Exemple #1
 * gst_event_new_stream_start:
 * @stream_id: Identifier for this stream
 * Create a new STREAM_START event. The stream start event can only
 * travel downstream synchronized with the buffer flow. It is expected
 * to be the first event that is sent for a new stream.
 * Source elements, demuxers and other elements that create new streams
 * are supposed to send this event as the first event of a new stream. It
 * should not be send after a flushing seek or in similar situations
 * and is used to mark the beginning of a new logical stream. Elements
 * combining multiple streams must ensure that this event is only forwarded
 * downstream once and not for every single input stream.
 * The @stream_id should be a unique string that consists of the upstream
 * stream-id, / as separator and a unique stream-id for this specific
 * stream. A new stream-id should only be created for a stream if the upstream
 * stream is split into (potentially) multiple new streams, e.g. in a demuxer,
 * but not for every single element in the pipeline.
 * gst_pad_create_stream_id() or gst_pad_create_stream_id_printf() can be
 * used to create a stream-id.
 * Returns: (transfer full): the new STREAM_START event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_stream_start (const gchar * stream_id)
  GstStructure *s;

  g_return_val_if_fail (stream_id != NULL, NULL);

  s = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_STREAM_START),

  return gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_STREAM_START, s);
Exemple #2
 * gst_event_new_flush_stop:
 * @reset_time: if time should be reset
 * Allocate a new flush stop event. The flush stop event can be sent
 * upstream and downstream and travels serialized with the dataflow.
 * It is typically sent after sending a FLUSH_START event to make the
 * pads accept data again.
 * Elements can process this event synchronized with the dataflow since
 * the preceeding FLUSH_START event stopped the dataflow.
 * This event is typically generated to complete a seek and to resume
 * dataflow.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new flush stop event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_flush_stop (gboolean reset_time)
  GstEvent *event;

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating flush stop %d", reset_time);

  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_FLUSH_STOP,
      gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_FLUSH_STOP),
          GST_QUARK (RESET_TIME), G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, reset_time, NULL));

  return event;
static void
send_latency_probe (GstElement * parent, GstPad * pad, guint64 ts)
  if (parent && (!GST_IS_BIN (parent)) &&
    GstEvent *latency_probe = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM,
        gst_structure_new_id (latency_probe_id,
            latency_probe_pad, GST_TYPE_PAD, pad,
            latency_probe_ts, G_TYPE_UINT64, ts,
    gst_pad_push_event (pad, latency_probe);
Exemple #4
 * gst_event_new_toc_select:
 * @uid: UID in the TOC to start playback from.
 * Generate a TOC select event with the given @uid. The purpose of the
 * TOC select event is to start playback based on the TOC's entry with the
 * given @uid.
 * Returns: a new #GstEvent.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_toc_select (const gchar * uid)
  GstStructure *structure;

  g_return_val_if_fail (uid != NULL, NULL);

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating toc select event for UID: %s", uid);

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_TOC_SELECT),

  return gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_TOC_SELECT, structure);
Exemple #5
 * gst_event_new_latency:
 * @latency: the new latency value
 * Create a new latency event. The event is sent upstream from the sinks and
 * notifies elements that they should add an additional @latency to the
 * running time before synchronising against the clock.
 * The latency is mostly used in live sinks and is always expressed in
 * the time format.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstEvent
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_latency (GstClockTime latency)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

      "creating latency event %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (latency));

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_LATENCY),
      GST_QUARK (LATENCY), G_TYPE_UINT64, latency, NULL);
  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_LATENCY, structure);

  return event;
gst_allocator_set_vaapi_video_info (GstAllocator * allocator,
    const GstVideoInfo * vip, guint flags)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_ALLOCATOR (allocator), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (vip != NULL, FALSE);

  g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (allocator), GST_VAAPI_VIDEO_INFO_QUARK,
      gst_structure_new_id (GST_VAAPI_VIDEO_INFO_QUARK,
          FLAGS_QUARK, G_TYPE_UINT, flags, NULL),
      (GDestroyNotify) gst_structure_free);

  return TRUE;
Exemple #7
 * gst_event_new_caps:
 * @caps: (transfer none): a #GstCaps
 * Create a new CAPS event for @caps. The caps event can only travel downstream
 * synchronized with the buffer flow and contains the format of the buffers
 * that will follow after the event.
 * Returns: (transfer full): the new CAPS event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_caps (GstCaps * caps)
  GstEvent *event;

  g_return_val_if_fail (caps != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (gst_caps_is_fixed (caps), NULL);

