Exemple #1
/* Get parameters. */
gdev_pdf_get_params(gx_device * dev, gs_param_list * plist)
    gx_device_pdf *pdev = (gx_device_pdf *) dev;
    float cl = (float)pdev->CompatibilityLevel;
    int code;
    int cdv = CoreDistVersion;
    int EmbedFontObjects = 1;

    pdev->ParamCompatibilityLevel = cl;
    code = gdev_psdf_get_params(dev, plist);
    if (code < 0 ||
	(code = param_write_int(plist, ".EmbedFontObjects", &EmbedFontObjects)) < 0 ||
	(code = param_write_int(plist, "CoreDistVersion", &cdv)) < 0 ||
	(code = param_write_float(plist, "CompatibilityLevel", &cl)) < 0 ||
	(pdev->is_ps2write && (code = param_write_string(plist, "OPDFReadProcsetPath", &pdev->OPDFReadProcsetPath)) < 0) ||
	(!pdev->is_ps2write && (code = param_write_bool(plist, "ForOPDFRead", &pdev->ForOPDFRead)) < 0) ||
	/* Indicate that we can process pdfmark and DSC. */
	(param_requested(plist, "pdfmark") > 0 &&
	 (code = param_write_null(plist, "pdfmark")) < 0) ||
	(param_requested(plist, "DSC") > 0 &&
	 (code = param_write_null(plist, "DSC")) < 0) ||
	(code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pdev, NULL, pdf_param_items)) < 0
    return code;
Exemple #2
/* Get non-default CCITTFax filter parameters. */
stream_state_proc_get_params(s_CF_get_params, stream_CF_state);		/* check */
s_CF_get_params(gs_param_list * plist, const stream_CF_state * ss, bool all)
    stream_CF_state cfs_defaults;
    const stream_CF_state *defaults;

    if (all)
	defaults = 0;
    else {
	defaults = &cfs_defaults;
    return gs_param_write_items(plist, ss, defaults, s_CF_param_items);
/* Write the definition of a Type 1 font. */
psf_write_type1_font(stream *s, gs_font_type1 *pfont, int options,
		      gs_glyph *orig_subset_glyphs, uint orig_subset_size,
		      const gs_const_string *alt_font_name, int lengths[3])
    stream *es = s;
    long start = stell(s);
    param_printer_params_t ppp;
    printer_param_list_t rlist;
    gs_param_list *const plist = (gs_param_list *)&rlist;
    stream AXE_stream;
    stream_AXE_state AXE_state;
    byte AXE_buf[200];		/* arbitrary */
    stream exE_stream;
    stream_exE_state exE_state;
    byte exE_buf[200];		/* arbitrary */
    psf_outline_glyphs_t glyphs;
    int lenIV = pfont->data.lenIV;
    int (*write_CharString)(stream *, const void *, uint) = stream_write;
    int code = psf_get_type1_glyphs(&glyphs, pfont, orig_subset_glyphs,

    if (code < 0)
	return code;

    /* Initialize the parameter printer. */

    ppp = param_printer_params_default;
    ppp.item_suffix = " def\n";
    ppp.print_ok =
    code = s_init_param_printer(&rlist, &ppp, s);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;

    /* Write the font header. */

    stream_puts(s, "%!FontType1-1.0: ");
    write_font_name(s, pfont, alt_font_name, false);
    stream_puts(s, "\n11 dict begin\n");

    /* Write FontInfo. */

    stream_puts(s, "/FontInfo 5 dict dup begin");
	gs_font_info_t info;
	int code = pfont->procs.font_info((gs_font *)pfont, NULL,

	if (code >= 0) {
	    write_font_info(s, "Copyright", &info.Copyright,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_COPYRIGHT);
	    write_font_info(s, "Notice", &info.Notice,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_NOTICE);
	    write_font_info(s, "FamilyName", &info.FamilyName,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_FAMILY_NAME);
	    write_font_info(s, "FullName", &info.FullName,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_FULL_NAME);
    stream_puts(s, "\nend readonly def\n");

    /* Write the main font dictionary. */

    stream_puts(s, "/FontName ");
    write_font_name(s, pfont, alt_font_name, true);
    stream_puts(s, " def\n");
    code = write_Encoding(s, pfont, options, glyphs.subset_glyphs,
			  glyphs.subset_size, glyphs.notdef);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    pprintg6(s, "/FontMatrix [%g %g %g %g %g %g] readonly def\n",
	     pfont->FontMatrix.xx, pfont->FontMatrix.xy,
	     pfont->FontMatrix.yx, pfont->FontMatrix.yy,
	     pfont->FontMatrix.tx, pfont->FontMatrix.ty);
    write_uid(s, &pfont->UID);
    pprintg4(s, "/FontBBox {%g %g %g %g} readonly def\n",
	     pfont->FontBBox.p.x, pfont->FontBBox.p.y,
	     pfont->FontBBox.q.x, pfont->FontBBox.q.y);
	static const gs_param_item_t font_items[] = {
	    {"FontType", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_font_type1, FontType)},
	    {"PaintType", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_font_type1, PaintType)},
	    {"StrokeWidth", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_font_type1, StrokeWidth)},

	code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfont, NULL, font_items);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	const gs_type1_data *const pdata = &pfont->data;

	write_float_array(plist, "WeightVector", pdata->WeightVector.values,
    stream_puts(s, "currentdict end\n");

