UnXMLEscape( std::string & orig )
    gsub( orig, "&", "&" );
    gsub( orig, "&lt;", "<" );
    gsub( orig, "&gt;", ">" );
    gsub( orig, "&apos;", "'" );
    gsub( orig, "&quot;" , "\"" );
void FileList::scan( const char *pattern )
    DIR     *dpt;
    struct dirent   *dent;
    const char  *base_path = folder.c_str();
    std::string     s_bp( folder.c_str() );
    std::string     s_pat( pattern );
    s_pat += "$";
     *  clear the file vector
     *  we'll need to match regular expressions against the file name
     *  to do that we need to turn the "." into "\\." sequences and similarly
     *  "*" into ".*"
    gsub( s_pat, ".", "\\." );
    gsub( s_pat, "*", ".*" );
     *  now make a regex
    regex_t r;
    regcomp( &r, s_pat.c_str(), 0 );
     *  open the directory. Print an error to the console if it fails
    if( ( dpt = opendir( base_path ) ) == NULL )
        std::cerr __FILE__ << " (" << __LINE__ << "): " << "Error(" << errno << ") opening " << base_path << std::endl;
     *  loop through the files
    while( ( dent = readdir( dpt ) ) != NULL )
        if( regexec( &r, dent->d_name, 0, 0, 0 ) != 0 )
            FileListEntry( s_bp, std::string( dent->d_name ) )
    closedir( dpt );
Exemple #3
void _GenSerializerProcess::process()
    std::string cpp;
    if(FILE *fin=fopen(m_path, "rb")) {
        if(!fin) { return; }
        fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
        fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET);
        fread(&cpp[0], 1, cpp.size(), fin);

    cpp = gsub(cpp, std::regex("^[ \\t]*GenSerializerBegin\\((.+?)\\)[.\\r\\n]+?GenSerializerEnd\\(\\)"), [&](const std::cmatch &m)->std::string {
        std::string class_name = m[1].str();
        std::string code;
        EachMembersByTypeName(class_name.c_str(), [&](const MemberInfo *mi, size_t num){
            code = m_callback(class_name.c_str(), mi, num);

        std::string rep;
        rep += "GenSerializerBegin(";
        rep += class_name;
        rep += ")\r\n";
        rep += code;
        rep += "GenSerializerEnd()";
        return rep;
    if(FILE *fout=fopen(m_path, "wb")) {
        fwrite(cpp.c_str(), cpp.size(), 1, fout);
Exemple #4
void rowMulSub(uint8_t* a, uint8_t* b, uint8_t coeff, int size){
    if(coeff != 0x00){
        // a = a - b*c
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < size ; i++){
            a[i] = gsub(a[i], gmul(coeff, b[i]));
Exemple #5
/* return the characteristic polynomial of alpha over nf, where alpha
   is an element of the algebra nf[X]/(T) given as a polynomial in X */
rnfcharpoly(GEN nf, GEN T, GEN alpha, long v)
  long vnf, vT, lT;
  pari_sp av = avma;
  GEN p1;

  nf=checknf(nf); vnf = varn(nf[1]);
  if (v<0) v = 0;
  T = fix_relative_pol(nf,T,1);
  if (typ(alpha) == t_POLMOD) alpha = lift_to_pol(alpha);
  lT = lg(T);
  if (typ(alpha) != t_POL || varn(alpha) == vnf)
    return gerepileupto(av, gpowgs(gsub(pol_x[v], alpha), lT - 3));
  vT = varn(T);
  if (varn(alpha) != vT || varncmp(v, vnf)>=0)
    pari_err(talker,"incorrect variables in rnfcharpoly");
  if (lg(alpha) >= lT) alpha = RgX_rem(alpha, T);
  if (lT <= 4)
    return gerepileupto(av, gsub(pol_x[v], alpha));
  p1 = caract2(T, unifpol(nf,alpha, t_POLMOD), v);
  return gerepileupto(av, unifpol(nf, p1, t_POLMOD));
Exemple #6
string mconvert(const string &s)
	/* This function is designed to escape strings destined for 
	 * use in SQL queries and the like.  Specifically, the following 
	 * is done to the string passed in:
	 *   1. "\" is replaced with "\\"
	 *   2. "'" is replaced with "\'"
	 *   3. """ (double quote) is replaced with "\""
	 *   4. 0x00 is replaced with "\"+0x00.
	string returnme = "";
   if (s.length() > 0)
		returnme = gsub(s,"\\","\\\\");
      returnme = gsub(returnme,"'", "\\'");
      returnme = gsub(returnme,"\"","\\\"");
      // special handling is required to make strings including
      // 0x00; this is the kludge I found to work at 2200 tonight.
      string findme = " "; findme[0] = 0;
      returnme = gsub(returnme,findme,"\\0");
   return returnme;
Exemple #7
/* return P(X + c) using destructive Horner, optimize for c = 1,-1 */
translate_pol(GEN P, GEN c)
  pari_sp av = avma, lim;
  GEN Q, *R;
  long i, k, n;