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating caps event %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);

  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_CAPS,
      gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_CAPS),
          GST_QUARK (CAPS), GST_TYPE_CAPS, caps, NULL));

  return event;
Exemple #8
 * gst_event_new_segment_done:
 * @format: The format of the position being done
 * @position: The position of the segment being done
 * Create a new segment-done event. This event is sent by elements that
 * finish playback of a segment as a result of a segment seek.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstEvent
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_segment_done (GstFormat format, gint64 position)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating segment-done event");

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_SEGMENT_DONE),
      GST_QUARK (POSITION), G_TYPE_INT64, position, NULL);

  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_SEGMENT_DONE, structure);

  return event;
Exemple #9
/* FIXME 0.11: take ownership of msg for consistency? */
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_sink_message (const gchar * name, GstMessage * msg)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

  g_return_val_if_fail (msg != NULL, NULL);

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating sink-message event");

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (g_quark_from_string (name),
  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_SINK_MESSAGE, structure);

  return event;
Exemple #10
 * gst_event_new_segment:
 * @segment: (transfer none): a #GstSegment
 * Create a new SEGMENT event for @segment. The segment event can only travel
 * downstream synchronized with the buffer flow and contains timing information
 * and playback properties for the buffers that will follow.
 * The newsegment event marks the range of buffers to be processed. All
 * data not within the segment range is not to be processed. This can be
 * used intelligently by plugins to apply more efficient methods of skipping
 * unneeded data. The valid range is expressed with the @start and @stop
 * values.
 * The time value of the segment is used in conjunction with the start
 * value to convert the buffer timestamps into the stream time. This is
 * usually done in sinks to report the current stream_time.
 * @time represents the stream_time of a buffer carrying a timestamp of
 * @start. @time cannot be -1.
 * @start cannot be -1, @stop can be -1. If there
 * is a valid @stop given, it must be greater or equal the @start, including
 * when the indicated playback @rate is < 0.
 * The @applied_rate value provides information about any rate adjustment that
 * has already been made to the timestamps and content on the buffers of the
 * stream. (@rate * @applied_rate) should always equal the rate that has been
 * requested for playback. For example, if an element has an input segment
 * with intended playback @rate of 2.0 and applied_rate of 1.0, it can adjust
 * incoming timestamps and buffer content by half and output a newsegment event
 * with @rate of 1.0 and @applied_rate of 2.0
 * After a newsegment event, the buffer stream time is calculated with:
 *   time + (TIMESTAMP(buf) - start) * ABS (rate * applied_rate)
 * Returns: (transfer full): the new SEGMENT event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_segment (const GstSegment * segment)
  GstEvent *event;

  g_return_val_if_fail (segment != NULL, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (segment->rate != 0.0, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (segment->applied_rate != 0.0, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (segment->format != GST_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, NULL);

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating segment event %" GST_SEGMENT_FORMAT,

  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_SEGMENT,
      gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_SEGMENT),

  return event;
Exemple #11
 * gst_event_new_gap:
 * @timestamp: the start time (pts) of the gap
 * @duration: the duration of the gap
 * Create a new GAP event. A gap event can be thought of as conceptually
 * equivalent to a buffer to signal that there is no data for a certain
 * amount of time. This is useful to signal a gap to downstream elements
 * which may wait for data, such as muxers or mixers or overlays, especially
 * for sparse streams such as subtitle streams.
 * Returns: (transfer full): the new GAP event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_gap (GstClockTime timestamp, GstClockTime duration)
  GstEvent *event;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID (timestamp), NULL);

  GST_CAT_TRACE (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating gap %" GST_TIME_FORMAT " - "
      "%" GST_TIME_FORMAT " (duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ")",
      GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp), GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp + duration),
      GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));

