_priv_gst_caps_features_cleanup (void)
  gst_caps_features_set_parent_refcount (_gst_caps_features_any, NULL);
  gst_caps_features_free (_gst_caps_features_any);
  _gst_caps_features_any = NULL;
      (_gst_caps_features_memory_system_memory, NULL);
  gst_caps_features_free (_gst_caps_features_memory_system_memory);
  _gst_caps_features_memory_system_memory = NULL;
static void
_init_upload (GstGLStereoSplit * split)
  GstGLContext *context = split->context;

  if (!split->upload) {
    GstCaps *in_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (GST_PAD (split->sink_pad));
    GstCaps *split_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (split->left_pad);
    GstCaps *upload_caps = gst_caps_copy (in_caps);
    GstCapsFeatures *gl_features =
        gst_caps_features_from_string (GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_GL_MEMORY);
    GstCaps *gl_caps;

    split->upload = gst_gl_upload_new (context);

    gst_caps_set_features (upload_caps, 0,
        gst_caps_features_copy (gl_features));
    gst_gl_upload_set_caps (split->upload, in_caps, upload_caps);
    gst_caps_unref (in_caps);

    gl_caps = gst_caps_copy (upload_caps);
    gst_caps_set_simple (gl_caps, "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "RGBA", NULL);
    gst_caps_set_features (gl_caps, 0, gst_caps_features_copy (gl_features));

    if (!split->convert) {
      split->convert = gst_gl_color_convert_new (context);
      gst_gl_color_convert_set_caps (split->convert, upload_caps, gl_caps);

    gst_caps_unref (upload_caps);
    gst_caps_features_free (gl_features);

    gst_gl_view_convert_set_context (split->viewconvert, split->context);

    split_caps = gst_caps_make_writable (split_caps);
    gst_caps_set_simple (split_caps, "multiview-mode", G_TYPE_STRING,
        "separated", "views", G_TYPE_INT, 2, NULL);

    gst_gl_view_convert_set_caps (split->viewconvert, gl_caps, split_caps);

    gst_caps_unref (split_caps);
    gst_caps_unref (gl_caps);
Exemple #3
static gboolean
gst_vtdec_negotiate_output_format (GstVtdec * vtdec,
    GstVideoCodecState * input_state)
  GstCaps *caps = NULL, *peercaps = NULL, *templcaps;
  GstVideoFormat output_format;
  GstVideoCodecState *output_state = NULL;
  GstCapsFeatures *features;
  GstStructure *structure;
  const gchar *s;

  peercaps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps (GST_VIDEO_DECODER_SRC_PAD (vtdec), NULL);

  /* Check if output supports GL caps by preference */
  templcaps = gst_pad_get_pad_template_caps (GST_VIDEO_DECODER_SRC_PAD (vtdec));
  caps =
      gst_caps_intersect_full (templcaps, peercaps, GST_CAPS_INTERSECT_FIRST);

  gst_caps_unref (peercaps);
  gst_caps_unref (templcaps);

  caps = gst_caps_truncate (caps);
  structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
  s = gst_structure_get_string (structure, "format");
  output_format = gst_video_format_from_string (s);
  features = gst_caps_features_copy (gst_caps_get_features (caps, 0));

  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  if (!gst_vtdec_create_session (vtdec, output_format)) {
    gst_caps_features_free (features);
    return FALSE;

  output_state = gst_video_decoder_set_output_state (GST_VIDEO_DECODER (vtdec),
      output_format, vtdec->video_info.width, vtdec->video_info.height,

  output_state->caps = gst_video_info_to_caps (&output_state->info);
  gst_caps_set_features (output_state->caps, 0, features);

  return TRUE;
Exemple #4
 * gst_caps_features_from_string:
 * @features: a string representation of a #GstCapsFeatures.
 * Creates a #GstCapsFeatures from a string representation.
 * Free-function: gst_caps_features_free
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstCapsFeatures or NULL when the string could
 *     not be parsed. Free with gst_caps_features_free() after use.
 * Since: 1.2
GstCapsFeatures *
gst_caps_features_from_string (const gchar * features)
  GstCapsFeatures *ret;
  gboolean escape = FALSE;
  const gchar *features_orig = features;
  const gchar *feature;

  ret = gst_caps_features_new_empty ();

  if (!features || *features == '\0')
    return ret;

  if (strcmp (features, "ANY") == 0) {
    ret->is_any = TRUE;
    return ret;