  if (!signe(P) || gcmp0(c)) return gcopy(P);
  Q = shallowcopy(P);
  R = (GEN*)(Q+2); n = degpol(P);
  lim = stack_lim(av, 2);
  if (gcmp1(c))
    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
      for (k=n-i; k<n; k++) R[k] = gadd(R[k], R[k+1]);
      if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,2)))
        if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"TR_POL(1), i = %ld/%ld", i,n);
        Q = gerepilecopy(av, Q); R = (GEN*)Q+2;
  else if (gcmp_1(c))
    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
      for (k=n-i; k<n; k++) R[k] = gsub(R[k], R[k+1]);
      if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,2)))
        if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"TR_POL(-1), i = %ld/%ld", i,n);
        Q = gerepilecopy(av, Q); R = (GEN*)Q+2;
    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
      for (k=n-i; k<n; k++) R[k] = gadd(R[k], gmul(c, R[k+1]));
      if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,2)))
        if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"TR_POL, i = %ld/%ld", i,n);
        Q = gerepilecopy(av, Q); R = (GEN*)Q+2;
  return gerepilecopy(av, Q);
Exemple #8
/* Let X = Tra * M_L, Y = bestlift(X) return V s.t Y = X - PRK V
 * and set *eT2 = gexpo(Y)  [cf nf_bestlift, but memory efficient] */
static GEN
get_V(GEN Tra, GEN M_L, GEN PRK, GEN PRKinv, GEN pk, long *eT2)
  long i, e = 0, l = lg(M_L);
  GEN V = cgetg(l, t_MAT);
  *eT2 = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < l; i++)
  { /* cf nf_bestlift(Tra * c) */
    pari_sp av = avma, av2;
    GEN v, T2 = gmul(Tra, gel(M_L,i));
    v = gdivround(gmul(PRKinv, T2), pk); /* small */
    av2 = avma;
    T2 = gsub(T2, gmul(PRK, v));
    e = gexpo(T2); if (e > *eT2) *eT2 = e;
    avma = av2;
    gel(V,i) = gerepileupto(av, v); /* small */
  return V;
Exemple #9
/* return a minimal lift of elt modulo id */
static GEN
nf_bestlift(GEN elt, GEN bound, nflift_t *L)
  GEN u;
  long i,l = lg(L->prk), t = typ(elt);
  if (t != t_INT)
    if (t == t_POL) elt = mulmat_pol(L->tozk, elt);
    u = gmul(L->iprk,elt);
    for (i=1; i<l; i++) gel(u,i) = diviiround(gel(u,i), L->den);
    u = gmul(elt, gel(L->iprk,1));
    for (i=1; i<l; i++) gel(u,i) = diviiround(gel(u,i), L->den);
    elt = gscalcol(elt, l-1);
  u = gsub(elt, gmul(L->prk, u));
  if (bound && gcmp(QuickNormL2(u,DEFAULTPREC), bound) > 0) u = NULL;
  return u;
Exemple #10
/* Naive recombination of modular factors: combine up to maxK modular
 * factors, degree <= klim and divisible by hint
 * target = polynomial we want to factor
 * famod = array of modular factors.  Product should be congruent to
 * target/lc(target) modulo p^a
 * For true factors: S1,S2 <= p^b, with b <= a and p^(b-a) < 2^31 */
static GEN
nfcmbf(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN p, long a, long maxK, long klim)
  GEN pol = T->pol, nf = T->nf, famod = T->fact, dn = T->dn;
  GEN bound = T->bound;
  GEN nfpol = gel(nf,1);
  long K = 1, cnt = 1, i,j,k, curdeg, lfamod = lg(famod)-1, dnf = degpol(nfpol);
  GEN res = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
  pari_sp av0 = avma;
  GEN pk = gpowgs(p,a), pks2 = shifti(pk,-1);

