Exemple #1
/* compute the cache index file's path */
static char *
gp_cache_indexfilename(const char *prefix)
    const char *fn = "gs_cache";
    char *path;
    unsigned int len;
    gp_file_name_combine_result result;

    len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(fn) + 2;
    path = malloc(len);

    result = gp_file_name_combine(prefix, strlen(prefix), fn, strlen(fn), true, path, &len);
    if (result == gp_combine_small_buffer) {
        /* handle the case when the combination requires more than one extra character */
        path = malloc(++len);
        result = gp_file_name_combine(prefix, strlen(prefix), fn, strlen(fn), true, path, &len);
    if (result != gp_combine_success) {
        dlprintf1("pcache: file_name_combine for indexfilename failed with code %d\n", result);
        return NULL;
    return path;
Exemple #2
/* return zero for success, -ve for error, +1 for continue */
static int
lib_file_open_search_with_combine(gs_file_path_ptr  lib_path, const gs_memory_t *mem, i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p,
                                  const char *fname, uint flen, char *buffer, int blen, uint *pclen, ref *pfile,
                                  gx_io_device *iodev, bool starting_arg_file, char *fmode)
    stream *s;
    const gs_file_path *pfpath = lib_path;
    uint pi;

    for (pi = 0; pi < r_size(&pfpath->list); ++pi) {
        const ref *prdir = pfpath->list.value.refs + pi;
        const char *pstr = (const char *)prdir->value.const_bytes;
        uint plen = r_size(prdir), blen1 = blen;
        gs_parsed_file_name_t pname;
        gp_file_name_combine_result r;

        /* We need to concatenate and parse the file name here
         * if this path has a %device% prefix.              */
        if (pstr[0] == '%') {
            int code;

            /* We concatenate directly since gp_file_name_combine_*
             * rules are not correct for other devices such as %rom% */
            code = gs_parse_file_name(&pname, pstr, plen, mem);
            if (code < 0)
            memcpy(buffer, pname.fname, pname.len);
            memcpy(buffer+pname.len, fname, flen);
            code = pname.iodev->procs.open_file(pname.iodev, buffer, pname.len + flen, fmode,
                                          &s, (gs_memory_t *)mem);
            if (code < 0)
            make_stream_file(pfile, s, "r");
            /* fill in the buffer with the device concatenated */
            memcpy(buffer, pstr, plen);
            memcpy(buffer+plen, fname, flen);
            *pclen = plen + flen;
            return 0;
        } else {
            r = gp_file_name_combine(pstr, plen,
                    fname, flen, false, buffer, &blen1);
            if (r != gp_combine_success)
            if (iodev_os_open_file(iodev, (const char *)buffer, blen1, (const char *)fmode,
                                    &s, (gs_memory_t *)mem) == 0) {
                if (starting_arg_file ||
                    check_file_permissions_aux(i_ctx_p, buffer, blen1) >= 0) {
                    *pclen = blen1;
                    make_stream_file(pfile, s, "r");
                    return 0;
    return 1;
Exemple #3
/* get the cache directory's path */
static char *gp_cache_prefix(void)
    char *prefix = NULL;
    int plen = 0;

    /* get the cache directory path */
    if (gp_getenv("GS_CACHE_DIR", (char *)NULL, &plen) < 0) {
        prefix = malloc(plen);
        gp_getenv("GS_CACHE_DIR", prefix, &plen);
    } else {
        prefix = strdup(GS_CACHE_DIR);
        prefix = strdup(".cache");
        plen = strlen(prefix);

    /* substitute $HOME for '~' */
    if (plen >= 1 && prefix[0] == '~') {
        char *home, *path;
        int hlen = 0;
        unsigned int pathlen = 0;
        gp_file_name_combine_result result;

        if (gp_getenv("HOME", (char *)NULL, &hlen) < 0) {
            home = malloc(hlen);
            if (home == NULL) return prefix;
            gp_getenv("HOME", home, &hlen);
            if (plen == 1) {
                /* only "~" */
                return home;
            /* substitue for the initial '~' */
            pathlen = hlen + plen + 1;
            path = malloc(pathlen);
            if (path == NULL) {
                return prefix;
            result = gp_file_name_combine(home, hlen, prefix+2, plen-2, false, path, &pathlen);
            if (result == gp_combine_success) {
                prefix = path;
            } else {
                dlprintf1("file_name_combine failed with code %d\n", result);
    dlprintf1("cache dir read as '%s'\n", prefix);
    return prefix;
Exemple #4
/* generate an access path for a cache item */
static char *gp_cache_itempath(const char *prefix, gp_cache_entry *item)
    const char *fn = item->filename;
    gp_file_name_combine_result result;
    char *path;
    unsigned int len;