  /* Skip trailing spaces */
  while (*features == ' ')

  feature = features;
  while (TRUE) {
    gchar c = *features;

    if (c == '\\') {
      escape = TRUE;
    } else if ((!escape && c == ',') || c == '\0') {
      guint len = features - feature + 1;
      gchar *tmp;
      gchar *p;

      if (len == 1) {
        g_warning ("Failed deserialize caps features '%s'", features_orig);
        gst_caps_features_free (ret);
        return NULL;

      tmp = g_malloc (len);
      memcpy (tmp, feature, len - 1);
      tmp[len - 1] = '\0';

      p = tmp + len - 1;
      while (*p == ' ') {
        *p = '\0';

      if (strstr (tmp, " ") != NULL || *tmp == '\0') {
        g_free (tmp);
        g_warning ("Failed deserialize caps features '%s'", features_orig);
        gst_caps_features_free (ret);
        return NULL;

      gst_caps_features_add (ret, tmp);
      g_free (tmp);

      if (c == '\0')

      /* Skip to the next value */
      while (*features == ' ')
      feature = features;
    } else {
      escape = FALSE;

  return ret;
Exemple #5
static GstBuffer *
_default_pad_upload_buffer (GstGLMixer * mix, GstGLMixerFrameData * frame,
                            GstBuffer * buffer)
    GstVideoAggregatorPad *vaggpad = GST_VIDEO_AGGREGATOR_PAD (frame->pad);
    GstGLMixerPad *pad = frame->pad;
    GstBuffer *uploaded_buf, *gl_buffer;
    GstCaps *gl_caps;
    GstCapsFeatures *gl_features;
    GstVideoInfo gl_info;
    GstVideoFrame gl_frame;
    GstGLSyncMeta *sync_meta;

    gst_video_info_set_format (&gl_info,
                               GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&vaggpad->info),
                               GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&vaggpad->info));
    gl_features =
        gst_caps_features_from_string (GST_CAPS_FEATURE_MEMORY_GL_MEMORY);

    gl_caps = gst_video_info_to_caps (&gl_info);
    gst_caps_set_features (gl_caps, 0, gst_caps_features_copy (gl_features));

    if (!pad->upload) {
        GstCaps *in_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (GST_PAD (pad));
        GstCaps *upload_caps = gst_caps_copy (in_caps);

        pad->upload = gst_gl_upload_new (mix->context);

        gst_caps_set_features (upload_caps, 0,
                               gst_caps_features_copy (gl_features));
        gst_gl_upload_set_caps (pad->upload, in_caps, upload_caps);

        if (!pad->convert) {
            pad->convert = gst_gl_color_convert_new (mix->context);

            gst_gl_color_convert_set_caps (pad->convert, upload_caps, gl_caps);

        gst_caps_unref (upload_caps);
        gst_caps_unref (in_caps);

    gst_caps_features_free (gl_features);
    gst_caps_unref (gl_caps);

    sync_meta = gst_buffer_get_gl_sync_meta (vaggpad->buffer);
    if (sync_meta)
        gst_gl_sync_meta_wait (sync_meta);

    if (gst_gl_upload_perform_with_buffer (pad->upload,
                                           vaggpad->buffer, &uploaded_buf) != GST_GL_UPLOAD_DONE) {
        return NULL;

    if (!(gl_buffer = gst_gl_color_convert_perform (pad->convert, uploaded_buf))) {
        gst_buffer_unref (uploaded_buf);
        return NULL;

    if (!gst_video_frame_map (&gl_frame, &gl_info, gl_buffer,
                              GST_MAP_READ | GST_MAP_GL)) {
        gst_buffer_unref (uploaded_buf);
        gst_buffer_unref (gl_buffer);
        return NULL;

    frame->texture = *(guint *) gl_frame.data[0];

    gst_buffer_unref (uploaded_buf);
    gst_video_frame_unmap (&gl_frame);

    return gl_buffer;