static Dlg_head * init_chmod (void) { int i; Dlg_head *ch_dlg; do_refresh (); end_chmod = c_file = need_update = 0; single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 2 : 0; ch_dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, 22 - single_set, 70, dialog_colors, chmod_callback, "[Chmod]", _("Chmod command"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE); for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++) { if (i == 2 && single_set) break; else add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (BY + chmod_but[i].y - single_set, BX + chmod_but[i].x, chmod_but[i].ret_cmd, chmod_but[i].flags, _(chmod_but[i].text), 0)); } add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (FY, FX, 10, 25, _("File"))); for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++) { check_perm[i].check = check_new (PY + (PERMISSIONS - i), PX + 2, 0, _(check_perm[i].text)); add_widget (ch_dlg, check_perm[i].check); } add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (PY, PX, PERMISSIONS + 2, 33, _("Permission"))); return ch_dlg; }
static WDialog * init_chown (void) { int lines, cols; int i; int y; struct passwd *l_pass; struct group *l_grp; WDialog *ch_dlg; do_refresh (); end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0; single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 3 : 0; cols = GW * 3 + 2 + 6; lines = GH + 4 + (single_set ? 2 : 4); ch_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, chown_callback, NULL, "[Chown]", _("Chown command"), DLG_CENTER); add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 3, GH, GW, _("User name"))); l_user = listbox_new (3, 4, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL); add_widget (ch_dlg, l_user); /* add field for unknown names (numbers) */ listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown user>"), NULL); /* get and put user names in the listbox */ setpwent (); while ((l_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL) listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL); endpwent (); add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 4 + GW, GH, GW, _("Group name"))); l_group = listbox_new (3, 5 + GW, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL); add_widget (ch_dlg, l_group); /* add field for unknown names (numbers) */ listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown group>"), NULL); /* get and put group names in the listbox */ setgrent (); while ((l_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL) listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL); endgrent (); add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 5 + GW * 2, GH, GW, _("File"))); /* add widgets for the file information */ for (i = 0; i < LABELS; i++) { chown_label[i].l = label_new (chown_label[i].y, 7 + GW * 2, ""); add_widget (ch_dlg, chown_label[i].l); } if (!single_set) { int x; add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (lines - chown_but[0].y - 1, -1, -1)); y = lines - chown_but[0].y; x = (cols - blen) / 2; for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - 2; i++) { add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (y, x, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL)); x += chown_but[i].len + 1; } } i = BUTTONS - 2; y = lines - chown_but[i].y; add_widget (ch_dlg, hline_new (y - 1, -1, -1)); add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 - chown_but[i].len, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL)); i++; add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (y, WIDGET (ch_dlg)->cols / 2 + 1, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL)); /* select first listbox */ dlg_select_widget (l_user); return ch_dlg; }
static WDialog * init_listmode (char *oldlistformat) { int i; char *s; int format_width = 0; int format_columns = 0; WDialog *listmode_dlg; static struct listmode_label listmode_labels[] = { {UY + 13, UX + 22, "Item width:"} }; static struct listmode_button listmode_but[] = { {B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 53, "&Cancel", NULL}, {B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 22, "&Add item", badd_cback}, {B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 10, "&Remove", bremove_cback}, {B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, BY, BX, "&OK", NULL}, {B_PLUS, NARROW_BUTTON, UY + 13, UX + 37, "&+", bplus_cback}, {B_MINUS, NARROW_BUTTON, UY + 13, UX + 34, "&-", bminus_cback}, }; do_refresh (); listmode_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 22, 74, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, listmode_section, "Listing format edit", DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE); add_widget (listmode_dlg, groupbox_new (UY, UX, 4, 63, "General options")); add_widget (listmode_dlg, groupbox_new (UY + 4, UX, 11, 18, "Items")); add_widget (listmode_dlg, groupbox_new (UY + 4, UX + 20, 11, 43, "Item options")); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (listmode_but) / sizeof (struct listmode_button); i++) add_widget (listmode_dlg, button_new (listmode_but[i].y, listmode_but[i].x, listmode_but[i].ret_cmd, listmode_but[i].flags, listmode_but[i].text, listmode_but[i].callback)); /* We add the labels. