Exemple #1
void MlSldaState::InitializeAssignments(bool random_init) {


  if (FLAGS_num_seed_docs > 0) {
    const gsl_vector* y = static_cast<lib_corpora::ReviewCorpus*>
    boost::shared_ptr<gsl_permutation> sorted(gsl_permutation_alloc(y->size),
    boost::shared_ptr<gsl_permutation> rank(gsl_permutation_alloc(y->size),

    std::vector< std::vector<int> > num_seeds_used;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < corpus_->num_languages(); ++ii) {

    gsl_sort_vector_index(sorted.get(), y);
    gsl_permutation_inverse(rank.get(), sorted.get());

    // We add one for padding so we don't try to set a document to be equal to
    // the number of topics.
    double num_train = corpus_->num_train() + 1.0;
    int train_seen = 0;
    int num_docs = corpus_->num_docs();
    for (int dd = 0; dd < num_docs; ++dd) {
      MlSeqDoc* doc = corpus_->seq_doc(dd);
      int lang = doc->language();
      if (!corpus_->doc(dd)->is_test()) {
        // We don't assign to topic zero, so it can be stopwordy
        int val = (int) floor((num_topics_ - 1) *
                              rank->data[train_seen] / num_train) + 1;

        // Stop once we've used our limit of seed docs (too many leads to an
        // overfit initial state)
        if (num_seeds_used[lang][val] < FLAGS_num_seed_docs) {
          cout << "Initializing doc " << lang << " " << dd << " to " << val <<
            " score=" << truth_[dd] << endl;
          for (int jj = 0; jj < (int)topic_assignments_[dd].size(); ++jj) {
            int term = (*doc)[jj];
            const topicmod_projects_ldawn::WordPaths word =
              wordnet_->word(lang, term);
            int num_paths = word.size();
            if (num_paths > 0) {
              ChangePath(dd, jj, val, rand() % num_paths);
            } else {
              if (use_aux_topics())
                ChangeTopic(dd, jj, val);
Exemple #2
static VALUE rb_gsl_permutation_inverse(VALUE obj)
  gsl_permutation *p, *inv;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_permutation, p);
  inv = gsl_permutation_alloc(p->size);
  gsl_permutation_inverse(inv, p);
  return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_permutation, 0, gsl_permutation_free, inv);
Exemple #3
double kendall(double *arr1,double *arr2,int n)
  static gsl_vector *vec = NULL;
  static gsl_permutation *perm=NULL,*rank1=NULL,*rank2=NULL;
  static double *r=NULL;
  int i;
  double S,W,R;
  double nx=0;

  if (vec == NULL) {
    vec   = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
    perm  = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
    rank1 = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
    rank2 = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
    r = (double *) VCalloc(n,sizeof(double));

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) gsl_vector_set(vec,i,arr1[i]);
  gsl_sort_vector_index (perm, vec);
  gsl_permutation_inverse (rank1, perm);

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) gsl_vector_set(vec,i,arr2[i]);
  gsl_sort_vector_index (perm, vec);
  gsl_permutation_inverse (rank2, perm);

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) r[i] = (double)(rank1->data[i] + rank2->data[i]);

  nx = (double)n;
  R = 0;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) R += r[i];
  R /= nx;

  S = 0;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) S += SQR(r[i] - R);

