Exemple #1
static int
bbox_image_end_image(gx_image_enum_common_t * info, bool draw_last)
    bbox_image_enum *pbe = (bbox_image_enum *) info;
    int code = 0;

    if (pbe->target_info)
      code = gx_image_end(pbe->target_info, draw_last);

    return code;
/* Public for ghotpcl. */
gs_image_cleanup(gs_image_enum * penum, gs_state *pgs)
    int code = 0, code1;

    free_row_buffers(penum, penum->num_planes, "gs_image_cleanup(row)");
    if (penum->info != 0) {
	if (dev_proc(penum->info->dev, pattern_manage)(penum->info->dev, 
		    gs_no_id, NULL, pattern_manage__is_cpath_accum)) {
	    /* Performing a conversion of imagemask into a clipping path. */
	    gx_device *cdev = penum->info->dev;

	    code = gx_image_end(penum->info, !penum->error); /* Releases penum->info . */
	    code1 = gx_image_fill_masked_end(cdev, penum->dev, pgs->dev_color);
	    if (code == 0)
		code = code1;
	} else
	    code = gx_image_end(penum->info, !penum->error);
    /* Don't free the local enumerator -- the client does that. */

    return code;
gs_image_common_init(gs_image_enum * penum, gx_image_enum_common_t * pie,
	    const gs_data_image_t * pim, gx_device * dev)
     * HACK : For a compatibility with gs_image_cleanup_and_free_enum,
     * penum->memory must be initialized in advance 
     * with the memory heap that owns *penum.
    int i;

    if (pim->Width == 0 || pim->Height == 0) {
	gx_image_end(pie, false);
	return 1;
    penum->dev = dev;
    penum->info = pie;
    penum->num_planes = pie->num_planes;
     * Note that for ImageType 3 InterleaveType 2, penum->height (the
     * expected number of data rows) differs from pim->Height (the height
     * of the source image in scan lines).  This doesn't normally cause
     * any problems, because penum->height is not used to determine when
     * all the data has been processed: that is up to the plane_data
     * procedure for the specific image type.
    penum->height = pim->Height;
    for (i = 0; i < pie->num_planes; ++i) {
	penum->planes[i].pos = 0;
	penum->planes[i].source.size = 0;	/* for gs_image_next_planes */
	penum->planes[i].source.data = 0; /* for GC */
        penum->planes[i].row.data = 0; /* for GC */
	penum->planes[i].row.size = 0; /* ditto */
	penum->image_planes[i].data_x = 0; /* just init once, never changes */
    /* Initialize the dynamic part of the state. */
    penum->y = 0;
    penum->error = false;
    penum->wanted_varies = true;
    return 0;
Exemple #4
static int
test5(gs_state * pgs, gs_memory_t * mem)
    gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
    gx_image_enum_common_t *info;
    gx_image_plane_t planes[5];
    gx_drawing_color dcolor;
    int code;
    static const byte data3[] =
        0x00, 0x44, 0x88, 0xcc,
        0x44, 0x88, 0xcc, 0x00,
        0x88, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x44,
        0xcc, 0x00, 0x44, 0x88
    gs_color_space *gray_cs = gs_cspace_new_DeviceGray(mem);

     * Neither ImageType 3 nor 4 needs a current color,
     * but some intermediate code assumes it's valid.
    set_nonclient_dev_color(&dcolor, 0);

    /* Scale everything up, and fill the background. */
        gs_matrix mat;

        gs_currentmatrix(pgs, &mat);
        mat.xx = gs_copysign(98.6, mat.xx);
        mat.yy = gs_copysign(98.6, mat.yy);
        mat.tx = floor(mat.tx) + 0.499;
        mat.ty = floor(mat.ty) + 0.499;
        gs_setmatrix(pgs, &mat);
    gs_setrgbcolor(pgs, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9);
    fill_rect1(pgs, 0.25, 0.25, 4.0, 6.0);
    gs_setrgbcolor(pgs, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5);

#if 0
    /* Make things a little more interesting.... */
    gs_translate(pgs, 1.0, 1.0);
    gs_rotate(pgs, 10.0);
    gs_scale(pgs, 1.3, 0.9);