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof (listmode_labels) / sizeof (struct listmode_label); i++) { pname = label_new (listmode_labels[i].y, listmode_labels[i].x, listmode_labels[i].text); add_widget (listmode_dlg, pname); } radio_itemwidth = radio_new (UY + 9, UX + 22, 3, s_itemwidth); add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_itemwidth); radio_itemwidth = 0; radio_justify = radio_new (UY + 5, UX + 22, 3, s_justify); add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_justify); radio_justify->sel = 1; /* get new listbox */ l_listmode = listbox_new (UY + 5, UX + 1, 9, 16, FALSE, NULL); if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "full ", 5) == 0) { format_width = 1; oldlistformat += 5; } if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "half ", 5) == 0) { oldlistformat += 5; } if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "2 ", 2) == 0) { format_columns = 1; oldlistformat += 2; } if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "1 ", 2) == 0) { oldlistformat += 2; } s = strtok (oldlistformat, ","); while (s) { listbox_add_item (l_listmode, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, s, NULL, FALSE); s = strtok (NULL, ","); } /* add listbox to the dialogs */ add_widget (listmode_dlg, l_listmode); radio_columns = radio_new (UY + 1, UX + 32, 2, s_columns); add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_columns); radio_columns->sel = format_columns; radio_genwidth = radio_new (UY + 1, UX + 2, 2, s_genwidth); add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_genwidth); radio_genwidth->sel = format_width; return listmode_dlg; }
int quick_dialog_skip (QuickDialog * qd, int nskip) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #define I18N(x) (x = !qd->i18n && x != NULL && *x != '\0' ? _(x): x) #else #define I18N(x) (x = x) #endif Dlg_head *dd; QuickWidget *qw; WInput *in; WRadio *r; int return_val; I18N (qd->title); if ((qd->xpos == -1) || (qd->ypos == -1)) dd = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, qd->ylen, qd->xlen, dialog_colors, qd->callback, qd->mouse, qd->help, qd->title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP | DLG_REVERSE); else dd = create_dlg (TRUE, qd->ypos, qd->xpos, qd->ylen, qd->xlen, dialog_colors, qd->callback, qd->mouse, qd->help, qd->title, DLG_REVERSE); for (qw = qd->widgets; qw->widget_type != quick_end; qw++) { int xpos; int ypos; xpos = (qd->xlen * qw->relative_x) / qw->x_divisions; ypos = (qd->ylen * qw->relative_y) / qw->y_divisions; switch (qw->widget_type) { case quick_checkbox: qw->widget = (Widget *) check_new (ypos, xpos, *qw->u.checkbox.state, I18N (qw->u.checkbox.text)); break; case quick_button: qw->widget = (Widget *) button_new (ypos, xpos, qw->u.button.action, (qw->u.button.action == B_ENTER) ? DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON, I18N (qw->u.button.text), qw->u.button.callback); break; case quick_input: in = input_new (ypos, xpos, input_get_default_colors (), qw->u.input.len, qw->u.input.text, qw->u.input.histname, INPUT_COMPLETE_DEFAULT); in->is_password = (qw->u.input.flags == 1); if ((qw->u.input.flags & 2) != 0) in->completion_flags |= INPUT_COMPLETE_CD; if ((qw->u.input.flags & 4) != 0) in->strip_password = TRUE; qw->widget = (Widget *) in; *qw->u.input.result = NULL; break; case quick_label: qw->widget = (Widget *) label_new (ypos, xpos, I18N (qw->u.label.text)); break; case quick_groupbox: qw->widget = (Widget *) groupbox_new (ypos, xpos, qw->u.groupbox.height, qw->u.groupbox.width, I18N (qw->u.groupbox.title)); break; case quick_radio: { int i; char **items = NULL; /* create the copy of radio_items to avoid mwmory leak */ items = g_new0 (char *, qw-> + 1); if (!qd->i18n) for (i = 0; i < qw->; i++) items[i] = g_strdup (_(qw->[i])); else for (i = 0; i < qw->; i++) items[i] = g_strdup (qw->[i]); r = radio_new (ypos, xpos, qw->, (const char **) items); r->pos = r->sel = *qw->; qw->widget = (Widget *) r; g_strfreev (items); break; } default: qw->widget = NULL; fprintf (stderr, "QuickWidget: unknown widget type\n"); break; } if (qw->widget != NULL) { qw->widget->options |= qw->options; /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */ add_widget (dd, qw->widget); } } while (nskip-- != 0) { dd->current = g_list_next (dd->current); if (dd->current == NULL) dd->current = dd->widgets; } return_val = run_dlg (dd); /* Get the data if we found something interesting */ if (return_val != B_CANCEL) { for (qw = qd->widgets; qw->widget_type != quick_end; qw++) { switch (qw->widget_type) { case quick_checkbox: *qw->u.checkbox.state = ((WCheck *) qw->widget)->state & C_BOOL; break; case quick_input: if ((qw->u.input.flags & 2) != 0) *qw->u.input.result = tilde_expand (((WInput *) qw->widget)->buffer); else *qw->u.input.result = g_strdup (((WInput *) qw->widget)->buffer); break; case quick_radio: *qw-> = ((WRadio *) qw->widget)->sel; break; default: break; } } } destroy_dlg (dd); return return_val; #undef I18N }
static void init_layout (void) { static int i18n_layt_flag = 0; static int b1, b2, b3; int i = sizeof (s_split_direction) / sizeof (char *); char *ok_button = _("&OK"); char *cancel_button = _("&Cancel"); char *save_button = _("&Save"); static char *title1, *title2, *title3; if (!i18n_layt_flag) { register int l1; first_width = 19; /* length of line with '<' '>' buttons */ title1 = _(" Panel split "); title2 = _(" Highlight... "); title3 = _(" Other options "); output_lines_label = _("output lines"); while (i--) { s_split_direction[i] = _(s_split_direction[i]); l1 = strlen (s_split_direction[i]) + 7; if (l1 > first_width) first_width = l1; } for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) { check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text); l1 = strlen (check_options[i].text) + 7; if (l1 > first_width) first_width = l1; } l1 = strlen (title1) + 1; if (l1 > first_width) first_width = l1; l1 = strlen (title2) + 1; if (l1 > first_width) first_width = l1; second_width = strlen (title3) + 1; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text); l1 = strlen (check_options[i].text) + 7; if (l1 > second_width) second_width = l1; } if (console_flag) { l1 = strlen (output_lines_label) + 13; if (l1 > second_width) second_width = l1; } /* * [email protected]: * To be completely correct, one need to check if the title * does not exceed dialog length and total length of 3 buttons * allows their placement in one row. But assuming this dialog * is wide enough, I don't include such a tests. * * Now the last thing to do - properly space buttons... */ l1 = 11 + strlen (ok_button) /* 14 - all brackets and inner space */ +strlen (save_button) /* notice: it is 3 char less because */ +strlen (cancel_button); /* of '&' char in button text */ i = (first_width + second_width - l1) / 4; b1 = 5 + i; b2 = b1 + strlen (ok_button) + i + 6; b3 = b2 + strlen (save_button) + i + 4; i18n_layt_flag = 1; } layout_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 15, first_width + second_width + 9, dialog_colors, layout_callback, "[Layout]", _("Layout"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE); add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (4, 2, first_width, 6, title1)); add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (4, 8, first_width, 4, title2)); add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (5 + first_width, 2, second_width, 10, title3)); add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (BY, b3, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, cancel_button, 0)); add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (BY, b2, B_EXIT, NORMAL_BUTTON, save_button, 0)); add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (BY, b1, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, ok_button, 0)); if (console_flag) { add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (9, 12 + first_width, B_MINUS, NARROW_BUTTON, "&-", bminus_cback)); add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (9, 7 + first_width, B_PLUS, NARROW_BUTTON, "&+", bplus_cback)); } #define XTRACT(i) *check_options[i].variable, check_options[i].text for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { check_options[i].widget = check_new (8 - i, 7 + first_width, XTRACT (i)); add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[i].widget); } check_options[8].widget = check_new (10, 6, XTRACT (8)); add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[8].widget); check_options[7].widget = check_new (9, 6, XTRACT (7)); add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[7].widget); _filetype_mode = filetype_mode; _permission_mode = permission_mode; _equal_split = equal_split; _menubar_visible = menubar_visible; _command_prompt = command_prompt; _keybar_visible = keybar_visible; _message_visible = message_visible; /* _xterm_title = xterm_title; */ bright_widget = button_new (6, 15, B_2RIGHT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&>", b2right_cback); add_widget (layout_dlg, bright_widget); bleft_widget = button_new (6, 9, B_2LEFT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&<", b2left_cback); add_widget (layout_dlg, bleft_widget); check_options[6].widget = check_new (5, 6, XTRACT (6)); old_first_panel_size = -1; old_horizontal_split = -1; old_output_lines = -1; _first_panel_size = first_panel_size; _output_lines = output_lines; add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[6].widget); radio_widget = radio_new (3, 6, 2, s_split_direction, 1); add_widget (layout_dlg, radio_widget); radio_widget->sel = horizontal_split; }
static void init_panelize (void) { struct { int ret_cmd; button_flags_t flags; const char *text; } panelize_but[] = { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize") }, { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Remove") }, { B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Add new") }, { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Cancel") } /* *INDENT-ON* */ }; size_t i; int blen; int panelize_cols; struct panelize *current; int x, y; last_listitem = 0; do_refresh (); i = G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but); blen = i - 1; /* gaps between buttons */ while (i-- != 0) { #ifdef ENABLE_NLS panelize_but[i].text = _(panelize_but[i].text); #endif blen += str_term_width1 (panelize_but[i].text) + 3 + 1; if (panelize_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON) blen += 2; } panelize_cols = COLS - 6; panelize_cols = max (panelize_cols, blen + 4); panelize_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 20, panelize_cols, dialog_colors, panelize_callback, NULL, "[External panelize]", _("External panelize"), DLG_CENTER); /* add listbox to the dialogs */ y = UY; add_widget (panelize_dlg, groupbox_new (y++, UX, 12, panelize_cols - UX * 2, "")); l_panelize = listbox_new (y, UX + 1, 10, panelize_cols - UX * 2 - 2, FALSE, NULL); for (current = panelize; current != NULL; current = current->next) listbox_add_item (l_panelize, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, current->label, current); listbox_select_entry (l_panelize, listbox_search_text (l_panelize, _("Other command"))); add_widget (panelize_dlg, l_panelize); y += WIDGET (l_panelize)->lines + 1; add_widget (panelize_dlg, label_new (y++, UX, _("Command"))); pname = input_new (y++, UX, input_colors, panelize_cols - UX * 2, "", "in", INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES | INPUT_COMPLETE_HOSTNAMES | INPUT_COMPLETE_COMMANDS | INPUT_COMPLETE_VARIABLES | INPUT_COMPLETE_USERNAMES | INPUT_COMPLETE_CD | INPUT_COMPLETE_SHELL_ESC); add_widget (panelize_dlg, pname); add_widget (panelize_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1)); x = (panelize_cols - blen) / 2; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but); i++) { WButton *b; b = button_new (y, x, panelize_but[i].ret_cmd, panelize_but[i].flags, panelize_but[i].text, NULL); add_widget (panelize_dlg, b); x += button_get_len (b) + 1; } dlg_select_widget (l_panelize); }
int quick_dialog_skip (quick_dialog_t * quick_dlg, int nskip) { int len; int blen = 0; int x, y; /* current positions */ int y1 = 0; /* bottom of 1st column in case of two columns */ int y2 = -1; /* start of two columns */ int width1 = 0; /* width of single column */ int width2 = 0; /* width of each of two columns */ gboolean have_groupbox = FALSE; gboolean two_columns = FALSE; gboolean put_buttons = FALSE; /* x position of 1st column is 3 */ const int x1 = 3; /* x position of 2nd column is 4 and it will be fixed later, after creation of all widgets */ int x2 = 4; GArray *widgets; size_t i; quick_widget_t *quick_widget; WGroupbox *g = NULL; WDialog *dd; int return_val; len = str_term_width1 (I18N (quick_dlg->title)) + 6; quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, len); y = 1; x = x1; /* create widgets */ widgets = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (quick_widget_item_t), 8); for (quick_widget = quick_dlg->widgets; quick_widget->widget_type != quick_end; quick_widget++) { quick_widget_item_t