MSSymbolVector MSTableColumn::groups(void) const { MSSymbolVector symbols; unsigned len=groupList().length(); for (unsigned i=0;i<len;i++) { const MSManagedPointer<MSTableColumnGroup> &group=groupList()[i]; symbols<<group->tag(); } return symbols; }
int QLCChannel_Test::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: groupList(); break; case 1: name(); break; case 2: group(); break; case 3: controlByte(); break; case 4: colourList(); break; case 5: colour(); break; case 6: searchCapabilityByValue(); break; case 7: searchCapabilityByName(); break; case 8: addCapability(); break; case 9: removeCapability(); break; case 10: sortCapabilities(); break; case 11: copy(); break; case 12: load(); break; case 13: loadWrongRoot(); break; case 14: save(); break; default: ; } _id -= 15; } return _id; }
int main( int argcount, char ** args ) { bool isSignedOn = false; // An instance of the script // must be created before any other output. cgiScript script("text/html",false); openLogin login; // attempt to get cookie if ( login.testLoginStatus() ) { isSignedOn = true; } if( isSignedOn ) { script.closeHeader(); groupList(script,login); } else { script.Redirect("signIn.html"); script.closeHeader(); return(0); } }
void TrackInfo::setGroup( const QString &group, bool add ) { QStringList groupList( mGroups.split('|', QString::SkipEmptyParts) ); int i = groupList.indexOf( group ); if( add ) { if( i < 0 ) { groupList.append( QString(group).replace('|','\\') ); groupList.sort(); } } else { if( i >= 0 ) { groupList.removeAt( i ); } } if( groupList.count() ) { mGroups = groupList.join( "|" ); mGroups.prepend( "|" ); mGroups.append( "|" ); } else { mGroups.clear(); } }
//*************************************************************************** void Kwave::MenuRoot::hideChild(Kwave::MenuSub *child) { Q_ASSERT(child); if (!child) return; if (!m_children.contains(child)) return; if (groupList().contains(child->name())) return; QAction *action = child->action(); if (action) m_menu_bar.removeAction(action); }
//*************************************************************************** void Kwave::MenuRoot::removeChild(Kwave::MenuNode *child) { Q_ASSERT(child); if (!child) return; if (!m_children.contains(child)) return; QHash<QString, Kwave::MenuGroup *> &group_list = groupList(); if (!group_list.contains(child->name())) { // only remove what has been added to the menu bar, // but not menu groups QAction *action = child->action(); if (action) m_menu_bar.removeAction(action); } Kwave::MenuNode::removeChild(child); }
//*************************************************************************** void Kwave::MenuRoot::showChild(Kwave::MenuSub *child) { Q_ASSERT(child); if (!child) return; if (!m_children.contains(child)) return; if (groupList().contains(child->name())) return; // find the menu bar entry after which we can insert QAction *action_before = 0; QListIterator<Kwave::MenuNode *> it(m_children); it.toBack(); while (it.hasPrevious()) { Kwave::MenuNode *c = it.previous(); if (c == child) break; if (c) action_before = c->action(); } if (action_before) m_menu_bar.insertMenu(action_before, child->menu()); else m_menu_bar.addMenu(child->menu()); }