#define do_image(image, idata)\
  code = gx_device_begin_typed_image(dev, (gs_imager_state *)pgs, NULL,\
     (gs_image_common_t *)&image, NULL, &dcolor, NULL, mem, &info);\
  /****** TEST code >= 0 ******/\
  planes[0].data = idata;\
  planes[0].data_x = 0;\
  planes[0].raster = (image.Height * image.BitsPerComponent + 7) >> 3;\
  code = gx_image_plane_data(info, planes, image.Height);\
  /****** TEST code == 1 ******/\
  code = gx_image_end(info, true);\
  /****** TEST code >= 0 ******/\

#define W 4
#define H 4

    /* Test an unmasked image. */
        gs_image1_t image1;
        void *info1;
        gs_color_space *cs;

        cs = gs_cspace_new_DeviceGray(mem);
        gs_image_t_init(&image1, cs);
        /* image */
        image1.ImageMatrix.xx = W;
        image1.ImageMatrix.yy = -H;
        image1.ImageMatrix.ty = H;
        /* data_image */
        image1.Width = W;
        image1.Height = H;
        image1.BitsPerComponent = 8;

        gs_translate(pgs, 0.5, 4.0);
        code = gx_device_begin_image(dev, (gs_imager_state *) pgs,
                                     &image1, gs_image_format_chunky,
                                     NULL, &dcolor, NULL, mem, &info1);
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/
        planes[0].data = data3;
        planes[0].data_x = 0;
        planes[0].raster =
            (image1.Height * image1.BitsPerComponent + 7) >> 3;
        /* Use the old image_data API. */
        code = gx_image_data(info1, &planes[0].data, 0,
                             planes[0].raster, image1.Height);
/****** TEST code == 1 ******/
        code = gx_image_end(info1, true);
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/
        gs_free_object(mem, cs, "colorspace");

    /* Test an explicitly masked image. */
        gs_image3_t image3;
        static const byte data3mask[] =
        static const byte data3x2mask[] =

        gs_image3_t_init(&image3, gray_cs, interleave_scan_lines);
        /* image */
        image3.ImageMatrix.xx = W;
        image3.ImageMatrix.yy = -H;
        image3.ImageMatrix.ty = H;
        /* data_image */
        image3.Width = W;
        image3.Height = H;
        image3.BitsPerComponent = 8;
        /* MaskDict */
        image3.MaskDict.ImageMatrix = image3.ImageMatrix;
        image3.MaskDict.Width = image3.Width;
        image3.MaskDict.Height = image3.Height;

        /* Display with 1-for-1 mask and image. */
        gs_translate(pgs, 0.5, 2.0);
        code = gx_device_begin_typed_image(dev, (gs_imager_state *) pgs,
                                       NULL, (gs_image_common_t *) & image3,
                                           NULL, &dcolor, NULL, mem, &info);
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/
        planes[0].data = data3mask;
        planes[0].data_x = 0;
        planes[0].raster = (image3.MaskDict.Height + 7) >> 3;
        planes[1].data = data3;
        planes[1].data_x = 0;
        planes[1].raster =
            (image3.Height * image3.BitsPerComponent + 7) >> 3;
        code = gx_image_plane_data(info, planes, image3.Height);
/****** TEST code == 1 ******/
        code = gx_image_end(info, true);
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/

        /* Display with 2-for-1 mask and image. */
        image3.MaskDict.ImageMatrix.xx *= 2;
        image3.MaskDict.ImageMatrix.yy *= 2;
        image3.MaskDict.ImageMatrix.ty *= 2;
        image3.MaskDict.Width *= 2;
        image3.MaskDict.Height *= 2;
        gs_translate(pgs, 1.5, 0.0);
        code = gx_device_begin_typed_image(dev, (gs_imager_state *) pgs,
                                       NULL, (gs_image_common_t *) & image3,
                                           NULL, &dcolor, NULL, mem, &info);
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/
        planes[0].data = data3x2mask;
        planes[0].raster = (image3.MaskDict.Width + 7) >> 3;
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < H; ++i) {
                planes[1].data = 0;
                code = gx_image_plane_data(info, planes, 1);
                planes[0].data += planes[0].raster;
/****** TEST code == 0 ******/
                planes[1].data = data3 + i * planes[1].raster;
                code = gx_image_plane_data(info, planes, 1);
                planes[0].data += planes[0].raster;
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/
/****** TEST code == 1 ******/
        code = gx_image_end(info, true);
/****** TEST code >= 0 ******/

