Exemple #1
         * @brief       synchronize a container
         * @param[in]   container   The container to synchronize.
         * @param[in]   state       The partial state to synch this container to.
         * Synchronizes the container @a container and it's desired children to be as written down in
         * the WindowStateBase @a state.
         * The process involves 3 steps:
         * 1.   find or create any View or ContainerWidget objects required to fill the container.
         *      This will recurse into sub containers.
         * 2.   remove anything that is left over in the @a container.
         * 3.   add the found objects to @a container.
        void ModeSwitcher::synchronizeContainer(ContainerWidget* container, XmlState* state) {
            QList< AbstractViewWidget* > newContents;

            // We start by creating a list of what shall be inside the container. Thus we call the
            // grabXXX methods which will search anything existing and give it to us (in case it is
            // reusable). If grabXXX won't find anything, it will create something new.

            // During this run, we recurse into sub-containers.

            foreach (const XmlState::Ptr& ws, state->children()) {
                AbstractViewWidget* next = NULL;

                switch(ws->type()) {
                case XmlState::WSView:
                    next = grabView(static_cast<XmlStateView*>(ws.data()));

                case XmlState::WSSplitter:
                    next = grabSplitter(static_cast<XmlStateSplitter*>(ws.data()));
                    synchronizeContainer(next->asContainerWidget(), ws.data());

                case XmlState::WSTab:
                    next = grabTab(static_cast<XmlStateTab* >(ws.data()));
                    synchronizeContainer(next->asContainerWidget(), ws.data());


                               QString(QLatin1String("Invalid window state (%1) for child "
                                                     "\"%2\" of container \"%3\""))

                associateViewContainer(next, ws.data());

            // We have now taken all views that we want to reuse "out" of the container, leaving only
            // the ones which are referenced by mExistingViews but shall no longer be inside this
            // container. If they will not be reused until the end of this run, killUnsed() will take
            // care of conserving their content and delete the views.

            // So, all we need to do here is to take anything that's still inside the container away.

            while(container->count()) {
                container->takeAt(container->count() - 1);

            // Insert all Views/Containers we want into the ContainerWidget
            foreach (AbstractViewWidget* viewToAdd, newContents) {
Exemple #2
int clean(const char *devFile, const char *logFile, const char *strR1, const char *strR2, const char *strSE, int tmpforcePairs, int tmpPolyATTrim) {
        int forcePairs = tmpforcePairs;

        FILE *f = fopen(devFile, "r");
        //FILE *f = stderr;
        FILE *R1 = NULL;
        FILE *R2 = NULL;
        FILE *SE = NULL;
        FILE *log = NULL;

        struct reads r;
        struct stats s;
        int sum = 0, R1_len = 0, R2_len = 0, SE_len = 0;

        PolyATTrim = tmpPolyATTrim;

        while (grabTab(f, &r, &s)) {

            if ((r.r2).r_header != NULL && (r.r1).r_header != NULL) {
                if (R1 == NULL) {
                    R1 = fopen(strR1, "a");
                if (R2 == NULL) {
                    R2 = fopen(strR2, "a");

                if ((r.r1).r_header[0] == '@') {

                    if ((r.r1).r_header[strlen((r.r1).r_header)-1] == '1') {
                        fprintf(R1, "%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);
                        (r.r2).r_header[strlen((r.r2).r_header)-1] = '2';
                        fprintf(R2, "%s\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r2).r_header, (r.r2).r_seq, (r.r2).r_qual);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(R1, "%s/1\n%s\n+\n%s\n", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);
                        fprintf(R2, "%s/2\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r2).r_header, (r.r2).r_seq, (r.r2).r_qual);

                    } else {
                        fprintf(R1, "@%s/1\n%s\n+\n%s\n", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);
                        fprintf(R2, "@%s/2\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r2).r_header, (r.r2).r_seq, (r.r2).r_qual);

            } else if (forcePairs && (r.r1).r_header != NULL) {
                int loc = (strlen((r.r1).r_seq))/2;
                char cSeq = (r.r1).r_seq[loc];
                char cQual = (r.r1).r_qual[loc];

                if (R1 == NULL) {
                    R1 = fopen(strR1, "a");
                if (R2 == NULL) {
                    R2 = fopen(strR2, "a");

                if ((r.r1).r_header[0] == '@') {
                    (r.r1).r_seq[loc] = '\0';
                    (r.r1).r_qual[loc] = '\0';
                    fprintf(R1, "%s/1\n%s\n+\n%s\n", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);
                    (r.r1).r_seq[loc] = cSeq;
                    (r.r1).r_qual[loc] = cQual;
                    fprintf(R2, "%s/2\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r1).r_header, reverseComp(&((r.r1).r_seq)[loc]), reverse(&((r.r1).r_qual)[loc]));
                } else {
                    (r.r1).r_seq[loc] = '\0';
                    (r.r1).r_qual[loc] = '\0';
                    fprintf(R1, "@%s/1\n%s\n+\n%s\n", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);
                    (r.r1).r_seq[loc] = cSeq;
                    (r.r1).r_qual[loc] = cQual;
                    fprintf(R2, "@%s/2\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r1).r_header, reverseComp(&((r.r1).r_seq)[loc]), reverse(&((r.r1).r_qual)[loc]));
            } else if ((r.r1).r_header != NULL) {
                if (SE == NULL) {
                    SE = fopen(strSE, "a");
                if ((r.r1).r_header[0] == '@') {
                    fprintf(SE, "%s\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);
                } else {
                     fprintf(SE, "@%s\n%s\n+\n%s", (r.r1).r_header, (r.r1).r_seq, (r.r1).r_qual);

                if ((r.r1).r_qual[strlen((r.r1).r_qual)-1] != '\n') {
                    fprintf(SE, "\n");



        if (log == NULL) {
            log = fopen(logFile, "a");

        for (sum = 0; sum < 700; sum++) {
            R1_len += (s.R1_length[sum] * sum);
            R2_len += (s.R2_length[sum] * sum);
            SE_len += (s.SE_length[sum] * sum);

        fprintf(log, "A\tT\tG\tC\tN\tPolyA_Removed_Reads\tPolyT_Removed_Reads\tShort_discarded\tPE_Kept\tSE_Kept\tForced_Pairs\tR1_Ave_Len\tR2_Ave_Len\tSE_Ave_Len\tAverageQual\n");
        fprintf(log, "%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t%llu\t\
                s.A, s.T, s.G, s.C, s.N, s.polyATrimmed, s.polyTTrimmed, s.r1_discarded + s.r2_discarded + s.se_discarded, s.pe_kept, s.se_kept, s.numForcedPairs,
        (float)R1_len/(float)(s.pe_kept), (float)R2_len/(float)(s.pe_kept), (float)SE_len/(float)(s.se_kept), (float)((float)(s.qualTotal)/(float)(s.A + s.T + s.C + s.G + s.N)));

    if (f != NULL) {

    if (R1 != NULL) {

        if (SE != NULL) {

        if (log != NULL) {
        return 1;