  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_GAP,
      gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_GAP),

  return event;
Exemple #12
 * gst_event_new_buffer_size:
 * @format: buffer format
 * @minsize: minimum buffer size
 * @maxsize: maximum buffer size
 * @async: thread behavior
 * Create a new buffersize event. The event is sent downstream and notifies
 * elements that they should provide a buffer of the specified dimensions.
 * When the @async flag is set, a thread boundary is preferred.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstEvent
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_buffer_size (GstFormat format, gint64 minsize,
    gint64 maxsize, gboolean async)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

      "creating buffersize format %s, minsize %" G_GINT64_FORMAT
      ", maxsize %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", async %d", gst_format_get_name (format),
      minsize, maxsize, async);

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE),
      GST_QUARK (MINSIZE), G_TYPE_INT64, minsize,
      GST_QUARK (MAXSIZE), G_TYPE_INT64, maxsize,
  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_BUFFERSIZE, structure);

  return event;
Exemple #13
 * gst_event_new_step:
 * @format: the format of @amount
 * @amount: the amount of data to step
 * @rate: the step rate
 * @flush: flushing steps
 * @intermediate: intermediate steps
 * Create a new step event. The purpose of the step event is to instruct a sink
 * to skip @amount (expressed in @format) of media. It can be used to implement
 * stepping through the video frame by frame or for doing fast trick modes.
 * A rate of <= 0.0 is not allowed. Pause the pipeline, for the effect of rate
 * = 0.0 or first reverse the direction of playback using a seek event to get
 * the same effect as rate < 0.0.
 * The @flush flag will clear any pending data in the pipeline before starting
 * the step operation.
 * The @intermediate flag instructs the pipeline that this step operation is
 * part of a larger step operation.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstEvent
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_step (GstFormat format, guint64 amount, gdouble rate,
    gboolean flush, gboolean intermediate)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

  g_return_val_if_fail (rate > 0.0, NULL);

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating step event");

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_STEP),
      GST_QUARK (AMOUNT), G_TYPE_UINT64, amount,
  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_STEP, structure);

  return event;
Exemple #14
 * gst_event_new_toc:
 * @toc: (transfer none): #GstToc structure.
 * @updated: whether @toc was updated or not.
 * Generate a TOC event from the given @toc. The purpose of the TOC event is to
 * inform elements that some kind of the TOC was found.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new #GstEvent.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_toc (GstToc * toc, gboolean updated)
  GstStructure *toc_struct;
  GQuark id;

  g_return_val_if_fail (toc != NULL, NULL);

  GST_CAT_INFO (GST_CAT_EVENT, "creating toc event");

  /* need different structure names so sticky_multi event stuff on pads
   * works, i.e. both TOC events are kept around */
  if (gst_toc_get_scope (toc) == GST_TOC_SCOPE_GLOBAL)

  toc_struct = gst_structure_new_id (id,

  return gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_TOC, toc_struct);
Exemple #15
 * gst_event_new_seek:
 * @rate: The new playback rate
 * @format: The format of the seek values
 * @flags: The optional seek flags
 * @start_type: The type and flags for the new start position
 * @start: The value of the new start position
 * @stop_type: The type and flags for the new stop position
 * @stop: The value of the new stop position
 * Allocate a new seek event with the given parameters.
 * The seek event configures playback of the pipeline between @start to @stop
 * at the speed given in @rate, also called a playback segment.
 * The @start and @stop values are expressed in @format.
 * A @rate of 1.0 means normal playback rate, 2.0 means double speed.
 * Negatives values means backwards playback. A value of 0.0 for the
 * rate is not allowed and should be accomplished instead by PAUSING the
 * pipeline.
 * A pipeline has a default playback segment configured with a start
 * position of 0, a stop position of -1 and a rate of 1.0. The currently
 * configured playback segment can be queried with #GST_QUERY_SEGMENT. 
 * @start_type and @stop_type specify how to adjust the currently configured 
 * start and stop fields in playback segment. Adjustments can be made relative
 * or absolute to the last configured values. A type of #GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE
 * means that the position should not be updated.
 * When the rate is positive and @start has been updated, playback will start
 * from the newly configured start position. 
 * For negative rates, playback will start from the newly configured stop
 * position (if any). If the stop position is updated, it must be different from
 * -1 (#GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) for negative rates.
 * It is not possible to seek relative to the current playback position, to do
 * this, PAUSE the pipeline, query the current playback position with
 * #GST_QUERY_POSITION and update the playback segment current position with a
 * #GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET to the desired position.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new seek event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_seek (gdouble rate, GstFormat format, GstSeekFlags flags,
    GstSeekType start_type, gint64 start, GstSeekType stop_type, gint64 stop)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