item = { NULL, quick_widget }; int width = 0; switch (quick_widget->widget_type) { case quick_checkbox: item.widget = WIDGET (check_new (++y, x, *quick_widget->u.checkbox.state, I18N (quick_widget->u.checkbox.text))); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); width = item.widget->cols; if (g != NULL) width += 2; if (two_columns) width2 = max (width2, width); else width1 = max (width1, width); break; case quick_button: /* single button */ item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.button.action, quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ? DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON, I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text), quick_widget->u.button.callback)); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); width = item.widget->cols; if (g != NULL) width += 2; if (two_columns) width2 = max (width2, width); else width1 = max (width1, width); break; case quick_input: *quick_widget->u.input.result = NULL; y++; if (quick_widget->u.input.label_location != input_label_none) quick_create_labeled_input (widgets, &y, x, quick_widget, &width); else { item.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (y, x, quick_widget)); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); width = item.widget->cols; } if (g != NULL) width += 2; if (two_columns) width2 = max (width2, width); else width1 = max (width1, width); break; case quick_label: item.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.label.text))); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); y += item.widget->lines - 1; width = item.widget->cols; if (g != NULL) width += 2; if (two_columns) width2 = max (width2, width); else width1 = max (width1, width); break; case quick_radio: { WRadio *r; char **items = NULL; /* create the copy of radio_items to avoid mwmory leak */ items = g_new (char *, quick_widget-> + 1); for (i = 0; i < (size_t) quick_widget->; i++) items[i] = g_strdup (_(quick_widget->[i])); items[i] = NULL; r = radio_new (++y, x, quick_widget->, (const char **) items); r->pos = r->sel = *quick_widget->; g_strfreev (items); item.widget = WIDGET (r); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); y += item.widget->lines - 1; width = item.widget->cols; if (g != NULL) width += 2; if (two_columns) width2 = max (width2, width); else width1 = max (width1, width); } break; case quick_start_groupbox: I18N (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title); len = str_term_width1 (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title); g = groupbox_new (++y, x, 1, len + 4, quick_widget->u.groupbox.title); item.widget = WIDGET (g); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); have_groupbox = TRUE; break; case quick_stop_groupbox: if (g != NULL) { Widget *w = WIDGET (g); y++; w->lines = y + 1 - w->y; g = NULL; g_array_append_val (widgets, item); } break; case quick_separator: y++; if (quick_widget->u.separator.line) { item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, x, 1)); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); } break; case quick_start_columns: y2 = y; g_array_append_val (widgets, item); two_columns = TRUE; break; case quick_next_column: x = x2; y1 = y; y = y2; break; case quick_stop_columns: x = x1; y = max (y1, y); g_array_append_val (widgets, item); two_columns = FALSE; break; case quick_buttons: /* start put several buttons in bottom line */ if (quick_widget-> { y++; if (quick_widget->u.separator.line) item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, 1, -1)); } g_array_append_val (widgets, item); /* several buttons in bottom line */ y++; quick_widget++; for (; quick_widget->widget_type == quick_button; quick_widget++) { item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (y, x++, quick_widget->u.button.action, quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ? DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON, I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text), quick_widget->u.button.callback)); item.quick_widget = quick_widget; g_array_append_val (widgets, item); blen += item.widget->cols + 1; } /* stop dialog build here */ blen--; quick_widget->widget_type = quick_end; quick_widget--; break; default: break; } } /* adjust dialog width */ quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, blen + 6); if (have_groupbox) { if (width1 != 0) width1 += 2; if (width2 != 0) width2 += 2; } if (width2 == 0) len = width1 + 6; else { len = width2 * 2 + 7; if (width1 != 0) len = max (len, width1 + 6); } quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, len); width1 = quick_dlg->cols - 6; width2 = (quick_dlg->cols - 7) / 2; if (quick_dlg->x == -1 || quick_dlg->y == -1) dd = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, y + 3, quick_dlg->cols, dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse, quick_dlg->help, quick_dlg->title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP); else dd = create_dlg (TRUE, quick_dlg->y, quick_dlg->x, y + 3, quick_dlg->cols, dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse, quick_dlg->help, quick_dlg->title, DLG_NONE); /* add widgets into the dialog */ x2 = x1 + width2 + 1; g = NULL; two_columns = FALSE; x = (WIDGET (dd)->cols - blen) / 2; for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++) { quick_widget_item_t *item; int column_width; item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i); column_width = two_columns ? width2 : width1; /* adjust widget width and x position */ switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type) { case quick_label: { quick_widget_t *input = item->quick_widget->u.label.input; if (input != NULL && input->u.input.label_location == input_label_right) { /* location of this label will be adjusted later */ break; } } /* fall through */ case quick_checkbox: case quick_radio: if (item->widget->x != x1) item->widget->x = x2; if (g != NULL) item->widget->x += 2; break; case quick_button: if (!put_buttons) { if (item->widget->x != x1) item->widget->x = x2; if (g != NULL) item->widget->x += 2; } else { item->widget->x = x; x += item->widget->cols + 1; } break; case quick_input: { Widget *label = WIDGET (INPUT (item->widget)->label); int width = column_width; if (g != NULL) width -= 4; switch (item->quick_widget->u.input.label_location) { case input_label_left: /* label was adjusted before; adjust input line */ item->widget->x = label->x + label->cols + 1 - WIDGET (label->owner)->x; item->widget->cols = width - label->cols - 1; break; case input_label_right: label->x = item->widget->x + item->widget->cols + 1 - WIDGET (item->widget->owner)->x; item->widget->cols = width - label->cols - 1; break; default: if (item->widget->x != x1) item->widget->x = x2; if (g != NULL) item->widget->x += 2; item->widget->cols = width; break; } /* forced update internal variables of inpuit line */ input_set_origin (INPUT (item->widget), item->widget->x, item->widget->cols); } break; case quick_start_groupbox: g = GROUPBOX (item->widget); if (item->widget->x != x1) item->widget->x = x2; item->widget->cols = column_width; break; case quick_stop_groupbox: g = NULL; break; case quick_separator: if (item->widget != NULL) { if (g != NULL) { Widget *wg = WIDGET (g); HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE; item->widget->x = wg->x + 1 - WIDGET (wg->owner)->x; item->widget->cols = wg->cols; } else if (two_columns) { HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE; if (item->widget->x != x1) item->widget->x = x2; item->widget->x--; item->widget->cols = column_width + 2; } else HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = TRUE; } break; case quick_start_columns: two_columns = TRUE; break; case quick_stop_columns: two_columns = FALSE; break; case quick_buttons: /* several buttons in bottom line */ put_buttons = TRUE; break; default: break; } if (item->widget != NULL) { unsigned long id; /* add widget into dialog */ item->widget->options |= item->quick_widget->options; /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */ id = add_widget_autopos (dd, item->widget, item->quick_widget->pos_flags, NULL); if (item->quick_widget->id != NULL) *item->quick_widget->id = id; } } while (nskip-- != 0) { dd->current = g_list_next (dd->current); if (dd->current == NULL) dd->current = dd->widgets; } return_val = run_dlg (dd); /* Get the data if we found something interesting */ if (return_val != B_CANCEL) for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++) { quick_widget_item_t *item; item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i); switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type) { case quick_checkbox: *item->quick_widget->u.checkbox.state = CHECK (item->widget)->state & C_BOOL; break; case quick_input: if ((quick_widget->u.input.flags & 2) != 0) *item->quick_widget->u.input.result = tilde_expand (INPUT (item->widget)->buffer); else *item->quick_widget->u.input.result = g_strdup (INPUT (item->widget)->buffer); break; case quick_radio: *item->quick_widget-> = RADIO (item->widget)->sel; break; default: break; } } destroy_dlg (dd); /* destroy input labels created before */ for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++) { quick_widget_item_t *item; item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i); if (item->quick_widget->widget_type == quick_input) g_free (item->quick_widget->u.input.label); } g_array_free (widgets, TRUE); return return_val; }