  GEN ind      = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN degpol   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN degsofar = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN listmod  = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_COL);
  GEN fa       = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_COL);
  GEN lc = absi(leading_term(pol)), lt = is_pm1(lc)? NULL: lc;
  GEN C2ltpol, C = T->L->topowden, Tpk = T->L->Tpk;
  GEN Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
  GEN C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
  const double Bhigh = get_Bhigh(lfamod, dnf);
  trace_data _T1, _T2, *T1, *T2;
  pari_timer ti;


  if (maxK < 0) maxK = lfamod-1;

  C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
    GEN q = ceil_safe(sqrtr(T->BS_2));
    GEN t1,t2, ltdn, lt2dn;
    GEN trace1   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_MAT);
    GEN trace2   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_MAT);

    ltdn = mul_content(lt, dn);
    lt2dn= mul_content(ltdn, lt);

    for (i=1; i <= lfamod; i++)
      pari_sp av = avma;
      GEN P = gel(famod,i);
      long d = degpol(P);

      degpol[i] = d; P += 2;
      t1 = gel(P,d-1);/* = - S_1 */
      t2 = gsqr(t1);
      if (d > 1) t2 = gsub(t2, gmul2n(gel(P,d-2), 1));
      /* t2 = S_2 Newton sum */
      t2 = typ(t2)!=t_INT? FpX_rem(t2, Tpk, pk): modii(t2, pk);
      if (lt)
        if (typ(t2)!=t_INT) {
          t1 = FpX_red(gmul(ltdn, t1), pk);
          t2 = FpX_red(gmul(lt2dn,t2), pk);
        } else {
          t1 = remii(mulii(ltdn, t1), pk);
          t2 = remii(mulii(lt2dn,t2), pk);
      gel(trace1,i) = gclone( nf_bestlift(t1, NULL, T->L) );
      gel(trace2,i) = gclone( nf_bestlift(t2, NULL, T->L) ); avma = av;
    T1 = init_trace(&_T1, trace1, T->L, q);
    T2 = init_trace(&_T2, trace2, T->L, q);
    for (i=1; i <= lfamod; i++) { 
  degsofar[0] = 0; /* sentinel */

  /* ind runs through strictly increasing sequences of length K,
   * 1 <= ind[i] <= lfamod */
  if (K > maxK || 2*K > lfamod) goto END;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL > 3)
    fprintferr("\n### K = %d, %Z combinations\n", K,binomial(utoipos(lfamod), K));
  setlg(ind, K+1); ind[1] = 1;
  i = 1; curdeg = degpol[ind[1]];
  { /* try all combinations of K factors */
    for (j = i; j < K; j++)
      degsofar[j] = curdeg;
      ind[j+1] = ind[j]+1; curdeg += degpol[ind[j+1]];
    if (curdeg <= klim && curdeg % T->hint == 0) /* trial divide */
      GEN t, y, q, list;
      pari_sp av;

      av = avma;
      /* d - 1 test */
      if (T1)
        t = get_trace(ind, T1);
        if (rtodbl(QuickNormL2(t,DEFAULTPREC)) > Bhigh)
          if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr(".");
          avma = av; goto NEXT;
      /* d - 2 test */
      if (T2)
        t = get_trace(ind, T2);
        if (rtodbl(QuickNormL2(t,DEFAULTPREC)) > Bhigh)
          if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("|");
          avma = av; goto NEXT;
      avma = av;
      y = lt; /* full computation */
      for (i=1; i<=K; i++)
        GEN q = gel(famod, ind[i]);
        if (y) q = gmul(y, q);
        y = FqX_centermod(q, Tpk, pk, pks2);
      y = nf_pol_lift(y, bound, T);
      if (!y)
        if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("@");
        avma = av; goto NEXT;
      /* try out the new combination: y is the candidate factor */
      q = RgXQX_divrem(C2ltpol, y, nfpol, ONLY_DIVIDES);
      if (!q)
        if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("*");
        avma = av; goto NEXT;