    /* Write the Private dictionary. */

    if (lenIV < 0 && (options & WRITE_TYPE1_WITH_LENIV)) {
	/* We'll have to encrypt the CharStrings. */
	lenIV = 0;
	write_CharString = stream_write_encrypted;
    if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_EEXEC) {
	stream_puts(s, "currentfile eexec\n");
	lengths[0] = stell(s) - start;
	start = stell(s);
	if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_ASCIIHEX) {
	    s_init(&AXE_stream, s->memory);
	    s_init_state((stream_state *)&AXE_state, &s_AXE_template, NULL);
	    AXE_state.EndOfData = false;
	    s_init_filter(&AXE_stream, (stream_state *)&AXE_state,
			  AXE_buf, sizeof(AXE_buf), es);
	    es = &AXE_stream;
	s_init(&exE_stream, s->memory);
	s_init_state((stream_state *)&exE_state, &s_exE_template, NULL);
	exE_state.cstate = 55665;
	s_init_filter(&exE_stream, (stream_state *)&exE_state,
		      exE_buf, sizeof(exE_buf), es);
	es = &exE_stream;
	 * Note: eexec encryption always writes/skips 4 initial bytes, not
	 * the number of initial bytes given by pdata->lenIV.
	stream_puts(es, "****");
    code = write_Private(es, pfont, glyphs.subset_glyphs, glyphs.subset_size,
			 glyphs.notdef, lenIV, write_CharString, &ppp);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    stream_puts(es, "dup/FontName get exch definefont pop\n");
    if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_EEXEC) {
	    stream_puts(es, "mark ");
	stream_puts(es, "currentfile closefile\n");
	s_close_filters(&es, s);
	lengths[1] = stell(s) - start;
	start = stell(s);
	if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_EEXEC_PAD) {
	    int i;

	    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		stream_puts(s, "\n0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
	    stream_puts(s, "\ncleartomark\n");
	lengths[2] = stell(s) - start;
    } else {
	lengths[0] = stell(s) - start;
	lengths[1] = lengths[2] = 0;

    /* Wrap up. */

    return 0;
 * Write the Private dictionary.  This is a separate procedure only for
 * readability.  write_CharString is a parameter so that we can encrypt
 * Subrs and CharStrings when the font's lenIV == -1 but we are writing
 * the font with lenIV = 0.
static int
write_Private(stream *s, gs_font_type1 *pfont,
	      gs_glyph *subset_glyphs, uint subset_size,
	      gs_glyph notdef, int lenIV,
	      int (*write_CharString)(stream *, const void *, uint),
	      const param_printer_params_t *ppp)
    const gs_type1_data *const pdata = &pfont->data;
    printer_param_list_t rlist;
    gs_param_list *const plist = (gs_param_list *)&rlist;
    int code = s_init_param_printer(&rlist, ppp, s);

    if (code < 0)
	return 0;
    stream_puts(s, "dup /Private 17 dict dup begin\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/-|{string currentfile exch readstring pop}executeonly def\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/|-{noaccess def}executeonly def\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/|{noaccess put}executeonly def\n");
	static const gs_param_item_t private_items[] = {
	    {"BlueFuzz", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueFuzz)},
	    {"BlueScale", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueScale)},
	    {"BlueShift", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueShift)},
	    {"ExpansionFactor", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, ExpansionFactor)},
	    {"ForceBold", gs_param_type_bool,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, ForceBold)},
	    {"LanguageGroup", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, LanguageGroup)},
	    {"RndStemUp", gs_param_type_bool,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, RndStemUp)},
	gs_type1_data defaults;

	defaults.BlueFuzz = 1;
	defaults.BlueScale = (float)0.039625;
	defaults.BlueShift = 7.0;
	defaults.ExpansionFactor = (float)0.06;
	defaults.ForceBold = false;
	defaults.LanguageGroup = 0;
	defaults.RndStemUp = true;
	code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pdata, &defaults, private_items);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	if (lenIV != 4) {
	    code = param_write_int(plist, "lenIV", &lenIV);
	    if (code < 0)
		return code;
	write_float_array(plist, "BlueValues", pdata->BlueValues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "OtherBlues", pdata->OtherBlues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "FamilyBlues", pdata->FamilyBlues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "FamilyOtherBlues", pdata->FamilyOtherBlues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StdHW", pdata->StdHW.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StdVW", pdata->StdVW.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StemSnapH", pdata->StemSnapH.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StemSnapV", pdata->StemSnapV.values,
    write_uid(s, &pfont->UID);
    stream_puts(s, "/MinFeature{16 16} def\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/password 5839 def\n");

