Exemple #1
/* returns whether we are in the right place or not */
Bool go_to_static_ball(float kick_ang, float dash_pow)
  Line l;

  LogAction6(50, "go_to_static_ball: ball at (%.1f, %.1f) for kick angle %.2f, dash_pow %.2f",
		  Mem->BallX(), Mem->BallY(), kick_ang, dash_pow);
  if (!Mem->BallPositionValid())
    my_error("go_to_static_ball: lost ball");

  /* we can be pretty tolerant of angle errors, but distance errors start to matter
     real quickly */

  Vector targ_pt = get_static_ball_pos(Mem->BallAbsolutePosition(), kick_ang);

  /* we want to try and face the ball at all times */
  if (Mem->MySpeed() == 0 &&
      Mem->DistanceTo(targ_pt) <= Mem->CP_static_kick_dist_err) {
    LogAction3(60, "go_to_static_ball: I am done %.2f", Mem->DistanceTo(targ_pt));
    return TRUE;

  /* if we are real far from the ball, just use the regular go_to_point */
  if (Mem->BallDistance() > 2 * Mem->My_kickable_area()) {
    LogAction2(60, "go_to_static_ball: far away, using go_to_point");
    if (go_to_point(targ_pt, 0 /* no buffer */, dash_pow)
	!= AQ_ActionQueued)
      my_error("go_to_static_ball: far away, why didn't go_to_point do anything?");
    return FALSE;

  /* make sure that we go around the ball */
  l.LineFromTwoPoints(Mem->MyPos(), targ_pt);
  Vector proj_ball_pt = l.ProjectPoint(Mem->BallAbsolutePosition());
  if (proj_ball_pt.dist(Mem->BallAbsolutePosition()) <=
      Mem->My_size() + Mem->SP_ball_size + Mem->CP_collision_buffer &&
      l.InBetween(proj_ball_pt, Mem->MyPos(), targ_pt)) {
    /* we'll do a 90 degree dodge -we always go right */
    Vector dodge_pt = Mem->MyPos() +
      Polar2Vector(Mem->My_size(), Mem->BallAngleFromBody() + Mem->MyBodyAng() + 90);
    LogAction2(60, "go_to_static_ball: dodging the ball");
    if (go_to_point(dodge_pt, 0 /* no buffer */, dash_pow)
	!= AQ_ActionQueued)
      my_error("go_to_static_ball: dodging, why didn't go_to_point do anything?");
    return FALSE;

  /* now we need to get to the target_point */
  /* first see if we need to turn */
  l.LineFromRay(Mem->MyPos(), Mem->MyBodyAng());
  float ang = Mem->AngleToFromBody(targ_pt);
  if (fabs(ang) > 90 ||
      (l.dist(targ_pt) > Mem->CP_static_kick_dist_err &&
       ang > Mem->CP_static_kick_ang_err)) {
    LogAction2(60, "go_to_static_ball: turning to target_point");
    return FALSE;
  /* now calculate the speed we should be going to land right on the point */
  float targ_speed =
    SolveForFirstTermInfGeomSeries(Mem->My_decay(), Mem->DistanceTo(targ_pt));
  float dash_pow_to_use =
    MinMax(-dash_pow / 2,
	   (targ_speed - Mem->MySpeed()) / Mem->My_dash_power_rate(),
  LogAction5(60, "go_to_static_ball: targ_speed: %.2f\tMySpeed: %.2f\tdash_pow: %.2f",
	    targ_speed, Mem->MySpeed(), dash_pow_to_use);
  if (fabs(dash_pow_to_use) > 1) {
    LogAction3(70, "go_to_static_ball: dash power is too small %.2f", dash_pow_to_use);
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
Exemple #2
int umain (void) {
  // int i_init = current_territory();
  // printf("i_init %i\n", i_init);
  // for(int i = i_init; i <= i_init + 1; i++) {
  //   printf("target i %i\n", i % 6);
  //   go_to_territory(i % 6, false);
  // }

  // printf("[1] starting territory is %i\n", current_territory());
  // go_to_territory(current_territory() + 5);
  // pause(300);
  // go_to_territory(current_territory() + 1);
  // pause(300);

  // go_to_point(&pre_gears[current_territory()], false);
  // capture_gears();
  // go_to_point(&pre_gears[current_territory()], false);
  // capture_gears();
  // pause(500);
  // go_to_point(&territories[current_territory()], false);

  // go_to_territory(current_territory(), false);
  // go_to_point(&pre_mines[current_territory()], false);
  // mine_resources();

  // go_to_territory(current_territory(), false);
  // go_to_point(&pre_gears[current_territory()], false);
  // capture_gears();

  /*for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    go_to_point(&pre_gears[current_territory()], false);

  int i_init = current_territory();
  printf("i_init %i\n", i_init);
  for(int i = i_init; i <= i_init + 7; i++) {
    int active_i = i % 6;
    printf("active_i %i\n", active_i);
    go_to_point(&territories[active_i], false);

  for (int i = 0; i <3 ; i++) {
    go_to_point(&pre_gears[current_territory()], false);

  set_wheel_pows(1, -1);

  while (true) {
    rotate_by_gyro((get_time() % 360) - 180);
    pause((get_time() % 20000) + 500);

  printf("umain done\n");
  return 0;