/* Check whether we need to call out to restore the page device. */
static bool
restore_page_device(const gs_state * pgs_old, const gs_state * pgs_new)
    gx_device *dev_old = gs_currentdevice(pgs_old);
    gx_device *dev_new;
    gx_device *dev_t1;
    gx_device *dev_t2;
    bool samepagedevice = obj_eq(dev_old->memory, &gs_int_gstate(pgs_old)->pagedevice,

    if ((dev_t1 = (*dev_proc(dev_old, get_page_device)) (dev_old)) == 0)
        return false;
    /* If we are going to putdeviceparams in a callout, we need to */
    /* unlock temporarily.  The device will be re-locked as needed */
    /* by putdeviceparams from the pgs_old->pagedevice dict state. */
    if (!samepagedevice)
        dev_old->LockSafetyParams = false;
    dev_new = gs_currentdevice(pgs_new);
    if (dev_old != dev_new) {
        if ((dev_t2 = (*dev_proc(dev_new, get_page_device)) (dev_new)) == 0)
            return false;
        if (dev_t1 != dev_t2)
            return true;
     * The current implementation of setpagedevice just sets new
     * parameters in the same device object, so we have to check
     * whether the page device dictionaries are the same.
    return !samepagedevice;
Exemple #2
/* <gstate> currentgstate <gstate> */
zcurrentgstate(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_state *pgs;
    int_gstate *pistate;
    int code;
    gs_memory_t *mem;

    check_stype(*op, st_igstate_obj);
    code = gstate_unshare(i_ctx_p);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    pgs = igstate_ptr(op);
    pistate = gs_int_gstate(pgs);
    code = gstate_check_space(i_ctx_p, istate, r_space(op));
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
#define gsref_save(p) ref_save(op, p, "currentgstate")
    int_gstate_map_refs(pistate, gsref_save);
#undef gsref_save
    mem = gs_state_swap_memory(pgs, imemory);
    code = gs_currentgstate(pgs, igs);
    gs_state_swap_memory(pgs, mem);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    int_gstate_map_refs(pistate, ref_mark_new);
    return 0;
/* Check whether we need to call out to create the page device dictionary. */
static bool
save_page_device(gs_state *pgs)
        (r_has_type(&gs_int_gstate(pgs)->pagedevice, t_null) &&
         (*dev_proc(gs_currentdevice(pgs), get_page_device))(gs_currentdevice(pgs)) != 0);
Exemple #4
/* copy for gstates */
zcopy_gstate(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    os_ptr op1 = op - 1;
    gs_state *pgs;
    gs_state *pgs1;
    int_gstate *pistate;
    gs_memory_t *mem;
    int code;

    check_stype(*op, st_igstate_obj);
    check_stype(*op1, st_igstate_obj);
    code = gstate_unshare(i_ctx_p);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    pgs = igstate_ptr(op);
    pgs1 = igstate_ptr(op1);
    pistate = gs_int_gstate(pgs);
    code = gstate_check_space(i_ctx_p, gs_int_gstate(pgs1), r_space(op));
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
#define gsref_save(p) ref_save(op, p, "copygstate")
    int_gstate_map_refs(pistate, gsref_save);
#undef gsref_save
    mem = gs_state_swap_memory(pgs, imemory);
    code = gs_copygstate(pgs, pgs1);
    gs_state_swap_memory(pgs, mem);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    int_gstate_map_refs(pistate, ref_mark_new);
    *op1 = *op;
    return 0;
Exemple #5
/* *op is of type t_astruct(igstate_obj). */
static int
gstate_unshare(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    ref *pgsref = &r_ptr(op, igstate_obj)->gstate;
    gs_state *pgs = r_ptr(pgsref, gs_state);
    gs_state *pnew;
    int_gstate *isp;

    if (!ref_must_save(pgsref))
	return 0;
    /* Copy the gstate. */
    pnew = gs_gstate(pgs);
    if (pnew == 0)
    isp = gs_int_gstate(pnew);
    int_gstate_map_refs(isp, ref_mark_new);
    ref_do_save(op, pgsref, "gstate_unshare");
    make_istruct_new(pgsref, 0, pnew);
    return 0;
Exemple #6
/* - gstate <gstate> */
zgstate(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;

    int code = gstate_check_space(i_ctx_p, istate, icurrent_space);
    igstate_obj *pigo;
    gs_state *pnew;
    int_gstate *isp;

    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    pigo = ialloc_struct(igstate_obj, &st_igstate_obj, "gstate");
    if (pigo == 0)
    pnew = gs_state_copy(igs, imemory);
    if (pnew == 0) {
	ifree_object(pigo, "gstate");
    isp = gs_int_gstate(pnew);
    int_gstate_map_refs(isp, ref_mark_new);
     * Since igstate_obj isn't a ref, but only contains a ref, save won't
     * clear its l_new bit automatically, and restore won't set it
     * automatically; we have to make sure this ref is on the changes chain.
    make_iastruct(op, a_all, pigo);
#if 0 /* Bug 689849 "gstate leaks memory" */ 
    ref_save(op, &pigo->gstate, "gstate");
    make_istruct_new(&pigo->gstate, 0, pnew);
    make_istruct(&pigo->gstate, 0, pnew);
    return 0;