      /* found a factor */
      list = cgetg(K+1, t_VEC);
      gel(listmod,cnt) = list;
      for (i=1; i<=K; i++) list[i] = famod[ind[i]];

      y = Q_primpart(y);
      gel(fa,cnt++) = QXQX_normalize(y, nfpol);
      /* fix up pol */
      pol = q;
      for (i=j=k=1; i <= lfamod; i++)
      { /* remove used factors */
        if (j <= K && i == ind[j]) j++;
          famod[k] = famod[i];
          update_trace(T1, k, i);
          update_trace(T2, k, i);
          degpol[k] = degpol[i]; k++;
      lfamod -= K;
      if (lfamod < 2*K) goto END;
      i = 1; curdeg = degpol[ind[1]];

      if (C2lt) pol = Q_primpart(pol);
      if (lt) lt = absi(leading_term(pol));
      Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
      C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
      C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
      if (DEBUGLEVEL > 2)
        fprintferr("\n"); msgTIMER(&ti, "to find factor %Z",y);
        fprintferr("remaining modular factor(s): %ld\n", lfamod);

    for (i = K+1;;)
      if (--i == 0) { K++; goto nextK; }
      if (++ind[i] <= lfamod - K + i)
        curdeg = degsofar[i-1] + degpol[ind[i]];
        if (curdeg <= klim) break;
  if (degpol(pol) > 0)
  { /* leftover factor */
    if (signe(leading_term(pol)) < 0) pol = gneg_i(pol);

    if (C2lt && lfamod < 2*K) pol = QXQX_normalize(Q_primpart(pol), nfpol);
    setlg(famod, lfamod+1);
    gel(listmod,cnt) = shallowcopy(famod);
    gel(fa,cnt++) = pol;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("\n");
  if (cnt == 2) { 
    avma = av0; 
    gel(res,1) = mkvec(T->pol);
    gel(res,2) = mkvec(T->fact);
    setlg(listmod, cnt); setlg(fa, cnt);
    gel(res,1) = fa;
    gel(res,2) = listmod;
    res = gerepilecopy(av0, res);
  return res;
Exemple #11
static GEN
nf_LLL_cmbf(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN p, long k, long rec)
  nflift_t *L = T->L;
  GEN pk = L->pk, PRK = L->prk, PRKinv = L->iprk, GSmin = L->GSmin;
  GEN Tpk = L->Tpk;

  GEN famod = T->fact, nf = T->nf, ZC = T->ZC, Br = T->Br;
  GEN Pbase = T->polbase, P = T->pol, dn = T->dn;
  GEN nfT = gel(nf,1);
  GEN Btra;
  long dnf = degpol(nfT), dP = degpol(P);

  double BitPerFactor = 0.5; /* nb bits / modular factor */
  long i, C, tmax, n0;
  GEN lP, Bnorm, Tra, T2, TT, CM_L, m, list, ZERO;
  double Bhigh;
  pari_sp av, av2, lim;
  long ti_LLL = 0, ti_CF = 0;
  pari_timer ti2, TI;

  lP = absi(leading_term(P));
  if (is_pm1(lP)) lP = NULL;

  n0 = lg(famod) - 1;
 /* Lattice: (S PRK), small vector (vS vP). To find k bound for the image,
  * write S = S1 q + S0, P = P1 q + P0
  * |S1 vS + P1 vP|^2 <= Bhigh for all (vS,vP) assoc. to true factors */
  Btra = mulrr(ZC, mulsr(dP*dP, normlp(Br, 2, dnf)));
  Bhigh = get_Bhigh(n0, dnf);
  C = (long)ceil(sqrt(Bhigh/n0)) + 1; /* C^2 n0 ~ Bhigh */
  Bnorm = dbltor( n0 * C * C + Bhigh );
  ZERO = zeromat(n0, dnf);

  av = avma; lim = stack_lim(av, 1);
  TT = cgetg(n0+1, t_VEC);
  Tra  = cgetg(n0+1, t_MAT);
  for (i=1; i<=n0; i++) TT[i] = 0;
  CM_L = gscalsmat(C, n0);
  /* tmax = current number of traces used (and computed so far) */
  for(tmax = 0;; tmax++)
    long a, b, bmin, bgood, delta, tnew = tmax + 1, r = lg(CM_L)-1;
    GEN oldCM_L, M_L, q, S1, P1, VV;
    int first = 1;