static WDialog * init_layout (void) { WDialog *layout_dlg; int l1 = 0, width; int b1, b2, b; size_t i; const char *title1 = N_("Panel split"); const char *title2 = N_("Console output"); const char *title3 = N_("Other options"); const char *s_split_direction[2] = { N_("&Vertical"), N_("&Horizontal") }; const char *ok_button = N_("&OK"); const char *cancel_button = N_("&Cancel"); output_lines_label = _("Output lines:"); /* save old params */ _menubar_visible = menubar_visible; _command_prompt = command_prompt; _keybar_visible = mc_global.keybar_visible; _message_visible = mc_global.message_visible; _xterm_title = xterm_title; _free_space = free_space; old_output_lines = -1; _output_lines = output_lines; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS { static gboolean i18n = FALSE; title1 = _(title1); title2 = _(title2); title3 = _(title3); i = G_N_ELEMENTS (s_split_direction); while (i-- != 0) s_split_direction[i] = _(s_split_direction[i]); if (!i18n) { for (i = 0; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++) check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text); i18n = TRUE; } ok_button = _(ok_button); cancel_button = _(cancel_button); } #endif /* radiobuttons */ i = G_N_ELEMENTS (s_split_direction); while (i-- != 0) l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (s_split_direction[i]) + 7); /* checkboxes */ for (i = 0; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++) l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (check_options[i].text) + 7); /* groupboxes */ l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title1) + 4); l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title2) + 4); l1 = max (l1, str_term_width1 (title3) + 4); /* label + "+"/"-" buttons */ output_lines_label_len = str_term_width1 (output_lines_label); l1 = max (l1, output_lines_label_len + 12); /* buttons */ b1 = str_term_width1 (ok_button) + 5; /* default button */ b2 = str_term_width1 (cancel_button) + 3; b = b1 + b2 + 1; /* dialog width */ width = max (l1 * 2 + 7, b); layout_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 15, width, dialog_colors, layout_callback, NULL, "[Layout]", _("Layout"), DLG_CENTER); #define XTRACT(i) *check_options[i].variable, check_options[i].text /* "Panel split" groupbox */ add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 3, 6, l1, title1)); radio_widget = radio_new (3, 5, 2, s_split_direction); radio_widget->sel = panels_layout.horizontal_split; add_widget (layout_dlg, radio_widget); check_options[0].widget = check_new (5, 5, XTRACT (0)); add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[0].widget); equal_split = panels_layout.horizontal_split ? panels_layout.horizontal_equal : panels_layout.vertical_equal; bleft_widget = button_new (6, 8, B_2LEFT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&<", b_left_right_cback); widget_disable (WIDGET (bleft_widget), equal_split); add_widget (layout_dlg, bleft_widget); bright_widget = button_new (6, 14, B_2RIGHT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&>", b_left_right_cback); widget_disable (WIDGET (bright_widget), equal_split); add_widget (layout_dlg, bright_widget); /* "Console output" groupbox */ { const int disabled = mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' ? 0 : W_DISABLED; Widget *w; w = WIDGET (groupbox_new (8, 3, 3, l1, title2)); w->options |= disabled; add_widget (layout_dlg, w); w = WIDGET (button_new (9, output_lines_label_len + 5, B_PLUS, NARROW_BUTTON, "&+", bplus_cback)); w->options |= disabled; add_widget (layout_dlg, w); w = WIDGET (button_new (9, output_lines_label_len + 5 + 5, B_MINUS, NARROW_BUTTON, "&-", bminus_cback)); w->options |= disabled; add_widget (layout_dlg, w); } /* "Other options" groupbox */ add_widget (layout_dlg, groupbox_new (2, 4 + l1, 9, l1, title3)); for (i = 1; i < (size_t) LAYOUT_OPTIONS_COUNT; i++) { check_options[i].widget = check_new (i + 2, 6 + l1, XTRACT (i)); add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options[i].widget); } #undef XTRACT add_widget (layout_dlg, hline_new (11, -1, -1)); /* buttons */ add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (12, (width - b) / 2, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, ok_button, 0)); add_widget (layout_dlg, button_new (12, (width - b) / 2 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, cancel_button, 0)); dlg_select_widget (radio_widget); return layout_dlg; }