    len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(fn) + 2;
    path = malloc(len);
    result = gp_file_name_combine(prefix, strlen(prefix),
                                  fn, strlen(fn), false, path, &len);

    if (result != gp_combine_success) {
        dlprintf1("pcache: file_name_combine failed on cache item filename with code %d\n", result);

    return path;
Exemple #5
/* The startup code also calls this to open @-files. */
lib_file_open(gs_file_path_ptr  lib_path, const gs_memory_t *mem, i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p,      
		       const char *fname, uint flen, char *buffer, int blen, uint *pclen, ref *pfile)
{   /* i_ctx_p is NULL running arg (@) files. 
     * lib_path and mem are never NULL 
    bool starting_arg_file = (i_ctx_p == NULL) ? true : i_ctx_p->starting_arg_file;
    bool search_with_no_combine = false;
    bool search_with_combine = false;
    char fmode[4] = { 'r', 0, 0, 0 };		/* room for binary suffix */
    stream *s;
    gx_io_device *iodev = iodev_default;

    /* when starting arg files (@ files) iodev_default is not yet set */
    if (iodev == 0)
        iodev = (gx_io_device *)gx_io_device_table[0];
    strcat(fmode, gp_fmode_binary_suffix);
    if (gp_file_name_is_absolute(fname, flen)) {
       search_with_no_combine = true;
       search_with_combine = false;
    } else {
       search_with_no_combine = starting_arg_file;
       search_with_combine = true;
    if (search_with_no_combine) {
	uint blen1 = blen;

	if (gp_file_name_reduce(fname, flen, buffer, &blen1) != gp_combine_success)
	    goto skip;
	if (iodev_os_open_file(iodev, (const char *)buffer, blen1,
				(const char *)fmode, &s, (gs_memory_t *)mem) == 0) {
	    if (starting_arg_file ||
			check_file_permissions_aux(i_ctx_p, buffer, blen1) >= 0) {
		*pclen = blen1;
		make_stream_file(pfile, s, "r");
		return 0;
    if (search_with_combine) {
	const gs_file_path *pfpath = lib_path;
	uint pi;

	for (pi = 0; pi < r_size(&pfpath->list); ++pi) {
	    const ref *prdir = pfpath->list.value.refs + pi;
	    const char *pstr = (const char *)prdir->value.const_bytes;
	    uint plen = r_size(prdir), blen1 = blen;
    	    gs_parsed_file_name_t pname;
	    gp_file_name_combine_result r;

	    /* We need to concatenate and parse the file name here
	     * if this path has a %device% prefix.		*/
	    if (pstr[0] == '%') {
		int code;

		/* We concatenate directly since gp_file_name_combine_*
		 * rules are not correct for other devices such as %rom% */
		gs_parse_file_name(&pname, pstr, plen);
		memcpy(buffer, pname.fname, pname.len);
		memcpy(buffer+pname.len, fname, flen);
		code = pname.iodev->procs.open_file(pname.iodev, buffer, pname.len + flen, fmode,
					      &s, (gs_memory_t *)mem);
		if (code < 0)
		make_stream_file(pfile, s, "r");
		/* fill in the buffer with the device concatenated */
		memcpy(buffer, pstr, plen);
		memcpy(buffer+plen, fname, flen);
		*pclen = plen + flen;
		return 0;
	    } else {
		r = gp_file_name_combine(pstr, plen, 
			fname, flen, false, buffer, &blen1);
		if (r != gp_combine_success)
		if (iodev_os_open_file(iodev, (const char *)buffer, blen1, (const char *)fmode,
					&s, (gs_memory_t *)mem) == 0) {
		    if (starting_arg_file ||
			check_file_permissions_aux(i_ctx_p, buffer, blen1) >= 0) {
			*pclen = blen1;
			make_stream_file(pfile, s, "r");
			return 0;
Exemple #6
 * Reduces parent references and current directory references when possible.
 * The trailing zero byte is being added.
 * Examples : 
 *	"/gs/lib/../Resource/CMap/H" --> "/gs/Resource/CMap/H"
 *	"C:/gs/lib/../Resource/CMap/H" --> "C:/gs/Resource/CMap/H"
 *	"hard disk:gs:lib::Resource:CMap:H" --> 
 *		"hard disk:gs:Resource:CMap:H"
 *      "\\server\share/a/b///c/../d.e/./../x.e/././/../../y.z/v.v" --> 
 *		"\\server\share/a/y.z/v.v"
gp_file_name_reduce(const char *fname, uint flen, char *buffer, uint *blen)
    return gp_file_name_combine(fname, flen, fname + flen, 0, false, buffer, blen);