  W = 12.0*S/(4.0*(nx*nx-1.0)*nx);
  return W;
Exemple #4
PairedWilcoxTest(VImage *src1, VImage *src2, VImage dest, int n) {
    int i, m, k, b, r, c, nslices, nrows, ncols;
    int sumpos, sumneg, w;
    double wx, u, v, z, p, tiny = 1.0e-10;
    double *ptr1, *ptr2;
    float *table = NULL;
    gsl_vector *vec1 = NULL, *vec2 = NULL;
    gsl_permutation *perm = NULL, *rank = NULL;
    extern void gsl_sort_vector_index(gsl_permutation *, gsl_vector *);
    nslices = VImageNBands(src1[0]);
    nrows   = VImageNRows(src1[0]);
    ncols   = VImageNColumns(src1[0]);
    dest = VCopyImage(src1[0], NULL, VAllBands);
    VFillImage(dest, VAllBands, 0);
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "num_images", NULL, VShortRepn, (VShort)n);
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "patient", NULL, VStringRepn, "paired_wilcoxtest");
    VSetAttr(VImageAttrList(dest), "modality", NULL, VStringRepn, "zmap");
    m = 0;
    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        m += i;
    if(n > 18) {
        table = getTable(n);
        for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            p = table[i];
            p *= 0.5;
            if(p < tiny)
                p = tiny;
            z = p2z(p);
            if(z < 0)
                z = 0;
            table[i] = z;
    } else {
        table = (float *) VMalloc(sizeof(float) * m);
        for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                wx = i;
                p = LevelOfSignificanceWXMPSR(wx, (long int)n);
                p *= 0.5;
                z = p2z(p);
                table[i] = z;
    vec1 = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
    vec2 = gsl_vector_calloc(n);
    perm = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
    rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
    for(b = 0; b < nslices; b++) {
        for(r = 0; r < nrows; r++) {
            for(c = 0; c < ncols; c++) {
                k = 0;
                ptr1 = vec1->data;
                ptr2 = vec2->data;
                for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    u = VPixel(src1[i], b, r, c, VFloat);
                    v = VPixel(src2[i], b, r, c, VFloat);
                    if(ABS(u) > tiny && ABS(v) > tiny)
                    *ptr1++ = ABS(u - v);
                    *ptr2++ = u - v;
                if(k < n / 2)
                gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, vec1);
                gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm);
                sumpos = sumneg = 0;
                ptr2 = vec2->data;
                for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    u = *ptr2++;
                    if(u > 0)
                        sumpos += rank->data[i];
                    else if(u < 0)
                        sumneg += rank->data[i];
                w = sumpos;
                if(sumpos > sumneg)
                    w = sumneg;
                if(w >= m)
                    z = 0;
                    z = table[w];
                if(sumneg > sumpos)
                    z = -z;
                VPixel(dest, b, r, c, VFloat) = z;
    return dest;
Exemple #5
void gsl_matrix_hungarian(gsl_matrix* gm_C,gsl_matrix* gm_P,gsl_vector* gv_col_inc, gsl_permutation* gp_sol, int _bprev_init, gsl_matrix *gm_C_denied, bool bgreedy)
//  mexPrintf("VV\n");  
  long dim, startdim, enddim, n1,n2;
  double *C;
  int i,j;
  int **m;
  double *z;
  hungarian_problem_t p, *q;
  int matrix_size;
  double C_min=gsl_matrix_min(gm_C)-1;
  n1 = gm_C->size1;    /* first dimension of the cost matrix */
  n2 = gm_C->size2;    /* second dimension of the cost matrix */
  C = gm_C->data; 

   //greedy solution
   if (bgreedy)
	int ind,ind1,ind2;
	size_t *C_ind=new size_t[n1*n2];
        bool* bperm_fix_1=new bool[n1]; bool* bperm_fix_2=new bool[n2]; int inummatch=0;
	for (i=0;i<n1;i++) {bperm_fix_1[i]=false;bperm_fix_2[i]=false;};
	for (long l=0;l<n1*n2;l++)
		if (!bperm_fix_1[ind1] and !bperm_fix_2[ind2])
			bperm_fix_1[ind1]=true; bperm_fix_2[ind2]=true;
		if (inummatch==n1) break;
	delete[] bperm_fix_1;delete[] bperm_fix_2;
	//because C is a transpose matrix
  double C_max=((gsl_matrix_max(gm_C)-C_min>1)?(gsl_matrix_max(gm_C)-C_min):1)*(n1>n2?n1:n2);
  m = (int**)calloc(n1,sizeof(int*)); 
//			mexPrintf("C[2] = %f \n",C[2]);
  for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
        	m[i] = (int*)calloc(n2,sizeof(int));  
        	for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
            		m[i][j] = (int) (C[i+n1*j] - C_min);
//			mexPrintf("m[%d][%d] = %f  %f\n",i,j,m[i][j],C[i+n1*j] - C_min);
		if (gm_C_denied!=NULL)
		for (j=0;j<n2;j++){
			if (j==30)
				int dbg=1;
			bool bden=(gm_C_denied->data[n2*i+j]<1e-10);
            		if (bden) m[i][j] =C_max;
				int dbg=1;
    //normalization: rows and columns
//			mexPrintf("C[2] = %f \n",C[2]);
    double dmin;
    for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
        	for (j=1;j<n2;j++)
            		dmin= (m[i][j]<dmin)? m[i][j]:dmin;
        	for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
    for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
        	for (i=1;i<n1;i++)
            		dmin= (m[i][j]<dmin)? m[i][j]:dmin;
        	for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
   if ((_bprev_init) &&(gv_col_inc !=NULL))
	//dual solution v substraction
		for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
        		for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
	//permutation of m columns
		int *mt = new int[n2];
		for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
			for (j=0;j<n2;j++) mt[j]=m[i][j];
			for (j=0;j<n2;j++) m[i][j]=mt[gsl_permutation_get(gp_sol,j)];
		delete[] mt;