static Dlg_head * init_chmod (const char *fname, const struct stat *sf_stat) { Dlg_head *ch_dlg; int lines, cols; int perm_gb_len; int file_gb_len; unsigned int i; const char *c_fname, *c_fown, *c_fgrp; char buffer[BUF_TINY]; single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2); perm_gb_len = check_perm_len + 2; file_gb_len = file_info_labels_len + 2; cols = str_term_width1 (fname) + 2 + 1; file_gb_len = max (file_gb_len, cols); lines = single_set ? 20 : 23; cols = perm_gb_len + file_gb_len + 1 + 6; if (cols > COLS) { /* shrink the right groupbox */ cols = COLS; file_gb_len = cols - (perm_gb_len + 1 + 6); } ch_dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, chmod_callback, NULL, "[Chmod]", _("Chmod command"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE); for (i = 0; i < chmod_but_num; i++) { add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (lines - chmod_but[i].y, ch_dlg->cols / 2 + 1, chmod_but[i].ret_cmd, chmod_but[i].flags, chmod_but[i].text, 0)); i++; add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (lines - chmod_but[i].y, ch_dlg->cols / 2 - chmod_but[i].len, chmod_but[i].ret_cmd, chmod_but[i].flags, chmod_but[i].text, 0)); if (single_set) break; } file_gb = groupbox_new (PY, PX + perm_gb_len + 1, check_perm_num + 2, file_gb_len, _("File")); add_widget (ch_dlg, file_gb); for (i = 0; i < check_perm_num; i++) { check_perm[i].check = check_new (PY + (check_perm_num - i), PX + 2, (c_stat & check_perm[i].mode) != 0 ? 1 : 0, check_perm[i].text); add_widget (ch_dlg, check_perm[i].check); } add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (PY, PX, check_perm_num + 2, perm_gb_len, _("Permission"))); /* Set the labels */ /* Do this at end to have a widget id in a simple way */ lines = PY + 2; cols = PX + perm_gb_len + 3; c_fname = str_trunc (fname, file_gb_len - 3); add_widget (ch_dlg, label_new (lines, cols, c_fname)); c_fown = str_trunc (get_owner (sf_stat->st_uid), file_gb_len - 3); add_widget (ch_dlg, label_new (lines + 4, cols, c_fown)); c_fgrp = str_trunc (get_group (sf_stat->st_gid), file_gb_len - 3); add_widget (ch_dlg, label_new (lines + 6, cols, c_fgrp)); g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%o", (unsigned int) c_stat); statl = label_new (lines + 2, cols, buffer); add_widget (ch_dlg, statl); return ch_dlg; }
static Dlg_head * init_chown (void) { int i; struct passwd *l_pass; struct group *l_grp; Dlg_head *ch_dlg; do_refresh (); end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0; single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 3 : 0; ch_dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, 18, 74, dialog_colors, chown_callback, "[Chown]", _("Chown command"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE); for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - single_set; i++) add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (BY + chown_but[i].y, BX + chown_but[i].x, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags, _(chown_but[i].text), 0)); /* Add the widgets for the file information */ for (i = 0; i < LABELS; i++) { chown_label[i].l = label_new (chown_label[i].y, chown_label[i].x, ""); add_widget (ch_dlg, chown_label[i].l); } /* get new listboxes */ l_user = listbox_new (UY + 1, UX + 1, 10, 19, FALSE, NULL); l_group = listbox_new (GY + 1, GX + 1, 10, 19, FALSE, NULL); /* add fields for unknown names (numbers) */ listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown user>"), NULL); listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _("<Unknown group>"), NULL); /* get and put user names in the listbox */ setpwent (); while ((l_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL) { listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL); } endpwent (); /* get and put group names in the listbox */ setgrent (); while ((l_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL) { listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL); } endgrent (); add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (TY, TX, 12, 19, _("File"))); /* add listboxes to the dialogs */ add_widget (ch_dlg, l_group); add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (GY, GX, 12, 21, _("Group name"))); add_widget (ch_dlg, l_user); add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (UY, UX, 12, 21, _("User name"))); return ch_dlg; }