context so
 * that the control can claim the selection.
gnm_app_clipboard_cut_copy (WorkbookControl *wbc, gboolean is_cut,
			    SheetView *sv, GnmRange const *area,
			    gboolean animate_cursor)
	Sheet *sheet;

	g_return_if_fail (IS_SHEET_VIEW (sv));
	g_return_if_fail (area != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (app != NULL);

	gnm_app_clipboard_clear (FALSE);
	sheet = sv_sheet (sv);
	g_free (app->clipboard_cut_range);
	app->clipboard_cut_range = gnm_range_dup (area);
	sv_weak_ref (sv, &(app->clipboard_sheet_view));

	if (!is_cut)
		app->clipboard_copied_contents =
			clipboard_copy_range (sheet, area);
	if (animate_cursor) {
		GList *l = g_list_append (NULL, (gpointer)area);
		sv_ant (sv, l);
		g_list_free (l);

	if (wb_control_claim_selection (wbc)) {
		g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (app), signals[CLIPBOARD_MODIFIED], 0);
	} else {
		gnm_app_clipboard_clear (FALSE);
		g_warning ("Unable to set selection ?");
Exemple #3
 * cmd_paste :
 * @sheet: The destination sheet
 * @range : The range to paste to within the destination sheet.
 * @flags: Any paste special flags.
 * Pastes the current cut buffer, copy buffer, or X selection to
 * the destination sheet range.
 * When pasting a cut the destination MUST be the same size as the src.
 * When pasting a copy the destination can be a singleton, or an integer
 * multiple of the size of the source.  This is not tested here.
 * Full undo support.
cmd_paste (WorkbookControl *wbc, GnmPasteTarget const *pt)
	GnmCellRegion  *content;
	GnmRange const *src_range;

	g_return_if_fail (pt != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_SHEET (pt->sheet));

	src_range = gnm_app_clipboard_area_get ();
	content = gnm_app_clipboard_contents_get ();

	if (content == NULL && src_range != NULL) {
		/* Pasting a Cut */
		GnmExprRelocateInfo rinfo;
		Sheet *src_sheet = gnm_app_clipboard_sheet_get ();

		/* Validate the size & shape of the target here. */
		int const cols = (src_range->end.col - src_range->start.col);
		int const rows = (src_range->end.row - src_range->start.row);

		GnmRange dst = pt->range;

		if (range_is_singleton (&dst)) {
			dst.end.col = dst.start.col + cols;
			dst.end.row = dst.start.row + rows;
		} else if ((dst.end.col - dst.start.col) != cols ||
			   (dst.end.row - dst.start.row) != rows) {

			char *msg = g_strdup_printf (
				_("destination has a different shape (%dRx%dC) than the original (%dRx%dC)\n\n"
				  "Try selecting a single cell or an area of the same shape and size."),
				(dst.end.row - dst.start.row)+1,
				(dst.end.col - dst.start.col)+1,
				rows+1, cols+1);
			go_cmd_context_error_invalid (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (wbc),
				_("Unable to paste into selection"), msg);
			g_free (msg);

		rinfo.reloc_type = GNM_EXPR_RELOCATE_MOVE_RANGE;
		rinfo.origin = *src_range;
		rinfo.col_offset = dst.start.col - rinfo.origin.start.col;
		rinfo.row_offset = dst.start.row - rinfo.origin.start.row;
		rinfo.origin_sheet = src_sheet;
		rinfo.target_sheet = pt->sheet;

		if (!cmd_paste_cut (wbc, &rinfo, TRUE, NULL))
			gnm_app_clipboard_clear (TRUE);

	/* If this application has marked a selection use it */
	} else if (content != NULL)
		cmd_paste_copy (wbc, pt, content);

	/* See if the control has access to information to paste */
		wb_control_paste_from_selection (wbc, pt);
Exemple #4
gnm_app_clipboard_invalidate_sheet (Sheet *sheet)
	/* Clear the cliboard to avoid dangling references to the deleted sheet */
	if (sheet == gnm_app_clipboard_sheet_get ())
		gnm_app_clipboard_clear (TRUE);
	else if (app->clipboard_copied_contents)
		cellregion_invalidate_sheet (app->clipboard_copied_contents, sheet);
Exemple #5
gnm_shutdown (void)
	GSList *plugin_states;

	gnm_app_clipboard_clear (TRUE);

	plugin_states = go_plugins_shutdown ();
	if (NULL != plugin_states) {
		gnm_conf_set_plugins_file_states (plugin_states);
		g_slist_free_full (plugin_states, g_free);

	stf_shutdown ();
	gnm_xml_sax_write_shutdown ();
	gnm_xml_sax_read_shutdown ();

	gnm_autofill_shutdown ();
	print_shutdown ();
	gnm_func_shutdown_ ();

	gnm_rendered_value_shutdown ();
	dependent_types_shutdown ();
	gui_clipboard_shutdown ();
	clipboard_shutdown ();
	gnm_sheet_cell_shutdown ();
	gnm_expr_deriv_shutdown_ ();
	gnm_expr_shutdown_ ();
	parse_util_shutdown ();
	value_shutdown ();

	// The style leak printer may access font/border/color info so
	// shut styles down first.
	gnm_style_shutdown ();
	gnm_font_shutdown ();
	gnm_border_shutdown ();
	gnm_color_shutdown ();

	gnm_conf_shutdown ();

	_gnm_unregister_resource ();
	libgoffice_shutdown ();
	go_plugin_services_shutdown ();
	g_object_unref (gnm_app_get_app ());
	gutils_shutdown ();