     * Write the Subrs.  We always write them all, even for subsets.
     * (We will fix this someday.)

	int n, i;
	gs_glyph_data_t gdata;
	int code;

	gdata.memory = pfont->memory;
	for (n = 0;
	     (code = pdata->procs.subr_data(pfont, n, false, &gdata)) !=
	     ) {
	    if (code >= 0)
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(Subrs)");
	pprintd1(s, "/Subrs %d array\n", n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	    if ((code = pdata->procs.subr_data(pfont, i, false, &gdata)) >= 0) {
		char buf[50];

		if (gdata.bits.size) {
		    sprintf(buf, "dup %d %u -| ", i, gdata.bits.size);
		    stream_puts(s, buf);
		    write_CharString(s, gdata.bits.data, gdata.bits.size);
		    stream_puts(s, " |\n");
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(Subrs)");
	stream_puts(s, "|-\n");

    /* We don't write OtherSubrs -- there had better not be any! */

    /* Write the CharStrings. */

	int num_chars = 0;
	gs_glyph glyph;
	psf_glyph_enum_t genum;
	gs_glyph_data_t gdata;
	int code;

	gdata.memory = pfont->memory;
	psf_enumerate_glyphs_begin(&genum, (gs_font *)pfont, subset_glyphs,
				    (subset_glyphs ? subset_size : 0),
	for (glyph = gs_no_glyph;
	     (code = psf_enumerate_glyphs_next(&genum, &glyph)) != 1;
	    if (code == 0 &&
		(code = pdata->procs.glyph_data(pfont, glyph, &gdata)) >= 0
		) {
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(CharStrings)");
	pprintd1(s, "2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin\n", num_chars);
	for (glyph = gs_no_glyph;
	     (code = psf_enumerate_glyphs_next(&genum, &glyph)) != 1;
	    if (code == 0 &&
		(code = pdata->procs.glyph_data(pfont, glyph, &gdata)) >= 0
		) {
		gs_const_string gstr;
		int code;

		code = pfont->procs.glyph_name((gs_font *)pfont, glyph, &gstr);
		if (code < 0)
		    return code;
		stream_puts(s, "/");
		stream_write(s, gstr.data, gstr.size);
		pprintd1(s, " %d -| ", gdata.bits.size);
		write_CharString(s, gdata.bits.data, gdata.bits.size);
		stream_puts(s, " |-\n");
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(CharStrings)");

    /* Wrap up. */

    stream_puts(s, "end\nend\nreadonly put\nnoaccess put\n");
    return 0;
Exemple #5
/* Write the common part of a FontDescriptor, aside from the final >>. */
static int
write_FontDescriptor_common(gx_device_pdf *pdev,
                            const pdf_font_descriptor_common_t *pfd, bool embed)
    stream *s;
    int code;
    param_printer_params_t params;
    printer_param_list_t rlist;
    gs_param_list *const plist = (gs_param_list *)&rlist;
    char *base14_name = NULL;

    pdf_open_separate(pdev, pdf_font_descriptor_common_id(pfd), resourceFontDescriptor);
    s = pdev->strm;
    stream_puts(s, "<</Type/FontDescriptor/FontName");
    if (!embed) {
        base14_name = (char *)pdf_find_base14_name(pfd->values.FontName.data, pfd->values.FontName.size);
            pdf_put_name(pdev, (byte *)base14_name, strlen(base14_name));
            pdf_put_name(pdev, pfd->values.FontName.data, pfd->values.FontName.size);
    } else
        pdf_put_name(pdev, pfd->values.FontName.data, pfd->values.FontName.size);

    pdf_write_font_bbox(pdev, &pfd->values.FontBBox);
    params = param_printer_params_default;
    code = s_init_param_printer(&rlist, &params, s);
    if (code >= 0) {
#define DESC_INT(str, memb)\
 {str, gs_param_type_int, offset_of(pdf_font_descriptor_common_t, values.memb)}
        static const gs_param_item_t required_items[] = {
            DESC_INT("Ascent", Ascent),
            DESC_INT("CapHeight", CapHeight),
            DESC_INT("Descent", Descent),
            DESC_INT("ItalicAngle", ItalicAngle),
            DESC_INT("StemV", StemV),
        static const gs_param_item_t optional_items[] = {
            DESC_INT("AvgWidth", AvgWidth),
            DESC_INT("Leading", Leading),
            DESC_INT("MaxWidth", MaxWidth),
            DESC_INT("MissingWidth", MissingWidth),
            DESC_INT("StemH", StemH),
            DESC_INT("XHeight", XHeight),
#undef DESC_INT
        int Flags = pfd->values.Flags;
        pdf_font_descriptor_t defaults;

        if (base14_name)

        code = param_write_int(plist, "Flags", &Flags);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
        code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfd, NULL, required_items);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
        memset(&defaults, 0, sizeof(defaults));
        code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfd, &defaults, optional_items);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    return 0;