    /* bound for f . S_k(genuine factor) = ZC * bound for T_2(S_tnew) */
    Btra = mulrr(ZC, mulsr(dP*dP, normlp(Br, 2*tnew, dnf)));
    bmin = logint(ceil_safe(sqrtr(Btra)), gen_2, NULL);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
      fprintferr("\nLLL_cmbf: %ld potential factors (tmax = %ld, bmin = %ld)\n",
                 r, tmax, bmin);

    /* compute Newton sums (possibly relifting first) */
    if (gcmp(GSmin, Btra) < 0)
      nflift_t L1;
      GEN polred;

      bestlift_init(k<<1, nf, T->pr, Btra, &L1);
      polred = ZqX_normalize(Pbase, lP, &L1);
      k      = L1.k;
      pk     = L1.pk;
      PRK    = L1.prk;
      PRKinv = L1.iprk;
      GSmin  = L1.GSmin;
      Tpk    = L1.Tpk;
      famod = hensel_lift_fact(polred, famod, Tpk, p, pk, k);
      for (i=1; i<=n0; i++) TT[i] = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=n0; i++)
      GEN h, lPpow = lP? gpowgs(lP, tnew): NULL;
      GEN z = polsym_gen(gel(famod,i), gel(TT,i), tnew, Tpk, pk);
      gel(TT,i) = z;
      h = gel(z,tnew+1);
      /* make Newton sums integral */
      lPpow = mul_content(lPpow, dn);
      if (lPpow) h = FpX_red(gmul(h,lPpow), pk);
      gel(Tra,i) = nf_bestlift(h, NULL, L); /* S_tnew(famod) */

    /* compute truncation parameter */
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { TIMERstart(&ti2); TIMERstart(&TI); }
    oldCM_L = CM_L;
    av2 = avma;
    b = delta = 0; /* -Wall */
    M_L = Q_div_to_int(CM_L, utoipos(C));
    VV = get_V(Tra, M_L, PRK, PRKinv, pk, &a);
    if (first)
    { /* initialize lattice, using few p-adic digits for traces */
      bgood = (long)(a - max(32, BitPerFactor * r));
      b = max(bmin, bgood);
      delta = a - b;
    { /* add more p-adic digits and continue reduction */
      if (a < b) b = a;
      b = max(b-delta, bmin);
      if (b - delta/2 < bmin) b = bmin; /* near there. Go all the way */

    /* restart with truncated entries */
    q = int2n(b);
    P1 = gdivround(PRK, q);
    S1 = gdivround(Tra, q);
    T2 = gsub(gmul(S1, M_L), gmul(P1, VV));
    m = vconcat( CM_L, T2 );
    if (first)
      first = 0;
      m = shallowconcat( m, vconcat(ZERO, P1) );
      /*     [ C M_L   0  ]
       * m = [            ]   square matrix
       *     [  T2'   PRK ]   T2' = Tra * M_L  truncated
    CM_L = LLL_check_progress(Bnorm, n0, m, b == bmin, /*dbg:*/ &ti_LLL);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
      fprintferr("LLL_cmbf: (a,b) =%4ld,%4ld; r =%3ld -->%3ld, time = %ld\n",
                 a,b, lg(m)-1, CM_L? lg(CM_L)-1: 1, TIMER(&TI));
    if (!CM_L) { list = mkcol(QXQX_normalize(P,nfT)); break; }
    if (b > bmin)
      CM_L = gerepilecopy(av2, CM_L);
      goto AGAIN;
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) msgTIMER(&ti2, "for this trace");

    i = lg(CM_L) - 1;
    if (i == r && gequal(CM_L, oldCM_L))
      CM_L = oldCM_L;
      avma = av2; continue;