    /* Test a chroma-keyed masked image. */
        gs_image4_t image4;
        const byte *data4 = data3;

        gs_image4_t_init(&image4, gray_cs);
        /* image */
        image4.ImageMatrix.xx = W;
        image4.ImageMatrix.yy = -H;
        image4.ImageMatrix.ty = H;
        /* data_image */
        image4.Width = W;
        image4.Height = H;
        image4.BitsPerComponent = 8;

        /* Display with a single mask color. */
        gs_translate(pgs, 0.5, 0.5);
        image4.MaskColor_is_range = false;
        image4.MaskColor[0] = 0xcc;
        do_image(image4, data4);

        /* Display a second time with a color range. */
        gs_translate(pgs, 1.5, 0.0);
        image4.MaskColor_is_range = true;
        image4.MaskColor[0] = 0x40;
        image4.MaskColor[1] = 0x90;
        do_image(image4, data4);
    gs_free_object(mem, gray_cs, "test5 gray_cs");
#undef W
#undef H
#undef do_image
    return 0;
Exemple #5
static int
zimage_data_setup(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const gs_pixel_image_t * pim,
		  gx_image_enum_common_t * pie, const ref * sources, int npop)
    int num_sources = pie->num_planes;
    int inumpush = NUM_PUSH(num_sources);
    int code;
    gs_image_enum *penum;
    int px;
    const ref *pp;
    bool string_sources = true;

    check_estack(inumpush + 2);	/* stuff above, + continuation + proc */
    make_int(EBOT_NUM_SOURCES(esp), num_sources);
     * Note that the data sources may be procedures, strings, or (Level
     * 2 only) files.  (The Level 1 reference manual says that Level 1
     * requires procedures, but Adobe Level 1 interpreters also accept
     * strings.)  The sources must all be of the same type.
     * The Adobe documentation explicitly says that if two or more of the
     * data sources are the same or inter-dependent files, the result is not
     * defined.  We don't have a problem with the bookkeeping for
     * inter-dependent files, since each one has its own buffer, but we do
     * have to be careful if two or more sources are actually the same file.
     * That is the reason for the aliasing information described above.
    for (px = 0, pp = sources; px < num_sources; px++, pp++) {
	es_ptr ep = EBOT_SOURCE(esp, px);

	make_int(ep + 1, 1);	/* default is no aliasing */
	switch (r_type(pp)) {
	    case t_file:
		if (!level2_enabled)
		/* Check for aliasing. */
		    int pi;

		    for (pi = 0; pi < px; ++pi)
			if (sources[pi].value.pfile == pp->value.pfile) {
			    /* Record aliasing */
			    make_int(ep + 1, -pi);
			    EBOT_SOURCE(esp, pi)[1].value.intval++;
		string_sources = false;
		/* falls through */
	    case t_string:
		if (r_type(pp) != r_type(sources)) {
    		    if (pie != NULL)
		        gx_image_end(pie, false);    /* Clean up pie */
		if (!r_is_proc(sources)) {
    		    static const char ds[] = "DataSource";
                    if (pie != NULL)
                        gx_image_end(pie, false);    /* Clean up pie */
                    gs_errorinfo_put_pair(i_ctx_p, ds, sizeof(ds) - 1, pp);
		string_sources = false;
	*ep = *pp;
    /* Always place the image enumerator into local memory,
       because pie may have local objects inherited from igs,
       which may be local when the current allocation mode is global. 
       Bug 688140. */
    if ((penum = gs_image_enum_alloc(imemory_local, "image_setup")) == 0)
    code = gs_image_enum_init(penum, pie, (const gs_data_image_t *)pim, igs);
    if (code != 0 || (pie->skipping && string_sources)) {		/* error, or empty image */
	int code1 = gs_image_cleanup_and_free_enum(penum, igs);

	if (code >= 0)		/* empty image */
	if (code >= 0 && code1 < 0)
	    code = code1;
	return code;
    push_mark_estack(es_other, image_cleanup);
    esp += inumpush - 1;
    make_int(ETOP_PLANE_INDEX(esp), 0);
    make_int(ETOP_NUM_SOURCES(esp), num_sources);
    make_struct(esp, avm_local, penum);
    switch (r_type(sources)) {
	case t_file:
	case t_string:
	default:		/* procedure */
    return o_push_estack;