Exemple #1
static int
camera_config_get (Camera *camera, CameraWidget **window, GPContext *context) 
        CameraWidget *section, *turbo;
	char buf[1024];
	int val;

        gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_WINDOW, _("Camera Configuration"), window);
        gp_widget_set_name (*window, "config");

        gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_SECTION, _("Driver Settings"), &section);
	gp_widget_set_name (section, "driver");
        gp_widget_append (*window, section);

	gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_RADIO, _("Turbo mode"), &turbo);
        gp_widget_set_name (turbo, "turbo");
        gp_widget_add_choice (turbo,_("On"));
        gp_widget_add_choice (turbo,_("Off"));
        gp_widget_append (section, turbo);

        if (GP_OK == gp_setting_get("topfield","turbo", buf)) {
		if (!strcmp(buf,"no"))
			val = 0;
			val = 1;
	} else {
		val = 1; /* enabled by default */
        gp_widget_set_value ( turbo, val?_("On"):_("Off"));
	return GP_OK;
Exemple #2
static int
camera_get_config (Camera *c, CameraWidget **window, GPContext *co)
	CameraWidget *s, *w;
	const char *copyright;
	time_t time;

	CR (gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_WINDOW, _("Configuration"), window));

	/* General settings */
	CR (gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_SECTION, _("General"), &s));
	CR (gp_widget_append (*window, s));

	/* Copyright */
	CR (gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_TEXT, _("Copyright"), &w));
	CR (gp_widget_set_name (w, "copyright"));
	CR (gp_widget_set_info (w, _("Copyright (max. 20 characters)")));
	CR (gp_widget_append (s, w));
	CR (ricoh_get_copyright (c, co, &copyright));
	CR (gp_widget_set_value (w, (void *) copyright));

	/* Date */
	CR (gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_DATE, _("Date & Time"), &w));
	CRW (gp_widget_set_name (w, "date"), w);
	CRW (gp_widget_set_info (w, _("Date & Time")), w);
	CRW (gp_widget_append (s, w), w);
	CR (ricoh_get_date (c, co, &time));
	CR (gp_widget_set_value (w, &time));

	/* Picture related settings */
	CR (gp_widget_new (GP_WIDGET_SECTION, _("Pictures"), &s));
	CRW (gp_widget_append (*window, s), w);

	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohResolution,  resolution,  "Resolution")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohExposure,    exposure,    "Exposure")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohMacro,       macro,       "Macro")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohFlash,       flash,       "Flash")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohZoom,        zoom,        "Zoom")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohCompression, compression, "Compression")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohWhiteLevel,  white_level, "White Level")
	R_ADD_RADIO (c, co, s, RicohRecMode,     rec_mode,    "Record Mode")

	return (GP_OK);
Exemple #3
static int
camera_cam_desc_get_widget (Camera *camera, CameraRegisterType *reg_p, 
			    CameraWidget *section, GPContext *context)
	int ind, vind, ret, value;
	int mask;
	char buff[1024];
	CameraWidget *child;
	RegisterDescriptorType *reg_desc_p;

	GP_DEBUG ("register %d", reg_p->reg_number);
	if (reg_p->reg_len == 0) {
		 * This is 0 for GP_WIDGET_BUTTON (callbacks), since is no
		 * register for call backs. Frontends "get" the value, and
		 * call the function directly.
		ret = GP_OK;
	} else if (reg_p->reg_len == 4) {
		int rval;
		ret = sierra_get_int_register (camera, reg_p->reg_number,
		reg_p->reg_value = rval;
	} else if (reg_p->reg_len == 8) {
		 * reg_value is 8 bytes maximum. If you need a bigger
		 * value, change the reg_value size, or allocate space on
		 * the fly and make a union with reg_value and a void*.
		ret = sierra_get_string_register (camera, reg_p->reg_number, 
					  -1, NULL, (unsigned char *)buff, (unsigned int *)&value, context);
		if ((ret == GP_OK) && value != reg_p->reg_len) {
			GP_DEBUG ("Bad length result %d", value);
			return (GP_ERROR);
		memcpy (&reg_p->reg_value, buff, reg_p->reg_len);
	} else {
		GP_DEBUG ("Bad register length %d", reg_p->reg_number);
		return (GP_ERROR);
	GP_DEBUG ("... '%s'.", gp_result_as_string (ret));
        if (ret < 0) {
		return (ret);