    if (i <= r && i*rec < n0)
      pari_timer ti;
      if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) TIMERstart(&ti);
      list = nf_chk_factors(T, P, Q_div_to_int(CM_L,utoipos(C)), famod, pk);
      if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) ti_CF += TIMER(&ti);
      if (list) break;
      CM_L = gerepilecopy(av2, CM_L);
    if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1)))
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"nf_LLL_cmbf");
      gerepileall(av, Tpk? 9: 8,
    fprintferr("* Time LLL: %ld\n* Time Check Factor: %ld\n",ti_LLL,ti_CF);
  return list;
Exemple #12
static std::string& gsub(std::string& buf, const std::string& src, int dst)
    char tmp[64];
    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", dst);
    return gsub(buf, src, tmp);
Exemple #13
bool XzeroDaemon::setupConfig()
    if (instant_.empty()) {
        // this is no instant-mode, so setup via configuration file.
        std::ifstream ifs(configfile_);
        return setup(&ifs, configfile_, optimizationLevel_);

    // --instant=docroot[,port[,bind]]

    auto tokens = x0::Tokenizer<x0::BufferRef, x0::Buffer>::tokenize(instant_, ",");
    documentRoot_ = tokens.size() > 0 ? tokens[0].str() : "";
    int port = tokens.size() > 1 ? tokens[1].toInt() : 0;
    std::string bind = tokens.size() > 2 ? tokens[2].str() : "";

    if (documentRoot_.empty())
        documentRoot_ = getcwd();
    else {
        char result[PATH_MAX];
        if (!realpath(documentRoot_.c_str(), result)) {
            log(x0::Severity::error, "Could not resolv document root: '%s'. %s", documentRoot_.c_str(), strerror(errno));
            return false;
        } else {
            documentRoot_ = result;

    if (!port)
        port = 8080;

    if (bind.empty())
        bind = "::"; //""; //TODO: "0::0";

    log(x0::Severity::debug, "docroot: %s", documentRoot_.c_str());
    log(x0::Severity::debug, "listen: addr=%s, port=%d", bind.c_str(), port);

    std::string source(
        "import compress\n"
        "import dirlisting\n"
        "import cgi\n"
        "handler setup {\n"
        "    mimetypes '/etc/mime.types'\n"
        "    mimetypes.default 'application/octet-stream'\n"
        "    listen 'bind' => #{bind}, 'port' => #{port}\n"
        "handler main {\n"
        "    docroot '#{docroot}'\n"
        "    autoindex ['index.cgi', 'index.html']\n"
        "    cgi.exec if phys.path =$ '.cgi'\n"
        "    dirlisting\n"
        "    staticfile\n"
    gsub(source, "#{docroot}", documentRoot_);
    gsub(source, "#{bind}", bind); // FIXME <--- bind to 1 instead of "::" lol
    gsub(source, "#{port}", port);

    log(x0::Severity::debug2, "source: %s", source.c_str());


    std::istringstream s(source);
    return setup(&s, "instant-mode.conf", optimizationLevel_);
Exemple #14
GEN gsube(GEN *x, GEN y)
  return *x;
Exemple #15
pariplot(GEN a, GEN b, GEN code, GEN ysmlu,GEN ybigu, long prec)
  const char BLANK = ' ', YY = '|', XX_UPPER = '\'', XX_LOWER = '.';
  long jz, j, i, sig;
  pari_sp av = avma;
  int jnew, jpre = 0; /* for lint */
  GEN x, dx;
  double diff, dyj, ysml, ybig, y[ISCR+1];
  screen scr;
  char buf[80], z;