  /* initialize the hungarian_problem using the cost matrix*/
   matrix_size = hungarian_init(&p, m , n1,n2, HUNGARIAN_MODE_MINIMIZE_COST) ;
  /* solve the assignement problem */
  q = &p;
  //gsl_matrix* gm_P=gsl_matrix_alloc(n1,n2);
  gsl_permutation* gp_sol_inv=gsl_permutation_alloc(n2);
  if (gp_sol!=NULL)
  for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
         for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
  //initialization by the previous solution
  if ((_bprev_init) &&(gv_col_inc !=NULL))
        for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
  if ((_bprev_init) && (gp_sol!=NULL))
  for (i=0;i<n1;i++)
         for (j=0;j<n2;j++)
  		if (gsl_matrix_get(gm_P,i,j)==HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNED)
  /* free used memory */
  for (i=0;i<n1;i++)

/*  for (int i=0;i<gm_C->size1;i++)
        	for (int j=0;j<gm_C->size1;j++)
			mexPrintf("G[%d][%d] = %f  %f \n",i,j,gsl_matrix_get(gm_P,i,j),gsl_matrix_get(gm_C,i,j));

//  mexPrintf("AAA");
  //return gm_P;
Exemple #6
static void
fit_rvine_trees(igraph_t **trees,
                const gsl_matrix *data,
                const dml_vine_weight_t weight,
                const dml_vine_trunc_t trunc,
                const dml_copula_indeptest_t indeptest,
                const double indeptest_level,
                const dml_copula_type_t *types,
                const size_t types_size,
                const dml_copula_select_t select,
                const gsl_rng *rng)
    size_t m, n;
    igraph_t *graph;
    igraph_vector_t *graph_weight;
    dml_copula_t *copula;
    gsl_vector *x;
    igraph_integer_t e; // Edge id.
    igraph_integer_t a, aa, ab, b, ba, bb; // Vertex id.
    gsl_vector *u = NULL, *v = NULL;
    igraph_integer_t Cea, Ceb;
    gsl_vector_short *Ue, *Ua, *Ub;
    size_t k;
    dml_measure_t *measure;
    double tree_aic, copula_aic;
    gsl_permutation *perm, *rank, *u_rank = NULL, *v_rank = NULL;


    m = data->size1;
    n = data->size2;
    graph = g_malloc(sizeof(igraph_t));
    graph_weight = g_malloc(sizeof(igraph_vector_t));
    perm = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);

    for (k = 0; k < n - 1; k++) { // Tree index.
        if (k == 0) {
            igraph_full(graph, n, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, IGRAPH_NO_LOOPS);

            // Assign the observations to the nodes.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Variable and node index.
                x = gsl_vector_alloc(m);
                gsl_matrix_get_col(x, data, i);

