void GrammarResolver::cacheGrammars() { RefHashTableOfEnumerator<Grammar> grammarEnum(fGrammarBucket, false, fMemoryManager); ValueVectorOf<XMLCh*> keys(8, fMemoryManager); unsigned int keyCount = 0; // Build key set while (grammarEnum.hasMoreElements()) { XMLCh* grammarKey = (XMLCh*) grammarEnum.nextElementKey(); keys.addElement(grammarKey); keyCount++; } // PSVI: assume everything will be added, if caching fails add grammar back // into vector fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->removeAllElements(); // Cache for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { XMLCh* grammarKey = keys.elementAt(i); /*** * It is up to the GrammarPool implementation to handle duplicated grammar */ Grammar* grammar = fGrammarBucket->get(grammarKey); if(fGrammarPool->cacheGrammar(grammar)) { // only orphan grammar if grammar pool accepts caching of it fGrammarBucket->orphanKey(grammarKey); } else if (grammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { // add it back to list of grammars not in grammar pool fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->addElement((SchemaGrammar*) grammar); } } }
/*** * .non-empty gramamrRegistry ***/ void XMLGrammarPoolImpl::serializeGrammars(BinOutputStream* const binOut) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator<Grammar> grammarEnum(fGrammarRegistry, false, getMemoryManager()); if (!(grammarEnum.hasMoreElements())) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XSerializationException, XMLExcepts::XSer_GrammarPool_Empty, getMemoryManager()); } XSerializeEngine serEng(binOut, this); //version information serEng<<(unsigned int)XERCES_GRAMMAR_SERIALIZATION_LEVEL; //lock status serEng<<fLocked; //StringPool, don't use << fStringPool->serialize(serEng); /*** * Serialize RefHashTableOf<Grammar>* fGrammarRegistry; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fGrammarRegistry, serEng); }
XSModel *GrammarResolver::getXSModel() { XSModel* xsModel; if (fCacheGrammar || fUseCachedGrammar) { // We know if the grammarpool changed thru caching, orphaning and erasing // but NOT by other mechanisms such as lockPool() or unlockPool() so it // is safest to always get it. The grammarPool XSModel will only be // regenerated if something changed. bool XSModelWasChanged; // The grammarpool will always return an xsmodel, even if it is just // the schema for schema xsmodel... xsModel = fGrammarPool->getXSModel(XSModelWasChanged); if (XSModelWasChanged) { // we know the grammarpool XSModel has changed or this is the // first call to getXSModel if (!fGrammarPoolXSModel && (fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->size() == 0) && !fXSModel) { fGrammarPoolXSModel = xsModel; return fGrammarPoolXSModel; } else { fGrammarPoolXSModel = xsModel; // We had previously augmented the grammar pool XSModel // with our our grammars or we would like to upate it now // so we have to regenerate the XSModel fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->removeAllElements(); RefHashTableOfEnumerator<Grammar> grammarEnum(fGrammarBucket, false, fMemoryManager); while (grammarEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Grammar& grammar = (Grammar&) grammarEnum.nextElement(); if (grammar.getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->addElement((SchemaGrammar*)&grammar); } delete fXSModel; if (fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->size()) { fXSModel = new (fMemoryManager) XSModel(fGrammarPoolXSModel, this, fMemoryManager); fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->removeAllElements(); return fXSModel; } fXSModel = 0; return fGrammarPoolXSModel; } } else { // we know that the grammar pool XSModel is the same as before if (fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->size()) { // we need to update our fXSModel with the new grammars if (fXSModel) { xsModel = new (fMemoryManager) XSModel(fXSModel, this, fMemoryManager); fXSModel = xsModel; } else { fXSModel = new (fMemoryManager) XSModel(fGrammarPoolXSModel, this, fMemoryManager); } fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->removeAllElements(); return fXSModel; } // Nothing has changed! if (fXSModel) { return fXSModel; } else if (fGrammarPoolXSModel) { return fGrammarPoolXSModel; } fXSModel = new (fMemoryManager) XSModel(0, this, fMemoryManager); return fXSModel; } } // Not Caching... if (fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->size()) { xsModel = new (fMemoryManager) XSModel(fXSModel, this, fMemoryManager); fGrammarsToAddToXSModel->removeAllElements(); fXSModel = xsModel; } else if (!fXSModel) { // create a new model only if we didn't have one already fXSModel = new (fMemoryManager) XSModel(0, this, fMemoryManager); } return fXSModel; }
/*** * .empty stringPool * .empty gramamrRegistry ***/ void XMLGrammarPoolImpl::deserializeGrammars(BinInputStream* const binIn) { MemoryManager *memMgr = getMemoryManager(); unsigned int stringCount = fStringPool->getStringCount(); if (stringCount) { /*** * it contains only the four predefined one, that is ok * but we need to reset the string before deserialize it * ***/ if ( stringCount <= 4 ) { fStringPool->flushAll(); } else { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XSerializationException, XMLExcepts::XSer_StringPool_NotEmpty, memMgr); } } RefHashTableOfEnumerator<Grammar> grammarEnum(fGrammarRegistry, false, memMgr); if (grammarEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(XSerializationException, XMLExcepts::XSer_GrammarPool_NotEmpty, memMgr); } // This object will take care of cleaning up if an exception is // thrown during deserialization. JanitorMemFunCall<XMLGrammarPoolImpl> cleanup(this, &XMLGrammarPoolImpl::cleanUp); try { XSerializeEngine serEng(binIn, this); //version information unsigned int StorerLevel; serEng>>StorerLevel; serEng.fStorerLevel = StorerLevel; // The storer level must match the loader level. // if (StorerLevel != (unsigned int)XERCES_GRAMMAR_SERIALIZATION_LEVEL) { XMLCh StorerLevelChar[5]; XMLCh LoaderLevelChar[5]; XMLString::binToText(StorerLevel, StorerLevelChar, 4, 10, memMgr); XMLString::binToText(XERCES_GRAMMAR_SERIALIZATION_LEVEL, LoaderLevelChar, 4, 10, memMgr); ThrowXMLwithMemMgr2(XSerializationException , XMLExcepts::XSer_Storer_Loader_Mismatch , StorerLevelChar , LoaderLevelChar , memMgr); } //lock status serEng>>fLocked; //StringPool, don't use >> fStringPool->serialize(serEng); /*** * Deserialize RefHashTableOf<Grammar>* fGrammarRegistry; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fGrammarRegistry, 29, true, serEng); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { // This is a special case, because we don't want // to execute cleanup code on out-of-memory // conditions. cleanup.release(); throw; } // Everything is OK, so we can release the cleanup object. cleanup.release(); if (fLocked) { createXSModel(); } }