	for (ind = 0; ind < reg_p->reg_desc_cnt; ind++) {
		reg_desc_p = &reg_p->reg_desc[ind];
		mask = reg_desc_p->regs_mask;
		GP_DEBUG ("window name is %s", reg_desc_p->regs_long_name);
		gp_widget_new (reg_desc_p->reg_widget_type, 
			       _(reg_desc_p->regs_long_name), &child);
		gp_widget_set_name (child, reg_desc_p->regs_short_name);
		 * Setting the info for the preference settings does not
		 * make sense like it does for an icon button. This is
		 * used as the tool-tip field (mouse over hint that pops
		 * up after a second in gtkam).  We don't want this used
		 * at all; setting it to space doesn't work well, so just
		 * set it to the same as regs_long_name.
		gp_widget_set_info (child,  _(reg_desc_p->regs_long_name));
		GP_DEBUG ("reg_value 0x%016llx", (long long unsigned)reg_p->reg_value);
		for (vind = 0; vind < reg_desc_p->reg_val_name_cnt; vind++) {
			camera_cam_desc_get_value (&reg_desc_p->regs_value_names[vind],
				reg_desc_p->reg_widget_type, reg_p->reg_len,
				(char*) &reg_p->reg_value, mask, child);
		 * For radio and menu values: if there has been no change, it
		 * means the value was not set, and so it is unknown.
		if (((reg_desc_p->reg_widget_type == GP_WIDGET_RADIO) || 
		     (reg_desc_p->reg_widget_type == GP_WIDGET_MENU)) && 
		      !gp_widget_changed (child)) {
			sprintf (buff, _("%lld (unknown)"), (long long)reg_p->reg_value);
			gp_widget_add_choice (child, buff);
			gp_widget_set_value (child, buff);
		gp_widget_append (section, child);
	return (GP_OK);
Exemple #4
 * Retrieve a single configuration \c widget for the \c camera.
 * @param camera a #Camera
 * @param name the name of a configuration widget
 * @param widget a #CameraWidget
 * @param context a #GPContext
 * @return gphoto2 error code
 * This \c widget will then contain the current and the possible values and the type.
gp_camera_get_single_config (Camera *camera, const char *name, CameraWidget **widget, GPContext *context)
	CameraWidget		*rootwidget, *child;
	CameraWidgetType	type;
	const char		*label;
	int			ret, ro;

	C_PARAMS (camera);
	CHECK_INIT (camera, context);

	if (camera->functions->get_single_config) {
		CHECK_RESULT_OPEN_CLOSE (camera, camera->functions->get_single_config (
						camera, name, widget, context), context);

		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return GP_OK;

	if (!camera->functions->get_config) {
		gp_context_error (context, _("This camera does not provide any configuration options."));
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	/* emulate it ... */
	CHECK_OPEN (camera, context);

	ret = camera->functions->get_config ( camera, &rootwidget, context);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;
	ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (rootwidget, name, &child);
	if (ret != GP_OK) {
		gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
		CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
		CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
		return ret;

	/* We need to duplicate the widget, as we will free the widgettree */
	gp_widget_get_type (child, &type);
	gp_widget_get_label (child, &label);
	gp_widget_get_readonly (child, &ro);

	ret = gp_widget_new (type, label, widget);
	if (ret != GP_OK)
		goto out;
	gp_widget_set_name (*widget, name);
	gp_widget_set_readonly (*widget, ro);

	switch (type) {
        case GP_WIDGET_MENU:
        case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: {
		char *value;
		int i, nrofchoices;

		nrofchoices = gp_widget_count_choices (child);
		for (i = 0; i < nrofchoices; i++) {
			const char *choice;

			gp_widget_get_choice (child, i, &choice);
			gp_widget_add_choice (*widget, choice);
		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, value);
        case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: {
		char *value;

		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, value);
        case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: {
		float value, rmin, rmax, rstep;

		gp_widget_get_range (child, &rmin, &rmax, &rstep);
		gp_widget_set_range (*widget, rmin, rmax, rstep);
		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, &value);
        case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE:
        case GP_WIDGET_DATE: {
		int value;

		gp_widget_get_value (child, &value);
		gp_widget_set_value (*widget, &value);
        case GP_WIDGET_BUTTON:
        case GP_WIDGET_SECTION:
        case GP_WIDGET_WINDOW:
                ret = GP_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS;
	gp_widget_free (rootwidget);
	CHECK_CLOSE (camera, context);
	CAMERA_UNUSED (camera, context);
	return ret;