                // Results of the h-function of the copula assigned to the
                // edge that corresponds to this vertex in the previous tree.
                // h for the h-function with its arguments in order and
                // hrev for the h-function with its arguments reversed. In the
                // first tree both are equal to the observations of the
                // corresponding variable, in the rest of the trees they differ.
                SETVAP(graph, "h", i, x);
                SETVAP(graph, "hrev", i, x);
                gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, x);
                rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
                gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm);
                // Ranks of the h and hrev vectors.
                SETVAP(graph, "hrank", i, rank);
                SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", i, rank);

            for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(graph); e++) {
                igraph_edge(graph, e, &a, &b);

                // Variables "connected" by this edge.
                Ue = gsl_vector_short_calloc(n);
                gsl_vector_short_set(Ue, a, 1);
                gsl_vector_short_set(Ue, b, 1);
                SETEAP(graph, "Ue", e, Ue);

                // Conditioned set.
                SETEAN(graph, "Cea", e, a + 1);
                SETEAN(graph, "Ceb", e, b + 1);
                Cea = EAN(graph, "Cea", e);
                Ceb = EAN(graph, "Ceb", e);

                // Calculate the weight of the edge.
                u = VAP(graph, "h", a);
                v = VAP(graph, "h", b);
                u_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", a);
                v_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", b);
                // The conditioned set is ordered to make the order of the
                // arguments in the bivariate copulas unique as suggested in
                // Czado, C. (2010) Pair-Copula Constructions of Multivariate
                // Copulas. In Jaworski, P. and Durante, F. and Hardle, W. K.
                // and Rychlik, T. (eds.) Copula Theory and Its Applications,
                // Springer-Verlag, 93-109.
                if (Cea < Ceb) {
                    rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, u, v, u_rank, v_rank);
                } else {
                    rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, v, u, v_rank, u_rank);
        } else {
            igraph_empty(graph, n - k, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED);

            // Adding all "possible" edges.
            for (a = 0; a < igraph_vcount(graph) - 1; a++) {
                for (b = a + 1; b < igraph_vcount(graph); b++) {
                    igraph_edge(trees[k - 1], a, &aa, &ab);
                    igraph_edge(trees[k - 1], b, &ba, &bb);

                    // Checking the proximity condition.
                    if (aa == ba || aa == bb || ab == ba || ab == bb) {
                        igraph_add_edge(graph, a, b);
                        igraph_get_eid(graph, &e, a, b, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 1);

                        // Variables "connected" by this edge and conditioned set.
                        Ua = EAP(trees[k - 1], "Ue", a);
                        Ub = EAP(trees[k - 1], "Ue", b);
                        Ue = gsl_vector_short_calloc(n);
                        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            gsl_vector_short_set(Ue, i,
                                    gsl_vector_short_get(Ua, i)
                                            | gsl_vector_short_get(Ub, i));
                            if (gsl_vector_short_get(Ua, i)
                                    && !gsl_vector_short_get(Ub, i)) {
                                SETEAN(graph, "Cea", e, i + 1);
                            if (gsl_vector_short_get(Ub, i)
                                    && !gsl_vector_short_get(Ua, i)) {
                                SETEAN(graph, "Ceb", e, i + 1);
                        SETEAP(graph, "Ue", e, Ue);

            // Compute pseudo-observations and edge weights.
            for (a = 0; a < igraph_vcount(graph); a++) {
                // See the comment in the code for the first tree.
                SETVAP(graph, "h", a, NULL);
                SETVAP(graph, "hrev", a, NULL);
                SETVAP(graph, "hrank", a, NULL);
                SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", a, NULL);
            for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(graph); e++) {
                igraph_edge(graph, e, &a, &b);
                Cea = EAN(graph, "Cea", e);
                Ceb = EAN(graph, "Ceb", e);