  g_return_val_if_fail (rate != 0.0, NULL);

  if (format == GST_FORMAT_TIME) {
        "creating seek rate %lf, format TIME, flags %d, "
        "start_type %d, start %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", "
        "stop_type %d, stop %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
        rate, flags, start_type, GST_TIME_ARGS (start),
        stop_type, GST_TIME_ARGS (stop));
  } else {
        "creating seek rate %lf, format %s, flags %d, "
        "start_type %d, start %" G_GINT64_FORMAT ", "
        "stop_type %d, stop %" G_GINT64_FORMAT,
        rate, gst_format_get_name (format), flags, start_type, start, stop_type,

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_SEEK),
      GST_QUARK (CUR), G_TYPE_INT64, start,
      GST_QUARK (STOP), G_TYPE_INT64, stop, NULL);
  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_SEEK, structure);

  return event;
Exemple #16
 * gst_event_new_qos:
 * @type: the QoS type
 * @proportion: the proportion of the qos message
 * @diff: The time difference of the last Clock sync
 * @timestamp: The timestamp of the buffer
 * Allocate a new qos event with the given values.
 * The QOS event is generated in an element that wants an upstream
 * element to either reduce or increase its rate because of
 * high/low CPU load or other resource usage such as network performance or
 * throttling. Typically sinks generate these events for each buffer
 * they receive.
 * @type indicates the reason for the QoS event. #GST_QOS_TYPE_OVERFLOW is
 * used when a buffer arrived in time or when the sink cannot keep up with
 * the upstream datarate. #GST_QOS_TYPE_UNDERFLOW is when the sink is not
 * receiving buffers fast enough and thus has to drop late buffers. 
 * #GST_QOS_TYPE_THROTTLE is used when the datarate is artificially limited
 * by the application, for example to reduce power consumption.
 * @proportion indicates the real-time performance of the streaming in the
 * element that generated the QoS event (usually the sink). The value is
 * generally computed based on more long term statistics about the streams
 * timestamps compared to the clock.
 * A value < 1.0 indicates that the upstream element is producing data faster
 * than real-time. A value > 1.0 indicates that the upstream element is not
 * producing data fast enough. 1.0 is the ideal @proportion value. The
 * proportion value can safely be used to lower or increase the quality of
 * the element.
 * @diff is the difference against the clock in running time of the last
 * buffer that caused the element to generate the QOS event. A negative value
 * means that the buffer with @timestamp arrived in time. A positive value
 * indicates how late the buffer with @timestamp was. When throttling is
 * enabled, @diff will be set to the requested throttling interval.
 * @timestamp is the timestamp of the last buffer that cause the element
 * to generate the QOS event. It is expressed in running time and thus an ever
 * increasing value.
 * The upstream element can use the @diff and @timestamp values to decide
 * whether to process more buffers. For possitive @diff, all buffers with
 * timestamp <= @timestamp + @diff will certainly arrive late in the sink
 * as well. A (negative) @diff value so that @timestamp + @diff would yield a
 * result smaller than 0 is not allowed.
 * The application can use general event probes to intercept the QoS
 * event and implement custom application specific QoS handling.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a new QOS event.
GstEvent *
gst_event_new_qos (GstQOSType type, gdouble proportion,
    GstClockTimeDiff diff, GstClockTime timestamp)
  GstEvent *event;
  GstStructure *structure;

  /* diff must be positive or timestamp + diff must be positive */
  g_return_val_if_fail (diff >= 0 || -diff <= timestamp, NULL);

      "creating qos type %d, proportion %lf, diff %" G_GINT64_FORMAT
      ", timestamp %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, type, proportion,
      diff, GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp));

  structure = gst_structure_new_id (GST_QUARK (EVENT_QOS),
      GST_QUARK (DIFF), G_TYPE_INT64, diff,
      GST_QUARK (TIMESTAMP), G_TYPE_UINT64, timestamp, NULL);
  event = gst_event_new_custom (GST_EVENT_QOS, structure);

  return event;