  sig=gcmp(b,a); if (!sig) return;
  if (sig<0) { x=a; a=b; b=x; }
  x = gtofp(a, prec); push_lex(x, code);
  dx = divru(gtofp(gsub(b,a),prec), ISCR-1);
  for (j=1; j<=JSCR; j++) scr[1][j]=scr[ISCR][j]=YY;
  for (i=2; i<ISCR; i++)
    scr[i][1]   = XX_LOWER;
    scr[i][JSCR]= XX_UPPER;
    for (j=2; j<JSCR; j++) scr[i][j] = BLANK;
  ysml = ybig = 0.; /* -Wall */
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++)
    pari_sp av2 = avma;
    y[i] = gtodouble( READ_EXPR(code,x) );
    avma = av2;
    if (i == 1)
      ysml = ybig = y[1];
      if (y[i] < ysml) ysml = y[i];
      if (y[i] > ybig) ybig = y[i];
    x = addrr(x,dx);
  avma = av;
  if (ysmlu) ysml = gtodouble(ysmlu);
  if (ybigu) ybig = gtodouble(ybigu);
  diff = ybig - ysml;
  if (!diff) { ybig += 1; diff= 1.; }
  dyj = ((JSCR-1)*3+2) / diff;
  /* work around bug in gcc-4.8 (32bit): plot(x=-5,5,sin(x)))) */
  jz = 3 - (long)(ysml*dyj + 0.5); /* 3 - DTOL(ysml*dyj) */
  z = PICTZERO(jz); jz /= 3;
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++)
    if (0<=jz && jz<=JSCR) scr[i][jz]=z;
    j = 3 + DTOL((y[i]-ysml)*dyj);
    jnew = j/3;
    if (i > 1) fill_gap(scr, i, jnew, jpre);
    if (0<=jnew && jnew<=JSCR) scr[i][jnew] = PICT(j);
    jpre = jnew;
  pari_printf("%s ", dsprintf9(ybig, buf));
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++) pari_putc(scr[i][JSCR]);
  for (j=(JSCR-1); j>=2; j--)
    pari_puts("          ");
    for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++) pari_putc(scr[i][j]);
  pari_printf("%s ", dsprintf9(ysml, buf));
  for (i=1; i<=ISCR; i++)  pari_putc(scr[i][1]);
    char line[10 + 32 + 32 + ISCR - 9];
    sprintf(line, "%10s%-9.7g%*.7g\n"," ",todbl(a),ISCR-9,todbl(b));
Exemple #16
/* d = requested degree for subfield. Return DATA, valid for given pol, S and d
 * If DATA != NULL, translate pol [ --> pol(X+1) ] and update DATA
 * 1: polynomial pol
 * 2: p^e (for Hensel lifts) such that p^e > max(M),
 * 3: Hensel lift to precision p^e of DATA[4]
 * 4: roots of pol in F_(p^S->lcm),
 * 5: number of polynomial changes (translations)
 * 6: Bezout coefficients associated to the S->ff[i]
 * 7: Hadamard bound for coefficients of h(x) such that g o h = 0 mod pol.
 * 8: bound M for polynomials defining subfields x PD->den
 * 9: *[i] = interpolation polynomial for S->ff[i] [= 1 on the first root
      S->firstroot[i], 0 on the others] */
static void
compute_data(blockdata *B)
  GEN ffL, roo, pe, p1, p2, fk, fhk, MM, maxroot, pol;
  primedata *S = B->S;
  GEN p = S->p, T = S->T, ff = S->ff, DATA = B->DATA;
  long i, j, l, e, N, lff = lg(ff);

  if (DEBUGLEVEL>1) fprintferr("Entering compute_data()\n\n");
  pol = B->PD->pol; N = degpol(pol);
  roo = B->PD->roo;
  if (DATA) /* update (translate) an existing DATA */
    GEN Xm1 = gsub(pol_x[varn(pol)], gen_1);
    GEN TR = addis(gel(DATA,5), 1);
    GEN mTR = negi(TR), interp, bezoutC;

    gel(DATA,5) = TR;
    pol = translate_pol(gel(DATA,1), gen_m1);
    l = lg(roo); p1 = cgetg(l, t_VEC);
    for (i=1; i<l; i++) gel(p1,i) = gadd(TR, gel(roo,i));
    roo = p1;

    fk = gel(DATA,4); l = lg(fk);
    for (i=1; i<l; i++) gel(fk,i) = gsub(Xm1, gel(fk,i));