                // Assign u and u_rank.
                if ((Cea == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                        && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                                < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a)))
                        || (Cea != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                                && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                                        > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a)))) {
                    u = VAP(graph, "h", a);
                    if (u == NULL) {
                        copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", a);
                        measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", a);
                        u = gsl_vector_alloc(m);
                        dml_copula_h(copula, measure->x, measure->y, u);
                        SETVAP(graph, "h", a, u);
                        gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, u);
                        rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
                        gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm);
                        SETVAP(graph, "hrank", a, rank);
                    u_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", a);
                if ((Cea == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                        && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                                > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a)))
                        || (Cea != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                                && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a)
                                        < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a)))) {
                    u = VAP(graph, "hrev", a);
                    if (u == NULL) {
                        copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", a);
                        measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", a);
                        u = gsl_vector_alloc(m);
                        dml_copula_h(copula, measure->y, measure->x, u);
                        SETVAP(graph, "hrev", a, u);
                        gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, u);
                        rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
                        gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm);
                        SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", a, rank);
                    u_rank = VAP(graph, "hrevrank", a);

                // Assign v and v_rank.
                if ((Ceb == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                        && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                                < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b)))
                        || (Ceb != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                                && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                                        > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b)))) {
                    v = VAP(graph, "h", b);
                    if (v == NULL) {
                        copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", b);
                        measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", b);
                        v = gsl_vector_alloc(m);
                        dml_copula_h(copula, measure->x, measure->y, v);
                        SETVAP(graph, "h", b, v);
                        gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, v);
                        rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
                        gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm);
                        SETVAP(graph, "hrank", b, rank);
                    v_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", b);

                if ((Ceb == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                        && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                                > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b)))
                        || (Ceb != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                                && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b)
                                        < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b)))) {
                    v = VAP(graph, "hrev", b);
                    if (v == NULL) {
                        copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", b);
                        measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", b);
                        v = gsl_vector_alloc(m);
                        dml_copula_h(copula, measure->y, measure->x, v);
                        SETVAP(graph, "hrev", b, v);
                        gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, v);
                        rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m);
                        gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm);
                        SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", b, rank);
                    v_rank = VAP(graph, "hrevrank", b);

                // Set the weight of the edge. The arguments are ordered here.
                // The order determines the x and y fields of measure.
                if (Cea < Ceb) {
                    rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, u, v, u_rank, v_rank);
                } else {
                    rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, v, u, v_rank, u_rank);

        // Compute the minimum weight spanning tree.
        trees[k] = g_malloc(sizeof(igraph_t));
        igraph_vector_init(graph_weight, igraph_ecount(graph));
        EANV(graph, "weight", graph_weight);
        igraph_minimum_spanning_tree_prim(graph, trees[k], graph_weight);

        tree_aic = 0;
        for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(trees[k]); e++) {
            igraph_edge(trees[k], e, &a, &b);
            Cea = EAN(trees[k], "Cea", e);
            Ceb = EAN(trees[k], "Ceb", e);
            measure = EAP(trees[k], "measure", e);

            // Assign a bivariate copula to the edge.
            if (Cea < Ceb) {
                copula = dml_copula_select(measure->x, measure->y, measure,
                                           indeptest, indeptest_level, types,
                                           types_size, select, rng);
                // Get information for the truncation of the vine.
                if (trunc == DML_VINE_TRUNC_AIC) {
                    dml_copula_aic(copula, measure->x, measure->y, &copula_aic);
                    tree_aic += copula_aic;
            } else {
                copula = dml_copula_select(measure->y, measure->x, measure,
                                           indeptest, indeptest_level, types,
                                           types_size, select, rng);
                // Get information for the truncation of the vine.
                if (trunc == DML_VINE_TRUNC_AIC) {
                    dml_copula_aic(copula, measure->y, measure->x, &copula_aic);
                    tree_aic += copula_aic;
            SETEAP(trees[k], "copula", e, copula);


        // Check if the vine should be truncated.
        if (trunc == DML_VINE_TRUNC_AIC && tree_aic >= 0) {
            // Free the memory used for the last tree.
            for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(trees[k]); e++) {
                copula = EAP(trees[k], "copula", e);
            trees[k] = NULL;

        if (k > 0) rvine_tree_cleanup(trees[k - 1]);

    // Cleanup the last tree if the vine was completely estimated.
    // If the vine was truncated, the last tree will be freed in
    // the function vine_fit_rvine, because the rvine_trees_to_vine
    // function needs some attributes of its edges.
    if (k == n - 1) {
        rvine_tree_cleanup(trees[n - 2]);
