 * gnome_xkb_info_get_layouts_for_country:
 * @self: a #GnomeXkbInfo
 * @country_code: an ISO 3166 code string
 * Returns a list of all layout identifiers we know about for
 * @country_code.
 * Return value: (transfer container) (element-type utf8): the list
 * of layout ids. The caller takes ownership of the #GList but not of
 * the strings themselves, those are internally allocated and must not
 * be modified.
 * Since: 3.8
GList *
gnome_xkb_info_get_layouts_for_country (GnomeXkbInfo *self,
                                        const gchar  *country_code)
  GnomeXkbInfoPrivate *priv;
  GHashTable *layouts_for_country;
  gchar *country;
  GList *list;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GNOME_IS_XKB_INFO (self), NULL);

  priv = self->priv;

  if (!ensure_rules_are_parsed (self))
    return NULL;

  country = gnome_get_country_from_code (country_code, NULL);
  if (!country)
    return NULL;

  layouts_for_country = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->layouts_by_country, country);
  g_free (country);

  if (!layouts_for_country)
    return NULL;

  list = NULL;
  g_hash_table_foreach (layouts_for_country, collect_layout_ids, &list);

  return list;
static char *
translated_city_name (TzLocation *loc)
  char *country;
  char *name;
  char *zone_translated;
  char **split_translated;
  gint length;

  /* Load the translation for it */
  zone_translated = g_strdup (dgettext (GETTEXT_PACKAGE_TIMEZONES, loc->zone));
  g_strdelimit (zone_translated, "_", ' ');
  split_translated = g_regex_split_simple ("[\\x{2044}\\x{2215}\\x{29f8}\\x{ff0f}/]",
                                           0, 0);
  g_free (zone_translated);

  length = g_strv_length (split_translated);

  country = gnome_get_country_from_code (loc->country, NULL);
  /* Translators: "city, country" */
  name = g_strdup_printf (C_("timezone loc", "%s, %s"),
  g_free (country);
  g_strfreev (split_translated);

  return name;
static void
add_layout_to_locale_tables (Layout     *layout,
                             GHashTable *layouts_by_language,
                             GHashTable *layouts_by_country)
  GSList *l, *lang_codes, *country_codes;
  gchar *language, *country;

  lang_codes = layout->iso639Ids;
  country_codes = layout->iso3166Ids;

  if (layout->is_variant)
      if (!lang_codes)
        lang_codes = layout->main_layout->iso639Ids;
      if (!country_codes)
        country_codes = layout->main_layout->iso3166Ids;

  for (l = lang_codes; l; l = l->next)
      language = gnome_get_language_from_code ((gchar *) l->data, NULL);
      if (language)
          add_layout_to_table (layouts_by_language, language, layout);
          g_free (language);

  for (l = country_codes; l; l = l->next)
      country = gnome_get_country_from_code ((gchar *) l->data, NULL);
      if (country)
          add_layout_to_table (layouts_by_country, country, layout);
          g_free (country);