    bezoutC = gel(DATA,6); l = lg(bezoutC);
    interp  = gel(DATA,9);
    for (i=1; i<l; i++)
      if (degpol(interp[i]) > 0) /* do not turn pol_1[0] into gen_1 */
        p1 = translate_pol(gel(interp,i), gen_m1);
        gel(interp,i) = FpXX_red(p1, p);
      if (degpol(bezoutC[i]) > 0)
        p1 = translate_pol(gel(bezoutC,i), gen_m1);
        gel(bezoutC,i) = FpXX_red(p1, p);
    ff = cgetg(lff, t_VEC); /* copy, don't overwrite! */
    for (i=1; i<lff; i++)
      gel(ff,i) = FpX_red(translate_pol((GEN)S->ff[i], mTR), p);
    DATA = cgetg(10,t_VEC);
    fk = S->fk;
    gel(DATA,5) = gen_0;
    gel(DATA,6) = shallowcopy(S->bezoutC);
    gel(DATA,9) = shallowcopy(S->interp);
  gel(DATA,1) = pol;
  MM = gmul2n(bound_for_coeff(B->d, roo, &maxroot), 1);
  gel(DATA,8) = MM;
  e = logint(shifti(vecmax(MM),20), p, &pe); /* overlift 2^20 [for d-1 test] */
  gel(DATA,2) = pe;
  gel(DATA,4) = roots_from_deg1(fk);

  /* compute fhk = hensel_lift_fact(pol,fk,T,p,pe,e) in 2 steps
   * 1) lift in Zp to precision p^e */
  ffL = hensel_lift_fact(pol, ff, NULL, p, pe, e);
  fhk = NULL;
  for (l=i=1; i<lff; i++)
  { /* 2) lift factorization of ff[i] in Qp[X] / T */
    GEN F, L = gel(ffL,i);
    long di = degpol(L);
    F = cgetg(di+1, t_VEC);
    for (j=1; j<=di; j++) F[j] = fk[l++];
    L = hensel_lift_fact(L, F, T, p, pe, e);
    fhk = fhk? shallowconcat(fhk, L): L;
  gel(DATA,3) = roots_from_deg1(fhk);

  p1 = mulsr(N, gsqrt(gpowgs(utoipos(N-1),N-1),DEFAULTPREC));
  p2 = gpowgs(maxroot, B->size + N*(N-1)/2);
  p1 = gdiv(gmul(p1,p2), gsqrt(B->PD->dis,DEFAULTPREC));
  gel(DATA,7) = mulii(shifti(ceil_safe(p1), 1), B->PD->den);

  if (DEBUGLEVEL>1) {
    fprintferr("f = %Z\n",DATA[1]);
    fprintferr("p = %Z, lift to p^%ld\n", p, e);
    fprintferr("2 * Hadamard bound * ind = %Z\n",DATA[7]);
    fprintferr("2 * M = %Z\n",DATA[8]);
  if (B->DATA) {
    DATA = gclone(DATA);
    if (isclone(B->DATA)) gunclone(B->DATA);
Exemple #17
TEST_F(RoStrTest, gsub1) {
    gsub(rstr(""), "\\u0000", "");
Exemple #18
unsigned int conf_reader::read(const std::string & _filename, bool _clear)
	if (_filename != "") { filename = _filename; };
	if (filename != "")
			ifstream cfile(filename.c_str());
			if (!cfile) throw base_exception();
			if (_clear) values.clear();
			// read the file line by line, ignoring comments.
			char inbuff[16*1024];
			while (cfile)
				cfile.getline(inbuff, 16*1024);
				string in = inbuff;
				// truncate at the start of a comment.
				unsigned long int where = in.find("#");
				while (where != string::npos)
					if (in[where-1] == '\\')
						// comment char was escaped.. ignore.
						where = in.find("#",where+1);
						// truncate the string at this point.
						where = string::npos;
				// see if we can parse what's left.
				in = trim(in);
				unsigned long int split_point = in.find_first_of("\t ");
				if (split_point != string::npos)
					// okay.. get the fields.
					pair arg;
					arg.first = gsub(trim(in.substr(0,split_point)),"\\#","#");
					arg.second = gsub(trim(in.substr(split_point)),"\\#","#");
					// is this an include directive?
					if (arg.first == "*INCLUDE")
					else if (arg.first != "")
		catch (...)
			cerr << "\nProblems reading configuration file \""
				<< filename << "\";\n\tdata may be incomplete." << endl;
	return values.size();